Mon, 15 Jul 2024

Package PAICE updated to version 1.0.2 with previous version 1.0.1 dated 2023-11-13

Title: Phylogeographic Analysis of Island Colonization Events
Description: Estimation of the number of colonization events between islands of the same archipelago for a species. It uses rarefaction curves to control for both field and genetic sample sizes as it was described in Coello et al. (2022) <doi:10.1111/jbi.14341>.
Author: Alberto J. Coello [aut, cre] , Mario Fernandez-Mazuecos [aut] , Ruben H. Heleno [aut] , Pablo Vargas [aut]
Maintainer: Alberto J. Coello <>

Diff between PAICE versions 1.0.1 dated 2023-11-13 and 1.0.2 dated 2024-07-15

 PAICE-1.0.1/PAICE/R/PAICE.R               |only
 PAICE-1.0.2/PAICE/DESCRIPTION             |   10 +++++-----
 PAICE-1.0.2/PAICE/MD5                     |   16 ++++++++--------
 PAICE-1.0.2/PAICE/R/PAiCE.R               |only
 PAICE-1.0.2/PAICE/R/print.colonization.R  |    2 +-
 PAICE-1.0.2/PAICE/R/print.maxCol.R        |    4 ++--
 PAICE-1.0.2/PAICE/R/zzz.R                 |    2 +-
 PAICE-1.0.2/PAICE/data/CmonsData.RData    |binary
 PAICE-1.0.2/PAICE/data/CmonsNetwork.RData |binary
 PAICE-1.0.2/PAICE/data/CmonsRare.RData    |binary
 10 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

More information about PAICE at CRAN
Permanent link

Package spatstat.random updated to version 3.3-1 with previous version 3.2-3 dated 2024-02-29

Title: Random Generation Functionality for the 'spatstat' Family
Description: Functionality for random generation of spatial data in the 'spatstat' family of packages. Generates random spatial patterns of points according to many simple rules (complete spatial randomness, Poisson, binomial, random grid, systematic, cell), randomised alteration of patterns (thinning, random shift, jittering), simulated realisations of random point processes including simple sequential inhibition, Matern inhibition models, Neyman-Scott cluster processes (using direct, Brix-Kendall, or hybrid algorithms), log-Gaussian Cox processes, product shot noise cluster processes and Gibbs point processes (using Metropolis-Hastings birth-death-shift algorithm, alternating Gibbs sampler, or coupling-from-the-past perfect simulation). Also generates random spatial patterns of line segments, random tessellations, and random images (random noise, random mosaics). Excludes random generation on a linear network, which is covered by the separate package 'spatstat.linnet'.
Author: Adrian Baddeley [aut, cre, cph] , Rolf Turner [aut, cph] , Ege Rubak [aut, cph] , Tilman Davies [aut, cph] , Kasper Klitgaard Berthelsen [ctb, cph], David Bryant [ctb, cph], Ya-Mei Chang [ctb, cph], Ute Hahn [ctb], Abdollah Jalilian [ctb], Dominic Sc [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Adrian Baddeley <>

Diff between spatstat.random versions 3.2-3 dated 2024-02-29 and 3.3-1 dated 2024-07-15

 spatstat.random-3.2-3/spatstat.random/R/indefinteg.R                  |only
 spatstat.random-3.2-3/spatstat.random/man/indefinteg.Rd               |only
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/DESCRIPTION                     |   17 -
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/MD5                             |  115 ++++------
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/NAMESPACE                       |    3 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/NEWS                            |   37 +++
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/R/clusterinfo.R                 |    6 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/R/rPerfect.R                    |   38 +--
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/R/rags.R                        |    4 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/R/random.R                      |    4 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/R/randomNS.R                    |    6 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/R/randomcircembed.R             |    8 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/R/rcauchy.R                     |   10 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/R/rmatclust.R                   |   14 -
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/R/rmhmodel.R                    |  110 ++++-----
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/R/rthomas.R                     |   10 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/inst/doc/packagesizes.txt       |    2 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/inst/info                       |only
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/Window.rmhmodel.Rd          |   12 -
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/as.owin.rmhmodel.Rd         |   14 -
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/domain.rmhmodel.Rd          |    4 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/expand.owin.Rd              |   10 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/is.stationary.Rd            |    2 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rGaussPoisson.Rd            |    8 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rMaternI.Rd                 |   10 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rMaternII.Rd                |   10 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rMosaicField.Rd             |    2 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rPoissonCluster.Rd          |    6 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rSSI.Rd                     |    2 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rStrauss.Rd                 |    2 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rcell.Rd                    |    2 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rclusterBKBC.Rd             |    4 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rlabel.Rd                   |    6 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rmh.default.Rd              |   10 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rmhcontrol.Rd               |    8 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rmhexpand.Rd                |    8 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rmhmodel.default.Rd         |    4 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rmhstart.Rd                 |    2 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rmpoint.Rd                  |    7 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rmpoispp.Rd                 |    9 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rnoise.Rd                   |   10 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rpoint.Rd                   |    9 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rpoisline.Rd                |    4 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rpoislinetess.Rd            |   10 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rpoispp.Rd                  |   11 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rpoispp3.Rd                 |   12 -
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rpoisppOnLines.Rd           |    4 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rpoisppx.Rd                 |   12 -
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rshift.Rd                   |   10 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rshift.ppp.Rd               |    4 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rshift.splitppp.Rd          |    2 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rstrat.Rd                   |   18 -
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/rthinclumps.Rd              |   10 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/runifdisc.Rd                |   14 -
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/runifpoint.Rd               |   12 -
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/runifpoint3.Rd              |   12 -
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/runifpointOnLines.Rd        |    6 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/runifpointx.Rd              |   12 -
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/man/spatstat.random-internal.Rd |    1 
 spatstat.random-3.3-1/spatstat.random/src/                  |    5 
 60 files changed, 359 insertions(+), 345 deletions(-)

More information about spatstat.random at CRAN
Permanent link

Package spatstat.model updated to version 3.3-1 with previous version 3.2-11 dated 2024-03-22

Title: Parametric Statistical Modelling and Inference for the 'spatstat' Family
Description: Functionality for parametric statistical modelling and inference for spatial data, mainly spatial point patterns, in the 'spatstat' family of packages. (Excludes analysis of spatial data on a linear network, which is covered by the separate package 'spatstat.linnet'.) Supports parametric modelling, formal statistical inference, and model validation. Parametric models include Poisson point processes, Cox point processes, Neyman-Scott cluster processes, Gibbs point processes and determinantal point processes. Models can be fitted to data using maximum likelihood, maximum pseudolikelihood, maximum composite likelihood and the method of minimum contrast. Fitted models can be simulated and predicted. Formal inference includes hypothesis tests (quadrat counting tests, Cressie-Read tests, Clark-Evans test, Berman test, Diggle-Cressie-Loosmore-Ford test, scan test, studentised permutation test, segregation test, ANOVA tests of fitted models, adjusted composite likelihood ratio test, envelope t [...truncated...]
Author: Adrian Baddeley [aut, cre, cph] , Rolf Turner [aut, cph] , Ege Rubak [aut, cph] , Kasper Klitgaard Berthelsen [ctb], Achmad Choiruddin [ctb, cph], Jean-Francois Coeurjolly [ctb], Ottmar Cronie [ctb], Tilman Davies [ctb], Julian Gilbey [ctb], Yongtao [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Adrian Baddeley <>

Diff between spatstat.model versions 3.2-11 dated 2024-03-22 and 3.3-1 dated 2024-07-15

 DESCRIPTION                    |   19 +--
 MD5                            |  251 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 NAMESPACE                      |    5 
 NEWS                           |   45 +++++++
 R/evidence.R                   |    4 
 R/logistic.R                   |   11 +
 R/measures.R                   |    6 
 R/mpl.R                        |   13 +-
 R/ppm.R                        |    7 -
 R/predict.ppm.R                |   56 +++------
 R/response.R                   |    2 
 R/slrm.R                       |   28 +++-
 R/sysdata.rda                  |binary
 inst/doc/packagesizes.txt      |    1 
 inst/info                      |only
 man/AreaInter.Rd               |    4 
 man/DiggleGatesStibbard.Rd     |    2 
 man/Extract.influence.ppm.Rd   |    2 
 man/Extract.leverage.ppm.Rd    |    6 
 man/Gcom.Rd                    |   10 -
 man/Gres.Rd                    |    4 
 man/Kcom.Rd                    |   10 -
 man/Kmodel.Rd                  |    9 -
 man/Kmodel.kppm.Rd             |    2 
 man/Kmodel.ppm.Rd              |    2 
 man/Kres.Rd                    |    4 
 man/MultiHard.Rd               |    2 
 man/Smooth.msr.Rd              |    4 
 man/Window.ppm.Rd              |   12 -
 man/addvar.Rd                  |    4 
 man/anova.ppm.Rd               |    4 
 man/as.fv.kppm.Rd              |    6 
 man/as.layered.msr.Rd          |    6 
 man/as.owin.ppm.Rd             |    8 -
 man/auc.Rd                     |    6 
 man/berman.test.Rd             |    8 -
 man/cauchy.estK.Rd             |   12 -
 man/cauchy.estpcf.Rd           |   14 +-
 man/cdf.test.Rd                |   10 -
 man/cdf.test.mppm.Rd           |   14 +-
 man/closepaircounts.Rd         |    2 
 man/clusterfit.Rd              |    8 -
 man/clusterkernel.kppm.Rd      |    2 
 man/clusterradius.kppm.Rd      |    2 
 man/compareFit.Rd              |    4 
 man/data.ppm.Rd                |    2 
 man/detpointprocfamilyfun.Rd   |    4 
 man/dfbetas.ppm.Rd             |    2 
 man/diagnose.ppm.Rd            |    2 
 man/domain.ppm.Rd              |    4 
 man/dppm.Rd                    |   16 +-
 man/dummy.ppm.Rd               |    2 
 man/effectfun.Rd               |    2 
 man/emend.ppm.Rd               |    2 
 man/emend.slrm.Rd              |    2 
 man/envelope.Rd                |   60 ++++-----
 man/fitted.slrm.Rd             |   36 +++++
 man/formula.ppm.Rd             |    2 
 man/harmonise.msr.Rd           |    4 
 man/improve.kppm.Rd            |    2 
 man/influence.ppm.Rd           |    5 
 man/intensity.ppm.Rd           |    6 
 man/intensity.slrm.Rd          |    4 
 man/is.marked.ppm.Rd           |    4 
 man/is.multitype.ppm.Rd        |    4 
 man/is.stationary.ppm.Rd       |   10 -
 man/kppm.Rd                    |   26 ++--
 man/leverage.ppm.Rd            |    7 -
 man/lgcp.estK.Rd               |    6 
 man/lgcp.estpcf.Rd             |    8 -
 man/logLik.ppm.Rd              |    2 
 man/matclust.estK.Rd           |   10 -
 man/matclust.estpcf.Rd         |   12 -
 man/methods.fii.Rd             |    4 
 man/mincontrast.Rd             |    4 
 man/model.images.Rd            |   12 -
 man/mppm.Rd                    |   10 -
 man/msr.Rd                     |    2 
 man/panel.contour.Rd           |   10 -
 man/parres.Rd                  |    4 
 man/plot.dppm.Rd               |    5 
 man/plot.influence.ppm.Rd      |    2 
 man/plot.kppm.Rd               |   11 -
 man/plot.leverage.ppm.Rd       |   16 +-
 man/plot.mppm.Rd               |    6 
 man/plot.msr.Rd                |   16 +-
 man/plot.plotppm.Rd            |    7 -
 man/plot.ppm.Rd                |    6 
 man/plot.rppm.Rd               |    6 
 man/plot.slrm.Rd               |    4 
 man/ppm.Rd                     |    6 
 man/ppm.object.Rd              |   26 ++--
 man/ppm.ppp.Rd                 |   45 ++++---
 man/predict.mppm.Rd            |    4 
 man/predict.ppm.Rd             |    8 -
 man/predict.slrm.Rd            |    2 
 man/psst.Rd                    |    4 
 man/psstA.Rd                   |    8 -
 man/psstG.Rd                   |    4 
 man/qqplot.ppm.Rd              |   18 +-
 man/quad.ppm.Rd                |    4 
 man/quadrat.test.Rd            |   18 +-
 man/quadrat.test.mppm.Rd       |    4 
 man/reach.Rd                   |    2 
 man/relrisk.ppm.Rd             |    8 -
 man/residuals.ppm.Rd           |    4 
 man/rhohat.Rd                  |   10 -
 man/rmh.ppm.Rd                 |   54 ++++----
 man/rmhmodel.ppm.Rd            |   20 +--
 man/roc.Rd                     |    6 
 man/simulate.dppm.Rd           |    2 
 man/simulate.kppm.Rd           |   20 +--
 man/simulate.ppm.Rd            |   10 -
 man/simulate.slrm.Rd           |    7 -
 man/slrm.Rd                    |    2 
 man/spatstat.model-internal.Rd |   10 +
 man/spatstat.model-package.Rd  |    5 
 man/split.msr.Rd               |    8 -
 man/thomas.estK.Rd             |   10 -
 man/thomas.estpcf.Rd           |   14 +-
 man/unitname.Rd                |   10 -
 man/unstack.msr.Rd             |    2 
 man/varcount.Rd                |    2 
 man/vargamma.estK.Rd           |   12 -
 man/vargamma.estpcf.Rd         |   14 +-
 man/vcov.ppm.Rd                |    2 
 tests/testsP2.R                |    9 +
 127 files changed, 759 insertions(+), 637 deletions(-)

More information about spatstat.model at CRAN
Permanent link

Package spatstat.linnet updated to version 3.2-1 with previous version 3.1-5 dated 2024-03-25

Title: Linear Networks Functionality of the 'spatstat' Family
Description: Defines types of spatial data on a linear network and provides functionality for geometrical operations, data analysis and modelling of data on a linear network, in the 'spatstat' family of packages. Contains definitions and support for linear networks, including creation of networks, geometrical measurements, topological connectivity, geometrical operations such as inserting and deleting vertices, intersecting a network with another object, and interactive editing of networks. Data types defined on a network include point patterns, pixel images, functions, and tessellations. Exploratory methods include kernel estimation of intensity on a network, K-functions and pair correlation functions on a network, simulation envelopes, nearest neighbour distance and empty space distance, relative risk estimation with cross-validated bandwidth selection. Formal hypothesis tests of random pattern (chi-squared, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Monte Carlo, Diggle-Cressie-Loosmore-Ford, Dao-Genton, two-stage Mont [...truncated...]
Author: Adrian Baddeley [aut, cre, cph] , Rolf Turner [aut, cph] , Ege Rubak [aut, cph] , Greg McSwiggan [aut, cph], Tilman Davies [ctb, cph], Mehdi Moradi [ctb, cph], Suman Rakshit [ctb, cph], Ottmar Cronie [ctb]
Maintainer: Adrian Baddeley <>

Diff between spatstat.linnet versions 3.1-5 dated 2024-03-25 and 3.2-1 dated 2024-07-15

 DESCRIPTION                       |   18 +--
 MD5                               |  179 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
 NAMESPACE                         |   18 +++
 NEWS                              |   36 ++++++
 R/density.lpp.R                   |    2 
 R/densityfunlpp.R                 |    4 
 R/evaluateNetCovariate.R          |only
 R/evidencelppm.R                  |  206 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 R/exactlppm.R                     |only
 R/linnet.R                        |   10 +
 R/linnetsurgery.R                 |   82 +++++++++------
 R/lpp.R                           |    5 
 R/relrisk.lpp.R                   |    6 -
 inst/doc/packagesizes.txt         |    2 
 inst/info                         |only
 man/Extract.linim.Rd              |    6 +
 man/Extract.lpp.Rd                |    2 
 man/Replace.linim.Rd              |    6 -
 man/Smooth.lpp.Rd                 |    4 
 man/affine.linnet.Rd              |   22 ++--
 man/affine.lpp.Rd                 |   22 ++--
 man/as.linim.Rd                   |    8 -
 man/as.linnet.psp.Rd              |    4 
 man/auc.lpp.Rd                    |    4 
 man/berman.test.lpp.Rd            |    4 
 man/bw.lppl.Rd                    |    4 
 man/cdf.test.lpp.Rd               |    4 
 man/chop.linnet.Rd                |    6 -
 man/clickjoin.Rd                  |    4 
 man/clicklpp.Rd                   |    8 -
 man/crossdist.lpp.Rd              |   10 -
 man/crossing.linnet.Rd            |    2 
 man/data.lppm.Rd                  |    2 
 man/delaunayNetwork.Rd            |   10 -
 man/density.lpp.Rd                |    4 
 man/densityEqualSplit.Rd          |    6 -
 man/densityHeat.lpp.Rd            |    8 -
 man/densityQuick.lpp.Rd           |    6 -
 man/densityVoronoi.lpp.Rd         |    4 
 man/diameter.linnet.Rd            |    6 -
 man/distfun.lpp.Rd                |    2 
 man/distmap.lpp.Rd                |    4 
 man/envelope.lpp.Rd               |    8 -
 man/eval.linim.Rd                 |    2 
 man/fitted.lppm.Rd                |   12 --
 man/heatkernelapprox.Rd           |    2 
 man/integral.linim.Rd             |    2 
 man/intensity.lpp.Rd              |    9 -
 man/linearK.Rd                    |    2 
 man/linearKEuclidInhom.Rd         |    4 
 man/linearKcross.Rd               |    4 
 man/linearKcross.inhom.Rd         |    4 
 man/linearKdot.Rd                 |    6 -
 man/linearKdot.inhom.Rd           |    4 
 man/linearKinhom.Rd               |    4 
 man/linearmarkconnect.Rd          |    6 -
 man/linearmarkequal.Rd            |    4 
 man/linearpcfEuclidInhom.Rd       |    4 
 man/linearpcfcross.Rd             |    6 -
 man/linearpcfcross.inhom.Rd       |    6 -
 man/linearpcfdot.Rd               |    8 -
 man/linearpcfdot.inhom.Rd         |    8 -
 man/linearpcfinhom.Rd             |    4 
 man/lineartileindex.Rd            |    2 
 man/linim.Rd                      |    2 
 man/lpp.Rd                        |    4 
 man/lppm.Rd                       |    8 -
 man/mean.linim.Rd                 |    6 -
 man/methods.linfun.Rd             |    4 
 man/methods.linim.Rd              |    8 -
 man/methods.linnet.Rd             |   44 ++++----
 man/model.frame.lppm.Rd           |    2 
 man/nnfun.lpp.Rd                  |    2 
 man/pairs.linim.Rd                |    2 
 man/plot.linim.Rd                 |   14 +-
 man/plot.linnet.Rd                |    4 
 man/plot.lintess.Rd               |    8 -
 man/plot.lpp.Rd                   |   16 +-
 man/points.lpp.Rd                 |    2 
 man/predict.lppm.Rd               |    2 
 man/rThomaslpp.Rd                 |    2 
 man/rcelllpp.Rd                   |    2 
 man/relrisk.lpp.Rd                |    4 
 man/roc.lpp.Rd                    |    2 
 man/rpoislpp.Rd                   |    8 -
 man/runiflpp.Rd                   |    2 
 man/spatstat.linnet-deprecated.Rd |    1 
 man/spatstat.linnet-internal.Rd   |   23 ++++
 man/spatstat.linnet-package.Rd    |    9 +
 man/superimpose.lpp.Rd            |    4 
 man/thinNetwork.Rd                |    9 +
 tests/testsL.R                    |    9 +
 92 files changed, 692 insertions(+), 362 deletions(-)

More information about spatstat.linnet at CRAN
Permanent link

Package spatstat.geom updated to version 3.3-2 with previous version 3.2-9 dated 2024-02-28

Title: Geometrical Functionality of the 'spatstat' Family
Description: Defines spatial data types and supports geometrical operations on them. Data types include point patterns, windows (domains), pixel images, line segment patterns, tessellations and hyperframes. Capabilities include creation and manipulation of data (using command line or graphical interaction), plotting, geometrical operations (rotation, shift, rescale, affine transformation), convex hull, discretisation and pixellation, Dirichlet tessellation, Delaunay triangulation, pairwise distances, nearest-neighbour distances, distance transform, morphological operations (erosion, dilation, closing, opening), quadrat counting, geometrical measurement, geometrical covariance, colour maps, calculus on spatial domains, Gaussian blur, level sets of images, transects of images, intersections between objects, minimum distance matching. (Excludes spatial data on a network, which are supported by the package 'spatstat.linnet'.)
Author: Adrian Baddeley [aut, cre, cph] , Rolf Turner [aut, cph] , Ege Rubak [aut, cph] , Tilman Davies [ctb], Ute Hahn [ctb], Abdollah Jalilian [ctb], Greg McSwiggan [ctb, cph], Sebastian Meyer [ctb, cph], Jens Oehlschlaegel [ctb, cph], Suman Rakshit [ctb], [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Adrian Baddeley <>

Diff between spatstat.geom versions 3.2-9 dated 2024-02-28 and 3.3-2 dated 2024-07-15

 spatstat.geom-3.2-9/spatstat.geom/R/breakpts.R                    |only
 spatstat.geom-3.2-9/spatstat.geom/R/ewcdf.R                       |only
 spatstat.geom-3.2-9/spatstat.geom/R/hotrod.R                      |only
 spatstat.geom-3.2-9/spatstat.geom/R/integral.R                    |only
 spatstat.geom-3.2-9/spatstat.geom/R/transformquantiles.R          |only
 spatstat.geom-3.2-9/spatstat.geom/R/uniquemap.R                   |only
 spatstat.geom-3.2-9/spatstat.geom/R/unnormdensity.R               |only
 spatstat.geom-3.2-9/spatstat.geom/R/weightedStats.R               |only
 spatstat.geom-3.2-9/spatstat.geom/man/ewcdf.Rd                    |only
 spatstat.geom-3.2-9/spatstat.geom/man/hotrod.Rd                   |only
 spatstat.geom-3.2-9/spatstat.geom/man/integral.Rd                 |only
 spatstat.geom-3.2-9/spatstat.geom/man/integral.density.Rd         |only
 spatstat.geom-3.2-9/spatstat.geom/man/mean.ewcdf.Rd               |only
 spatstat.geom-3.2-9/spatstat.geom/man/quantile.ewcdf.Rd           |only
 spatstat.geom-3.2-9/spatstat.geom/man/quantilefun.Rd              |only
 spatstat.geom-3.2-9/spatstat.geom/man/rounding.Rd                 |only
 spatstat.geom-3.2-9/spatstat.geom/man/transformquantiles.Rd       |only
 spatstat.geom-3.2-9/spatstat.geom/man/uniquemap.default.Rd        |only
 spatstat.geom-3.2-9/spatstat.geom/man/unnormdensity.Rd            |only
 spatstat.geom-3.2-9/spatstat.geom/man/weighted.median.Rd          |only
 spatstat.geom-3.2-9/spatstat.geom/man/whist.Rd                    |only
 spatstat.geom-3.2-9/spatstat.geom/src/hotrod.c                    |only
 spatstat.geom-3.2-9/spatstat.geom/src/tabnum.c                    |only
 spatstat.geom-3.2-9/spatstat.geom/src/whist.c                     |only
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/DESCRIPTION                     |   14 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/MD5                             |  203 +--
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/NAMESPACE                       |   56 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/NEWS                            |  143 ++
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/R/affine.R                      |    9 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/R/colourtables.R                |   28 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/R/diagram.R                     |   32 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/R/plot.owin.R                   |   21 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/R/plot.ppp.R                    |  622 +++++-----
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/R/ppp.R                         |   18 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/R/ppx.R                         |    4 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/R/psp.R                         |   38 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/R/randombasic.R                 |    6 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/R/round.R                       |   30 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/R/simplepanel.R                 |   22 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/R/solist.R                      |    8 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/R/symbolmap.R                   |  112 +
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/R/tess.R                        |    4 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/R/unique.ppp.R                  |   22 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/R/uniquemap.ppp.R               |only
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/inst/doc/packagesizes.txt       |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/inst/info                       |only
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/Window.tess.Rd              |   12 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/                |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/affine.owin.Rd              |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/                    |    4 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/as.matrix.owin.Rd           |    4 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/as.polygonal.Rd             |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/bdist.pixels.Rd             |    4 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/boundingcircle.Rd           |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/bufftess.Rd                 |    4 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/closing.Rd                  |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/commonGrid.Rd               |    6 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/connected.Rd                |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/connected.tess.Rd           |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/covering.Rd                 |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/default.symbolmap.Rd        |only
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/default.symbolmap.ppp.Rd    |only
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/deltametric.Rd              |    4 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/dilation.Rd                 |    4 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/disc.Rd                     |    4 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/discretise.Rd               |    8 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/discs.Rd                    |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/distmap.Rd                  |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/distmap.owin.Rd             |    4 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/distmap.ppp.Rd              |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/distmap.psp.Rd              |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/domain.Rd                   |    4 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/ellipse.Rd                  |    6 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/erosion.Rd                  |    4 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/fardist.Rd                  |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/framedist.pixels.Rd         |    4 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/gridweights.Rd              |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/              |    4 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/intensity.quadratcount.Rd   |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/intersect.owin.Rd           |    6 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/intersect.tess.Rd           |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/is.subset.owin.Rd           |    4 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/layout.boxes.Rd             |   24 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/nearest.raster.point.Rd     |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/nnmap.Rd                    |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/nnmark.Rd                   |    4 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/opening.Rd                  |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/owin.object.Rd              |    4 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/owin2mask.Rd                |   10 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/pixelcentres.Rd             |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/pixellate.owin.Rd           |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/pixellate.ppp.Rd            |    6 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/pixellate.psp.Rd            |    8 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/pixelquad.Rd                |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/plot.colourmap.Rd           |   20 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/plot.owin.Rd                |   10 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/plot.ppp.Rd                 |   17 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/plot.tess.Rd                |   14 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/plot.texturemap.Rd          |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/project2set.Rd              |    4 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/psp2mask.Rd                 |    8 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/           |    7 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/raster.x.Rd                 |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/rotate.owin.Rd              |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/round.ppp.Rd                |    5 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/rounding.ppp.Rd             |only
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/setcov.Rd                   |    2 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/spatstat.geom-deprecated.Rd |    1 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/spatstat.geom-internal.Rd   |   69 -
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/spatstat.geom-package.Rd    |    4 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/summary.distfun.Rd          |    4 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/man/uniquemap.ppp.Rd            |    9 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/src/init.c                      |    4 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/src/proto.h                     |    4 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/tests/testsD.R                  |   23 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/tests/testsS.R                  |   13 
 spatstat.geom-3.3-2/spatstat.geom/tests/testsUtoZ.R               |   25 
 117 files changed, 1048 insertions(+), 785 deletions(-)

More information about spatstat.geom at CRAN
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Package spatstat.explore updated to version 3.3-1 with previous version 3.2-7 dated 2024-03-21

Title: Exploratory Data Analysis for the 'spatstat' Family
Description: Functionality for exploratory data analysis and nonparametric analysis of spatial data, mainly spatial point patterns, in the 'spatstat' family of packages. (Excludes analysis of spatial data on a linear network, which is covered by the separate package 'spatstat.linnet'.) Methods include quadrat counts, K-functions and their simulation envelopes, nearest neighbour distance and empty space statistics, Fry plots, pair correlation function, kernel smoothed intensity, relative risk estimation with cross-validated bandwidth selection, mark correlation functions, segregation indices, mark dependence diagnostics, and kernel estimates of covariate effects. Formal hypothesis tests of random pattern (chi-squared, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Monte Carlo, Diggle-Cressie-Loosmore-Ford, Dao-Genton, two-stage Monte Carlo) and tests for covariate effects (Cox-Berman-Waller-Lawson, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, ANOVA) are also supported.
Author: Adrian Baddeley [aut, cre, cph] , Rolf Turner [aut, cph] , Ege Rubak [aut, cph] , Kasper Klitgaard Berthelsen [ctb], Warick Brown [cph], Achmad Choiruddin [ctb], Jean-Francois Coeurjolly [ctb], Ottmar Cronie [ctb], Tilman Davies [ctb, cph], Julian Gi [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Adrian Baddeley <>

Diff between spatstat.explore versions 3.2-7 dated 2024-03-21 and 3.3-1 dated 2024-07-15

 spatstat.explore-3.2-7/spatstat.explore/R/bw.abram.R                          |only
 spatstat.explore-3.2-7/spatstat.explore/R/densityAdaptiveKernel.R             |only
 spatstat.explore-3.2-7/spatstat.explore/R/kernels.R                           |only
 spatstat.explore-3.2-7/spatstat.explore/R/kmrs.R                              |only
 spatstat.explore-3.2-7/spatstat.explore/R/quantiledensity.R                   |only
 spatstat.explore-3.2-7/spatstat.explore/R/stieltjes.R                         |only
 spatstat.explore-3.2-7/spatstat.explore/man/CDF.Rd                            |only
 spatstat.explore-3.2-7/spatstat.explore/man/bw.abram.Rd                       |only
 spatstat.explore-3.2-7/spatstat.explore/man/densityAdaptiveKernel.Rd          |only
 spatstat.explore-3.2-7/spatstat.explore/man/dkernel.Rd                        |only
 spatstat.explore-3.2-7/spatstat.explore/man/kaplan.meier.Rd                   |only
 spatstat.explore-3.2-7/spatstat.explore/man/kernel.factor.Rd                  |only
 spatstat.explore-3.2-7/spatstat.explore/man/kernel.moment.Rd                  |only
 spatstat.explore-3.2-7/spatstat.explore/man/kernel.squint.Rd                  |only
 spatstat.explore-3.2-7/spatstat.explore/man/                          |only
 spatstat.explore-3.2-7/spatstat.explore/man/quantile.density.Rd               |only
 spatstat.explore-3.2-7/spatstat.explore/man/reduced.sample.Rd                 |only
 spatstat.explore-3.2-7/spatstat.explore/man/stieltjes.Rd                      |only
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/DESCRIPTION                           |   20 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/MD5                                   |  280 ++++------
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/NAMESPACE                             |   26 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/NEWS                                  |   62 ++
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/R/Kinhom.R                            |    6 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/R/bw.abram.ppp.R                      |only
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/R/bw.ppl.R                            |    5 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/R/densityAdaptiveKernel.ppp.R         |only
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/R/edgeTrans.R                         |    6 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/R/evidence.R                          |   31 -
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/R/fv.R                                |   39 +
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/R/smooth.ppp.R                        |    5 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/R/spatialQuantile.R                   |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/R/sysdata.rda                         |binary
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/inst/doc/packagesizes.txt             |    1 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/inst/info                             |only
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Emark.Rd                          |    4 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/F3est.Rd                          |    4 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Fest.Rd                           |   14 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Finhom.Rd                         |    4 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/FmultiInhom.Rd                    |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/G3est.Rd                          |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Gcross.Rd                         |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Gdot.Rd                           |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Gest.Rd                           |   22 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Gfox.Rd                           |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Ginhom.Rd                         |    4 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Gmulti.Rd                         |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/GmultiInhom.Rd                    |    4 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Hest.Rd                           |    6 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Iest.Rd                           |    6 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Jcross.Rd                         |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Jdot.Rd                           |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Jest.Rd                           |   12 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Jinhom.Rd                         |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Jmulti.Rd                         |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/K3est.Rd                          |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Kcross.Rd                         |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Kcross.inhom.Rd                   |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Kdot.Rd                           |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Kdot.inhom.Rd                     |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Kest.Rd                           |   10 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Kest.fft.Rd                       |    8 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Kinhom.Rd                         |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Kmark.Rd                          |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Kmeasure.Rd                       |   14 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Kmulti.Rd                         |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Kmulti.inhom.Rd                   |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Kscaled.Rd                        |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Ksector.Rd                        |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Lest.Rd                           |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Linhom.Rd                         |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Smooth.ppp.Rd                     |   10 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Smoothfun.ppp.Rd                  |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Tstat.Rd                          |    7 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/Window.quadrattest.Rd             |   12 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/adaptive.density.Rd               |   26 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/allstats.Rd                       |    4 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/as.owin.quadrattest.Rd            |    8 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/as.tess.Rd                        |    5 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/auc.Rd                            |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/berman.test.Rd                    |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/bind.fv.Rd                        |   39 +
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/blur.Rd                           |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/bw.CvL.adaptive.Rd                |    6 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/bw.abram.ppp.Rd                   |    4 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/bw.frac.Rd                        |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/cdf.test.Rd                       |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/clarkevans.Rd                     |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/clusterset.Rd                     |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/compatible.fasp.Rd                |    9 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/compatible.fv.Rd                  |    5 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/density.ppp.Rd                    |   14 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/density.psp.Rd                    |    8 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/density.splitppp.Rd               |    8 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/densityAdaptiveKernel.ppp.Rd      |only
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/densityAdaptiveKernel.splitppp.Rd |    4 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/densityVoronoi.Rd                 |    8 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/densityfun.Rd                     |    4 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/distcdf.Rd                        |   14 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/domain.quadrattest.Rd             |    4 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/edge.Trans.Rd                     |    8 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/envelope.Rd                       |   12 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/envelope.pp3.Rd                   |    4 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/fryplot.Rd                        |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/harmonise.fv.Rd                   |   10 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/hopskel.Rd                        |    4 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/hotbox.Rd                         |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/idw.Rd                            |   15 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/integral.fv.Rd                    |    6 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/laslett.Rd                        |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/markconnect.Rd                    |    4 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/markcorr.Rd                       |    4 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/markcrosscorr.Rd                  |   12 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/markmarkscatter.Rd                |    6 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/marktable.Rd                      |    8 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/markvario.Rd                      |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/methods.ssf.Rd                    |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/miplot.Rd                         |    4 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/nnclean.Rd                        |    6 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/nncorr.Rd                         |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/nndensity.Rd                      |   10 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/pairMean.Rd                       |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/                       |    4 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/panel.contour.Rd                  |    4 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/pcf.ppp.Rd                        |    4 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/pcf3est.Rd                        |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/pcfinhom.Rd                       |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/plot.fv.Rd                        |    4 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/plot.laslett.Rd                   |   14 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/plot.quadrattest.Rd               |   11 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/plot.scan.test.Rd                 |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/pool.anylist.Rd                   |   12 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/quadrat.test.Rd                   |   12 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/quadrat.test.splitppp.Rd          |    6 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/radcumint.Rd                      |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/rat.Rd                            |    6 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/rectcontact.Rd                    |    4 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/relrisk.ppp.Rd                    |   10 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/rhohat.Rd                         |    6 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/roc.Rd                            |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/rotmean.Rd                        |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/scan.test.Rd                      |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/scanLRTS.Rd                       |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/segregation.test.Rd               |    6 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/spatcov.Rd                        |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/spatialcdf.Rd                     |    8 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/spatstat.explore-deprecated.Rd    |    3 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/spatstat.explore-internal.Rd      |    9 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/spatstat.explore-package.Rd       |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/stienen.Rd                        |   17 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/                    |    2 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/man/varblock.Rd                       |    4 
 spatstat.explore-3.3-1/spatstat.explore/tests/testsNtoO.R                     |   17 
 152 files changed, 598 insertions(+), 568 deletions(-)

More information about spatstat.explore at CRAN
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Package spatstat updated to version 3.1-1 with previous version 3.0-8 dated 2024-03-26

Title: Spatial Point Pattern Analysis, Model-Fitting, Simulation, Tests
Description: Comprehensive open-source toolbox for analysing Spatial Point Patterns. Focused mainly on two-dimensional point patterns, including multitype/marked points, in any spatial region. Also supports three-dimensional point patterns, space-time point patterns in any number of dimensions, point patterns on a linear network, and patterns of other geometrical objects. Supports spatial covariate data such as pixel images. Contains over 3000 functions for plotting spatial data, exploratory data analysis, model-fitting, simulation, spatial sampling, model diagnostics, and formal inference. Data types include point patterns, line segment patterns, spatial windows, pixel images, tessellations, and linear networks. Exploratory methods include quadrat counts, K-functions and their simulation envelopes, nearest neighbour distance and empty space statistics, Fry plots, pair correlation function, kernel smoothed intensity, relative risk estimation with cross-validated bandwidth selection, mark correlatio [...truncated...]
Author: Adrian Baddeley [aut, cre] , Rolf Turner [aut] , Ege Rubak [aut]
Maintainer: Adrian Baddeley <>

Diff between spatstat versions 3.0-8 dated 2024-03-26 and 3.1-1 dated 2024-07-15

 DESCRIPTION                    |   18 ++---
 MD5                            |   49 +++++++------
 NAMESPACE                      |    1 
 NEWS                           |   29 ++++++++
 R/news.R                       |   11 ++-
 build/vignette.rds             |binary
 inst/doc/bugfixes.Rnw          |   26 ++++++-
 inst/doc/bugfixes.pdf          |binary
 inst/doc/datasets.pdf          |binary
 inst/doc/fv.pdf                |binary
 inst/doc/getstart.pdf          |binary
 inst/doc/packagesizes.txt      |    1 
 inst/doc/replicated.pdf        |binary
 inst/doc/shapefiles.pdf        |binary
 inst/doc/spatstatKnetsize.txt  |    2 
 inst/doc/spatstatguisize.txt   |    2 
 inst/doc/spatstatlocalsize.txt |    3 
 inst/doc/updates.R             |   22 ++++--
 inst/doc/updates.Rnw           |  146 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 inst/doc/updates.pdf           |binary
 inst/info                      |only
 man/spatstat-internal.Rd       |    1 
 man/spatstat-package.Rd        |    2 
 man/         |    1 
 vignettes/bugfixes.Rnw         |   26 ++++++-
 vignettes/updates.Rnw          |  146 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 26 files changed, 386 insertions(+), 100 deletions(-)

More information about spatstat at CRAN
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Package sampcompR updated to version 0.2.1 with previous version 0.2.0 dated 2024-07-12

Title: Comparing and Visualizing Differences Between Surveys
Description: Easily analyze and visualize differences between samples (e.g., benchmark comparisons, nonresponse comparisons in surveys) on three levels. The comparisons can be univariate, bivariate or multivariate. On univariate level the variables of interest of a survey and a comparison survey (i.e. benchmark) are compared, by calculating one of several difference measures (e.g., relative difference in mean), and an average difference between the surveys. On bivariate level a function can calculate significant differences in correlations for the surveys. And on multivariate levels a function can calculate significant differences in model coefficients between the surveys of comparison. All of those differences can be easily plotted and outputted as a table. For more detailed information on the methods and example use see Rohr, B., Silber, H., & Felderer, B. (2024). „Comparing the Accuracy of Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate Estimates across Probability and Non-Probability Surveys with [...truncated...]
Author: Bjoern Rohr [aut, cre, cph], Barbara Felderer [aut]
Maintainer: Bjoern Rohr <>

Diff between sampcompR versions 0.2.0 dated 2024-07-12 and 0.2.1 dated 2024-07-15

 DESCRIPTION               |   13 -
 MD5                       |   13 -
 NAMESPACE                 |    2                   |   11 +
 R/Output_Tables.R         |  378 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                 |    6 
 man/biv_per_variable.Rd   |only
 man/figures/logo.png      |only
 man/multi_per_variable.Rd |only
 9 files changed, 409 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

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Package lineup updated to version 0.44 with previous version 0.42 dated 2022-07-10

Title: Lining Up Two Sets of Measurements
Description: Tools for detecting and correcting sample mix-ups between two sets of measurements, such as between gene expression data on two tissues. Broman et al. (2015) <doi:10.1534/g3.115.019778>.
Author: Karl W Broman [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Karl W Broman <>

Diff between lineup versions 0.42 dated 2022-07-10 and 0.44 dated 2024-07-15

 DESCRIPTION          |   10 -
 MD5                  |   26 +--              |   10 +
 R/calc.locallod.R    |    4            |    3 
 build/vignette.rds   |binary
 data/expr1.rda       |binary
 data/expr2.rda       |binary
 data/f2cross.rda     |binary
 data/genepos.rda     |binary
 data/pmap.rda        |binary
 inst/CITATION        |   16 +-
 inst/doc/lineup.html |  359 ++++++++++++++++-----------------------------------
 man/calc.locallod.Rd |    4 
 14 files changed, 157 insertions(+), 275 deletions(-)

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Package sox updated to version 1.2 with previous version 1.1 dated 2023-12-11

Title: Structured Learning in Time-Dependent Cox Models
Description: Efficient procedures for fitting and cross-validating the structurally-regularized time-dependent Cox models.
Author: Yi Lian [aut, cre], Guanbo Wang [aut], Archer Y. Yang [aut], Mireille E. Schnitzer [aut], Robert W. Platt [aut], Rui Wang [aut], Marc Dorais [aut], Sylvie Perreault [aut], Julien Mairal [ctb], Yuansi Chen [ctb]
Maintainer: Yi Lian <>

Diff between sox versions 1.1 dated 2023-12-11 and 1.2 dated 2024-07-15

 DESCRIPTION                    |   10 +++++-----
 MD5                            |   12 ++++++------
 inst/include/dictLearn/dicts.h |    2 +-
 inst/include/linalg/linalg.h   |    4 ++--
 inst/include/prox/fista.h      |   24 ++++++++++++------------
 man/sox-package.Rd             |    1 -
 tests/testthat/test-sox.R      |    1 +
 7 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

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Package refseqR updated to version 1.1.2 with previous version 1.0.2 dated 2024-05-22

Title: Common Computational Operations Working with RefSeq Entries (GenBank)
Description: Fetches NCBI data (RefSeq <> database) and provides an environment to extract information at the level of gene, mRNA or protein accessions.
Author: Jose V. Die [aut, cre] , Lluis Revilla Sancho [ctb]
Maintainer: Jose V. Die <>

Diff between refseqR versions 1.0.2 dated 2024-05-22 and 1.1.2 dated 2024-07-15

 refseqR-1.0.2/refseqR/R/refseq_XMfromXP.R        |only
 refseqR-1.0.2/refseqR/R/refseq_XPfromXM.R        |only
 refseqR-1.0.2/refseqR/R/refseq_XPlength.R        |only
 refseqR-1.0.2/refseqR/R/refseq_fromXM.R          |only
 refseqR-1.0.2/refseqR/R/refseq_geneSymbol.R      |only
 refseqR-1.0.2/refseqR/R/refseq_mol_wt.R          |only
 refseqR-1.0.2/refseqR/man/refseq_XMfromXP.Rd     |only
 refseqR-1.0.2/refseqR/man/refseq_XPfromXM.Rd     |only
 refseqR-1.0.2/refseqR/man/refseq_XPlength.Rd     |only
 refseqR-1.0.2/refseqR/man/refseq_fromXM.Rd       |only
 refseqR-1.0.2/refseqR/man/refseq_geneSymbol.Rd   |only
 refseqR-1.0.2/refseqR/man/refseq_mol_wt.Rd       |only
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/DESCRIPTION                |    6 -
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/LICENSE                    |    2 
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/MD5                        |   65 +++++++------
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/NAMESPACE                  |   13 +-
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/R/extract_feats.R          |only
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/R/refseqR.R                |    2 
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/R/refseq_AA_length.R       |only
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/R/refseq_AA_mol_wt.R       |only
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/R/refseq_AAseq.R           |   22 ++--
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/R/refseq_CDScoords.R       |   24 ++---
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/R/refseq_CDSseq.R          |   18 ++-
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/R/refseq_GeneID.R          |only
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/R/refseq_description.R     |   24 ++---
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/R/refseq_fromGene.R        |  109 +++++++++++++----------
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/R/refseq_mRNA2protein.R    |only
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/R/refseq_mRNAfeat.R        |only
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/R/refseq_protein2mRNA.R    |only
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/                  |only
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/inst/doc/refseqR.R         |   38 ++++----
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/inst/doc/refseqR.Rmd       |   82 ++++++++---------
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/inst/doc/refseqR.html      |   76 ++++++++--------
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/man/extract_from_xm.Rd     |only
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/man/refseqR.Rd             |    2 
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/man/refseq_AA_length.Rd    |only
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/man/refseq_AA_mol_wt.Rd    |only
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/man/refseq_AAseq.Rd        |   12 +-
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/man/refseq_CDScoords.Rd    |   18 ++-
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/man/refseq_CDSseq.Rd       |   12 +-
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/man/refseq_GeneID.Rd       |only
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/man/refseq_description.Rd  |   20 ++--
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/man/refseq_fromGene.Rd     |   22 ++--
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/man/refseq_mRNA2protein.Rd |only
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/man/refseq_mRNAfeat.Rd     |only
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/man/refseq_protein2mRNA.Rd |only
 refseqR-1.1.2/refseqR/vignettes/refseqR.Rmd      |   82 ++++++++---------
 47 files changed, 342 insertions(+), 307 deletions(-)

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Package protti updated to version 0.9.0 with previous version 0.8.0 dated 2024-03-28

Title: Bottom-Up Proteomics and LiP-MS Quality Control and Data Analysis Tools
Description: Useful functions and workflows for proteomics quality control and data analysis of both limited proteolysis-coupled mass spectrometry (LiP-MS) (Feng et. al. (2014) <doi:10.1038/nbt.2999>) and regular bottom-up proteomics experiments. Data generated with search tools such as 'Spectronaut', 'MaxQuant' and 'Proteome Discover' can be easily used due to flexibility of functions.
Author: Jan-Philipp Quast [aut, cre] , Dina Schuster [aut] , ETH Zurich [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Jan-Philipp Quast <>

Diff between protti versions 0.8.0 dated 2024-03-28 and 0.9.0 dated 2024-07-15

 DESCRIPTION                                                |    6 
 MD5                                                        |   74 +++----                                                    |   24 ++
 R/analyse_functional_network.R                             |  123 +++++++++----
 R/calculate_go_enrichment.R                                |   69 ++++---
 R/calculate_protein_abundance.R                            |    6 
 R/calculate_sequence_coverage.R                            |    1 
 R/fetch_alphafold_aligned_error.R                          |   23 +-
 R/fetch_alphafold_prediction.R                             |   13 +
 R/fetch_chebi.R                                            |   10 -
 R/fetch_mobidb.R                                           |   13 +
 R/fetch_quickgo.R                                          |   33 +++
 R/fetch_uniprot.R                                          |   48 +++--
 R/fetch_uniprot_proteome.R                                 |   18 +
 R/find_peptide.R                                           |    8 
 R/find_peptide_in_structure.R                              |    2 
 R/qc_cvs.R                                                 |   23 +-
 R/try_query.R                                              |   42 ++--
 inst/doc/data_analysis_dose_response_workflow.R            |    7 
 inst/doc/data_analysis_dose_response_workflow.Rmd          |   15 +
 inst/doc/data_analysis_dose_response_workflow.html         |   61 ++++--
 inst/doc/data_analysis_single_dose_treatment_workflow.html |    4 
 inst/doc/input_preparation_workflow.html                   |    4 
 inst/doc/protein_structure_workflow.html                   |    4 
 inst/doc/quality_control_workflow.html                     |    4 
 man/analyse_functional_network.Rd                          |    4 
 man/calculate_go_enrichment.Rd                             |   11 +
 man/calculate_protein_abundance.Rd                         |    5 
 man/fetch_alphafold_aligned_error.Rd                       |   10 -
 man/fetch_alphafold_prediction.Rd                          |    4 
 man/fetch_mobidb.Rd                                        |   14 +
 man/fetch_quickgo.Rd                                       |    8 
 man/fetch_uniprot.Rd                                       |    7 
 man/fetch_uniprot_proteome.Rd                              |   14 +
 man/qc_cvs.Rd                                              |    2 
 man/try_query.Rd                                           |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-structure_functions.R                  |    2 
 vignettes/data_analysis_dose_response_workflow.Rmd         |   15 +
 38 files changed, 523 insertions(+), 210 deletions(-)

More information about protti at CRAN
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Package parallelpam updated to version 1.4.3 with previous version 1.4.2 dated 2024-07-01

Title: Parallel Partitioning-Around-Medoids (PAM) for Big Sets of Data
Description: Application of the Partitioning-Around-Medoids (PAM) clustering algorithm described in Schubert, E. and Rousseeuw, P.J.: "Fast and eager k-medoids clustering: O(k) runtime improvement of the PAM, CLARA, and CLARANS algorithms." Information Systems, vol. 101, p. 101804, (2021). <doi:10.1016/>. It uses a binary format for storing and retrieval of matrices developed for the 'jmatrix' package but the functionality of 'jmatrix' is included here, so you do not need to install it. Also, it is used by package 'scellpam', so if you have installed it, you do not need to install this package. PAM can be applied to sets of data whose dissimilarity matrix can be very big. It has been tested with up to 100.000 points. It does this with the help of the code developed for other package, 'jmatrix', which allows the matrix not to be loaded in 'R' memory (which would force it to be of double type) but it gets from disk, which allows using float (or even smaller data types). Moreover [...truncated...]
Author: Juan Domingo [aut, cre] , Guillermo Ayala [ctb] , Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, MCIN/AEI <doi:10.13039/501100011033> [fnd]
Maintainer: Juan Domingo <>

Diff between parallelpam versions 1.4.2 dated 2024-07-01 and 1.4.3 dated 2024-07-15

 DESCRIPTION                 |    8 +-
 MD5                         |   10 +-
 NEWS                        |    4 +
 inst/doc/jmatrixpp.html     |  148 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 inst/doc/parallelpam.html   |  148 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 inst/include/sparsematrix.h |    4 -
 6 files changed, 165 insertions(+), 157 deletions(-)

More information about parallelpam at CRAN
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Package NMsim updated to version 0.1.2 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2024-07-03

Title: Seamless 'Nonmem' Simulation Platform
Description: A complete and seamless 'Nonmem' simulation interface from within R. Turns 'Nonmem' control streams into simulation control streams, executes them with specified simulation input data and returns the results. The simulation is performed by 'Nonmem', eliminating time spent and risks of re-implementation of models in other tools.
Author: Philip Delff [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Philip Delff <>

Diff between NMsim versions 0.1.1 dated 2024-07-03 and 0.1.2 dated 2024-07-15

 DESCRIPTION                 |    6 +++---
 MD5                         |    6 +++---                     |    6 +++++-
 tests/testthat/test_NMsim.R |    2 ++
 4 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

More information about NMsim at CRAN
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Package FeatureExtraction updated to version 3.6.0 with previous version 3.5.2 dated 2024-05-01

Title: Generating Features for a Cohort
Description: An R interface for generating features for a cohort using data in the Common Data Model. Features can be constructed using default or custom made feature definitions. Furthermore it's possible to aggregate features and get the summary statistics.
Author: Martijn Schuemie [aut], Marc Suchard [aut], Patrick Ryan [aut], Jenna Reps [aut], Anthony Sena [aut], Ger Inberg [aut, cre], Observational Health Data Science and Informatics [cph]
Maintainer: Ger Inberg <>

Diff between FeatureExtraction versions 3.5.2 dated 2024-05-01 and 3.6.0 dated 2024-07-15

 FeatureExtraction-3.5.2/FeatureExtraction/inst/java/featureExtraction-3.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar          |only
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/DESCRIPTION                                             |   10 
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/MD5                                                     |   69 +--
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/                                                 |   12 
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/R/CovariateData.R                                       |    2 
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/R/DefaultCovariateSettings.R                            |   46 +-
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/R/DefaultTemporalCovariateSettings.R                    |   14 
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/R/GetCovariates.R                                       |    6 
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/R/GetDefaultCovariates.R                                |   11 
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/R/Normalization.R                                       |    4 
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/inst/csv/PrespecAnalyses.csv                            |  222 +++++-----
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/inst/csv/PrespecTemporalAnalyses.csv                    |   86 +--
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/inst/csv/jarChecksum.txt                                |    2 
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/inst/doc/CreatingCovariatesBasedOnOtherCohorts.pdf      |binary
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/inst/doc/CreatingCovariatesUsingCohortAttributes.pdf    |binary
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/inst/doc/CreatingCustomCovariateBuilders.R              |    3 
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/inst/doc/CreatingCustomCovariateBuilders.Rmd            |    5 
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/inst/doc/CreatingCustomCovariateBuilders.pdf            |binary
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/inst/doc/CreatingCustomCovariateBuildersKorean.pdf      |binary
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/inst/doc/UsingFeatureExtraction.pdf                     |binary
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/inst/doc/UsingFeatureExtractionKorean.pdf               |binary
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/inst/java/FeatureExtraction.jar                         |only
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/inst/sql/sql_server/CreateCovAnalysisRefTables.sql      |    4 
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/inst/sql/sql_server/MeasObsValueAsConcept.sql           |only
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/java/org/ohdsi/featureExtraction/ |    2 
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/man/createCovariateSettings.Rd                          |   50 ++
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/man/createTemporalCovariateSettings.Rd                  |   16 
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/man/getDbCovariateData.Rd                               |    8 
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/tests/testBigQuery.R                                    |only
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/tests/testOracle.R                                      |    4 
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/tests/testPostgres.R                                    |    4 
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/tests/testRedshift.R                                    |    4 
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/tests/testSnowflake.R                                   |only
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/tests/testSpark.R                                       |only
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/tests/testSqlServer.R                                   |    4 
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/tests/testthat/setup.R                                  |  111 +++--
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/tests/testthat/test-PostcoordConcepts.R                 |only
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/tests/testthat/test-query-no-fail.R                     |   20 
 FeatureExtraction-3.6.0/FeatureExtraction/vignettes/CreatingCustomCovariateBuilders.Rmd           |    5 
 39 files changed, 481 insertions(+), 243 deletions(-)

More information about FeatureExtraction at CRAN
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Package fdaPDE updated to version 1.1-19 with previous version 1.1-18 dated 2024-05-30

Title: Physics-Informed Spatial and Functional Data Analysis
Description: An implementation of regression models with partial differential regularizations, making use of the Finite Element Method. The models efficiently handle data distributed over irregularly shaped domains and can comply with various conditions at the boundaries of the domain. A priori information about the spatial structure of the phenomenon under study can be incorporated in the model via the differential regularization. See Sangalli, L. M. (2021) <doi:10.1111/insr.12444> "Spatial Regression With Partial Differential Equation Regularisation" for an overview. The release 1.1-9 requires R (>= 4.2.0) to be installed on windows machines.
Author: Eleonora Arnone [aut, cre], Aldo Clemente [aut], Laura M. Sangalli [aut], Eardi Lila [aut], Jim Ramsay [aut], Luca Formaggia [aut], Giovanni Ardenghi [ctb], Blerta Begu [ctb], Michele Cavazzutti [ctb], Alessandra Colli [ctb], Alberto Colombo [ctb], L [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Eleonora Arnone <>

Diff between fdaPDE versions 1.1-18 dated 2024-05-30 and 1.1-19 dated 2024-07-15

 DESCRIPTION                                        |    8 ++++----
 MD5                                                |    6 +++---
 src/Lambda_Optimization/Include/Lambda_Optimizer.h |    6 +++---
 src/Regression/Include/Mixed_FE_Regression_imp.h   |   18 +++++++++---------
 4 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

More information about fdaPDE at CRAN
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Package CovRegRF updated to version 2.0.1 with previous version 2.0.0 dated 2024-02-13

Title: Covariance Regression with Random Forests
Description: Covariance Regression with Random Forests (CovRegRF) is a random forest method for estimating the covariance matrix of a multivariate response given a set of covariates. Random forest trees are built with a new splitting rule which is designed to maximize the distance between the sample covariance matrix estimates of the child nodes. The method is described in Alakus et al. (2023) <doi:10.1186/s12859-023-05377-y>. 'CovRegRF' uses 'randomForestSRC' package (Ishwaran and Kogalur, 2022) <> by freezing at the version 3.1.0. The custom splitting rule feature is utilised to apply the proposed splitting rule. The 'randomForestSRC' package implements 'OpenMP' by default, contingent upon the support provided by the target architecture and operating system. In this package, 'LAPACK' and 'BLAS' libraries are used for matrix decompositions.
Author: Cansu Alakus [aut, cre], Denis Larocque [aut], Aurelie Labbe [aut], Hemant Ishwaran [ctb] , Udaya B. Kogalur [ctb] , Intel Corporation [cph] , Keita Teranishi [ctb]
Maintainer: Cansu Alakus <>

Diff between CovRegRF versions 2.0.0 dated 2024-02-13 and 2.0.1 dated 2024-07-15

 DESCRIPTION           |    6 +++---
 MD5                   |   10 +++++-----               |    3 +++
 configure             |   18 +++++++++---------          |    2 +-
 src/randomForestSRC.c |   12 ++++++------
 6 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

More information about CovRegRF at CRAN
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Package Rapp updated to version 0.2.0 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2023-03-20

Title: Easily Build Command Line Applications
Description: Run simple 'R' scripts as command line applications, with automatic robust and convenient support for command line arguments. This package provides 'Rapp', an alternative 'R' front-end similar to 'Rscript', that enables this.
Author: Tomasz Kalinowski [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Tomasz Kalinowski <>

Diff between Rapp versions 0.1.0 dated 2023-03-20 and 0.2.0 dated 2024-07-15

 DESCRIPTION                  |   10 ++--
 MD5                          |   28 +++++++------
 NAMESPACE                    |    4 +                      |only
 R/app.R                      |    8 +--
 R/args.R                     |   91 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 R/utils.R                    |   24 +++++++++++
 R/yaml.R                     |   13 +++---                    |   39 ++++++++++++------
 inst/examples/flip-coin.R    |    6 +-
 inst/examples/magic-8-ball.R |   10 +++-
 inst/examples/unique.R       |   15 +++++--
 man/figures                  |only
 man/run.Rd                   |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-basics.R |    2 
 15 files changed, 189 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)

More information about Rapp at CRAN
Permanent link

Package performance updated to version 0.12.1 with previous version 0.12.0 dated 2024-06-08

Title: Assessment of Regression Models Performance
Description: Utilities for computing measures to assess model quality, which are not directly provided by R's 'base' or 'stats' packages. These include e.g. measures like r-squared, intraclass correlation coefficient (Nakagawa, Johnson & Schielzeth (2017) <doi:10.1098/rsif.2017.0213>), root mean squared error or functions to check models for overdispersion, singularity or zero-inflation and more. Functions apply to a large variety of regression models, including generalized linear models, mixed effects models and Bayesian models. References: Lüdecke et al. (2021) <doi:10.21105/joss.03139>.
Author: Daniel Luedecke [aut, cre] , Dominique Makowski [aut, ctb] , Mattan S. Ben-Shachar [aut, ctb] , Indrajeet Patil [aut, ctb] , Philip Waggoner [aut, ctb] , Brenton M. Wiernik [aut, ctb] , Remi Theriault [aut, ctb] , Vincent Arel-Bundock [ctb] , Martin J [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Daniel Luedecke <>

Diff between performance versions 0.12.0 dated 2024-06-08 and 0.12.1 dated 2024-07-15

 performance-0.12.0/performance/tests/testthat/test-logLik.R                     |only
 performance-0.12.1/performance/DESCRIPTION                                      |   31 +-
 performance-0.12.1/performance/MD5                                              |   76 ++---
 performance-0.12.1/performance/NAMESPACE                                        |    4 
 performance-0.12.1/performance/                                          |   61 +++-
 performance-0.12.1/performance/R/check_distribution.R                           |   14 -
 performance-0.12.1/performance/R/check_homogeneity.R                            |    8 
 performance-0.12.1/performance/R/check_multimodal.R                             |   24 -
 performance-0.12.1/performance/R/check_predictions.R                            |   12 
 performance-0.12.1/performance/R/helpers.R                                      |    2 
 performance-0.12.1/performance/R/icc.R                                          |  108 +++++---
 performance-0.12.1/performance/R/performance_rmse.R                             |  133 ++++++++--
 performance-0.12.1/performance/R/r2.R                                           |   35 ++
 performance-0.12.1/performance/R/r2_bayes.R                                     |   91 ++++--
 performance-0.12.1/performance/R/r2_ferarri.R                                   |only
 performance-0.12.1/performance/R/r2_mcfadden.R                                  |    7 
 performance-0.12.1/performance/R/r2_nakagawa.R                                  |   86 +++++-
 performance-0.12.1/performance/                                        |   47 +--
 performance-0.12.1/performance/build/partial.rdb                                |binary
 performance-0.12.1/performance/inst/WORDLIST                                    |    5 
 performance-0.12.1/performance/man/figures/unnamed-chunk-14-1.png               |binary
 performance-0.12.1/performance/man/figures/unnamed-chunk-20-1.png               |binary
 performance-0.12.1/performance/man/icc.Rd                                       |  102 ++++++-
 performance-0.12.1/performance/man/performance_mae.Rd                           |    4 
 performance-0.12.1/performance/man/performance_mse.Rd                           |    4 
 performance-0.12.1/performance/man/performance_rmse.Rd                          |   44 +++
 performance-0.12.1/performance/man/r2.Rd                                        |   13 
 performance-0.12.1/performance/man/r2_bayes.Rd                                  |   45 ++-
 performance-0.12.1/performance/man/r2_ferrari.Rd                                |only
 performance-0.12.1/performance/man/r2_nakagawa.Rd                               |   99 ++++++-
 performance-0.12.1/performance/tests/testthat/_snaps/      |   40 +--
 performance-0.12.1/performance/tests/testthat/test-check_model.R                |   10 
 performance-0.12.1/performance/tests/testthat/test-check_predictions.R          |   15 +
 performance-0.12.1/performance/tests/testthat/test-helpers.R                    |    2 
 performance-0.12.1/performance/tests/testthat/test-icc.R                        |   20 -
 performance-0.12.1/performance/tests/testthat/test-model_performance.bayesian.R |   27 +-
 performance-0.12.1/performance/tests/testthat/test-model_performance.merMod.R   |    2 
 performance-0.12.1/performance/tests/testthat/test-r2_bayes.R                   |   14 +
 performance-0.12.1/performance/tests/testthat/test-r2_ferrari.R                 |only
 performance-0.12.1/performance/tests/testthat/test-r2_nakagawa.R                |    1 
 performance-0.12.1/performance/tests/testthat/test-rmse.R                       |   25 +
 41 files changed, 882 insertions(+), 329 deletions(-)

More information about performance at CRAN
Permanent link

Package EloRating updated to version 0.46.18 with previous version 0.46.11 dated 2020-03-12

Title: Animal Dominance Hierarchies by Elo Rating
Description: Provides functions to quantify animal dominance hierarchies. The major focus is on Elo rating and its ability to deal with temporal dynamics in dominance interaction sequences. For static data, David's score and de Vries' I&SI are also implemented. In addition, the package provides functions to assess transitivity, linearity and stability of dominance networks. See Neumann et al (2011) <doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2011.07.016> for an introduction.
Author: Christof Neumann [aut, cre] , Lars Kulik [aut]
Maintainer: Christof Neumann <>

Diff between EloRating versions 0.46.11 dated 2020-03-12 and 0.46.18 dated 2024-07-15

 EloRating-0.46.11/EloRating/R/elo.seq.R                                  |only
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/DESCRIPTION                                  |   10 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/MD5                                          |  278 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/NAMESPACE                                    |  174 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/CBI.R                                      |  266 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/DCindex.R                                  |   60 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/DS.R                                       |  128 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/ISI-diffmat.R                              |   46 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/ISI-incon.R                                |   45 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/ISI-incontable.R                           |  109 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/ISI-sincon.R                               |   55 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/ISI.R                                      |  422 -
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/ISIranks.R                                 |   90 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/RcppExports.R                              |   32 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/adv-data.R                                 |   34 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/adv2-data.R                                |   36 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/advpres-data.R                             |   36 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/baboons-data.R                             |   38 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/bonobo-data.R                              |   36 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/coresidence.R                              |  258 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/correctly_predicted.R                      |  308 -
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/creatematrix.R                             |  309 -
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/createstartvalues.R                        |  160 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/devries98-data.R                           |   34 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/dommats-data.R                             |   48 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/dyadic_dom.R                               |   96 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/dyadic_reversals.R                         |  200 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/e.single.R                                 |  160 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/elo.seq.r                                  |only
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/elo.seq_old.r                              | 1065 +--
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/eloplot.r                                  |  360 -
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/extract_elo.R                              |  318 -
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/h.index.R                                  |  232 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/heatmapplot.R                              |  244 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/individuals.r                              |  164 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/lastdaypresent.R                           |  127 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/likelo.R                                   |  208 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/mat2seq.R                                  |   70 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/optimizek.R                                |  276 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/optistart.R                                |  164 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/presence_summary.R                         |  158 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/print.elo.R                                |   40 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/print.seqchecknopres.r                     |   54 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/print.sequencecheck.r                      |  146 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/prunk.R                                    |  214 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/randomelo.R                                |  186 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/randomeloextract.R                         |   96 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/randomsequence.R                           |  368 -
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/scale_elo.R                                |   54 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/seqcheck.R                                 |  608 +-
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/simple_dom.R                               |  118 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/stab_elo.R                                 |  104 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/steepness.R                                |  104 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/summary.elo.R                              |   58 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/traj_elo.r                                 |  144 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/transitivity.R                             |  240 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/winprob.r                                  |  192 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/R/z_helpers.R                                |only
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/                                    |   50 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/build/partial.rdb                            |binary
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/build/vignette.rds                           |binary
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/inst/NEWS.Rd                                 |  274 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/inst/REFERENCES.bib                          |  734 +-
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/inst/doc/EloRating_tutorial.R                | 1841 +++---
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/inst/doc/EloRating_tutorial.Rmd              | 2784 ++++------
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/inst/doc/EloRating_tutorial.pdf              |binary
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/inst/ex-parasites.txt                        |   94 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/inst/ex-sequence.txt                         |  502 -
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/CBI.Rd                                   |  198 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/DCindex.Rd                               |   66 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/DS.Rd                                    |   70 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/EloRating-package.Rd                     |   58 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/ISI.Rd                                   |  106 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/ISIranks.Rd                              |   76 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/adv.Rd                                   |   44 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/adv2.Rd                                  |   44 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/advpres.Rd                               |   44 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/baboons1.Rd                              |   64 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/bonobos.Rd                               |   44 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/coresidence.Rd                           |  118 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/correctly_predicted.Rd                   |  262 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/creatematrix.Rd                          |  147 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/createstartvalues.Rd                     |  116 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/devries98.Rd                             |   44 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/dommats.Rd                               |   62 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/dot-diffmat.Rd                           |   56 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/dot-elo.seq_old.Rd                       |  168 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/dot-incon.Rd                             |   56 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/dot-sincon.Rd                            |   62 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/dyadic_dom.Rd                            |   54 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/dyadic_reversals.Rd                      |   88 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/e.single.Rd                              |   94 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/elo.seq.Rd                               |  288 -
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/eloplot.Rd                               |   96 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/extract_elo.Rd                           |  148 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/h.index.Rd                               |   70 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/heatmapplot.Rd                           |  130 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/incontable.Rd                            |   56 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/individuals.Rd                           |  112 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/lastdaypresent.Rd                        |   69 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/likelo.Rd                                |  112 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/mat2seq.Rd                               |   64 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/optimizek.Rd                             |  148 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/optistart.Rd                             |  114 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/presence_summary.Rd                      |   64 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/print.elo.Rd                             |   48 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/print.seqchecknopres.Rd                  |   46 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/print.sequencecheck.Rd                   |   50 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/prunk.Rd                                 |   58 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/randomelo.Rd                             |  104 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/randomeloextract.Rd                      |   72 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/randomsequence.Rd                        |  108 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/scale_elo.Rd                             |   60 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/seqcheck.Rd                              |  216 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/simple_dom.Rd                            |   70 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/stab_elo.Rd                              |  100 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/steepness.Rd                             |   76 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/summary.elo.Rd                           |   52 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/traj_elo.Rd                              |   98 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/transitivity.Rd                          |   60 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/man/winprob.Rd                               |  170 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/src/                             |    2 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/src/RcppExports.cpp                          |    5 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/tests/testthat.R                             |    8 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/tests/testthat/test-ISI.R                    |   88 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/tests/testthat/test-correctly_predicted.R    |   64 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/tests/testthat/test-dyadic_dom.R             |   44 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/tests/testthat/test-dyadic_reversals.R       |   36 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/tests/testthat/test-elo.R                    |only
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/tests/testthat/test_DS.R                     |   26 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/tests/testthat/test_comparisontooldversion.R |  162 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/tests/testthat/test_conversions.R            |   52 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/tests/testthat/test_customelo.R              |  102 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/tests/testthat/test_customelopresence.R      |  240 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/tests/testthat/test_e.single.R               |    8 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/tests/testthat/test_extract_elo.R            |  102 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/tests/testthat/test_fastelo.R                |   78 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/tests/testthat/test_mat2seq.R                |   32 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/tests/testthat/test_misc.R                   |only
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/tests/testthat/test_optimizek.R              |   56 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/tests/testthat/test_seqcheck.R               |only
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/tests/testthat/test_transitivity.R           |   66 
 EloRating-0.46.18/EloRating/vignettes/EloRating_tutorial.Rmd             | 2784 ++++------
 143 files changed, 12397 insertions(+), 12417 deletions(-)

More information about EloRating at CRAN
Permanent link

Package AHPtools updated to version 0.3.0 with previous version 0.2.1 dated 2023-11-02

Title: Consistency in the Analytic Hierarchy Process
Description: A Swiss Army knife of utility functions for users of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) which will help you to assess the consistency of a PCM as well as to improve its consistency ratio, to compute the sensitivity of a PCM, create a logical (as distinct from a random PCM) from preferences provided for the alternatives, and a function that helps evaluate the actual consistency of a PCM based on objective, fair bench marking. The various functions in the toolkit additionally provide the flexibility to users to specify only the upper triangular comparison ratios of the PCM in order to performs its assigned task.
Author: Amarnath Bose [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Amarnath Bose <>

Diff between AHPtools versions 0.2.1 dated 2023-11-02 and 0.3.0 dated 2024-07-15

 DESCRIPTION                    |   16 ++---
 MD5                            |   25 +++++---
 NAMESPACE                      |    4 +                        |    4 +
 R/AHPtools-package.R           |only
 R/AHPtools.R                   |  117 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 R/logitModel.R                 |only
 build/partial.rdb              |binary
 build/vignette.rds             |binary
 inst/WORDLIST                  |   15 +++--
 inst/doc/AHPtools.R            |    2 
 inst/doc/AHPtools.html         |    4 -
 man/AHPtools-package.Rd        |only
 man/consEval.Rd                |only
 man/logitModel.Rd              |only
 tests/testthat/test-AHPtools.R |   29 +++++++++-
 16 files changed, 187 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

More information about AHPtools at CRAN
Permanent link

Package mdmb updated to version 1.9-22 with previous version 1.8-7 dated 2023-02-28

Title: Model Based Treatment of Missing Data
Description: Contains model-based treatment of missing data for regression models with missing values in covariates or the dependent variable using maximum likelihood or Bayesian estimation (Ibrahim et al., 2005; <doi:10.1198/016214504000001844>; Luedtke, Robitzsch, & West, 2020a, 2020b; <doi:10.1080/00273171.2019.1640104><doi:10.1037/met0000233>). The regression model can be nonlinear (e.g., interaction effects, quadratic effects or B-spline functions). Multilevel models with missing data in predictors are available for Bayesian estimation. Substantive-model compatible multiple imputation can be also conducted.
Author: Alexander Robitzsch [aut, cre], Oliver Luedtke [aut]
Maintainer: Alexander Robitzsch <>

Diff between mdmb versions 1.8-7 dated 2023-02-28 and 1.9-22 dated 2024-07-15

 DESCRIPTION                                      |    8 
 MD5                                              |  202 +++++++++++------------
 R/RcppExports.R                                  |    2 
 R/bct_regression.R                               |    4 
 R/dbct_scaled.R                                  |    6 
 R/dyjt_scaled.R                                  |   10 -
 R/eval_prior_list.R                              |    6 
 R/eval_prior_list_gradient_log.R                 |   17 -
 R/eval_prior_list_sumlog.R                       |   10 -
 R/fit_bct_scaled.R                               |    4 
 R/fit_mdmb_distribution.R                        |   44 ++---
 R/fit_mdmb_distribution_extract_results.R        |    4 
 R/fit_mdmb_distribution_logLik_extract.R         |    8 
 R/fit_mdmb_distribution_summary.R                |   28 +--
 R/fit_mdmb_distribution_summary_table.R          |    4 
 R/fit_oprobit.R                                  |    4 
 R/fit_t_scaled.R                                 |    4 
 R/fit_yjt_scaled.R                               |    4 
 R/frm2datlist.R                                  |    8 
 R/frm_append_list.R                              |    4 
 R/frm_check_predictor_matrix.R                   |   10 -
 R/frm_define_model_R_function.R                  |   52 ++---
 R/frm_descriptives_variables.R                   |   11 -
 R/frm_em.R                                       |   21 +-
 R/frm_em_avcov.R                                 |   43 ++--
 R/frm_em_calc_likelihood.R                       |   28 +--
 R/frm_em_calc_likelihood_estimate_model.R        |   10 -
 R/frm_em_ic.R                                    |    6 
 R/frm_em_linreg_density_extend_args.R            |    4 
 R/frm_em_summary_print_nodes.R                   |   14 -
 R/frm_fb.R                                       |   18 +-
 R/frm_fb_descriptives_variables.R                |   15 -
 R/frm_fb_init_imputations.R                      |   17 -
 R/frm_fb_initial_parameters.R                    |   31 +--
 R/frm_fb_initial_parameters_se_sd_proposal.R     |    4 
 R/frm_fb_mh_refresh_imputed_values.R             |    8 
 R/frm_fb_mh_refresh_parameters.R                 |   15 -
 R/frm_fb_partable.R                              |   39 ++--
 R/frm_fb_sample_imputed_values.R                 |   20 +-
 R/frm_fb_sample_imputed_values_eval_likelihood.R |    6 
 R/frm_fb_sample_imputed_values_proposal.R        |   20 +-
 R/frm_fb_sample_parameter_step.R                 |    4 
 R/frm_fb_sample_parameters.R                     |   16 -
 R/frm_fb_sample_parameters_df_squeeze.R          |    4 
 R/frm_fb_verbose_iterations.R                    |   16 -
 R/frm_fb_verbose_mh_refresh.R                    |    6 
 R/frm_formula_character.R                        |    6 
 R/frm_formula_extract_terms.R                    |    7 
 R/frm_linreg_density.R                           |    6 
 R/frm_linreg_sample_parameters.R                 |    6 
 R/frm_mdmb_regression_density.R                  |   15 -
 R/frm_mlreg_density.R                            |    6 
 R/frm_mlreg_wrapper_ml_mcmc.R                    |    7 
 R/frm_modify_parameter_labels.R                  |   16 -
 R/frm_oprobit_density.R                          |    4 
 R/frm_partable_thresholds.R                      |    8 
 R/frm_prepare_data_em.R                          |   13 -
 R/frm_prepare_data_fb.R                          |   18 +-
 R/frm_prepare_data_include_latent_data.R         |   22 --
 R/frm_prepare_model_nodes_weights.R              |   38 ++--
 R/frm_prepare_models.R                           |   12 -
 R/frm_prepare_models_design_matrices.R           |   11 -
 R/frm_prepare_models_sigma_fixed.R               |    4 
 R/frm_proposal_refresh_helper.R                  |    4 
 R/logLik_extract_ic.R                            |    8 
 R/logistic_regression.R                          |    6 
 R/mdmb_extract_coef.R                            |    4 
 R/mdmb_ginv.R                                    |    4 
 R/mdmb_optim.R                                   |    6 
 R/mdmb_optim_control.R                           |   10 -
 R/mdmb_regression.R                              |   66 +++----
 R/mdmb_regression_R2.R                           |   16 -
 R/mdmb_regression_est_df_description.R           |    6 
 R/mdmb_regression_extract_parameters.R           |    6 
 R/mdmb_regression_loglike_case.R                 |   10 -
 R/mdmb_regression_loglike_logpost.R              |    6 
 R/mdmb_regression_oprobit_density.R              |    8 
 R/mdmb_regression_optim_oprobit_grad.R           |    4 
 R/mdmb_regression_predict.R                      |   16 -
 R/mdmb_regression_predict_yjt_bct.R              |    6 
 R/mdmb_regression_proc_control_optim_fct.R       |    5 
 R/mdmb_regression_summary.R                      |   92 +++++-----
 R/mdmb_regression_summary_table.R                |    4 
 R/mdmb_sample_missings.R                         |    4 
 R/mdmb_summary_print_computation_time.R          |    6 
 R/offset_values_extract.R                        |    6 
 R/oprobit_regression.R                           |    6 
 R/plot.frm_fb.R                                  |   22 +-
 R/summary.frm_em.R                               |   74 ++++----
 R/summary.frm_fb.R                               |   56 +++---
 R/yjt_regression.R                               |    4 
 build/partial.rdb                                |binary
 data/data.mb01.rda                               |binary
 data/data.mb02.rda                               |binary
 data/data.mb03.rda                               |binary
 data/data.mb04.rda                               |binary
 data/data.mb05.rda                               |binary
 inst/CITATION                                    |    3 
 inst/NEWS                                        |   10 +
 man/data.mb.Rd                                   |    4 
 man/frm.Rd                                       |    5 
 src/RcppExports.cpp                              |    2 
 102 files changed, 738 insertions(+), 769 deletions(-)

More information about mdmb at CRAN
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Package RNAseqQC updated to version 0.2.1 with previous version 0.2.0 dated 2024-07-01

Title: Quality Control for RNA-Seq Data
Description: Functions for semi-automated quality control of bulk RNA-seq data.
Author: Frederik Ziebell [cre], Frederik Ziebell [aut] , GlaxoSmithKline Research & Development Limited [cph]
Maintainer: Frederik Ziebell <>

Diff between RNAseqQC versions 0.2.0 dated 2024-07-01 and 0.2.1 dated 2024-07-15

 DESCRIPTION                |    6 ++--
 MD5                        |   12 ++++-----                    |    3 ++
 R/pca.R                    |   22 +++++++++-------                  |    5 +++
 inst/doc/introduction.html |   60 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 man/all_numeric.Rd         |    6 ++--
 7 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

More information about RNAseqQC at CRAN
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Package processmapR updated to version 0.5.4 with previous version 0.5.3 dated 2023-04-06

Title: Construct Process Maps Using Event Data
Description: Visualize event logs using directed graphs, i.e. process maps. Part of the 'bupaR' framework.
Author: Gert Janssenswillen [aut, cre], Gerard van Hulzen [ctb], Benoît Depaire [ctb], Felix Mannhardt [ctb], Thijs Beuving [ctb], urvikalia [ctb], Hasselt University [cph]
Maintainer: Gert Janssenswillen <>

Diff between processmapR versions 0.5.3 dated 2023-04-06 and 0.5.4 dated 2024-07-15

 DESCRIPTION               |   17 ++---
 MD5                       |   73 +++++++++++++++++-----
 NAMESPACE                 |    1 
 R/dotted_chart.R          |    4 -
 R/dotted_chart_helpers.R  |    2 
 R/layout.R                |    2 
 R/process_map.R           |  150 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 R/processmapR.R           |    1 
 R/render_map.R            |  100 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 R/trace_explorer.R        |    2 
 R/utils_animateR.R        |only                 |    7 +-
 inst/doc/processmapr.html |    4 -
 inst/htmlwidgets          |only
 man/dotted_chart.Rd       |    4 -
 man/layout_pm.Rd          |    2 
 man/lined_chart.Rd        |    4 -
 man/process_map.Rd        |    6 -
 man/trace_explorer.Rd     |    4 -
 19 files changed, 252 insertions(+), 131 deletions(-)

More information about processmapR at CRAN
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Package diseasystore updated to version 0.2.2 with previous version 0.2.1 dated 2024-04-22

Title: Feature Stores for the 'diseasy' Framework
Description: Simple feature stores and tools for creating personalised feature stores. 'diseasystore' powers feature stores which can automatically link and aggregate features to a given stratification level. These feature stores are automatically time-versioned (powered by the 'SCDB' package) and allows you to easily and dynamically compute features as part of your continuous integration.
Author: Rasmus Skytte Randloev [aut, cre] , Marcus Munch Gruenewald [ctb] , Kaare Graesboell [rev] , Kasper Schou Telkamp [rev] , Lasse Engbo Christiansen [rev] , Sofia Myrup Otero [rev], Statens Serum Institut, SSI [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Rasmus Skytte Randloev <>

Diff between diseasystore versions 0.2.1 dated 2024-04-22 and 0.2.2 dated 2024-07-15

 DESCRIPTION                                         |    8 
 MD5                                                 |   26 +--                                             |  166 ++++++++++----------
 R/0_R6_utils.R                                      |    2 
 R/0_linters.R                                       |   12 -
 R/grapes-.-grapes.R                                 |   20 +-
 build/vignette.rds                                  |binary
 inst/WORDLIST                                       |    7 
 inst/doc/diseasystore-ecdc-respiratory-viruses.html |    4 
 inst/doc/diseasystore-google-covid-19.html          |    4 
 inst/doc/diseasystore.html                          |  124 +++++++-------
 tests/testthat/helper-setup.R                       |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-grapes-.-grapes.R               |   35 ++++
 tests/testthat/test-truncate_interlace.R            |   43 +++--
 14 files changed, 264 insertions(+), 189 deletions(-)

More information about diseasystore at CRAN
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Package LAM updated to version 0.7-22 with previous version 0.6-19 dated 2022-05-18

Title: Some Latent Variable Models
Description: Includes some procedures for latent variable modeling with a particular focus on multilevel data. The 'LAM' package contains mean and covariance structure modelling for multivariate normally distributed data (mlnormal(); Longford, 1987; <doi:10.1093/biomet/74.4.817>), a general Metropolis-Hastings algorithm (amh(); Roberts & Rosenthal, 2001, <doi:10.1214/ss/1015346320>) and penalized maximum likelihood estimation (pmle(); Cole, Chu & Greenland, 2014; <doi:10.1093/aje/kwt245>).
Author: Alexander Robitzsch [aut,cre]
Maintainer: Alexander Robitzsch <>

Diff between LAM versions 0.6-19 dated 2022-05-18 and 0.7-22 dated 2024-07-15

 DESCRIPTION                                 |    8 -
 MD5                                         |  136 ++++++++++++++--------------
 R/RcppExports.R                             |    2 
 R/amh.R                                     |   50 +++++-----
 R/amh_compare_estimators.R                  |   16 +--
 R/amh_eval_priors.R                         |    4 
 R/amh_ic.R                                  |    8 -
 R/amh_init_acceptance_parameters.R          |    4 
 R/amh_proposal_refresh.R                    |   15 +--
 R/amh_sampling.R                            |   20 ++--
 R/clpm_to_ctm.R                             |    8 -
 R/clpm_to_ctm_drift_to_paths.R              |    4 
 R/clpm_to_ctm_paths_to_drift.R              |    4 
 R/confint.amh.R                             |   15 +--
 R/confint.mlnormal.R                        |   14 +-
 R/confint.pmle.R                            |   12 +-
 R/logLik_lam.R                              |    8 -
 R/loglike_mvnorm_NA_pattern.R               |   10 +-
 R/loglike_mvnorm_NA_pattern_R.R             |    4 
 R/loglike_mvnorm_R.R                        |    6 -
 R/mlnormal.R                                |   31 +++---
 R/mlnormal_check_matrix_list_difference.R   |    7 -
 R/mlnormal_create_disp.R                    |    6 -
 R/mlnormal_equal_list_matrices.R            |    4 
 R/mlnormal_eval_penalty_update_theta.R      |    7 -
 R/mlnormal_eval_priors.R                    |    4 
 R/mlnormal_fill_matrix_from_list.R          |   16 +--
 R/mlnormal_fit_function_ml.R                |    7 -
 R/mlnormal_ic.R                             |    7 -
 R/mlnormal_information_matrix_reml.R        |   26 ++---
 R/mlnormal_matrix2list.R                    |   13 +-
 R/mlnormal_postproc_eval_posterior.R        |    4 
 R/mlnormal_postproc_parameters.R            |   35 +++----
 R/mlnormal_proc.R                           |   57 +++++------
 R/mlnormal_proc_variance_shortcut.R         |   20 ++--
 R/mlnormal_proc_variance_shortcut_XY_R.R    |   21 ++--
 R/mlnormal_proc_variance_shortcut_Z_R.R     |   44 ++++-----
 R/mlnormal_proc_variance_shortcut_Z_Rcpp.R  |   26 ++---
 R/mlnormal_process_prior.R                  |   20 ++--
 R/mlnormal_update_V_R.R                     |   14 +-
 R/mlnormal_update_beta.R                    |    7 -
 R/mlnormal_update_beta_XVX_R.R              |   49 ++++------
 R/mlnormal_update_beta_iterations_penalty.R |    5 -
 R/mlnormal_update_control_list.R            |    4 
 R/mlnormal_update_ml_derivative_V.R         |   29 ++---
 R/mlnormal_update_theta_ml.R                |   59 +++++-------
 R/mlnormal_verbose_f0.R                     |    4 
 R/mlnormal_verbose_f1.R                     |    4 
 R/mlnormal_verbose_f2.R                     |   18 +--
 R/plot.amh.R                                |   67 +++++++------
 R/pmle.R                                    |   30 +++---
 R/pmle_eval_posterior.R                     |    4 
 R/pmle_eval_prior.R                         |    4 
 R/pmle_ic.R                                 |    8 -
 R/pmle_prior_extract_density.R              |   24 ++--
 R/pmle_process_prior.R                      |   23 ++--
 R/print.mlnormal.R                          |   47 ++++-----
 R/suff_stat_NA_pattern.R                    |   10 +-
 R/summary.amh.R                             |  108 +++++++++++-----------
 R/summary.mlnormal.R                        |   84 ++++++++---------
 R/summary.pmle.R                            |   76 ++++++++-------
 R/zzz.R                                     |    8 -                                   |    5 -
 build/partial.rdb                           |binary
 data/data.HT12.rda                          |binary
 inst/CITATION                               |    7 -
 inst/NEWS                                   |    9 +
 man/mlnormal.Rd                             |    4 
 src/RcppExports.cpp                         |    2 
 69 files changed, 707 insertions(+), 709 deletions(-)

More information about LAM at CRAN
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Package box.linters updated to version 0.10.0 with previous version 0.9.1 dated 2024-06-04

Title: Linters for 'box' Modules
Description: Static code analysis of 'box' modules. The package enhances code quality by providing linters that check for common issues, enforce best practices, and ensure consistent coding standards.
Author: Ricardo Rodrigo Basa [aut, cre], Jakub Nowicki [aut], Appsilon Sp. z o.o. [cph]
Maintainer: Ricardo Rodrigo Basa <>

Diff between box.linters versions 0.9.1 dated 2024-06-04 and 0.10.0 dated 2024-07-15

 DESCRIPTION                                              |   14 +--
 MD5                                                      |   57 ++++++++++-----
 NAMESPACE                                                |    4 +                                                  |   10 ++
 R/box_alphabetical_calls_linter.R                        |   16 ++--
 R/box_mod_fun_exists_linter.R                            |    6 +
 R/box_module_usage_helper_functions.R                    |   17 ++++
 R/box_package_usage_helper_functions.R                   |   31 +++++++-
 R/box_unused_attached_mod_linter.R                       |    8 +-
 R/box_unused_attached_mod_obj_linter.R                   |    6 +
 R/namespaced_function_calls.R                            |only
 R/style_box_use.R                                        |only
 R/style_ts_queries.R                                     |only
 R/zzz.R                                                  |    2 
 inst/WORDLIST                                            |    2 
 man/namespaced_function_calls.Rd                         |only
 man/style_box_use_dir.Rd                                 |only
 man/style_box_use_file.Rd                                |only
 man/style_box_use_text.Rd                                |only
 tests/testthat/mod/path/relative                         |only
 tests/testthat/styled                                    |only
 tests/testthat/test-box_alphabetical_calls_linter.R      |   14 +--
 tests/testthat/test-box_mod_fun_exists_linter.R          |   31 ++++++++
 tests/testthat/test-box_module_usage_halper_functions.R  |   42 +++++++++++
 tests/testthat/test-box_package_usage_helper_functions.R |   50 +++++++++++++
 tests/testthat/test-box_unused_attached_mod_linter.R     |   29 +++++++
 tests/testthat/test-box_unused_attached_mod_obj_linter.R |   35 +++++++++
 tests/testthat/test-namespaced_function_calls.R          |only
 tests/testthat/test-style_box_use.R                      |only
 tests/testthat/test-zzz.R                                |    3 
 tests/testthat/to_style                                  |only
 31 files changed, 327 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)

More information about box.linters at CRAN
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Package ivgets updated to version 0.1.2 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2022-10-17

Title: General to Specific Modeling and Indicator Saturation in 2SLS Models
Description: Provides facilities of general to specific model selection for exogenous regressors in 2SLS models. Furthermore, indicator saturation methods can be used to detect outliers and structural breaks in the sample.
Author: Kurle Jonas [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Kurle Jonas <>

Diff between ivgets versions 0.1.1 dated 2022-10-17 and 0.1.2 dated 2024-07-15

 ivgets-0.1.1/ivgets/R/ivgets.R                          |only
 ivgets-0.1.2/ivgets/DESCRIPTION                         |   10 
 ivgets-0.1.2/ivgets/MD5                                 |   44 -
 ivgets-0.1.2/ivgets/                             |   20 
 ivgets-0.1.2/ivgets/R/data.R                            |  176 ++--
 ivgets-0.1.2/ivgets/R/getsiv.R                          |    2 
 ivgets-0.1.2/ivgets/R/ivgets-package.R                  |only
 ivgets-0.1.2/ivgets/                           |   79 --
 ivgets-0.1.2/ivgets/build/vignette.rds                  |binary
 ivgets-0.1.2/ivgets/inst/doc/GETS-IV.R                  |    2 
 ivgets-0.1.2/ivgets/inst/doc/GETS-IV.Rmd                |   38 -
 ivgets-0.1.2/ivgets/inst/doc/GETS-IV.html               |  146 ++-
 ivgets-0.1.2/ivgets/man/extract_variables.Rd            |   46 -
 ivgets-0.1.2/ivgets/man/factory_indicators.Rd           |   54 -
 ivgets-0.1.2/ivgets/man/gets.ivreg.Rd                   |  200 ++---
 ivgets-0.1.2/ivgets/man/ivDiag.Rd                       |   80 +-
 ivgets-0.1.2/ivgets/man/ivgets-package.Rd               |   33 
 ivgets-0.1.2/ivgets/man/ivgets.Rd                       |    2 
 ivgets-0.1.2/ivgets/man/new_formula.Rd                  |   82 +-
 ivgets-0.1.2/ivgets/tests/testthat.R                    |    8 
 ivgets-0.1.2/ivgets/tests/testthat/test-additional.R    |  594 ++++++++--------
 ivgets-0.1.2/ivgets/tests/testthat/test-getsiv.R        |  470 ++++++------
 ivgets-0.1.2/ivgets/tests/testthat/test-getsiv_nosnap.R |  436 +++++------
 ivgets-0.1.2/ivgets/vignettes/GETS-IV.Rmd               |   38 -
 24 files changed, 1269 insertions(+), 1291 deletions(-)

More information about ivgets at CRAN
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Package StanHeaders updated to version 2.32.10 with previous version 2.32.9 dated 2024-05-29

Title: C++ Header Files for Stan
Description: The C++ header files of the Stan project are provided by this package, but it contains little R code or documentation. The main reference is the vignette. There is a shared object containing part of the 'CVODES' library, but its functionality is not accessible from R. 'StanHeaders' is primarily useful for developers who want to utilize the 'LinkingTo' directive of their package's DESCRIPTION file to build on the Stan library without incurring unnecessary dependencies. The Stan project develops a probabilistic programming language that implements full or approximate Bayesian statistical inference via Markov Chain Monte Carlo or 'variational' methods and implements (optionally penalized) maximum likelihood estimation via optimization. The Stan library includes an advanced automatic differentiation scheme, 'templated' statistical and linear algebra functions that can handle the automatically 'differentiable' scalar types (and doubles, 'ints', etc.), and a parser for the Stan language. The [...truncated...]
Author: Ben Goodrich [cre, aut], Joshua Pritikin [ctb], Andrew Gelman [aut], Bob Carpenter [aut], Matt Hoffman [aut], Daniel Lee [aut], Michael Betancourt [aut], Marcus Brubaker [aut], Jiqiang Guo [aut], Peter Li [aut], Allen Riddell [aut], Marco Inacio [aut [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Ben Goodrich <>

Diff between StanHeaders versions 2.32.9 dated 2024-05-29 and 2.32.10 dated 2024-07-15

 DESCRIPTION                                     |    6 +++---
 MD5                                             |    6 +++---
 inst/doc/stanmath.html                          |    6 +++---
 inst/include/src/stan/model/model_base_crtp.hpp |    4 ++--
 4 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

More information about StanHeaders at CRAN
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Package datawizard updated to version 0.12.1 with previous version 0.12.0 dated 2024-07-11

Title: Easy Data Wrangling and Statistical Transformations
Description: A lightweight package to assist in key steps involved in any data analysis workflow: (1) wrangling the raw data to get it in the needed form, (2) applying preprocessing steps and statistical transformations, and (3) compute statistical summaries of data properties and distributions. It is also the data wrangling backend for packages in 'easystats' ecosystem. References: Patil et al. (2022) <doi:10.21105/joss.04684>.
Author: Indrajeet Patil [aut] , Etienne Bacher [aut, cre] , Dominique Makowski [aut] , Daniel Luedecke [aut] , Mattan S. Ben-Shachar [aut] , Brenton M. Wiernik [aut] , Remi Theriault [ctb] , Thomas J. Faulkenberry [rev], Robert Garrett [rev]
Maintainer: Etienne Bacher <>

Diff between datawizard versions 0.12.0 dated 2024-07-11 and 0.12.1 dated 2024-07-15

 DESCRIPTION                         |   14 ++--
 MD5                                 |   10 +--                             |    5 +
 inst/doc/tidyverse_translation.R    |    6 +-
 inst/doc/tidyverse_translation.Rmd  |  107 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 vignettes/tidyverse_translation.Rmd |  107 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 6 files changed, 131 insertions(+), 118 deletions(-)

More information about datawizard at CRAN
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Package SGPdata updated to version 28.0-0.0 with previous version 27.0-0.0 dated 2023-10-18

Title: Exemplar Data Sets for Student Growth Percentiles (SGP) Analyses
Description: Data sets utilized by the 'SGP' package as exemplars for users to conduct their own student growth percentiles (SGP) analyses.
Author: Damian W. Betebenner [aut, cre], Adam R. Van Iwaarden [aut], Ben Domingue [aut]
Maintainer: Damian W. Betebenner <>

Diff between SGPdata versions 27.0-0.0 dated 2023-10-18 and 28.0-0.0 dated 2024-07-15

 DESCRIPTION                             |    8 ++--
 MD5                                     |   23 ++++++------
 R/zzz.R                                 |    2 -
 build/vignette.rds                      |binary
 data/sgpData.rda                        |binary
 data/sgpData_LONG.rda                   |binary
 inst/CITATION                           |   10 ++---
 inst/NEWS                               |    4 ++
 inst/doc/SGPdata.html                   |   60 +++++++++++++++++---------------
 man/SGPdata-package.Rd                  |    4 +-
 man/sgpData.Rd                          |    4 +-
 vignettes/releases/SGPdata-27.0-0.0.Rmd |   13 ++++--
 vignettes/releases/SGPdata-28.0-0.0.Rmd |only
 13 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

More information about SGPdata at CRAN
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Sun, 14 Jul 2024

Package SetTest updated to version 0.3.0 with previous version 0.2.0 dated 2018-03-22

Title: Group Testing Procedures for Signal Detection and Goodness-of-Fit
Description: It provides cumulative distribution function (CDF), quantile, p-value, statistical power calculator and random number generator for a collection of group-testing procedures, including the Higher Criticism tests, the one-sided Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, the one-sided Berk-Jones tests, the one-sided phi-divergence tests, etc. The input are a group of p-values. The null hypothesis is that they are i.i.d. Uniform(0,1). In the context of signal detection, the null hypothesis means no signals. In the context of the goodness-of-fit testing, which contrasts a group of i.i.d. random variables to a given continuous distribution, the input p-values can be obtained by the CDF transformation. The null hypothesis means that these random variables follow the given distribution. For reference, see [1]Hong Zhang, Jiashun Jin and Zheyang Wu. "Distributions and power of optimal signal-detection statistics in finite case", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2020) 68, 1021-1033; [2] Hong Zhang and Zhey [...truncated...]
Author: Hong Zhang and Zheyang Wu
Maintainer: Hong Zhang <>

Diff between SetTest versions 0.2.0 dated 2018-03-22 and 0.3.0 dated 2024-07-14

 DESCRIPTION          |   18 +--
 MD5                  |   70 ++++++------
 R/internal.R         |  280 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 R/pbj.R              |   14 +-
 R/phc.R              |   28 +----
 R/pphi.R             |   55 +++++-----
 R/pphi.omni.R        |   65 +++++++----
 R/qbj.R              |   18 +--
 R/qhc.R              |  103 +-----------------
 R/qphi.R             |   38 ++++--
 R/          |    2 
 R/stat.hc.R          |    2 
 R/stat.phi.R         |    2 
 R/stat.phi.omni.R    |   14 +-
 R/          |   17 +--
 R/test.hc.R          |   32 ++---
 R/test.phi.R         |   23 ++--
 R/test.phi.omni.R    |   17 ++-
 man/pbj.Rd           |   14 +-
 man/phc.Rd           |   20 +--
 man/      |   12 +-
 man/power.hc.Rd      |   12 +-
 man/power.phi.Rd     |   13 ++
 man/pphi.Rd          |   15 ++
 man/pphi.omni.Rd     |   15 ++
 man/qbj.Rd           |   21 ++-
 man/qhc.Rd           |   21 ++-
 man/qphi.Rd          |   39 +++++--
 man/       |    4 
 man/stat.hc.Rd       |    4 
 man/stat.phi.Rd      |    4 
 man/stat.phi.omni.Rd |   24 +++-
 man/       |   15 +-
 man/test.hc.Rd       |   19 +--
 man/test.phi.Rd      |   23 ++--
 man/test.phi.omni.Rd |   17 ++-
 36 files changed, 561 insertions(+), 529 deletions(-)

More information about SetTest at CRAN
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Package tor updated to version 1.1.3 with previous version 1.1.2 dated 2020-03-07

Title: Import Multiple Files From a Single Directory at Once
Description: The goal of tor (to-R) is to help you to import multiple files from a single directory at once, and to do so as quickly, flexibly, and simply as possible.
Author: Mauro Lepore [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Mauro Lepore <>

Diff between tor versions 1.1.2 dated 2020-03-07 and 1.1.3 dated 2024-07-14

 tor-1.1.2/tor/R/imports.R                       |only
 tor-1.1.3/tor/DESCRIPTION                       |   26 +--
 tor-1.1.3/tor/MD5                               |   30 +--
 tor-1.1.3/tor/                           |    8 
 tor-1.1.3/tor/R/load_csv.R                      |    1 
 tor-1.1.3/tor/R/tor-package.R                   |    7 
 tor-1.1.3/tor/                         |  205 +++++++++++++-----------
 tor-1.1.3/tor/inst/WORDLIST                     |    7 
 tor-1.1.3/tor/man/tor-package.Rd                |    5 
 tor-1.1.3/tor/tests/spelling.R                  |    9 -
 tor-1.1.3/tor/tests/testthat.R                  |    8 
 tor-1.1.3/tor/tests/testthat/setup.R            |only
 tor-1.1.3/tor/tests/testthat/test-list_any.R    |   20 +-
 tor-1.1.3/tor/tests/testthat/test-list_csv.R    |   19 --
 tor-1.1.3/tor/tests/testthat/test-load_any.R    |    8 
 tor-1.1.3/tor/tests/testthat/test-load_csv.R    |    8 
 tor-1.1.3/tor/tests/testthat/test-tor_example.R |    2 
 17 files changed, 192 insertions(+), 171 deletions(-)

More information about tor at CRAN
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Package tidystats updated to version 0.6.2 with previous version 0.6.1 dated 2024-04-09

Title: Save Output of Statistical Tests
Description: Save the output of statistical tests in an organized file that can be shared with others or used to report statistics in scientific papers.
Author: Willem Sleegers
Maintainer: Willem Sleegers <>

Diff between tidystats versions 0.6.1 dated 2024-04-09 and 0.6.2 dated 2024-07-14

 DESCRIPTION                             |    8 ++--
 LICENSE                                 |    2 -
 MD5                                     |   28 ++++++++--------                                 |    6 +++
 R/zzz.r                                 |    4 +-                               |    8 ++--
 build/partial.rdb                       |binary
 build/vignette.rds                      |binary
 inst/CITATION                           |    6 +--
 inst/doc/custom-statistics.html         |    4 +-
 inst/doc/introduction-to-tidystats.html |    4 +-
 inst/doc/reusing-statistics.html        |    4 +-
 tests/data/effectsize.json              |   34 ++++++++++----------
 tests/data/glm.json                     |   42 ++++++++++++++----------
 tests/testthat/test_glm.R               |   54 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 15 files changed, 136 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)

More information about tidystats at CRAN
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Package SIMPLE.REGRESSION updated to version 0.1.9 with previous version 0.1.6 dated 2023-02-24

Title: OLS, Moderated, Logistic, and Count Regressions Made Simple
Description: Provides SPSS- and SAS-like output for least squares multiple regression, logistic regression, and Poisson regression. Detailed output is also provided for OLS moderated regression, interaction plots, and Johnson-Neyman regions of significance. The output includes standardized coefficients, partial and semi-partial correlations, collinearity diagnostics, plots of residuals, and detailed information about simple slopes for interactions. There are numerous options for model plots, including plots of interactions for both lm and lme models.
Author: Brian P. O'Connor
Maintainer: Brian P. O'Connor <>

Diff between SIMPLE.REGRESSION versions 0.1.6 dated 2023-02-24 and 0.1.9 dated 2024-07-14

 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.6/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/R/boc.R                             |only
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/DESCRIPTION                         |   27 
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/MD5                                 |   64 -
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/NAMESPACE                           |   19 
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/R/utilities_boc.R                   |only
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/data/data_Bauer_Curran_2005.rda     |binary
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/data/data_Halvorson_2022_log.rda    |only
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/data/data_Halvorson_2022_pois.rda   |only
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/data/data_Kremelburg_2011.rda       |only
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/data/data_Lorah_Wong_2018.rda       |binary
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/data/data_Meyers_2013.rda           |only
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/data/data_Orme_2009_2.rda           |only
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/data/data_Orme_2009_5.rda           |only
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/data/data_Pituch_Stevens_2016.rda   |only
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/man/PLOT_MODEL.Rd                   |only
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/man/data_Bauer_Curran_2005.Rd       |   10 
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/man/data_Bodner_2016.Rd             |   21 
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/man/data_Chapman_Little_2016.Rd     |   19 
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/man/data_Cohen_Aiken_West_2003_7.Rd |   20 
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/man/data_Cohen_Aiken_West_2003_9.Rd |   22 
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/man/data_Green_Salkind_2014.Rd      |   13 
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/man/data_Halvorson_2022_log.Rd      |only
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/man/data_Halvorson_2022_pois.Rd     |only
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/man/data_Huitema_2011.Rd            |   16 
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/man/data_Kremelburg_2011.Rd         |only
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/man/data_Lorah_Wong_2018.Rd         |   24 
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/man/data_Meyers_2013.Rd             |only
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/man/data_OConnor_Dvorak_2001.Rd     |   40 
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/man/data_Orme_2009_2.Rd             |only
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/man/data_Orme_2009_5.Rd             |only
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/man/data_Pedhazur_1997.Rd           |   19 
 SIMPLE.REGRESSION-0.1.9/SIMPLE.REGRESSION/man/data_Pituch_Stevens_2016.Rd     |only
 47 files changed, 504 insertions(+), 532 deletions(-)

More information about SIMPLE.REGRESSION at CRAN
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Package nls2 updated to version 0.3-4 with previous version 0.3-3 dated 2022-05-02

Title: Non-Linear Regression with Brute Force
Description: Adds brute force and multiple starting values to nls.
Author: G. Grothendieck, R Core Team
Maintainer: G. Grothendieck <>

Diff between nls2 versions 0.3-3 dated 2022-05-02 and 0.3-4 dated 2024-07-14

 DESCRIPTION          |   12 ++++++------
 MD5                  |   11 ++++++-----
 NEWS                 |    6 ++++++
 R/nls.CPoptim.R      |only
 R/nls2.R             |   12 +++++++++++-
 man/nls2-internal.Rd |    5 +++--
 man/nls2.Rd          |   26 +++++++++++++++++++++++---
 7 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

More information about nls2 at CRAN
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Package cubature updated to version 2.1.1 with previous version 2.1.0 dated 2023-06-11

Title: Adaptive Multivariate Integration over Hypercubes
Description: R wrappers around the cubature C library of Steven G. Johnson for adaptive multivariate integration over hypercubes and the Cuba C library of Thomas Hahn for deterministic and Monte Carlo integration. Scalar and vector interfaces for cubature and Cuba routines are provided; the vector interfaces are highly recommended as demonstrated in the package vignette.
Author: Balasubramanian Narasimhan [aut, cre], Manuel Koller [ctb], Steven G. Johnson [aut], Thomas Hahn [aut], Annie Bouvier [aut], Kien Kieu [aut], Simen Gaure [ctb]
Maintainer: Balasubramanian Narasimhan <>

Diff between cubature versions 2.1.0 dated 2023-06-11 and 2.1.1 dated 2024-07-14

 DESCRIPTION             |    8 
 MD5                     |   38 -                 |    8 
 R/cubature-package.R    |    5 
 R/cubintegrate.R        |   20 
 R/hcubature.R           |    6 
 build/vignette.rds      |binary
 inst/doc/cubature.R     |   14 
 inst/doc/cubature.Rmd   |   14 
 inst/doc/cubature.html  | 1113 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 inst/doc/version2.R     |    2 
 inst/doc/version2.Rmd   |   10 
 inst/doc/version2.html  |  285 +++---------
 man/cubature-package.Rd |   10 
 man/cubintegrate.Rd     |   19 
 man/hcubature.Rd        |    6 
 src/Cuba/    |   16 
 src/Makevars            |    3 
 vignettes/cubature.Rmd  |   14 
 vignettes/version2.Rmd  |   10 
 20 files changed, 740 insertions(+), 861 deletions(-)

More information about cubature at CRAN
Permanent link

Package CICA updated to version 1.1.1 with previous version 1.1.0 dated 2024-07-11

Title: Clusterwise Independent Component Analysis
Description: Clustering multi-subject resting state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging data. This methods enables the clustering of subjects based on multi-subject resting state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging data. Objects are clustered based on similarities and differences in cluster-specific estimated components obtained by Independent Component Analysis.
Author: Jeffrey Durieux [aut, cre], Tom Wilderjans [aut], Juan Claramunt Gonzalez [ctb]
Maintainer: Jeffrey Durieux <>

Diff between CICA versions 1.1.0 dated 2024-07-11 and 1.1.1 dated 2024-07-14

 DESCRIPTION    |    6 +++---
 MD5            |    6 +++---
 R/CICA.R       |    6 +++---
 R/ExtractICA.R |    6 +-----
 4 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

More information about CICA at CRAN
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Package bsvars updated to version 3.1 with previous version 3.0.1 dated 2024-06-28

Title: Bayesian Estimation of Structural Vector Autoregressive Models
Description: Provides fast and efficient procedures for Bayesian analysis of Structural Vector Autoregressions. This package estimates a wide range of models, including homo-, heteroskedastic, and non-normal specifications. Structural models can be identified by adjustable exclusion restrictions, time-varying volatility, or non-normality. They all include a flexible three-level equation-specific local-global hierarchical prior distribution for the estimated level of shrinkage for autoregressive and structural parameters. Additionally, the package facilitates predictive and structural analyses such as impulse responses, forecast error variance and historical decompositions, forecasting, verification of heteroskedasticity, non-normality, and hypotheses on autoregressive parameters, as well as analyses of structural shocks, volatilities, and fitted values. Beautiful plots, informative summary functions, and extensive documentation complement all this. The implemented techniques align closely with thos [...truncated...]
Author: Tomasz Wozniak [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Tomasz Wozniak <>

Diff between bsvars versions 3.0.1 dated 2024-06-28 and 3.1 dated 2024-07-14

 DESCRIPTION                                              |   10 
 MD5                                                      |  127 ++-
 NAMESPACE                                                |   27                                                  |    9 
 R/bsvars-package.R                                       |    3 
 R/compute_conditional_sd.R                               |   62 +
 R/compute_fitted_values.R                                |   61 +
 R/compute_historical_decompositions.R                    |   84 ++
 R/compute_impulse_responses.R                            |   54 +
 R/compute_structural_shocks.R                            |   58 +
 R/compute_variance_decompositions.R                      |   65 +
 R/estimate.BSVART.R                                      |only
 R/forecast.R                                             |  360 ++++++++--
 R/plot.R                                                 |   36 -
 R/specify_bsvar_t.R                                      |only
 R/summary.R                                              |  533 ++++++++++++++-
 R/verify.R                                               |  515 +++++++++++++-
 inst/CITATION                                            |    4 
 inst/include/bsvars_RcppExports.h                        |  204 ++---
 inst/tinytest/test_compute_conditional_sd.R              |   39 +
 inst/tinytest/test_compute_impulse_responses.R           |   34 
 inst/tinytest/test_compute_variance_decomposition.R      |   29 
 inst/tinytest/test_estimate_bsvar_t.R                    |only
 inst/tinytest/test_forecast.R                            |   61 +
 inst/tinytest/test_verify_identification.R               |only
 man/compute_conditional_sd.PosteriorBSVART.Rd            |only
 man/compute_fitted_values.PosteriorBSVART.Rd             |only
 man/compute_historical_decompositions.PosteriorBSVART.Rd |only
 man/compute_impulse_responses.PosteriorBSVART.Rd         |only
 man/compute_structural_shocks.PosteriorBSVART.Rd         |only
 man/compute_variance_decompositions.PosteriorBSVART.Rd   |only
 man/estimate.BSVART.Rd                                   |only
 man/estimate.PosteriorBSVART.Rd                          |only
 man/forecast.PosteriorBSVART.Rd                          |only
 man/specify_bsvar_t.Rd                                   |only
 man/specify_posterior_bsvar_t.Rd                         |only
 man/specify_prior_bsvar_t.Rd                             |only
 man/specify_starting_values_bsvar_t.Rd                   |only
 man/summary.Forecasts.Rd                                 |    4 
 man/summary.PosteriorBSVAR.Rd                            |    4 
 man/summary.PosteriorBSVARMIX.Rd                         |    4 
 man/summary.PosteriorBSVARMSH.Rd                         |    4 
 man/summary.PosteriorBSVARSV.Rd                          |    4 
 man/summary.PosteriorBSVART.Rd                           |only
 man/summary.PosteriorFEVD.Rd                             |    4 
 man/summary.PosteriorFitted.Rd                           |    4 
 man/summary.PosteriorHD.Rd                               |    4 
 man/summary.PosteriorIR.Rd                               |    4 
 man/summary.PosteriorRegimePr.Rd                         |    4 
 man/summary.PosteriorShocks.Rd                           |    4 
 man/summary.SDDRautoregression.Rd                        |    4 
 man/summary.SDDRidMIX.Rd                                 |only
 man/summary.SDDRidMSH.Rd                                 |only
 man/summary.SDDRidSV.Rd                                  |only
 man/summary.SDDRidT.Rd                                   |only
 man/summary.SDDRvolatility.Rd                            |    4 
 man/verify_autoregression.PosteriorBSVAR.Rd              |    4 
 man/verify_autoregression.PosteriorBSVARMIX.Rd           |    4 
 man/verify_autoregression.PosteriorBSVARMSH.Rd           |    4 
 man/verify_autoregression.PosteriorBSVARSV.Rd            |    4 
 man/verify_autoregression.PosteriorBSVART.Rd             |only
 man/verify_autoregression.Rd                             |    4 
 man/verify_identification.PosteriorBSVAR.Rd              |only
 man/verify_identification.PosteriorBSVARMIX.Rd           |only
 man/verify_identification.PosteriorBSVARMSH.Rd           |only
 man/verify_identification.PosteriorBSVARSV.Rd            |only
 man/verify_identification.PosteriorBSVART.Rd             |only
 man/verify_identification.Rd                             |only
 man/verify_volatility.PosteriorBSVAR.Rd                  |    7 
 man/verify_volatility.PosteriorBSVARMIX.Rd               |    7 
 man/verify_volatility.PosteriorBSVARMSH.Rd               |    7 
 man/verify_volatility.PosteriorBSVARSV.Rd                |    7 
 man/verify_volatility.Rd                                 |    7 
 src/RcppExports.cpp                                      |  371 ++++------
 src/bsvar_t.cpp                                          |only
 src/bsvar_t.h                                            |only
 src/forecast.cpp                                         |  324 ++-------
 src/forecast.h                                           |   73 --
 src/sample_t.cpp                                         |only
 src/sample_t.h                                           |only
 src/verify.cpp                                           |    4 
 81 files changed, 2421 insertions(+), 833 deletions(-)

More information about bsvars at CRAN
Permanent link

Package magick updated to version 2.8.4 with previous version 2.8.3 dated 2024-02-18

Title: Advanced Graphics and Image-Processing in R
Description: Bindings to 'ImageMagick': the most comprehensive open-source image processing library available. Supports many common formats (png, jpeg, tiff, pdf, etc) and manipulations (rotate, scale, crop, trim, flip, blur, etc). All operations are vectorized via the Magick++ STL meaning they operate either on a single frame or a series of frames for working with layers, collages, or animation. In RStudio images are automatically previewed when printed to the console, resulting in an interactive editing environment. The latest version of the package includes a native graphics device for creating in-memory graphics or drawing onto images using pixel coordinates.
Author: Jeroen Ooms [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jeroen Ooms <>

Diff between magick versions 2.8.3 dated 2024-02-18 and 2.8.4 dated 2024-07-14

 DESCRIPTION             |    8 +--
 MD5                     |   30 +++++------
 NEWS                    |    7 +-
 R/RcppExports.R         |    4 -
 R/defines.R             |    2 
 R/edit.R                |   12 +++-
 build/vignette.rds      |binary
 cleanup                 |    1 
 configure               |    8 +--
 inst/doc/intro.Rmd      |    2 
 inst/doc/intro.html     |  127 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 man/editing.Rd          |    5 +
 src/RcppExports.cpp     |    9 +--
 src/magick_types.h      |    2 
 src/transformations.cpp |    8 ++-
 vignettes/intro.Rmd     |    2 
 16 files changed, 122 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-)

More information about magick at CRAN
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Package gets updated to version 0.38 with previous version 0.37 dated 2022-10-09

Title: General-to-Specific (GETS) Modelling and Indicator Saturation Methods
Description: Automated General-to-Specific (GETS) modelling of the mean and variance of a regression, and indicator saturation methods for detecting and testing for structural breaks in the mean, see Pretis, Reade and Sucarrat (2018) <doi:10.18637/jss.v086.i03> for an overview of the package. In advanced use, the estimator and diagnostics tests can be fully user-specified, see Sucarrat (2021) <doi:10.32614/RJ-2021-024>.
Author: Genaro Sucarrat [aut, cre], Felix Pretis [aut], James Reade [aut], Jonas Kurle [ctb], Moritz Schwarz [ctb]
Maintainer: Genaro Sucarrat <>

Diff between gets versions 0.37 dated 2022-10-09 and 0.38 dated 2024-07-14

 DESCRIPTION                             |   13 -
 MD5                                     |  100 ++++---
 NAMESPACE                               |   32 ++
 NEWS                                    |   29 ++
 R/gets-base-source.R                    |  406 +++++++++++++++++---------------
 R/gets-internal.R                       |    4 
 R/gets-isat-source.R                    |    2 
 R/gets-larch-source.R                   |only
 R/gets-logitx-source.R                  |   13 -
 build/partial.rdb                       |binary
 data/hpdata.rda                         |binary
 data/infldata.rda                       |binary
 data/so2data.rda                        |binary
 data/sp500data.rda                      |binary
 inst/doc/user-defined-gets-and-isat.pdf |binary
 man/arx.Rd                              |   30 +-
 man/as.lm.Rd                            |    4 
 man/biascorr.Rd                         |    2 
 man/coef.arx.Rd                         |   13 -
 man/coef.gets.Rd                        |   14 -
 man/coef.isat.Rd                        |   14 -
 man/coef.larch.Rd                       |only
 man/distorttest.Rd                      |    2 
 man/distorttestboot.Rd                  |    2 
 man/eqwma.Rd                            |    8 
 man/gets-package.Rd                     |   12 
 man/gets.isat.Rd                        |    4 
 man/gets.larch.Rd                       |only
 man/getsFun.Rd                          |    2 
 man/getsm.Rd                            |    2 
 man/iim.Rd                              |    6 
 man/isat.Rd                             |   12 
 man/isatdates.Rd                        |    2 
 man/isatloop.Rd                         |    4 
 man/isattest.Rd                         |    2 
 man/isatvar.Rd                          |    2 
 man/isatvarcorrect.Rd                   |    2 
 man/isvarcor.Rd                         |    2 
 man/isvareffcor.Rd                      |    2 
 man/larch.Rd                            |only
 man/larchEstfun.Rd                      |only
 man/logitx.Rd                           |    4 
 man/logitxSim.Rd                        |    4 
 man/mvrnormsim.Rd                       |    2 
 man/ols.Rd                              |   13 -
 man/outlierscaletest.Rd                 |    2 
 man/outliertest.Rd                      |    2 
 man/periodicdummies.Rd                  |    8 
 man/predict.arx.Rd                      |    6 
 man/predict.larch.Rd                    |only
 man/recursive.Rd                        |    4 
 man/regressorsMean.Rd                   |   14 -
 man/regressorsVariance.Rd               |   51 ++--
 man/vargaugeiis.Rd                      |    4 
 54 files changed, 482 insertions(+), 374 deletions(-)

More information about gets at CRAN
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Package QuickJSR updated to version 1.3.1 with previous version 1.3.0 dated 2024-07-08

Title: Interface for the 'QuickJS' Lightweight 'JavaScript' Engine
Description: An 'R' interface to the 'QuickJS' portable 'JavaScript' engine. The engine and all 'R' to 'JavaScript' interoperability is bundled within the package, requiring no dependencies beyond a 'C' compiler.
Author: Andrew R. Johnson [aut, cre] , Fabrice Bellard [cph] , Charlie Gordon [cph] , QuickJS-NG Authors [cph]
Maintainer: Andrew R. Johnson <>

Diff between QuickJSR versions 1.3.0 dated 2024-07-08 and 1.3.1 dated 2024-07-14

 DESCRIPTION                         |    6 
 MD5                                 |   14 -                             |    3 
 inst/doc/working_with_js_types.html |    2 
 inst/include/cpp11/environment.hpp  |    5 
 src/Makevars                        |   17 --
 src/init.cpp                        |   25 +--
 src/quickjsr.cpp                    |  286 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 8 files changed, 175 insertions(+), 183 deletions(-)

More information about QuickJSR at CRAN
Permanent link

Package ppendemic updated to version 0.1.8 with previous version 0.1.7 dated 2023-08-15

Title: A Glimpse at the Diversity of Peru's Endemic Plants
Description: Introducing a novel and updated database showcasing Peru's endemic plants. This meticulously compiled and revised botanical collection encompasses a remarkable assemblage of over 7,249 distinct species. The data for this resource was sourced from the work of Govaerts, R., Nic Lughadha, E., Black, N. et al., titled 'The World Checklist of Vascular Plants: A continuously updated resource for exploring global plant diversity', published in Sci Data 8, 215 (2021) <doi:10.1038/s41597-021-00997-6>.
Author: Paul E. Santos Andrade [aut, cre] , Lucely L. Vilca Bustamante [aut]
Maintainer: Paul E. Santos Andrade <>

Diff between ppendemic versions 0.1.7 dated 2023-08-15 and 0.1.8 dated 2024-07-14

 ppendemic-0.1.7/ppendemic/R/globals.R                                     |only
 ppendemic-0.1.7/ppendemic/R/internals.R                                   |only
 ppendemic-0.1.7/ppendemic/R/ppendemic_dat.R                               |only
 ppendemic-0.1.7/ppendemic/R/sysdata.rda                                   |only
 ppendemic-0.1.7/ppendemic/data/ppendemic_tab.rda                          |only
 ppendemic-0.1.7/ppendemic/man/figures/README-map-1.png                    |only
 ppendemic-0.1.7/ppendemic/man/get_ppendemic_data.Rd                       |only
 ppendemic-0.1.7/ppendemic/man/ppendemic_tab.Rd                            |only
 ppendemic-0.1.7/ppendemic/tests/testthat/test_get_ppendemic_data.R        |only
 ppendemic-0.1.7/ppendemic/tests/testthat/test_is_ppendemic.R              |only
 ppendemic-0.1.7/ppendemic/tests/testthat/test_ppendemic_tab.R             |only
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/DESCRIPTION                                     |   10 -
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/LICENSE                                         |    4 
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/MD5                                             |   52 +++--
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/NAMESPACE                                       |    2 
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/R/direct_match.R                                |only
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/R/direct_match_spp_genus.R                      |only
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/R/fuzzy_match_genus.R                           |only
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/R/fuzzy_match_infraspp_within_species.R         |only
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/R/fuzzy_match_spp_within_genus.R                |only
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/R/genus_match.R                                 |only
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/R/internal.R                                    |only
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/R/is_ppendemic.R                                |   77 +-------
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/R/matching_ppendemic.R                          |only
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/R/ppendemic_data.R                              |   23 +-
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/R/suffix_match_spp_within_genus.R               |only
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/                                       |   89 +++-------
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/data/ppendemic_tab13.rda                        |only
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/inst/CITATION                                   |    4 
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/man/direct_match.Rd                             |only
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/man/direct_match_species_within_genus_helper.Rd |only
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-2-1.png        |binary
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/man/figures/ppendemic_logo.png                  |only
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/man/fuzzy_match_genus.Rd                        |only
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/man/fuzzy_match_infraspecies_within_species.Rd  |only
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/man/fuzzy_match_species_within_genus_helper.Rd  |only
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/man/genus_match.Rd                              |only
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/man/is_ppendemic.Rd                             |   19 --
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/man/matching_ppendemic.Rd                       |only
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/man/ppendemic_tab13.Rd                          |only
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/man/suffix_match_species_within_genus_helper.Rd |only
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/tests/testthat.R                                |   24 +-
 ppendemic-0.1.8/ppendemic/tests/testthat/test_matching_ppendemic.R        |only
 43 files changed, 116 insertions(+), 188 deletions(-)

More information about ppendemic at CRAN
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Package mirt updated to version 1.42 with previous version 1.41 dated 2023-10-17

Title: Multidimensional Item Response Theory
Description: Analysis of discrete response data using unidimensional and multidimensional item analysis models under the Item Response Theory paradigm (Chalmers (2012) <doi:10.18637/jss.v048.i06>). Exploratory and confirmatory item factor analysis models are estimated with quadrature (EM) or stochastic (MHRM) methods. Confirmatory bi-factor and two-tier models are available for modeling item testlets using dimension reduction EM algorithms, while multiple group analyses and mixed effects designs are included for detecting differential item, bundle, and test functioning, and for modeling item and person covariates. Finally, latent class models such as the DINA, DINO, multidimensional latent class, mixture IRT models, and zero-inflated response models are supported.
Author: Phil Chalmers [aut, cre] , Joshua Pritikin [ctb], Alexander Robitzsch [ctb], Mateusz Zoltak [ctb], KwonHyun Kim [ctb], Carl F. Falk [ctb], Adam Meade [ctb], Lennart Schneider [ctb], David King [ctb], Chen-Wei Liu [ctb], Ogreden Oguzhan [ctb]
Maintainer: Phil Chalmers <>

Diff between mirt versions 1.41 dated 2023-10-17 and 1.42 dated 2024-07-14

 DESCRIPTION                         |   12 +-
 MD5                                 |  187 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 NAMESPACE                           |    3                             |   30 +++++
 R/02a-general_methods.R             |   23 +++
 R/02b-item_methods.R                |   20 +--
 R/03-estimation.R                   |   26 +++-
 R/08-SE.methods.R                   |   22 ++-
 R/DIF.R                             |    7 -
 R/DRF.R                             |   12 +-
 R/                    |   34 ++---
 R/EMstep.utils.R                    |   34 +++--
 R/M2.R                              |   34 ++---
 R/                      |    4 
 R/MultipleGroup-methods.R           |    3 
 R/RCI.R                             |  153 +++++++++++++++++++++++---
 R/RMSD_DIF.R                        |   32 +++++
 R/SingleGroup-methods.R             |   41 +++----
 R/bfactor.R                         |   63 +++++++++-
 R/boot.mirt.R                       |    2 
 R/createItem.R                      |    3 
 R/empirical_ES.R                    |   11 +
 R/empirical_plot.R                  |    8 -
 R/estfun.R                          |    3 
 R/expected.item.R                   |   12 +-
 R/expected.test.R                   |    3 
 R/fixedCalib.R                      |   20 ++-
 R/fscores.R                         |   30 ++++-
 R/fscores.internal.R                |   11 +
 R/itemGAM.R                         |    6 -
 R/itemfit.R                         |   28 +++-
 R/itemplot.R                        |   15 +-
 R/itemplot.internal.R               |    2 
 R/mdirt.R                           |    5 
 R/mirt-package.R                    |   94 ++++++++++++----
 R/mirt.R                            |    3 
 R/mirt.model.R                      |   24 +++-
 R/mixedmirt.R                       |    7 -
 R/multipleGroup.R                   |  132 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 R/personfit.R                       |   36 ++++--
 R/reverse.score.R                   |only
 R/shinyItemplot.R                   |    7 -
 R/simdata.R                         |    8 +
 R/utils.R                           |  103 +++++++++++++++++
 R/wald.R                            |   11 +
 build/partial.rdb                   |binary
 build/vignette.rds                  |binary
 data/ASVAB.RData                    |only
 inst/doc/mirt-vignettes.html        |  208 ++++++++++--------------------------
 man/ASVAB.Rd                        |only
 man/Bock1997.Rd                     |    4 
 man/DIF.Rd                          |    4 
 man/DRF.Rd                          |    8 -
 man/LSAT6.Rd                        |    4 
 man/LSAT7.Rd                        |   16 ++
 man/M2.Rd                           |    2 
 man/RCI.Rd                          |   90 +++++++++++++--
 man/RMSD_DIF.Rd                     |   26 ++++
 man/SAT12.Rd                        |    4 
 man/Science.Rd                      |    9 -
 man/anova-method.Rd                 |    1 
 man/bfactor.Rd                      |   64 +++++++----
 man/coef-method.Rd                  |    1 
 man/createItem.Rd                   |    2 
 man/deAyala.Rd                      |    4 
 man/draw_parameters.Rd              |    4 
 man/empirical_ES.Rd                 |    6 -
 man/empirical_plot.Rd               |    8 -
 man/expected.item.Rd                |    8 +
 man/expected.test.Rd                |    2 
 man/fscores.Rd                      |   30 ++++-
 man/itemGAM.Rd                      |    6 -
 man/itemfit.Rd                      |   10 -
 man/itemplot.Rd                     |   10 -
 man/logLik-method.Rd                |    1 
 man/mdirt.Rd                        |    3 
 man/mirt-package.Rd                 |    7 -
 man/mirt.Rd                         |    3 
 man/mirt.model.Rd                   |   21 +++
 man/mixedmirt.Rd                    |    3 
 man/multipleGroup.Rd                |  131 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 man/personfit.Rd                    |   12 +-
 man/plot-method.Rd                  |    7 -
 man/print-method.Rd                 |    1 
 man/residuals-method.Rd             |    6 -
 man/reverse.score.Rd                |only
 man/secondOrderTest.Rd              |only
 man/show-method.Rd                  |    1 
 man/summary-method.Rd               |    1 
 man/traditional2mirt.Rd             |    5 
 man/vcov-method.Rd                  |    1 
 src/Estep.cpp                       |   77 ++++++++-----
 src/Estep.h                         |    6 -
 src/dpars.cpp                       |   47 +++-----
 tests/tests/test-01-mirtOne.R       |   22 +++
 tests/tests/test-04-multipleGroup.R |   18 ++-
 tests/tests/test-11-discrete.R      |   12 +-
 97 files changed, 1564 insertions(+), 676 deletions(-)

More information about mirt at CRAN
Permanent link

Sat, 13 Jul 2024

Package sgs updated to version 0.2.0 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2023-08-22

Title: Sparse-Group SLOPE: Adaptive Bi-Level Selection with FDR Control
Description: Implementation of Sparse-group SLOPE (SGS) (Feser and Evangelou (2023) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2305.09467>) models. Linear and logistic regression models are supported, both of which can be fit using k-fold cross-validation. Dense and sparse input matrices are supported. In addition, a general adaptive three operator splitting (ATOS) implementation is provided. Group SLOPE (gSLOPE) (Brzyski et al. (2019) <doi:10.1080/01621459.2017.1411269>) models are also implemented. Both gSLOPE and SGS are available with strong screening rules (Feser and Evangelou (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2405.15357>) for computational speed-up.
Author: Fabio Feser [aut, cre] , Marina Evangelou [aut]
Maintainer: Fabio Feser <>

Diff between sgs versions 0.1.1 dated 2023-08-22 and 0.2.0 dated 2024-07-13

 sgs-0.1.1/sgs/R/generate_penalties.R             |only
 sgs-0.1.1/sgs/R/toy_data_gen.R                   |only
 sgs-0.1.1/sgs/man/generate_penalties.Rd          |only
 sgs-0.1.1/sgs/man/generate_toy_data.Rd           |only
 sgs-0.1.1/sgs/man/plot.sgs_cv.Rd                 |only
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/DESCRIPTION                        |   14 
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/MD5                                |   97 +
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/NAMESPACE                          |   20 
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/R/RcppExports.R                    |   10 
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/R/as_sgs.R                         |   36 
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/R/atos.R                           |   99 -
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/R/coef.R                           |only
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/R/fit_gslope.R                     |only
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/R/fit_gslope_cv.R                  |only
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/R/fit_sgs.R                        |  444 +-------
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/R/fit_sgs_cv.R                     |  157 --
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/R/fitting_code.R                   |only
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/R/gen_pens.R                       |only
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/R/gen_toy_data.R                   |only
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/R/global_wrapper_code.R            |only
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/R/plot.R                           |   50 
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/R/predict.R                        |   94 +
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/R/print.R                          |   29 
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/R/run_algorithm.R                  |  102 -
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/R/scaled_sgs.R                     |   80 -
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/R/screen.R                         |only
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/R/sgs-package.R                    |    1 
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/R/utils.R                          | 1269 ++++++++++++-----------
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/                          |   39 
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/build/partial.rdb                  |only
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/build/vignette.rds                 |binary
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/inst/CITATION                      |only
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/inst/doc/reproducible_example.R    |   63 -
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/inst/doc/reproducible_example.Rmd  |  370 +++---
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/inst/doc/reproducible_example.html |  779 +++++++++++---
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/man/arma_mv.Rd                     |   38 
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/man/arma_sparse.Rd                 |only
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/man/as_sgs.Rd                      |   25 
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/man/atos.Rd                        |   34 
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/man/coef.sgs.Rd                    |only
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/man/figures/README-gslope-ex.avif  |only
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/man/figures/README-sgs-ex.avif     |only
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/man/fit_gslope.Rd                  |only
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/man/fit_gslope_cv.Rd               |only
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/man/fit_sgs.Rd                     |   78 -
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/man/fit_sgs_cv.Rd                  |   80 -
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/man/gen_pens.Rd                    |only
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/man/gen_toy_data.Rd                |only
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/man/plot.sgs.Rd                    |only
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/man/predict.sgs.Rd                 |   29 
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/man/print.sgs.Rd                   |   23 
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/man/scaled_sgs.Rd                  |   27 
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/man/sgs-package.Rd                 |    4 
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/src/RcppExports.cpp                |   13 
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/src/arma_sparse.cpp                |only
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/tests/testthat/test-gglasso.R      |    8 
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/tests/testthat/test-grpslope.R     |only
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/tests/testthat/test-lasso.R        |   10 
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/tests/testthat/test-ols.R          |    4 
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/tests/testthat/test-screen.R       |only
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/tests/testthat/test-sgl.R          |   12 
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/tests/testthat/test-slope.R        |   32 
 sgs-0.2.0/sgs/vignettes/reproducible_example.Rmd |  370 +++---
 63 files changed, 2575 insertions(+), 1965 deletions(-)

More information about sgs at CRAN
Permanent link

Package palettes updated to version 0.2.1 with previous version 0.2.0 dated 2024-02-05

Title: Methods for Colour Vectors and Colour Palettes
Description: Provides a comprehensive library for colour vectors and colour palettes using a new family of colour classes (palettes_colour and palettes_palette) that always print as hex codes with colour previews. Capabilities include: formatting, casting and coercion, extraction and updating of components, plotting, colour mixing arithmetic, and colour interpolation.
Author: Michael McCarthy [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Michael McCarthy <>

Diff between palettes versions 0.2.0 dated 2024-02-05 and 0.2.1 dated 2024-07-13

 DESCRIPTION                             |   14 -
 MD5                                     |   22 -                                 |    4 
 R/ggplot2-scales.R                      |    3 
 R/sysdata.rda                           |binary                               |    2 
 inst/doc/ggplot2.html                   |    8 
 inst/doc/gt.R                           |    4 
 inst/doc/gt.Rmd                         |    4 
 inst/doc/gt.html                        |  359 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 tests/testthat/_snaps/ |    4 
 vignettes/gt.Rmd                        |    4 
 12 files changed, 227 insertions(+), 201 deletions(-)

More information about palettes at CRAN
Permanent link

Package rb3 updated to version 0.0.11 with previous version 0.0.10 dated 2023-04-14

Title: Download and Parse Public Data Released by B3 Exchange
Description: Download and parse public files released by B3 and convert them into useful formats and data structures common to data analysis practitioners.
Author: Wilson Freitas [aut, cre], Marcelo Perlin [aut]
Maintainer: Wilson Freitas <>

Diff between rb3 versions 0.0.10 dated 2023-04-14 and 0.0.11 dated 2024-07-13

 rb3-0.0.10/rb3/R/scraper-cdi.R                                             |only
 rb3-0.0.10/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/CDIIDI.yaml                          |only
 rb3-0.0.10/rb3/man/cdi-idi.Rd                                              |only
 rb3-0.0.10/rb3/tests/fixtures/CDIIDI.yml                                   |only
 rb3-0.0.10/rb3/tests/testthat/test-cdi.R                                   |only
 rb3-0.0.10/rb3/tests/testthat/test-cdiidi.R                                |only
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/DESCRIPTION                                                 |   12 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/MD5                                                         |  248 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/NAMESPACE                                                   |  272 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/                                                     |  210 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/R/addin-display-template.R                                  |  154 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/R/addin-show-templates.R                                    |   72 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/R/convert_to.R                                              |   72 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/R/download-data.R                                           |  194 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/R/downloaders.R                                             |  402 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/R/fields.R                                                  |  194 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/R/file.R                                                    |   68 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/R/handlers.R                                                |  144 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/R/marketdata.R                                              |  522 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/R/rb3-package.R                                             |  146 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/R/readers.R                                                 |  932 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/R/scraper-company.R                                         |  798 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/R/scraper-cotahist.R                                        |  642 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/R/scraper-futures.R                                         |  374 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/R/scraper-indexes.R                                         |  664 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/R/scraper-yc.R                                              |  772 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/R/transmute.R                                               |  496 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/R/util.R                                                    |  290 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/R/zzz.R                                                     |  248 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/                                                   |  820 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/build/vignette.rds                                          |binary
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/CITATION                                               |   50 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/doc/B3-Indexes.R                                       |  144 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/doc/B3-Indexes.html                                    | 1080 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/doc/Fetching-historical-future-rates.R                 |  284 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/doc/Fetching-historical-future-rates.Rmd               |  404 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/doc/Fetching-historical-future-rates.html              | 1022 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/doc/Fetching-historical-yield-curve.R                  |  278 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/doc/Fetching-historical-yield-curve.Rmd                |  338 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/doc/Fetching-historical-yield-curve.html               |  935 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/CDIIDI.json                                    |   10 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/GetDetailsCompany.json                         |    2 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/GetListedCashDividends.json                    |    2 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/GetListedSupplementCompany.json                |    2 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/GetStockIndex.json                             |    2 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/GetTheoricalPortfolio.json                     |    2 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/AjustesDiarios.yaml                  |   52 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/BDIN.yaml                            | 1906 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/BD_Arbit.yaml                        | 1016 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/CONTRCAD.yaml                        |  430 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/COTAHIST_DAILY.yaml                  |  468 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/COTAHIST_MONTHLY.yaml                |  468 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/COTAHIST_YEARLY.yaml                 |  468 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/CenariosCurva.yaml                   |  108 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/CenariosPrecoReferencia.yaml         |  104 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/CenariosSpot.yaml                    |   96 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/DeltaOpcoes.yaml                     |  220 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/Eletro.yaml                          |  294 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/FPR.yaml                             |  116 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/GetDetailsCompany.yaml               |  129 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/GetListedCashDividends.yaml          |   87 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/GetListedSupplementCompany.yaml      |  263 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/GetPortfolioDay.yaml                 |  101 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/GetPortfolioDay_IndexStatistics.yaml |  201 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/GetStockIndex.yaml                   |   77 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/GetTheoricalPortfolio.yaml           |   75 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/ISIND.yaml                           |   64 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/ISINS.yaml                           |   54 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/IndexReport.yaml                     |  100 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/Indic.yaml                           |  152 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/NegociosBTB.yml                      |  108 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/NegociosBalcao.yml                   |   82 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/NegociosIntraday.yml                 |  114 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/OpcoesAcoesEmAberto.yaml             |   74 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/PUWEB.yaml                           |  120 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/Premio.yaml                          |  202 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/PremioOpcaoAcao.yaml                 |   98 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/PriceReport.yaml                     |  144 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/SupVol.yaml                          |   68 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/TaxaSwap.yaml                        |  160 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/extdata/templates/TaxasReferenciais.yaml               |   46 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/inst/rstudio/addins.dcf                                     |   18 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/man/cachedir.Rd                                             |   46 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/man/clearcache.Rd                                           |   38 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/man/convert_to.Rd                                           |   82 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/man/cotahist-extracts.Rd                                    |  184 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/man/cotahist_get.Rd                                         |  102 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/man/futures_get.Rd                                          |   98 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/man/index_comp_get.Rd                                       |   52 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/man/indexes_get.Rd                                          |   48 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/man/indexes_last_update.Rd                                  |   48 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/man/rb3-package.Rd                                          |   20 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/man/read_marketdata.Rd                                      |  110 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/man/yc_get.Rd                                               |  234 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/fixtures/FPR.yml                                      | 1292 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/fixtures/GetDetailsCompany.yml                        |   86 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/fixtures/GetListedCashDividends.yml                   |  102 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/fixtures/GetListedSupplementCompany.yml               |   74 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/fixtures/GetListedSupplementCompanyEmpty.yml          |   72 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/fixtures/GetPortfolioDay.yml                          |  264 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/fixtures/GetPortfolioDay_IndexStatistics.yml          |   72 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/fixtures/GetStockIndex.yml                            |  626 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/fixtures/GetTheoricalPortfolio.yml                    |  156 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/fixtures/NegociosBTB.yml                              |23046 +++++-----
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/fixtures/NegociosBalcao.yml                           |   70 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/testthat.R                                            |    8 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/testthat/helper-help.R                                |   24 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/testthat/helper-vcr.R                                 |   10 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/testthat/setup.R                                      |   18 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/testthat/test-PUWEB.R                                 |   16 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/testthat/test-bd_arbit.R                              |   32 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/testthat/test-bdin.R                                  |   24 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/testthat/test-cache.R                                 |   16 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/testthat/test-company.R                               |  364 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/testthat/test-contrcad.R                              |   18 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/testthat/test-convert_to.R                            |   34 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/testthat/test-cotahist.R                              |  182 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/testthat/test-downloaders.R                           |  362 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/testthat/test-fields.R                                |   72 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/testthat/test-file.R                                  |   62 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/testthat/test-futures.R                               |  156 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/testthat/test-indexes.R                               |  140 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/testthat/test-indic.R                                 |   24 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/testthat/test-readers.R                               |  120 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/testthat/test-transmute.R                             |  630 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/tests/testthat/test-yc.R                                    |  298 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/vignettes/Fetching-historical-future-rates.Rmd              |  404 
 rb3-0.0.11/rb3/vignettes/Fetching-historical-yield-curve.Rmd               |  338 
 128 files changed, 25937 insertions(+), 25921 deletions(-)

More information about rb3 at CRAN
Permanent link

Package rayimage updated to version 0.11.0 with previous version 0.10.0 dated 2023-12-09

Title: Image Processing for Simulated Cameras
Description: Uses convolution-based techniques to generate simulated camera bokeh, depth of field, and other camera effects, using an image and an optional depth map. Accepts both filename inputs and in-memory array representations of images and matrices. Includes functions to perform 2D convolutions, reorient and resize images/matrices, add image overlays, generate camera vignette effects, and add titles to images.
Author: Tyler Morgan-Wall [aut, cph, cre] , Sean Barrett [ctb, cph]
Maintainer: Tyler Morgan-Wall <>

Diff between rayimage versions 0.10.0 dated 2023-12-09 and 0.11.0 dated 2024-07-13

 DESCRIPTION                    |   11 ++-
 MD5                            |   78 +++++++++++++++------------
 NAMESPACE                      |    5 +
 R/add_image_overlay.R          |   56 +++----------------
 R/add_title.R                  |   45 ++++-----------
 R/add_vignette.R               |   40 +++-----------
 R/generate_2d_disk.R           |    2 
 R/generate_2d_exponential.R    |    2 
 R/generate_2d_gaussian.R       |    2 
 R/get_file_type.R              |    9 ++-
 R/interpolate_array.R          |   25 ++++----
 R/plot_image.R                 |  117 ++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 R/plot_image_grid.R            |   10 +--
 R/preview_focus.R              |   12 ++--
 R/ray_read_image.R             |only
 R/ray_write_image.R            |only
 R/render_bokeh.R               |   54 +++++++-----------
 R/render_bw.R                  |only
 R/render_clamp.R               |only
 R/render_convolution.R         |   54 +++++++-----------
 R/render_convolution_fft.R     |   59 ++++++++------------
 R/render_distance.R            |    4 -
 R/render_reorient.R            |   28 +++------
 R/render_resized.R             |   41 ++++----------
 R/run_documentation.R          |   11 ++-
 man/add_image_overlay.Rd       |    4 -
 man/add_title.Rd               |   20 +++----
 man/add_vignette.Rd            |   12 ++--
 man/generate_2d_disk.Rd        |    2 
 man/generate_2d_exponential.Rd |    2 
 man/generate_2d_gaussian.Rd    |    2 
 man/plot_image.Rd              |    4 -
 man/plot_image_grid.Rd         |   10 +--
 man/ray_read_image.Rd          |only
 man/ray_write_image.Rd         |only
 man/render_bokeh.Rd            |   20 +++----
 man/render_boolean_distance.Rd |    4 -
 man/render_bw.Rd               |only
 man/render_clamp.Rd            |only
 man/render_convolution.Rd      |   27 +++++----
 man/render_convolution_fft.Rd  |   33 ++++++-----
 man/render_reorient.Rd         |    8 +-
 man/render_resized.Rd          |    8 +-
 man/run_documentation.Rd       |    9 ++-
 44 files changed, 351 insertions(+), 479 deletions(-)

More information about rayimage at CRAN
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Package phonfieldwork updated to version 0.0.15 with previous version 0.0.14 dated 2024-05-10

Title: Linguistic Phonetic Fieldwork Tools
Description: There are a lot of different typical tasks that have to be solved during phonetic research and experiments. This includes creating a presentation that will contain all stimuli, renaming and concatenating multiple sound files recorded during a session, automatic annotation in 'Praat' TextGrids (this is one of the sound annotation standards provided by 'Praat' software, see Boersma & Weenink 2020 <>), creating an html table with annotations and spectrograms, and converting multiple formats ('Praat' TextGrid, 'ELAN', 'EXMARaLDA', 'Audacity', subtitles '.srt', and 'FLEx' flextext). All of these tasks can be solved by a mixture of different tools (any programming language has programs for automatic renaming, and Praat contains scripts for concatenating and renaming files, etc.). 'phonfieldwork' provides a functionality that will make it easier to solve those tasks independently of any additional tools. You can also compare the functionality with ot [...truncated...]
Author: George Moroz [aut, cre] , Jonathan Keane [rev] , Niko Partanen [rev] , Valeria Buntiakova [ctb]
Maintainer: George Moroz <>

Diff between phonfieldwork versions 0.0.14 dated 2024-05-10 and 0.0.15 dated 2024-07-13

 DESCRIPTION                                       |    6 +++---
 MD5                                               |   10 +++++-----                                           |    5 +++++
 R/df_to_tier.R                                    |   12 ++++++++++++
 build/vignette.rds                                |binary
 inst/doc/ethical_research_with_phonfieldwork.html |    4 ++--
 6 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

More information about phonfieldwork at CRAN
Permanent link

Package ao updated to version 1.1.0 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2024-06-20

Title: Alternating Optimization
Description: Alternating optimization is an iterative procedure that optimizes a function by alternately performing restricted optimization over individual parameter subsets. Instead of tackling joint optimization directly, it breaks the problem down into simpler sub-problems. This approach can make optimization feasible when joint optimization is too difficult.
Author: Lennart Oelschlaeger [aut, cre] , Siddhartha Chib [ctb]
Maintainer: Lennart Oelschlaeger <>

Diff between ao versions 1.0.0 dated 2024-06-20 and 1.1.0 dated 2024-07-13

 ao-1.0.0/ao/vignettes/README-rosenbrock_ao_path-1.png   |only
 ao-1.1.0/ao/DESCRIPTION                                 |    9 
 ao-1.1.0/ao/MD5                                         |   42 
 ao-1.1.0/ao/NAMESPACE                                   |   42 
 ao-1.1.0/ao/                                     |  254 +-
 ao-1.1.0/ao/R/ao-package.R                              |   82 
 ao-1.1.0/ao/R/ao.R                                      |  862 ++++---
 ao-1.1.0/ao/R/procedure.R                               | 1909 ++++++++--------
 ao-1.1.0/ao/                                   |  270 +-
 ao-1.1.0/ao/build/vignette.rds                          |binary
 ao-1.1.0/ao/inst/doc/ao.R                               |  304 +-
 ao-1.1.0/ao/inst/doc/ao.Rmd                             |  731 +++---
 ao-1.1.0/ao/inst/doc/ao.html                            | 1832 +++++++--------
 ao-1.1.0/ao/man/Procedure.Rd                            | 1143 +++++----
 ao-1.1.0/ao/man/ao-package.Rd                           |   60 
 ao-1.1.0/ao/man/ao.Rd                                   |  487 ++--
 ao-1.1.0/ao/man/ao_input_check.Rd                       |   64 
 ao-1.1.0/ao/man/figures/README-rosenbrock_ao_path-1.png |only
 ao-1.1.0/ao/tests/testthat.R                            |    8 
 ao-1.1.0/ao/tests/testthat/test-ao.R                    |  154 -
 ao-1.1.0/ao/tests/testthat/test-procedure.R             |   22 
 ao-1.1.0/ao/vignettes/ao.Rmd                            |  731 +++---
 ao-1.1.0/ao/vignettes/ref.bib                           |   97 
 23 files changed, 4841 insertions(+), 4262 deletions(-)

More information about ao at CRAN
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Package insight updated to version 0.20.2 with previous version 0.20.1 dated 2024-06-11

Title: Easy Access to Model Information for Various Model Objects
Description: A tool to provide an easy, intuitive and consistent access to information contained in various R models, like model formulas, model terms, information about random effects, data that was used to fit the model or data from response variables. 'insight' mainly revolves around two types of functions: Functions that find (the names of) information, starting with 'find_', and functions that get the underlying data, starting with 'get_'. The package has a consistent syntax and works with many different model objects, where otherwise functions to access these information are missing.
Author: Daniel Luedecke [aut, cre] , Dominique Makowski [aut, ctb] , Indrajeet Patil [aut, ctb] , Philip Waggoner [aut, ctb] , Mattan S. Ben-Shachar [aut, ctb] , Brenton M. Wiernik [aut, ctb] , Vincent Arel-Bundock [aut, ctb] , Etienne Bacher [aut, ctb] , Ale [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Daniel Luedecke <>

Diff between insight versions 0.20.1 dated 2024-06-11 and 0.20.2 dated 2024-07-13

 DESCRIPTION                                         |   45 
 MD5                                                 |  159 +--
 NAMESPACE                                           |   21                                             |  121 +-
 R/colour_tools.R                                    |    3 
 R/compute_variances.R                               | 1017 ++++++++++++--------
 R/find_formula.R                                    |   12 
 R/find_interactions.R                               |    8 
 R/find_offset.R                                     |   26 
 R/find_parameters.R                                 |    6 
 R/find_parameters_bayesian.R                        |   40 
 R/find_parameters_emmeans.R                         |    8 
 R/find_parameters_mixed.R                           |   24 
 R/find_parameters_other.R                           |   28 
 R/find_random.R                                     |    4 
 R/find_statistic.R                                  |    5 
 R/find_terms.R                                      |   22 
 R/find_transformation.R                             |  116 +-
 R/format_message.R                                  |   21 
 R/format_rope.R                                     |    6 
 R/format_value.R                                    |   62 -
 R/get_data.R                                        |    3 
 R/get_df.R                                          |   15 
 R/get_nested_lme_varcorr.R                          |    7 
 R/get_parameters_gam.R                              |   18 
 R/get_parameters_mixed.R                            |   13 
 R/get_parameters_others.R                           |   49 
 R/get_sigma.R                                       |   88 +
 R/get_statistic.R                                   |   33 
 R/get_transformation.R                              |   31 
 R/get_varcov.R                                      |   12 
 R/get_varcov_sandwich.R                             |    6 
 R/get_variances.R                                   |  161 ++-
 R/helper_functions.R                                |   79 -
 R/is_model.R                                        |    6 
 R/is_model_supported.R                              |    7 
 R/is_nested_models.R                                |   10 
 R/link_function.R                                   |   25 
 R/link_inverse.R                                    |   25 
 R/model_info.R                                      |   20 
 R/n_obs.R                                           |    6 
 R/n_parameters.R                                    |    2 
 R/null_model.R                                      |   75 -
 R/print.easystats_check.R                           |   16 
 R/utilities.R                                       |    2 
 R/utils_model_info.R                                |    4                                           |  173 +--
 build/partial.rdb                                   |binary
 build/vignette.rds                                  |binary
 inst/WORDLIST                                       |    3 
 inst/doc/display.html                               |  274 ++---
 inst/doc/export.html                                |  660 ++++++------
 inst/doc/insight.html                               |  246 ++--
 man/find_parameters.averaging.Rd                    |    8 
 man/find_transformation.Rd                          |   12 
 man/format_message.Rd                               |   11 
 man/get_parameters.betareg.Rd                       |    3 
 man/get_transformation.Rd                           |    5 
 man/get_varcov.Rd                                   |    8 
 man/get_variance.Rd                                 |  147 ++
 tests/testthat/_snaps/               |   44 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/            |   22 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/                       |   52 -
 tests/testthat/test-GLMMadaptive.R                  |  110 ++
 tests/testthat/test-brms_gr_random_effects.R        |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-clmm.R                          |   13 
 tests/testthat/test-find_terms.R                    |    6 
 tests/testthat/test-find_transformation.R           |   18 
 tests/testthat/test-gamlss.R                        |    7 
 tests/testthat/test-get_transformation.R            |only
 tests/testthat/test-glmgee.R                        |only
 tests/testthat/test-lme.R                           |    4 
 tests/testthat/test-null_model.R                    |   44 
 tests/testthat/test-r2_nakagawa_bernoulli.R         |only
 tests/testthat/test-r2_nakagawa_beta.R              |only
 tests/testthat/test-r2_nakagawa_binomial.R          |only
 tests/testthat/test-r2_nakagawa_gamma.R             |only
 tests/testthat/test-r2_nakagawa_linear.R            |only
 tests/testthat/test-r2_nakagawa_negbin.R            |only
 tests/testthat/test-r2_nakagawa_negbin_zi.R         |only
 tests/testthat/test-r2_nakagawa_ordered_beta.R      |only
 tests/testthat/test-r2_nakagawa_poisson.R           |only
 tests/testthat/test-r2_nakagawa_poisson_zi.R        |only
 tests/testthat/test-r2_nakagawa_truncated_poisson.R |only
 tests/testthat/test-r2_nakagawa_tweedie.R           |only
 tests/testthat/test-rlmer.R                         |   58 -
 tests/testthat/test-rstanarm.R                      |    9 
 tests/testthat/test-svylme.R                        |only
 88 files changed, 2709 insertions(+), 1697 deletions(-)

More information about insight at CRAN
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Package forsearch updated to version 6.2.0 with previous version 6.1.0 dated 2024-06-22

Title: Diagnostic Analysis Using Forward Search Procedure for Various Models
Description: Identifies potential data outliers and their impact on estimates and analyses. Uses the forward search approach of Atkinson and Riani, "Robust Diagnostic Regression Analysis", 2000,<ISBN: o-387-95017-6> to prepare descriptive statistics of a dataset that is to be analyzed by stats::lm(), stats::glm(), stats::nls(), nlme::lme() or survival::coxph(). Includes graphics functions to display the descriptive statistics.
Author: William Fairweather [aut, cre]
Maintainer: William Fairweather <>

Diff between forsearch versions 6.1.0 dated 2024-06-22 and 6.2.0 dated 2024-07-13

 forsearch-6.1.0/forsearch/R/Alfalfa.O.A.R                                                         |only
 forsearch-6.1.0/forsearch/R/Alfalfa.O.forlme2.R                                                   |only
 forsearch-6.1.0/forsearch/R/Machines.O.forlme.R                                                   |only
 forsearch-6.1.0/forsearch/R/Machines.O.forlme2.R                                                  |only
 forsearch-6.1.0/forsearch/R/my.transfer.R                                                         |only
 forsearch-6.1.0/forsearch/R/train.for3.R                                                          |only
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/DESCRIPTION                                                             |    6 
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/MD5                                                                     |   66 +--
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/                                                                 |   16 
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/R/aStep1.R                                                              |  197 ++++------
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/R/aStep2.R                                                              |   36 +
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/R/bStep1.R                                                              |only
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/R/bStep2.R                                                              |   98 ++--
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/R/cStep1.R                                                              |only
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/R/cStep2.R                                                              |   35 +
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/R/dStep1.R                                                              |    7 
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/R/eStep1.R                                                              |   14 
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/R/eStep2.R                                                              |   13 
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/R/forsearch_cph.R                                                       |  123 +++---
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/R/forsearch_lm.R                                                        |   14 
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/R/forsearch_lme.R                                                       |   22 -
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/R/forsearch_nls.R                                                       |   17 
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/R/plotdiag.ANOX2.R                                                      |    3 
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/                                                               |    7 
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/build/partial.rdb                                                       |binary
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/inst/doc/Exploring-the-Search-History.html                              |    6 
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/inst/doc/Exploring-the-Search-History.rmd                               |    5 
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/inst/doc/How-many-observations-are-needed-and-where-do-we-get-them.Rmd  |    8 
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/inst/doc/How-many-observations-are-needed-and-where-do-we-get-them.html |    8 
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/man/aStep1.rd                                                           |    4 
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/man/bStep1.rd                                                           |only
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/man/bStep2.rd                                                           |    3 
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/man/cStep1.Rd                                                           |only
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/man/forsearch_cph.Rd                                                    |    8 
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/man/forsearch_glm.Rd                                                    |    5 
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/man/forsearch_lm.Rd                                                     |    3 
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/man/forsearch_nls.rd                                                    |   23 -
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/vignettes/Exploring-the-Search-History.rmd                              |    5 
 forsearch-6.2.0/forsearch/vignettes/How-many-observations-are-needed-and-where-do-we-get-them.Rmd |    8 
 39 files changed, 393 insertions(+), 367 deletions(-)

More information about forsearch at CRAN
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Package bnmonitor updated to version 0.2.0 with previous version 0.1.4 dated 2023-06-02

Title: An Implementation of Sensitivity Analysis in Bayesian Networks
Description: An implementation of sensitivity and robustness methods in Bayesian networks in R. It includes methods to perform parameter variations via a variety of co-variation schemes, to compute sensitivity functions and to quantify the dissimilarity of two Bayesian networks via distances and divergences. It further includes diagnostic methods to assess the goodness of fit of a Bayesian networks to data, including global, node and parent-child monitors. Reference: M. Leonelli, R. Ramanathan, R.L. Wilkerson (2022) <doi:10.1016/j.knosys.2023.110882>.
Author: Manuele Leonelli [aut, cre], Ramsiya Ramanathan [aut], Rachel Wilkerson [aut]
Maintainer: Manuele Leonelli <>

Diff between bnmonitor versions 0.1.4 dated 2023-06-02 and 0.2.0 dated 2024-07-13

 DESCRIPTION                                 |   14 
 MD5                                         |  174 ++--
 NAMESPACE                                   |  242 +++---
 R/CD_distance.R                             |  494 ++++++-------
 R/Jeffreys.R                                |  454 ++++++------
 R/KL.R                                      | 1034 ++++++++++++++--------------
 R/KL_bounds.R                               |  150 ++--
 R/amalgamation.R                            |only
 R/asymeasure.R                              |only
 R/aux_diameter.R                            |only
 R/aux_gbn.R                                 |   80 +-
 R/aux_global.R                              |   46 -
 R/aux_node.R                                |   30 
 R/bn2.R                                     |  168 ++--
 R/bnmonitor.R                               |  170 ++--
 R/cachexia.R                                |   69 -
 R/chds.R                                    |   70 -
 R/covariation.R                             |  374 +++++-----
 R/covariation_matrix.R                      |  314 ++++----
 R/diabetes.R                                |   50 -
 R/diameter.R                                |only
 R/dwi.R                                     |only
 R/edgestrength.R                            |only
 R/ewi.R                                     |only
 R/final_node_monitor.R                      |  114 +--
 R/fire_alarm.R                              |   42 -
 R/fquery.R                                  |   76 +-
 R/frobenius.R                               |  470 ++++++------
 R/global_monitor.R                          |   82 +-
 R/influential_obs.R                         |   76 +-
 R/mathmarks.R                               |   40 -
 R/model_pres_cov.R                          |  140 +--
 R/mutualinfo.R                              |only
 R/node_monitor.R                            |   90 +-
 R/parent_child_monitor.R                    |  202 ++---
 R/plot.R                                    |  541 ++++++++------
 R/print.R                                   |  272 ++++---
 R/psd_check.R                               |  188 ++---
 R/sensitivity.R                             |  549 +++++++-------
 R/sensquery.R                               |  260 +++----
 R/seq_node_monitor.R                        |  214 ++---
 R/standard.R                                |  148 ++--
 R/synthetic_bn.R                            |   36 
 R/synthetic_cbn.R                           |   42 -
 R/travel.R                                  |   40 -                                   |  178 ++--
 inst                                        |only
 man/CD.Rd                                   |  114 +--
 man/Fro.CI.Rd                               |   86 +-
 man/Fro.GBN.Rd                              |   70 -
 man/Fro.Rd                                  |   50 -
 man/Jeffreys.CI.Rd                          |   84 +-
 man/Jeffreys.GBN.Rd                         |   78 +-
 man/Jeffreys.Rd                             |   50 -
 man/KL.CI.Rd                                |   84 +-
 man/KL.GBN.Rd                               |   82 +-
 man/KL.Rd                                   |   50 -
 man/                            |  114 +--
 man/KL_bounds.Rd                            |   78 +-
 man/amalgamation.Rd                         |only
 man/asy_measure.Rd                          |only
 man/bn2.Rd                                  |   56 -
 man/bnmonitor.Rd                            |  210 +++--
 man/cachexia.Rd                             |   89 +-
 man/chds.Rd                                 |   82 +-
 man/covariance_var.Rd                       |   90 +-
 man/covariation.Rd                          |  109 +-
 man/covariation_matrix.Rd                   |   96 +-
 man/diabetes.Rd                             |   54 -
 man/diameter.Rd                             |only
 man/dwi.Rd                                  |only
 man/edge_strength.Rd                        |only
 man/ewi.Rd                                  |only
 man/final_node_monitor.Rd                   |   86 +-
 man/fire_alarm.Rd                           |   54 -
 man/global_monitor.Rd                       |   66 -
 man/influential_obs.Rd                      |   68 -
 man/mathmarks.Rd                            |   52 -
 man/mean_var.Rd                             |   72 -
 man/model_pres_cov.Rd                       |   98 +-
 man/mutual_info.Rd                          |only
 man/node_monitor.Rd                         |   78 +-
 man/plot.Rd                                 |  119 +--
 man/print.Rd                                |  106 +-
 man/psd_check.Rd                            |  110 +-
 man/sensitivity.Rd                          |  136 +--
 man/sensquery.Rd                            |  106 +-
 man/seq_node_monitor.Rd                     |  102 +-
 man/seq_pa_ch_monitor.Rd                    |   98 +-
 man/synthetic_bn.Rd                         |   48 -
 man/synthetic_cbn.Rd                        |   56 -
 man/travel.Rd                               |   54 -
 tests/testthat.R                            |    8 
 tests/testthat/test-CovariationSchemes.R    |   80 +-
 tests/testthat/test-DissimilarityMeasures.R |  106 +-
 tests/testthat/test-Sensitivity.R           |   64 -
 96 files changed, 5762 insertions(+), 5464 deletions(-)

More information about bnmonitor at CRAN
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Package nuts updated to version 1.1.0 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2024-03-22

Title: Convert European Regional Data
Description: Motivated by changing administrative boundaries over time, the 'nuts' package can convert European regional data with NUTS codes between versions (2006, 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2021) and levels (NUTS 1, NUTS 2 and NUTS 3). The package uses spatial interpolation as in Lam (1983) <doi:10.1559/152304083783914958> based on granular (100m x 100m) area, population and land use data provided by the European Commission's Joint Research Center.
Author: Moritz Hennicke [aut, cre, cph] , Werner Krause [aut, cph] , Pueyo-Ros Josep [rev] , Le Meur Nolwenn [rev]
Maintainer: Moritz Hennicke <>

Diff between nuts versions 1.0.0 dated 2024-03-22 and 1.1.0 dated 2024-07-13

 DESCRIPTION                          |    6 ++---
 MD5                                  |   28 +++++++++++------------                              |    5 ++++
 R/all_nuts_codes.R                   |    2 -
 R/cross_walks.R                      |    2 -
 R/nuts_aggregate.R                   |   10 +++++---                            |    7 ++++-
 inst/CITATION                        |    3 +-
 inst/doc/nuts.R                      |    2 -
 inst/doc/nuts.Rmd                    |   36 +++++++++++-------------------
 inst/doc/nuts.html                   |   33 +++++++++++++---------------
 man/all_nuts_codes.Rd                |    2 -
 man/cross_walks.Rd                   |    2 -
 tests/testthat/test-nuts_aggregate.R |   41 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 vignettes/nuts.Rmd                   |   36 +++++++++++-------------------
 15 files changed, 125 insertions(+), 90 deletions(-)

More information about nuts at CRAN
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Package callback updated to version 0.1.1 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2024-05-07

Title: Computes Statistics from Discrimination Experimental Data
Description: In discrimination experiments candidates are sent on the same test (e.g. job, house rental) and one examines whether they receive the same outcome. The number of non negative answers are first examined in details looking for outcome differences. Then various answering rates and their exacts confidence intervals are computed. Last, exact and asymptotic discrimination tests are performed. Graphical methods are also available.
Author: Emmanuel Duguet [aut, cre] , David Gray [ctb] , Loic du Parquet [dtc], Yannick L'Horty [ctb] , Remi Le Gall [dtc] , Noam Leandri [dtc], Pascale Petit [ctb] , Florent Sari [ctb]
Maintainer: Emmanuel Duguet <>

Diff between callback versions 0.1.0 dated 2024-05-07 and 0.1.1 dated 2024-07-13

 callback-0.1.0/callback/R/callback_methods.R          |only
 callback-0.1.0/callback/R/data_sets.R                 |only
 callback-0.1.0/callback/R/stat_comp.R                 |only
 callback-0.1.0/callback/R/stat_count.R                |only
 callback-0.1.0/callback/R/stat_prop.R                 |only
 callback-0.1.0/callback/data/media1.RData             |only
 callback-0.1.0/callback/man/media1.Rd                 |only
 callback-0.1.0/callback/man/print.stat_comp.Rd        |only
 callback-0.1.0/callback/man/stat_comp.Rd              |only
 callback-0.1.0/callback/man/stat_prop.Rd              |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/DESCRIPTION                   |   68 +-
 callback-0.1.1/callback/MD5                           |   83 ++-
 callback-0.1.1/callback/NAMESPACE                     |   46 +
 callback-0.1.1/callback/R/callback.R                  |  265 ++++++-----
 callback-0.1.1/callback/R/callback_data.R             |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/R/callback_graph.R            |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/R/callback_misc.R             |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/R/callback_print.R            |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/R/callback_stat.R             |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/data/address1.RData           |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/data/gender2.RData            |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/data/gender3.RData            |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/data/gender4.RData            |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/data/labour1.RData            |binary
 callback-0.1.1/callback/data/labour2.RData            |binary
 callback-0.1.1/callback/inst/doc/getting-started.R    |   29 +
 callback-0.1.1/callback/inst/doc/getting-started.Rmd  |   74 ++-
 callback-0.1.1/callback/inst/doc/getting-started.html |  432 +++++++++---------
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/address1.Rd               |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/callback.Rd               |   61 +-
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/g_difp.Rd                 |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/g_ecs.Rd                  |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/g_prop.Rd                 |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/g_tcs.Rd                  |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/gender1.Rd                |   54 +-
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/gender2.Rd                |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/gender3.Rd                |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/gender4.Rd                |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/graph.Rd                  |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/graph.stat_ecs.Rd         |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/graph.stat_glob.Rd        |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/graph.stat_mcr.Rd         |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/graph.stat_tcs.Rd         |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/inter1.Rd                 |   46 -
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/is.calc.Rd                |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/labour1.Rd                |   30 -
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/labour2.Rd                |   30 -
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/mobility1.Rd              |   42 -
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/origin1.Rd                |   66 +-
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/origin2.Rd                |   70 +-
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/print.callback.Rd         |    4 
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/print.stat_count.Rd       |    4 
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/print.stat_ecs.Rd         |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/print.stat_glob.Rd        |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/print.stat_prop.Rd        |   16 
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/stat_colsums.Rd           |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/stat_count.Rd             |   42 +
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/stat_ecs.Rd               |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/stat_glob.Rd              |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/stat_mcr.Rd               |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/stat_signif.Rd            |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/man/stat_tcs.Rd               |only
 callback-0.1.1/callback/vignettes/getting-started.Rmd |   74 ++-
 63 files changed, 932 insertions(+), 604 deletions(-)

More information about callback at CRAN
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Package PubChemR updated to version 2.0 with previous version 1.2 dated 2024-01-16

Title: Interface to the 'PubChem' Database for Chemical Data Retrieval
Description: Provides an interface to the 'PubChem' database via the PUG REST <> and PUG View <> services. This package allows users to automatically access chemical and biological data from 'PubChem', including compounds, substances, assays, and various other data types. Functions are available to retrieve data in different formats, perform searches, and access detailed annotations.
Author: Selcuk Korkmaz [aut, cre] , Bilge Eren Yamasan [aut] , Dincer Goksuluk [aut]
Maintainer: Selcuk Korkmaz <>

Diff between PubChemR versions 1.2 dated 2024-01-16 and 2.0 dated 2024-07-13

 PubChemR-1.2/PubChemR/R/pubchem_summary.R     |only
 PubChemR-1.2/PubChemR/               |only
 PubChemR-1.2/PubChemR/man/BondType.Rd         |only
 PubChemR-1.2/PubChemR/man/CompoundIdType.Rd   |only
 PubChemR-1.2/PubChemR/man/CoordinateType.Rd   |only
 PubChemR-1.2/PubChemR/man/ELEMENTS.Rd         |only
 PubChemR-1.2/PubChemR/man/ProjectCategory.Rd  |only
 PubChemR-1.2/PubChemR/man/api_base.Rd         |only
 PubChemR-1.2/PubChemR/man/get_json.Rd         |only
 PubChemR-1.2/PubChemR/man/get_pubchem.Rd      |only
 PubChemR-1.2/PubChemR/man/property_map.Rd     |only
 PubChemR-1.2/PubChemR/man/pubchem_summary.Rd  |only
 PubChemR-1.2/PubChemR/man/request.Rd          |only
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/DESCRIPTION             |   21 +
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/MD5                     |  114 +++++---
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/NAMESPACE               |   71 ++++-
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/R/00_globals.R          |  336 ++++++++++++++++++++------
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/R/01_all_classes.R      |only
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/R/download.R            |    5 
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/R/get_aids.R            |  155 +++--------
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/R/get_assays.R          |   79 +++---
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/R/get_cids.R            |   97 ++-----
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/R/get_compounds.R       |   84 +++---
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/R/get_json.R            |   75 +++--
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/R/get_properties.R      |  157 +++++++-----
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/R/get_pubchem.R         |   14 -
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/R/get_pug_rest.R        |  330 ++++++++++++++-----------
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/R/get_pug_view.R        |  141 +++++-----
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/R/get_sdf.R             |   26 +-
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/R/get_sids.R            |  124 ++-------
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/R/get_substances.R      |   69 ++---
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/R/get_synonyms.R        |   53 ++--
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/R/getter_functions.R    |only
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/R/printMethods.R        |only
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/R/request.R             |   12 
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/build                   |only
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/inst                    |only
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/man/AIDs-SIDs-CIDs.Rd   |only
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/man/PubChemR-classes.Rd |only
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/man/PugView-classes.Rd  |only
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/man/download.Rd         |    2 
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/man/get_aids.Rd         |   34 +-
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/man/get_assays.Rd       |   32 +-
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/man/get_cids.Rd         |   26 +-
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/man/get_compounds.Rd    |   30 +-
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/man/get_properties.Rd   |  106 +++++++-
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/man/get_pug_rest.Rd     |   26 +-
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/man/get_pug_view.Rd     |    4 
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/man/get_sdf.Rd          |    9 
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/man/get_sids.Rd         |   14 -
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/man/get_substances.Rd   |   19 +
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/man/get_synonyms.Rd     |   10 
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/man/instance.Rd         |only
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/man/pubChemData.Rd      |only
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/man/request_args.Rd     |only
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/man/retrieve.Rd         |only
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/man/section.Rd          |only
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/man/sectionList.Rd      |only
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/man/synonyms.Rd         |only
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/tests                   |only
 PubChemR-2.0/PubChemR/vignettes               |only
 61 files changed, 1341 insertions(+), 934 deletions(-)

More information about PubChemR at CRAN
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Package pivotea updated to version 1.0.2 with previous version 1.0.1 dated 2023-07-15

Title: Create Pivot Table Easily
Description: Pivot easily by specifying rows, columns, values and split.
Author: Toshikazu Matsumura [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Toshikazu Matsumura <>

Diff between pivotea versions 1.0.1 dated 2023-07-15 and 1.0.2 dated 2024-07-13

 pivotea-1.0.1/pivotea/R/utils-pipe.R                  |only
 pivotea-1.0.1/pivotea/man/pipe.Rd                     |only
 pivotea-1.0.2/pivotea/DESCRIPTION                     |   14 
 pivotea-1.0.2/pivotea/MD5                             |   45 
 pivotea-1.0.2/pivotea/NAMESPACE                       |    2 
 pivotea-1.0.2/pivotea/                         |    9 
 pivotea-1.0.2/pivotea/R/data.R                        |    2 
 pivotea-1.0.2/pivotea/R/pivot.R                       |   85 -
 pivotea-1.0.2/pivotea/R/utils.R                       |   16 
 pivotea-1.0.2/pivotea/                       |  274 +---
 pivotea-1.0.2/pivotea/build/vignette.rds              |binary
 pivotea-1.0.2/pivotea/data/hogwarts.rda               |binary
 pivotea-1.0.2/pivotea/inst/WORDLIST                   |    1 
 pivotea-1.0.2/pivotea/inst/doc/pivotea.R              |   18 
 pivotea-1.0.2/pivotea/inst/doc/pivotea.Rmd            |   16 
 pivotea-1.0.2/pivotea/inst/doc/pivotea.html           | 1149 ++++++++----------
 pivotea-1.0.2/pivotea/man/extract_col.Rd              |   28 
 pivotea-1.0.2/pivotea/man/hogwarts.Rd                 |    2 
 pivotea-1.0.2/pivotea/man/na2empty.Rd                 |   28 
 pivotea-1.0.2/pivotea/man/omit_na_cols.Rd             |   28 
 pivotea-1.0.2/pivotea/man/omit_na_rows.Rd             |   28 
 pivotea-1.0.2/pivotea/man/pivot.Rd                    |   32 
 pivotea-1.0.2/pivotea/man/validate_col.Rd             |   28 
 pivotea-1.0.2/pivotea/vignettes/file260835345145.html |only
 pivotea-1.0.2/pivotea/vignettes/pivotea.Rmd           |   16 
 25 files changed, 850 insertions(+), 971 deletions(-)

More information about pivotea at CRAN
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Package grpnet updated to version 0.5 with previous version 0.4 dated 2024-06-05

Title: Group Elastic Net Regularized GLMs and GAMs
Description: Efficient algorithms for fitting generalized linear and additive models with group elastic net penalties as described in Helwig (2024) <doi:10.1080/10618600.2024.2362232>. Implements group LASSO, group MCP, and group SCAD with an optional group ridge penalty. Computes the regularization path for linear regression (gaussian), logistic regression (binomial), multinomial logistic regression (multinomial), log-linear count regression (poisson and negative.binomial), and log-linear continuous regression (gamma and inverse gaussian). Supports default and formula methods for model specification, k-fold cross-validation for tuning the regularization parameters, and nonparametric regression via tensor product reproducing kernel (smoothing spline) basis function expansion.
Author: Nathaniel E. Helwig [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Nathaniel E. Helwig <>

Diff between grpnet versions 0.4 dated 2024-06-05 and 0.5 dated 2024-07-13

 ChangeLog                |   35 ++
 DESCRIPTION              |    8 
 MD5                      |   48 +--
 NAMESPACE                |    5 
 R/R_grpnet_binomial.R    |only
 R/R_grpnet_gamma.R       |only
 R/R_grpnet_gaussian.R    |only
 R/R_grpnet_invgaus.R     |only
 R/R_grpnet_maxeigval.R   |only
 R/R_grpnet_multinom.R    |only
 R/R_grpnet_negbin.R      |only
 R/R_grpnet_penalty.R     |only
 R/R_grpnet_poisson.R     |only
 R/cv.grpnet.default.R    |   43 +-
 R/family.grpnet.R        |only
 R/grpnet.default.R       |  724 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 R/grpnet.formula.R       |    6 
 build/partial.rdb        |binary
 man/cv.grpnet.Rd         |   43 +-
 man/family.grpnet.Rd     |only
 man/grpnet.Rd            |   40 +-
 man/internals-grpnet.Rd  |only
 man/ |  145 ++++-----
 man/predict.grpnet.Rd    |   78 ++---
 src/grpnet_binomial.f90  |    2 
 src/grpnet_gamma.f90     |    4 
 src/grpnet_gaussian.f90  |   49 +--
 src/grpnet_invgaus.f90   |   13 
 src/grpnet_multinom.f90  |   10 
 src/grpnet_negbin.f90    |   16 -
 src/grpnet_poisson.f90   |   17 -
 31 files changed, 728 insertions(+), 558 deletions(-)

More information about grpnet at CRAN
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Fri, 12 Jul 2024

Package cmhc updated to version 0.2.8 with previous version 0.2.7 dated 2023-12-13

Title: Access, Retrieve, and Work with CMHC Data
Description: Wrapper around the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) web interface. It enables programmatic and reproducible access to a wide variety of housing data from CMHC.
Author: Jens von Bergmann
Maintainer: Jens von Bergmann <>

Diff between cmhc versions 0.2.7 dated 2023-12-13 and 0.2.8 dated 2024-07-12

 DESCRIPTION                        |    8 ++++----
 MD5                                |   24 ++++++++++++------------                            |    6 ++++++
 R/cmhc.R                           |   12 +++++++++++-
 R/cmhc_geography.R                 |    9 +++++----
 R/cmhc_tables.R                    |   19 +++++++++++++++----
 R/helpers.R                        |    7 +++++++                          |    6 +++---
 build/vignette.rds                 |binary
 data/cmhc_cma_translation_data.rda |binary
 inst/doc/basic_usage.html          |   12 ++++++------
 inst/doc/rental_universe.html      |   11 ++++++-----
 man/get_cmhc.Rd                    |    3 +++
 13 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

More information about cmhc at CRAN
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Package lqr updated to version 5.2 with previous version 5.1 dated 2024-06-28

Title: Robust Linear Quantile Regression
Description: It fits a robust linear quantile regression model using a new family of zero-quantile distributions for the error term. Missing values and censored observations can be handled as well. This family of distribution includes skewed versions of the Normal, Student's t, Laplace, Slash and Contaminated Normal distribution. It also performs logistic quantile regression for bounded responses as shown in Galarza <doi:10.1007/s13571-020-00231-0>. It provides estimates and full inference. It also provides envelopes plots for assessing the fit and confidences bands when several quantiles are provided simultaneously.
Author: Christian E. Galarza <>, Luis Benites <>, Marcelo Bourguignon <>, Victor H. Lachos <>
Maintainer: Christian E. Galarza <>

Diff between lqr versions 5.1 dated 2024-06-28 and 5.2 dated 2024-07-12

 DESCRIPTION        |    8 ++++----
 MD5                |    4 ++--
 man/lqr-package.Rd |    9 ---------
 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

More information about lqr at CRAN
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Package qrNLMM updated to version 3.4 with previous version 3.3 dated 2022-08-18

Title: Quantile Regression for Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Models
Description: Quantile regression (QR) for Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Models via the asymmetric Laplace distribution (ALD). It uses the Stochastic Approximation of the EM (SAEM) algorithm for deriving exact maximum likelihood estimates and full inference results for the fixed-effects and variance components. It also provides prediction and graphical summaries for assessing the algorithm convergence and fitting results.
Author: Christian E. Galarza <> and Victor H. Lachos <>
Maintainer: Christian E. Galarza <>

Diff between qrNLMM versions 3.3 dated 2022-08-18 and 3.4 dated 2024-07-12

 DESCRIPTION       |    8 ++++----
 MD5               |    8 ++++----
 R/QRNLMM.R        |   12 +++++++-----
 R/QSAEM_NLMM.R    |   29 +++++++++++++++++++----------
 build/partial.rdb |binary
 5 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

More information about qrNLMM at CRAN
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Package missRanger updated to version 2.5.0 with previous version 2.4.0 dated 2023-11-19

Title: Fast Imputation of Missing Values
Description: Alternative implementation of the beautiful 'MissForest' algorithm used to impute mixed-type data sets by chaining random forests, introduced by Stekhoven, D.J. and Buehlmann, P. (2012) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btr597>. Under the hood, it uses the lightning fast random forest package 'ranger'. Between the iterative model fitting, we offer the option of using predictive mean matching. This firstly avoids imputation with values not already present in the original data (like a value 0.3334 in 0-1 coded variable). Secondly, predictive mean matching tries to raise the variance in the resulting conditional distributions to a realistic level. This would allow, e.g., to do multiple imputation when repeating the call to missRanger(). A formula interface allows to control which variables should be imputed by which.
Author: Michael Mayer [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Michael Mayer <>

Diff between missRanger versions 2.4.0 dated 2023-11-19 and 2.5.0 dated 2024-07-12

 DESCRIPTION                          |   32 +++++++---------
 MD5                                  |   28 +++++++-------                              |   10 +++++
 R/missRanger.R                       |    6 ++-                            |    2 -
 build/vignette.rds                   |binary
 inst/doc/missRanger.R                |    2 -
 inst/doc/missRanger.html             |   26 ++++++-------
 inst/doc/multiple_imputation.R       |    2 -
 inst/doc/multiple_imputation.Rmd     |   29 +++++++--------
 inst/doc/multiple_imputation.html    |   66 +++++++++++++++--------------------
 inst/doc/working_with_censoring.R    |    2 -
 inst/doc/working_with_censoring.html |    4 +-
 tests/testthat/test-missRanger.R     |   14 +++++++
 vignettes/multiple_imputation.Rmd    |   29 +++++++--------
 15 files changed, 134 insertions(+), 118 deletions(-)

More information about missRanger at CRAN
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Package mirtCAT updated to version 1.14 with previous version 1.13 dated 2023-10-17

Title: Computerized Adaptive Testing with Multidimensional Item Response Theory
Description: Provides tools to generate HTML interfaces for adaptive and non-adaptive tests using the shiny package (Chalmers (2016) <doi:10.18637/jss.v071.i05>). Suitable for applying unidimensional and multidimensional computerized adaptive tests (CAT) using item response theory methodology and for creating simple questionnaires forms to collect response data directly in R. Additionally, optimal test designs (e.g., "shadow testing") are supported for tests that contain a large number of item selection constraints. Finally, package contains tools useful for performing Monte Carlo simulations for studying test item banks.
Author: Phil Chalmers [aut, cre] , Magnus Nordmo [ctb]
Maintainer: Phil Chalmers <>

Diff between mirtCAT versions 1.13 dated 2023-10-17 and 1.14 dated 2024-07-12

 DESCRIPTION                     |    8 -
 MD5                             |   44 ++++----                         |    7 +
 R/ShinyGUIClass.R               |    7 -
 R/createShinyGUI.R              |    6 -
 R/extract.mirtCAT.R             |    4 
 R/findNextCATItem.R             |    6 -
 R/generate.mirt_object.R        |    8 -
 R/mirtCAT-package.R             |    1 
 R/mirtCAT.R                     |   73 ++++++++------
 R/mirtCAT_preamble.R            |    3 
 R/server.R                      |   19 ++-
 R/zzz-methods.R                 |    6 -
 build/partial.rdb               |binary
 build/vignette.rds              |binary
 inst/doc/mirtCAT-vignettes.html |  208 +++++++++++-----------------------------
 man/createShinyGUI.Rd           |    6 -
 man/extract.mirtCAT.Rd          |    4 
 man/findNextItem.Rd             |    4 
 man/generate.mirt_object.Rd     |    8 -
 man/mirtCAT-package.Rd          |    1 
 man/mirtCAT.Rd                  |   81 +++++++++------
 tests/GUI-tests/GUI-tests.R     |   76 ++++++++------
 23 files changed, 277 insertions(+), 303 deletions(-)

More information about mirtCAT at CRAN
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Package kernelshap updated to version 0.6.0 with previous version 0.5.0 dated 2024-05-26

Title: Kernel SHAP
Description: Efficient implementation of Kernel SHAP, see Lundberg and Lee (2017), and Covert and Lee (2021) <>. Furthermore, for up to 14 features, exact permutation SHAP values can be calculated. The package plays well together with meta-learning packages like 'tidymodels', 'caret' or 'mlr3'. Visualizations can be done using the R package 'shapviz'.
Author: Michael Mayer [aut, cre] , David Watson [aut] , Przemyslaw Biecek [ctb]
Maintainer: Michael Mayer <>

Diff between kernelshap versions 0.5.0 dated 2024-05-26 and 0.6.0 dated 2024-07-12

 DESCRIPTION                                  |   20 ++++---
 MD5                                          |   24 ++++-----                                      |   13 ++++
 R/additive_shap.R                            |   16 ++++--
 R/utils.R                                    |   72 ++++-----------------------
 R/utils_kernelshap.R                         |   28 ----------                                    |   23 +-------
 man/additive_shap.Rd                         |   16 ++++--
 tests/testthat/test-additive_shap.R          |    6 +-
 tests/testthat/test-kernelshap-multioutput.R |   14 -----
 tests/testthat/test-kernelshap.R             |    1 
 tests/testthat/test-permshap-multioutput.R   |   13 ----
 tests/testthat/test-utils.R                  |   31 +----------
 13 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 190 deletions(-)

More information about kernelshap at CRAN
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Package genMCMCDiag updated to version 0.2.2 with previous version 0.2.1 dated 2024-05-10

Title: Generalized Convergence Diagnostics for Difficult MCMC Algorithms
Description: Trace plots and convergence diagnostics for Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms on highly multivariate or unordered spaces. Methods outlined in a forthcoming paper.
Author: Luke Duttweiler [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Luke Duttweiler <>

Diff between genMCMCDiag versions 0.2.1 dated 2024-05-10 and 0.2.2 dated 2024-07-12

 DESCRIPTION                |   10 +++++-----
 MD5                        |    8 ++++----                    |    6 +++---                  |    2 ++
 man/genMCMCDiag-package.Rd |    2 +-
 5 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

More information about genMCMCDiag at CRAN
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Package adaR updated to version 0.3.3 with previous version 0.3.2 dated 2024-02-08

Title: A Fast 'WHATWG' Compliant URL Parser
Description: A wrapper for 'ada-url', a 'WHATWG' compliant and fast URL parser written in modern 'C++'. Also contains auxiliary functions such as a public suffix extractor.
Author: David Schoch [aut, cre] , Chung-hong Chan [aut] , Yagiz Nizipli [ctb, cph] , Daniel Lemire [ctb, cph]
Maintainer: David Schoch <>

Diff between adaR versions 0.3.2 dated 2024-02-08 and 0.3.3 dated 2024-07-12

 DESCRIPTION        |    6 
 MD5                |   16 +-            |    4          |   16 +-
 build/vignette.rds |binary
 inst/doc/adaR.html |   26 +--
 src/ada/ada.cpp    |  410 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 src/ada/ada.h      |  333 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 src/ada/ada_c.h    |    2 
 9 files changed, 532 insertions(+), 281 deletions(-)

More information about adaR at CRAN
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Package qrLMM updated to version 2.3 with previous version 2.2 dated 2022-10-25

Title: Quantile Regression for Linear Mixed-Effects Models
Description: Quantile regression (QR) for Linear Mixed-Effects Models via the asymmetric Laplace distribution (ALD). It uses the Stochastic Approximation of the EM (SAEM) algorithm for deriving exact maximum likelihood estimates and full inference results for the fixed-effects and variance components. It also provides graphical summaries for assessing the algorithm convergence and fitting results.
Author: Christian E. Galarza <> and Victor H. Lachos <>
Maintainer: Christian E. Galarza <>

Diff between qrLMM versions 2.2 dated 2022-10-25 and 2.3 dated 2024-07-12

 DESCRIPTION |    8 ++++----
 MD5         |    4 ++--
 R/QRLMM.R   |    3 ++-
 3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

More information about qrLMM at CRAN
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Package kayadata updated to version 1.4.0 with previous version 1.3.0 dated 2023-07-17

Title: Kaya Identity Data for Nations and Regions
Description: Provides data for Kaya identity variables (population, gross domestic product, primary energy consumption, and energy-related CO2 emissions) for the world and for individual nations, and utility functions for looking up data, plotting trends of Kaya variables, and plotting the fuel mix for a given country or region. The Kaya identity (Yoichi Kaya and Keiichi Yokobori, "Environment, Energy, and Economy: Strategies for Sustainability" (United Nations University Press, 1998) and <>) expresses a nation's or region's greenhouse gas emissions in terms of its population, per-capita Gross Domestic Product, the energy intensity of its economy, and the carbon-intensity of its energy supply.
Author: Jonathan Gilligan [cre, aut]
Maintainer: Jonathan Gilligan <>

Diff between kayadata versions 1.3.0 dated 2023-07-17 and 1.4.0 dated 2024-07-12

 DESCRIPTION                                               |   17 -
 LICENSE                                                   |    2 
 MD5                                                       |   65 ++--
 NAMESPACE                                                 |   16 -                                                   |   11 
 R/data.R                                                  |    6 
 R/kaya.R                                                  |   85 +++---
 R/kayadata.R                                              |   13 
 R/plot_kaya.R                                             |   77 ++++-
 build/partial.rdb                                         |binary
 build/vignette.rds                                        |binary
 data/fuel_mix.rda                                         |binary
 data/kaya_data.rda                                        |binary
 data/td_trends.rda                                        |binary
 data/td_values.rda                                        |binary
 inst/WORDLIST                                             |    1 
 inst/doc/kayadata.html                                    |   37 +-
 inst/doc/policy_analysis.html                             |   86 +++---
 man/figures/README-plot-fuel-mix-1.png                    |binary
 man/figures/README-plot-kaya-1.png                        |binary
 man/figures/README-plot-kaya-world-1.png                  |binary
 man/fuel_mix.Rd                                           |    4 
 man/kaya_data.Rd                                          |    2 
 man/kayadata-package.Rd                                   |   17 +
 man/plot_fuel_mix.Rd                                      |    2 
 man/plot_kaya.Rd                                          |    7 
 man/project_top_down.Rd                                   |    2 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/plot_kaya/fuel-mix-collapsed.svg    |   20 -
 tests/testthat/_snaps/plot_kaya/fuel-mix-colors.svg       |   24 -
 tests/testthat/_snaps/plot_kaya/fuel-mix-full.svg         |   24 -
 tests/testthat/_snaps/plot_kaya/kaya-plot-with-colors.svg |  176 ++++++------
 tests/testthat/_snaps/plot_kaya/kaya-plot.svg             |  196 +++++++-------
 tests/testthat/test_consistency_fuel_mix.R                |    5 
 tests/                                    |only
 34 files changed, 488 insertions(+), 407 deletions(-)

More information about kayadata at CRAN
Permanent link

Package damAOI updated to version 0.1 with previous version 0.0 dated 2024-02-07

Title: Create an 'Area of Interest' Around a Constructed Dam for Comparative Impact Evaluations
Description: Define a spatial 'Area of Interest' (AOI) around a constructed dam using hydrology data. Dams have environmental and social impacts, both positive and negative. Current analyses of dams have no consistent way to specify at what spatial extent we should evaluate these impacts. 'damAOI' implements methods to adjust reservoir polygons to match satellite-observed surface water areas, plot upstream and downstream rivers using elevation data and accumulated river flow, and draw buffers clipped by river basins around reservoirs and relevant rivers. This helps to consistently determine the areas which could be impacted by dam construction, facilitating comparative analysis and informed infrastructure investments.
Author: Chris Littleboy [aut, cre] , Isabel Jones [ctb, fnd]
Maintainer: Chris Littleboy <>

Diff between damAOI versions 0.0 dated 2024-02-07 and 0.1 dated 2024-07-12

 damAOI-0.0/damAOI/R/cropdata.R                                 |only
 damAOI-0.0/damAOI/data/alqueva.rda                             |only
 damAOI-0.0/damAOI/data/basins_alqueva.rda                      |only
 damAOI-0.0/damAOI/inst/extdata/dem_alqueva.tif                 |only
 damAOI-0.0/damAOI/inst/extdata/fac_alqueva.tif                 |only
 damAOI-0.0/damAOI/inst/extdata/wb_alqueva.tif                  |only
 damAOI-0.0/damAOI/inst/extdata/wb_alqueva.tif.aux.json         |only
 damAOI-0.0/damAOI/inst/extdata/wb_tehri.tif.aux.json           |only
 damAOI-0.0/damAOI/man/alqueva.Rd                               |only
 damAOI-0.0/damAOI/man/basins_alqueva.rd                        |only
 damAOI-0.0/damAOI/man/basins_tehri.rd                          |only
 damAOI-0.0/damAOI/man/tehri.rd                                 |only
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/DESCRIPTION                                  |   10 
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/MD5                                          |   92 +-
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/NAMESPACE                                    |    2 
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/R/adjustreservoirpolygon.R                   |    4 
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/R/autogetpourpoints.R                        |    6 
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/R/basinandbuffers.R                          |    9 
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/R/getimpactedarea.R                          |   42 
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/R/getnextpoint.R                             |   32 
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/R/getriverpoints.R                           |   16 
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/R/getshinyparams.R                           |    2 
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/R/makesystem.R                               |only
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/R/pointstolines.R                            |   12 
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/R/preprocessing.R                            |only
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/                                    |  383 ++++----
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/build/vignette.rds                           |binary
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/data/system.rda                              |only
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/inst/doc/damAOI.R                            |  197 ++--
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/inst/doc/damAOI.Rmd                          |  322 ++++---
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/inst/doc/damAOI.html                         |  434 +++++-----
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/inst/extdata/dem_system.tif                  |only
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/man/adjustreservoirpolygon.Rd                |    2 
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/man/basinandbuffers.Rd                       |    2 
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/man/basins_tehri.Rd                          |only
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/man/damAOI-package.Rd                        |   10 
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/man/figures/README-adjust-1.png              |only
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/man/figures/README-basins-1.png              |only
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/man/figures/README-pourpoints-1.png          |only
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/man/figures/README-riverpoints-1.png         |only
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/man/figures/README-systems-1.png             |only
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/man/figures/README-systems-2.png             |only
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-2-1.png     |binary
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-3-1.png     |binary
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-4-1.png     |binary
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/man/getimpactedarea.Rd                       |   11 
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/man/getshinyparams.Rd                        |    2 
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/man/makesystem.Rd                            |only
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/man/pointstolines.Rd                         |    4 
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/man/preprocessing.Rd                         |only
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/man/system.Rd                                |only
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/man/tehri.Rd                                 |only
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/tests/testthat/Rplots.pdf                    |only
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/tests/testthat/test-adjustreservoirpolygon.R |   14 
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/tests/testthat/test-basinsandbuffers.R       |   48 -
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/tests/testthat/test-getimpactedarea.R        |   40 
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/tests/testthat/test-getriverpoints.R         |   41 
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/tests/testthat/test-makesystem.R             |only
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/vignettes/damAOI.Rmd                         |  322 ++++---
 damAOI-0.1/damAOI/vignettes/man                                |only
 60 files changed, 1161 insertions(+), 898 deletions(-)

More information about damAOI at CRAN
Permanent link

Package pdynmc updated to version 0.9.11 with previous version 0.9.10 dated 2023-11-24

Title: Moment Condition Based Estimation of Linear Dynamic Panel Data Models
Description: Linear dynamic panel data modeling based on linear and nonlinear moment conditions as proposed by Holtz-Eakin, Newey, and Rosen (1988) <doi:10.2307/1913103>, Ahn and Schmidt (1995) <doi:10.1016/0304-4076(94)01641-C>, and Arellano and Bover (1995) <doi:10.1016/0304-4076(94)01642-D>. Estimation of the model parameters relies on the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) and instrumental variables (IV) estimation, numerical optimization (when nonlinear moment conditions are employed) and the computation of closed form solutions (when estimation is based on linear moment conditions). One-step, two-step and iterated estimation is available. For inference and specification testing, Windmeijer (2005) <doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2004.02.005> and doubly corrected standard errors (Hwang, Kang, Lee, 2021 <doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2020.09.010>) are available. Additionally, serial correlation tests, tests for overidentification, and Wald tests are provided. Functions for visualiz [...truncated...]
Author: Markus Fritsch [aut, cre], Joachim Schnurbus [aut], Andrew Adrian Yu Pua [aut]
Maintainer: Markus Fritsch <>

Diff between pdynmc versions 0.9.10 dated 2023-11-24 and 0.9.11 dated 2024-07-12

 pdynmc-0.9.10/pdynmc/inst/tests/CopyOfcheck_incDemo.R                             |only
 pdynmc-0.9.11/pdynmc/DESCRIPTION                                                  |   28 
 pdynmc-0.9.11/pdynmc/MD5                                                          |   38 
 pdynmc-0.9.11/pdynmc/NAMESPACE                                                    |    9 
 pdynmc-0.9.11/pdynmc/                                                      |   25 
 pdynmc-0.9.11/pdynmc/R/globals.R                                                  |    2 
 pdynmc-0.9.11/pdynmc/R/pdynmc_NLIV.R                                              |only
 pdynmc-0.9.11/pdynmc/R/pdynmc_estFct.R                                            |  550 +++++-----
 pdynmc-0.9.11/pdynmc/R/pdynmc_furtherHelperFcts.R                                 |  272 ++++
 pdynmc-0.9.11/pdynmc/R/pdynmc_instMatFcts.R                                       |  200 ++-
 pdynmc-0.9.11/pdynmc/R/pdynmc_specTestFcst.R                                      |    1 
 pdynmc-0.9.11/pdynmc/build/partial.rdb                                            |binary
 pdynmc-0.9.11/pdynmc/build/vignette.rds                                           |binary
 pdynmc-0.9.11/pdynmc/inst/CITATION                                                |    6 
 pdynmc-0.9.11/pdynmc/inst/REFERENCES.bib                                          |   11 
 pdynmc-0.9.11/pdynmc/inst/doc/pdynmc-introLong.pdf                                |binary
 pdynmc-0.9.11/pdynmc/inst/doc/pdynmc-pres-in-a-nutshell.pdf                       |binary
 pdynmc-0.9.11/pdynmc/inst/tests/arguments_for_StepByStepFunctionChecksABdata.R    |   26 
 pdynmc-0.9.11/pdynmc/inst/tests/arguments_for_StepByStepFunctionChecksMigration.R |only
 pdynmc-0.9.11/pdynmc/man/FDLS.Rd                                                  |only
 pdynmc-0.9.11/pdynmc/man/NLIV.Rd                                                  |only
 pdynmc-0.9.11/pdynmc/man/NLIV.alt.Rd                                              |only
 pdynmc-0.9.11/pdynmc/man/pdynmc.Rd                                                |   17 
 23 files changed, 813 insertions(+), 372 deletions(-)

More information about pdynmc at CRAN
Permanent link

Package multe updated to version 1.1.0 with previous version 1.0.1 dated 2024-06-19

Title: Multiple Treatment Effects Regression
Description: Implements contamination bias diagnostics and alternative estimators for regressions with multiple treatments. The implementation is based on Goldsmith-Pinkham, Hull, and Kolesár (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2106.05024>.
Author: Michal Kolesar [aut, cre] , Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham [ctb], Peter Hull [ctb]
Maintainer: Michal Kolesar <>

Diff between multe versions 1.0.1 dated 2024-06-19 and 1.1.0 dated 2024-07-12

 DESCRIPTION                     |    8 ++++----
 MD5                             |   20 ++++++++++----------                         |    8 ++++++++
 R/functions.R                   |    4 ++--
 R/multe.R                       |   17 ++++++++++++-----
 data/fl.rda                     |binary
 inst/doc/multe.Rmd              |    2 +-
 inst/doc/multe.pdf              |binary
 man/multe.Rd                    |    3 +++
 tests/testthat/test-EHW-check.R |    4 ++++
 vignettes/multe.Rmd             |    2 +-
 11 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

More information about multe at CRAN
Permanent link

Package mlr3resampling updated to version 2024.7.7 with previous version 2024.7.3 dated 2024-07-05

Title: Resampling Algorithms for 'mlr3' Framework
Description: A supervised learning algorithm inputs a train set, and outputs a prediction function, which can be used on a test set. If each data point belongs to a group (such as geographic region, year, etc), then how do we know if it is possible to train on one group, and predict accurately on another group? Cross-validation can be used to determine the extent to which this is possible, by first assigning fold IDs from 1 to K to all data (possibly using stratification, usually by group and label). Then we loop over test sets (group/fold combinations), train sets (same group, other groups, all groups), and compute test/prediction accuracy for each combination. Comparing test/prediction accuracy between same and other, we can determine the extent to which it is possible (perfect if same/other have similar test accuracy for each group; other is usually somewhat less accurate than same; other can be just as bad as featureless baseline when the groups have different patterns). For more information, [...truncated...]
Author: Toby Hocking [aut, cre] , Michel Lang [ctb] , Bernd Bischl [ctb] , Jakob Richter [ctb] , Patrick Schratz [ctb] , Giuseppe Casalicchio [ctb] , Stefan Coors [ctb] , Quay Au [ctb] , Martin Binder [ctb], Florian Pfisterer [ctb] , Raphael Sonabend [ctb] , [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Toby Hocking <>

Diff between mlr3resampling versions 2024.7.3 dated 2024-07-05 and 2024.7.7 dated 2024-07-12

 DESCRIPTION                    |    6 
 MD5                            |   16 -
 NEWS                           |    4 
 build/vignette.rds             |binary
 inst/doc/Newer_resamplers.R    |    6 
 inst/doc/Newer_resamplers.Rmd  |    4 
 inst/doc/Newer_resamplers.html |  400 +++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 inst/doc/Older_resamplers.html |  122 +++++-------
 vignettes/Newer_resamplers.Rmd |    4 
 9 files changed, 261 insertions(+), 301 deletions(-)

More information about mlr3resampling at CRAN
Permanent link

Package glmnetr updated to version 0.5-2 with previous version 0.5-1 dated 2024-05-12

Title: Nested Cross Validation for the Relaxed Lasso and Other Machine Learning Models
Description: Cross validation informed Relaxed LASSO, Artificial Neural Network (ANN), gradient boosting machine ('xgboost'), Random Forest ('RandomForestSRC'), Oblique Random Forest ('aorsf'), Recursive Partitioning ('RPART') or step wise regression models are fit. Cross validation leave out samples (leading to nested cross validation) or bootstrap out-of-bag samples are used to evaluate and compare performances between these models with results presented in tabular or graphical means. Calibration plots can also be generated, again based upon (outer nested) cross validation or bootstrap leave out (out of bag) samples. For some datasets, for example when the design matrix is not of full rank, 'glmnet' may have very long run times when fitting the relaxed lasso model, from our experience when fitting Cox models on data with many predictors and many patients, making it difficult to get solutions from either glmnet() or cv.glmnet(). This may be remedied by using the 'path=TRUE' option when calling [...truncated...]
Author: Walter K Kremers [aut, cre] , Nicholas B Larson [ctb]
Maintainer: Walter K Kremers <>

Diff between glmnetr versions 0.5-1 dated 2024-05-12 and 0.5-2 dated 2024-07-12

 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/R/calplot_240509.R                               |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/R/nested.cis_240510.R                            |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/R/nested.compare_240510.R                        |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/R/nested.glmnetr_240510.R                        |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/R/perform_240510.R                               |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/R/                       |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/R/plot.perf.glmnetr_240422.R                     |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/R/predict_240510.R                               |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/R/                    |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/R/summary.nested.glmnetr_240510.R                |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/R/tools_240423.R                                 |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/inst/doc/An_Overview_of_glmnetr_240510.pdf       |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/inst/doc/An_Overview_of_glmnetr_240510.pdf.asis  |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/inst/doc/Calibration_240510.pdf                  |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/inst/doc/Calibration_240510.pdf.asis             |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/inst/doc/Using_ann_tab_cv_240510.pdf             |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/inst/doc/Using_ann_tab_cv_240510.pdf.asis        |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/inst/doc/Using_stepreg_240510.pdf                |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/inst/doc/Using_stepreg_240510.pdf.asis           |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/vignettes/An_Overview_of_glmnetr_240510.Rmd      |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/vignettes/An_Overview_of_glmnetr_240510.pdf.asis |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/vignettes/Calibration_240510.Rmd                 |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/vignettes/Calibration_240510.pdf.asis            |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/vignettes/Using_ann_tab_cv_240510.Rmd            |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/vignettes/Using_ann_tab_cv_240510.pdf.asis       |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/vignettes/Using_stepreg_240510.Rmd               |only
 glmnetr-0.5-1/glmnetr/vignettes/Using_stepreg_240510.pdf.asis          |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/DESCRIPTION                                      |   16 -
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/MD5                                              |  111 +++++-----
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/NAMESPACE                                        |    3 
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/R/calplot_240708.R                               |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/R/nested.cis_240708.R                            |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/R/nested.compare_240708.R                        |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/R/nested.glmnetr_240708.R                        |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/R/perform_240708.R                               |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/R/                       |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/R/plot.perf.glmnetr_240708.R                     |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/R/predict_240608.R                               |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/R/                    |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/R/summary.nested.glmnetr_240708.R                |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/R/tools_240708.R                                 |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/build/vignette.rds                               |binary
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/inst/doc/An_Overview_of_glmnetr_240710.pdf       |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/inst/doc/An_Overview_of_glmnetr_240710.pdf.asis  |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/inst/doc/Calibration_240710.pdf                  |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/inst/doc/Calibration_240710.pdf.asis             |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/inst/doc/Using_ann_tab_cv_240710.pdf             |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/inst/doc/Using_ann_tab_cv_240710.pdf.asis        |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/inst/doc/Using_stepreg_240710.pdf                |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/inst/doc/Using_stepreg_240710.pdf.asis           |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/boot.factor.foldid.Rd                        |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/calplot.Rd                                   |   63 +++--
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/                               |    2 
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/devrat_.Rd                                   |    2 
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/diff_time.Rd                                 |    2 
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/diff_time1.Rd                                |    2 
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/factor.foldid.Rd                             |    2 
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/get.foldid.Rd                                |    2 
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/glmnetr.cis.Rd                               |    2 
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/glmnetr.compcv.Rd                            |    2 
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/glmnetr.simdata.Rd                           |    2 
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/glmnetr_seed.Rd                              |    2 
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/nested.cis.Rd                                |    2 
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/                            |    8 
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/nested.glmnetr.Rd                            |   61 +++--
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/                           |    2 
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/plot.glmnetr.Rd                              |    2 
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/plot.nested.glmnetr.Rd                       |   13 -
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/plot_perf_glmnetr.Rd                         |    2 
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/                        |    2 
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/predict.glmnetr.Rd                           |    2 
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/predict.nested.glmnetr.Rd                    |    2 
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/print.nested.glmnetr.Rd                      |    2 
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/roundperf.Rd                                 |    6 
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/                        |    2 
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/man/summary.nested.glmnetr.Rd                    |    7 
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/vignettes/An_Overview_of_glmnetr_240710.Rmd      |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/vignettes/An_Overview_of_glmnetr_240710.pdf.asis |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/vignettes/Calibration_240710.Rmd                 |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/vignettes/Calibration_240710.pdf.asis            |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/vignettes/Using_ann_tab_cv_240710.Rmd            |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/vignettes/Using_ann_tab_cv_240710.pdf.asis       |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/vignettes/Using_stepreg_240710.Rmd               |only
 glmnetr-0.5-2/glmnetr/vignettes/Using_stepreg_240710.pdf.asis          |only
 84 files changed, 182 insertions(+), 144 deletions(-)

More information about glmnetr at CRAN
Permanent link

Package simpleboot updated to version 1.1-8 with previous version 1.1-7 dated 2019-02-20

Title: Simple Bootstrap Routines
Description: Simple bootstrap routines.
Author: Roger D. Peng <>
Maintainer: Roger D. Peng <>

Diff between simpleboot versions 1.1-7 dated 2019-02-20 and 1.1-8 dated 2024-07-12

 DESCRIPTION               |   12 ++++++------
 MD5                       |    4 ++--
 tests/ |   10 +++++-----
 3 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

More information about simpleboot at CRAN
Permanent link

Package RCzechia updated to version 1.12.2 with previous version 1.12.0 dated 2023-10-29

Title: Spatial Objects of the Czech Republic
Description: Administrative regions and other spatial objects of the Czech Republic.
Author: Jindra Lacko [aut, cre] , Nick Bearman [rev]
Maintainer: Jindra Lacko <>

Diff between RCzechia versions 1.12.0 dated 2023-10-29 and 1.12.2 dated 2024-07-12

 DESCRIPTION                       |   10 +--
 MD5                               |  103 ++++++++++++++++---------------
 NAMESPACE                         |    1                           |   16 ++++
 R/RCzechia.R                      |   24 +++++--
 R/casti.R                         |    4 -
 R/helpers.R                       |    2 
 R/katastry.R                      |only
 R/kraje.R                         |    6 -
 R/obce_body.R                     |    4 -
 R/obce_polygony.R                 |    4 -
 R/okresy.R                        |    4 -
 R/orp_polygony.R                  |    6 -
 R/republika.R                     |    4 -
 R/sysdata.rda                     |binary                         |    3 
 build/partial.rdb                 |binary
 build/vignette.rds                |binary
 inst/doc/vignette.Rmd             |   50 +++++++++------
 inst/doc/vignette.html            |  123 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 man/RCzechia-package.Rd           |   38 +++++++++++
 man/casti.Rd                      |    2 
 man/katastry.Rd                   |only
 man/kraje.Rd                      |    4 -
 man/obce_body.Rd                  |    2 
 man/obce_polygony.Rd              |    2 
 man/okresy.Rd                     |    2 
 man/orp_polygony.Rd               |    4 -
 man/republika.Rd                  |    2 
 man/set_home.Rd                   |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-1-casti.R     |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-1-chr-uzemi.R |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-1-ctverce.R   |    5 +
 tests/testthat/test-1-geomorfo.R  |   16 ++++
 tests/testthat/test-1-historie.R  |    4 +
 tests/testthat/test-1-katastr.R   |only
 tests/testthat/test-1-kraje.R     |    3 
 tests/testthat/test-1-lesy.R      |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-1-obce.R      |    4 +
 tests/testthat/test-1-okresy.R    |    4 +
 tests/testthat/test-1-orp.R       |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-1-republika.R |    3 
 tests/testthat/test-1-transport.R |    5 +
 tests/testthat/test-1-vodstvo.R   |   10 +++
 tests/testthat/test-1-volby.R     |    6 +
 tests/testthat/test-1-zip-codes.R |    3 
 tests/testthat/test-3-integrace.R |    9 ++
 vignettes/brno-center-1.png       |binary
 vignettes/census-1.png            |binary
 vignettes/ctverce-1.png           |binary
 vignettes/geocode-1.png           |binary
 vignettes/relief-1.png            |binary
 vignettes/senat-1.png             |binary
 vignettes/vignette.Rmd            |   50 +++++++++------
 54 files changed, 378 insertions(+), 174 deletions(-)

More information about RCzechia at CRAN
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Package bamdit updated to version 3.4.1 with previous version 3.4.0 dated 2022-04-04

Title: Bayesian Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Test Data
Description: Provides a new class of Bayesian meta-analysis models that incorporates a model for internal and external validity bias. In this way, it is possible to combine studies of diverse quality and different types. For example, we can combine the results of randomized control trials (RCTs) with the results of observational studies (OS).
Author: Pablo Emilio Verde [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Pablo Emilio Verde <>

Diff between bamdit versions 3.4.0 dated 2022-04-04 and 3.4.1 dated 2024-07-12

 ChangeLog              |   25 ++++++++++++---
 DESCRIPTION            |   11 +++---
 MD5                    |   22 +++++++------
 NAMESPACE              |    2 +
 R/bamdit-package.R     |   45 +++++++++++++++++++++++----
 R/metadiag.R           |    9 +++--
 R/plotcredibility.R    |only
 R/summary.metadiag.R   |    2 +
 data/skin.rda          |binary
 data/skin2.rda         |only
 man/bamdit-package.Rd  |   81 +++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 man/metadiag.Rd        |    6 +--
 man/plotcredibility.Rd |only
 man/skin2.Rd           |only
 14 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)

More information about bamdit at CRAN
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Package adestr updated to version 1.0.0 with previous version 0.5.0 dated 2023-09-27

Title: Estimation in Optimal Adaptive Two-Stage Designs
Description: Methods to evaluate the performance characteristics of various point and interval estimators for optimal adaptive two-stage designs as described in Meis et al. (2024) <doi:10.1002/sim.10020>. Specifically, this package is written to work with trial designs created by the 'adoptr' package (Kunzmann et al. (2021) <doi:10.18637/jss.v098.i09>; Pilz et al. (2021) <doi:10.1002/sim.8953>)). Apart from the a priori evaluation of performance characteristics, this package also allows for the evaluation of the implemented estimators on real datasets, and it implements methods to calculate p-values.
Author: Jan Meis [aut, cre] , Martin Maechler [cph] .)
Maintainer: Jan Meis <>

Diff between adestr versions 0.5.0 dated 2023-09-27 and 1.0.0 dated 2024-07-12

 adestr-0.5.0/adestr/man/Normal.Rd                               |only
 adestr-0.5.0/adestr/man/Student.Rd                              |only
 adestr-0.5.0/adestr/man/TwoStageDesign-class.Rd                 |only
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/DESCRIPTION                                 |   13 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/MD5                                         |   94 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/NAMESPACE                                   |    6 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/                                     |   14 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/R/adestr_package.R                          |    2 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/R/analyze.R                                 |    4 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/R/estimators.R                              |   58 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/R/evaluate_estimator.R                      |   78 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/R/fastmonoHFC.R                             |    4 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/R/fisher_information.R                      |    2 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/R/n2c2_helpers.R                            |    7 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/R/plot.R                                    |    6 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/R/reference_implementation.R                |   10 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/R/twostagedesign_with_cache.R               |  113 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/                                   |   43 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/build/partial.rdb                           |binary
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/build/vignette.rds                          |binary
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/inst/CITATION                               |only
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/inst/doc/Introduction.R                     |  276 +
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/inst/doc/Introduction.Rmd                   |  402 +
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/inst/doc/Introduction.html                  | 2170 +++++++++-
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/man/PValue-class.Rd                         |    3 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/man/TwoStageDesignWithCache.Rd              |   32 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/man/analyze.Rd                              |    2 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/man/c-EstimatorScoreResult-method.Rd        |   42 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/man/c-EstimatorScoreResultList-method.Rd    |   42 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/man/evaluate_estimator-methods.Rd           |   24 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/man/evaluate_estimator.Rd                   |    2 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/man/evaluate_scenarios_parallel.Rd          |  184 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-4-1.svg    |only
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/man/get_stagewise_estimators.Rd             |   10 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/man/plot-EstimatorScoreResult-method.Rd     |   90 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/man/plot-EstimatorScoreResultList-method.Rd |   90 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/man/plot-list-method.Rd                     |   90 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/man/plot_p.Rd                               |  116 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/tests/testthat/setup_designs.R              |    2 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/tests/testthat/test_LR_boundaries.R         |   42 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/tests/testthat/test_against_reference.R     |  221 -
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/tests/testthat/test_analyze.R               |   38 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/tests/testthat/test_densities.R             |    1 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/tests/testthat/test_dsmean.R                |   64 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/tests/testthat/test_estimators.R            |only
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/tests/testthat/test_evaluate_estimator.R    |  122 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/tests/testthat/test_helpers.R               |only
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/tests/testthat/test_integrals.R             |   68 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/tests/testthat/test_print.R                 |only
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/tests/testthat/test_prior_integral.R        |   67 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/tests/testthat/test_pseudo_rao_blackwell.R  |    1 
 adestr-1.0.0/adestr/vignettes/Introduction.Rmd                  |  402 +
 52 files changed, 4295 insertions(+), 762 deletions(-)

More information about adestr at CRAN
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Package ura updated to version 1.0.1 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2023-09-13

Title: Monitoring Rater Reliability
Description: Provides researchers with a simple set of diagnostic tools for monitoring the progress and reliability of raters conducting content coding tasks. Goehring (2024) <> argues that supervisors---especially supervisors of small teams---should utilize computational tools to monitor reliability in real time. As such, this package provides easy-to-use functions for calculating inter-rater reliability statistics and measuring the reliability of one coder compared to the rest of the team.
Author: Benjamin Goehring [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Benjamin Goehring <>

Diff between ura versions 1.0.0 dated 2023-09-13 and 1.0.1 dated 2024-07-12

 DESCRIPTION         |   10 +++++-----
 MD5                 |   10 +++++-----             |    4 +++-
 R/rater_agreement.R |    2 +-           |   18 +++++++++---------
 man/ura-package.Rd  |    2 +-
 6 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

More information about ura at CRAN
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Package stgam updated to version with previous version dated 2024-06-25

Title: Spatially and Temporally Varying Coefficient Models Using Generalized Additive Models
Description: A framework for specifying spatially, temporally and spatial-and-temporally varying coefficient models using Generalized Additive Models with Gaussian Process smooths. The smooths are parameterised with location and / or time attributes. Importantly the framework supports the investigation of the presence and nature of any space-time dependencies in the data, allows the user to evaluate different model forms (specifications) and to pick the most probable model or to combine multiple varying coefficient models using Bayesian Model Averaging. For more details see: Brunsdon et al (2023) <doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.GIScience.2023.17>, Comber et al (2023) <doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.GIScience.2023.22> and Comber et al (2024) <doi:10.1080/13658816.2023.2270285>.
Author: Lex Comber [aut, cre], Paul Harris [ctb], Chris Brunsdon [ctb]
Maintainer: Lex Comber <>

Diff between stgam versions dated 2024-06-25 and dated 2024-07-12

 DESCRIPTION                                  |    6 ++--
 MD5                                          |   40 +++++++++++++--------------                                      |    7 ++++
 R/calculate_vc.R                             |   19 ++++++------
 R/data.R                                     |    2 +
 R/do_bma.R                                   |   24 ++++++++--------
 R/evaluate_models.R                          |   18 ++++++------
 R/gam_model_probs.R                          |    6 ++--
 inst/doc/space-time-gam-intro.R              |    7 ++--
 inst/doc/space-time-gam-intro.Rmd            |    9 +++---
 inst/doc/space-time-gam-intro.html           |   18 ++++++------
 inst/doc/space-time-gam-model-probs-BMA.R    |    8 ++---
 inst/doc/space-time-gam-model-probs-BMA.Rmd  |   10 +++---
 inst/doc/space-time-gam-model-probs-BMA.html |   26 ++++++++---------
 man/calculate_vcs.Rd                         |   13 ++++----
 man/do_bma.Rd                                |   18 ++++++------
 man/evaluate_models.Rd                       |    8 ++---
 man/gam_model_probs.Rd                       |    6 ++--
 man/productivity.Rd                          |    2 +
 vignettes/space-time-gam-intro.Rmd           |    9 +++---
 vignettes/space-time-gam-model-probs-BMA.Rmd |   10 +++---
 21 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 125 deletions(-)

More information about stgam at CRAN
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Package hstats updated to version 1.2.0 with previous version 1.1.2 dated 2024-02-03

Title: Interaction Statistics
Description: Fast, model-agnostic implementation of different H-statistics introduced by Jerome H. Friedman and Bogdan E. Popescu (2008) <doi:10.1214/07-AOAS148>. These statistics quantify interaction strength per feature, feature pair, and feature triple. The package supports multi-output predictions and can account for case weights. In addition, several variants of the original statistics are provided. The shape of the interactions can be explored through partial dependence plots or individual conditional expectation plots. 'DALEX' explainers, meta learners ('mlr3', 'tidymodels', 'caret') and most other models work out-of-the-box.
Author: Michael Mayer [aut, cre] , Przemyslaw Biecek [ctb]
Maintainer: Michael Mayer <>

Diff between hstats versions 1.1.2 dated 2024-02-03 and 1.2.0 dated 2024-07-12

 DESCRIPTION                           |   25 ++++---
 MD5                                   |   42 ++++++------                               |   29 ++++++--
 R/average_loss.R                      |   15 +---
 R/hstats.R                            |    2 
 R/ice.R                               |    1 
 R/losses.R                            |  113 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 R/pd_raw.R                            |    5 -
 R/perm_importance.R                   |   13 ++-
 R/utils_calculate.R                   |  108 ++------------------------------
 R/utils_input.R                       |   34 ++++++----                             |   85 +++++++++----------------
 man/average_loss.Rd                   |   12 ---
 man/perm_importance.Rd                |   15 +---
 tests/testthat/test_average_loss.R    |   42 ------------
 tests/testthat/test_calculate.R       |  100 ------------------------------
 tests/testthat/test_hstats.R          |    6 -
 tests/testthat/test_ice.R             |    9 --
 tests/testthat/test_input.R           |    7 --
 tests/testthat/test_losses.R          |   30 ---------
 tests/testthat/test_partial_dep.R     |    8 --
 tests/testthat/test_perm_importance.R |   34 ----------
 22 files changed, 209 insertions(+), 526 deletions(-)

More information about hstats at CRAN
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Package fitdistrplus updated to version 1.2-1 with previous version 1.1-11 dated 2023-04-25

Title: Help to Fit of a Parametric Distribution to Non-Censored or Censored Data
Description: Extends the fitdistr() function (of the MASS package) with several functions to help the fit of a parametric distribution to non-censored or censored data. Censored data may contain left censored, right censored and interval censored values, with several lower and upper bounds. In addition to maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), the package provides moment matching (MME), quantile matching (QME), maximum goodness-of-fit estimation (MGE) and maximum spacing estimation (MSE) methods (available only for non-censored data). Weighted versions of MLE, MME, QME and MSE are available. See e.g. Casella & Berger (2002), Statistical inference, Pacific Grove, for a general introduction to parametric estimation.
Author: Marie-Laure Delignette-Muller [aut] , Christophe Dutang [aut] , Regis Pouillot [ctb], Jean-Baptiste Denis [ctb], Aurelie Siberchicot [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Aurelie Siberchicot <>

Diff between fitdistrplus versions 1.1-11 dated 2023-04-25 and 1.2-1 dated 2024-07-12

 DESCRIPTION                                  |   21 
 MD5                                          |  217 +++--
 NAMESPACE                                    |   21                                      |  183 ++--
 R/AIC.R                                      |only
 R/BIC.R                                      |only
 R/CIcdfplot.R                                |   33 
 R/bootdist-graph.R                           |   27 
 R/bootdist.R                                 |  454 +++++++----
 R/bootdistcens.R                             |  418 ++++++----
 R/cdfcomp.R                                  |   45 -
 R/cdfcompcens.R                              |   40 -
 R/coef.R                                     |   26 
 R/denscomp.R                                 |   45 -
 R/descdist.R                                 |  277 +++----
 R/detectbound.R                              |    2 
 R/fitdist.R                                  |  578 +++++++--------
 R/fitdistcens.R                              |  343 ++++-----
 R/gofstat.R                                  |  716 ++++++++++--------
 R/logLik-surface.R                           |   38 
 R/logLik.R                                   |   24 
 R/mgedist.R                                  |  654 ++++++++---------
 R/mledist.R                                  |  698 +++++++++---------
 R/mmedist.R                                  |  888 +++++++++++++----------
 R/msedist.R                                  |  688 +++++++++---------
 R/plotdist.R                                 |  502 ++++++-------
 R/plotdistcens.R                             |   42 -
 R/ppcomp.R                                   |   16 
 R/ppcompcens.R                               |   14 
 R/qmedist.R                                  |  505 ++++++-------
 R/qqcomp.R                                   |   19 
 R/qqcompcens.R                               |   14 
 R/quantiles.R                                |  352 ++++-----
 R/util-Turnbull-intervals.R                  |    2 
 R/util-cens2pseudo.R                         |  128 +--
 R/util-check-NAInfNan.R                      |only
 R/util-checkparam.R                          |   19 
 R/util-checkparamlist.R                      |   19 
 R/util-getparam.R                            |   20 
 R/util-manageparam.R                         |   36 
 R/util-mledist-vcov.R                        |only
 R/util-mmedist-vcov.R                        |only
 R/util-npmle.R                               |    1 
 R/util-startarg.R                            |  589 +++++++++++++--
 R/util-testdensity.R                         |   19 
 R/util-wtdstat.R                             |    1 
 R/vcov.R                                     |   13                                    |   47 -
 build/partial.rdb                            |binary
 build/vignette.rds                           |binary
 inst/doc/FAQ.R                               |  331 +++++++-
 inst/doc/FAQ.Rmd                             |  368 ++++++++-
 inst/doc/FAQ.html                            | 1027 +++++++++++++++++----------
 inst/doc/Optimalgo.R                         |   94 +-
 inst/doc/Optimalgo.Rmd                       |   55 -
 inst/doc/Optimalgo.html                      |  258 +++---
 inst/doc/fitdistrplus_vignette.R             |    2 
 inst/doc/fitdistrplus_vignette.Rmd           |    2 
 inst/doc/fitdistrplus_vignette.html          |  152 ++-
 inst/doc/starting-values.R                   |only
 inst/doc/starting-values.Rmd                 |only
 inst/doc/starting-values.html                |only
 man/CIcdfplot.Rd                             |    2 
 man/Surv2fitdistcens.Rd                      |    2 
 man/bootdist.Rd                              |   41 -
 man/bootdistcens.Rd                          |   32 
 man/descdist.Rd                              |   22 
 man/detectbound.Rd                           |    2 
 man/endosulfan.Rd                            |    6 
 man/fitdist.Rd                               |   37 
 man/fitdistcens.Rd                           |   29 
 man/fitdistrplus.Rd                          |    9 
 man/gofstat.Rd                               |   66 +
 man/graphcomp.Rd                             |    7 
 man/graphcompcens.Rd                         |    2 
 man/logLik-plot.Rd                           |    2 
 man/logLik-surface.Rd                        |    2 
 man/mgedist.Rd                               |    9 
 man/mledist.Rd                               |    7 
 man/mmedist.Rd                               |   23 
 man/msedist.Rd                               |   12 
 man/plotdist.Rd                              |    2 
 man/plotdistcens.Rd                          |   18 
 man/prefit.Rd                                |    2 
 man/qmedist.Rd                               |   11 
 man/quantile.Rd                              |    2 
 man/toxocara.Rd                              |    2 
 tests/t-bootdist.R                           |   20 
 tests/t-cdfcomp.R                            |    4 
 tests/t-denscomp.R                           |   10 
 tests/t-fitdist-hessianpb.R                  |only
 tests/t-fitdist-test-arguments.R             |only
 tests/t-fitdist.R                            |   25 
 tests/t-fitdistcens.R                        |   24 
 tests/t-gofstat.R                            |   17 
 tests/t-logLik-vcov-coef.R                   |    9 
 tests/t-mgedist.R                            |    7 
 tests/t-mledist-asymptotic-vcov.R            |only
 tests/t-mledist-cens.R                       |  126 +--
 tests/t-mledist-nocens.R                     |   10 
 tests/t-mmedist-asymptotic-vcov.R            |only
 tests/t-mmedist.R                            |   54 -
 tests/t-msedist.R                            |   12 
 tests/t-plotdist.R                           |    4 
 tests/t-plotdistcens.R                       |  122 +--
 tests/t-ppcomp.R                             |    3 
 tests/t-qmedist.R                            |   10 
 tests/t-qqcomp.R                             |    3 
 tests/t-starting-value-scale-rate.R          |only
 tests/t-startingvalues-fellerpareto-family.R |only
 tests/t-startingvalues-invtrgamma-family.R   |only
 tests/t-startingvalues-othercont-family.R    |only
 tests/t-startingvalues-trgamma-family.R      |only
 tests/t-startingvalues-zeromod-family.R      |only
 tests/t-startingvalues-zerotrunc-family.R    |only
 tests/t-util-mmedist-vcov.R                  |only
 vignettes/FAQ.Rmd                            |  368 ++++++++-
 vignettes/Optimalgo.Rmd                      |   55 -
 vignettes/fitdistrplus_vignette.Rmd          |    2 
 vignettes/starting-values.Rmd                |only
 120 files changed, 7484 insertions(+), 4833 deletions(-)

More information about fitdistrplus at CRAN
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Package duckplyr updated to version 0.4.1 with previous version 0.4.0 dated 2024-05-21

Title: A 'DuckDB'-Backed Version of 'dplyr'
Description: A drop-in replacement for 'dplyr', powered by 'DuckDB' for performance. Also defines a set of generics that provide a low-level implementer's interface for the high-level user interface of 'dplyr'.
Author: Hannes Muehleisen [aut] , Kirill Mueller [aut, cre] , Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Kirill Mueller <>

Diff between duckplyr versions 0.4.0 dated 2024-05-21 and 0.4.1 dated 2024-07-12

 duckplyr-0.4.0/duckplyr/R/io.R                                   |only
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/DESCRIPTION                              |   10 
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/MD5                                      |   69 +-
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/NAMESPACE                                |    8 
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/                                  |   20 
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/R/arrange.R                              |    7 
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/R/as_duckplyr_df.R                       |   13 
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/R/as_duckplyr_tibble.R                   |only
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/R/construct_constant.R                   |only
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/R/construct_function.R                   |only
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/R/construct_reference.R                  |only
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/R/construct_window.R                     |only
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/R/dplyr.R                                |    1 
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/R/duckplyr-package.R                     |    3 
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/R/fallback.R                             |   25 -
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/R/handle_desc.R                          |only
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/R/io-.R                                  |only
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/R/io-csv.R                               |    4 
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/R/join.R                                 |   39 +
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/R/join_ptype_common.R                    |only
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/R/relational-duckdb.R                    |    8 
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/R/relational-expr.R                      |    2 
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/R/relational-rel.R                       |    8 
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/R/relational.R                           |  250 ----------
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/R/translate.R                            |only
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/                                |   43 +
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/man/as_duckplyr_df.Rd                    |   21 
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/man/df_from_file.Rd                      |   67 +-
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/man/new_relational.Rd                    |    7 
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/tests/testthat/_snaps/        |    2 
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/tests/testthat/_snaps/            |   11 
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/tests/testthat/_snaps/      |   16 
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/tests/testthat/_snaps/       |only
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/tests/testthat/test-as_duckplyr_tibble.R |only
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/tests/testthat/test-demo.R               |    5 
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/tests/testthat/test-dplyr.R              |    3 
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/tests/testthat/test-io-csv.R             |    2 
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/tests/testthat/test-io-parquet.R         |    4 
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/tests/testthat/test-join.R               |    2 
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/tests/testthat/test-rel_api.R            |   45 -
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/tests/testthat/test-relational.R         |   20 
 duckplyr-0.4.1/duckplyr/tests/testthat/test-translate.R          |only
 42 files changed, 288 insertions(+), 427 deletions(-)

More information about duckplyr at CRAN
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Package deseats updated to version 1.1.0 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2023-11-08

Title: Data-Driven Locally Weighted Regression for Trend and Seasonality in TS
Description: Various methods for the identification of trend and seasonal components in time series (TS) are provided. Among them is a data-driven locally weighted regression approach with automatically selected bandwidth for equidistant short-memory time series. The approach is a combination / extension of the algorithms by Feng (2013) <doi:10.1080/02664763.2012.740626> and Feng, Y., Gries, T., and Fritz, M. (2020) <doi:10.1080/10485252.2020.1759598> and a brief description of this new method is provided in the package documentation. Furthermore, the package allows its users to apply the base model of the Berlin procedure, version 4.1, as described in Speth (2004) <>. Permission to include this procedure was kindly provided by the Federal Statistical Office of Germany.
Author: Yuanhua Feng [aut] , Dominik Schulz [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Dominik Schulz <>

Diff between deseats versions 1.0.0 dated 2023-11-08 and 1.1.0 dated 2024-07-12

 DESCRIPTION                                      |   11 -
 MD5                                              |   68 +++++----
 NAMESPACE                                        |    5                                          |only
 R/RcppExports.R                                  |   28 +--
 R/arima_no_warn.R                                |    4 
 R/fitting_functions.R                            |  100 ++++++++++----
 R/forecasting_functions.R                        |   32 +++-
 R/helper_functions.R                             |   27 ++-
 R/linear_filters.R                               |    4 
 R/seasonplot.R                                   |only
 R/ts_conversion.R                                |    2                                        |   14 -
 man/ENERGY.Rd                                    |   56 +++----
 man/GDP.Rd                                       |   54 +++----
 man/HOUSES.Rd                                    |   54 +++----
 man/RAINFALL.Rd                                  |   52 +++----
 man/RETAIL.Rd                                    |   56 +++----
 man/arma_to_ar.Rd                                |    2 
 man/arma_to_ma.Rd                                |    2 
 man/deseats.Rd                                   |   28 +++
 man/figures/README-example-1.png                 |binary
 man/figures/README-example2-1.png                |binary
 man/figures/README-example4-1.png                |binary
 man/figures/README-example5-1.png                |binary
 man/llin_decomp.Rd                               |  162 +++++++++++------------
 man/read_ts.Rd                                   |    2 
 man/s_semiarma.Rd                                |   27 +++
 man/seasonplot.Rd                                |only
 man/seasonplot_gg.Rd                             |only
 man/select_bwidth.Rd                             |   23 ++-
 src/LinearFilters.cpp                            |    6 
 src/RcppExports.cpp                              |   73 ++++++----
 src/bootCast.cpp                                 |   12 -
 src/deseatsCpp.cpp                               |   53 ++++---
 tests/testthat/test-Cpp_arma_related_functions.R |   29 ++--
 tests/testthat/test-linear_filters.R             |   24 +--
 37 files changed, 587 insertions(+), 423 deletions(-)

More information about deseats at CRAN
Permanent link

Package WeibullR.shiny updated to version 0.2.1 with previous version 0.2.0 dated 2023-10-18

Title: A 'Shiny' App for Weibull Analysis from 'WeibullR'
Description: A 'Shiny' web application for life data analysis that depends on 'WeibullR' by David Silkworth and Jurgen Symynck (2022) <>, an R package for Weibull analysis.
Author: Paul Govan [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Paul Govan <>

Diff between WeibullR.shiny versions 0.2.0 dated 2023-10-18 and 0.2.1 dated 2024-07-12

 DESCRIPTION   |   16 +++++++++-------
 MD5           |    4 ++--
 inst/CITATION |    2 +-
 3 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

More information about WeibullR.shiny at CRAN
Permanent link

Package CodelistGenerator updated to version 3.1.0 with previous version 3.0 dated 2024-05-31

Title: Identify Relevant Clinical Codes and Evaluate Their Use
Description: Generate a candidate code list for the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) common data model based on string matching. For a given search strategy, a candidate code list will be returned.
Author: Edward Burn [aut, cre] , Marti Catala [ctb] , Xihang Chen [ctb] , Mike Du [ctb] , Danielle Newby [ctb]
Maintainer: Edward Burn <>

Diff between CodelistGenerator versions 3.0 dated 2024-05-31 and 3.1.0 dated 2024-07-12

 CodelistGenerator-3.0/CodelistGenerator/man/achillesCodeUse.Rd                                |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.0/CodelistGenerator/man/figures/hexsticker.png                            |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.0/CodelistGenerator/man/findOrphanCodes.Rd                                |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/DESCRIPTION                                         |   25 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/MD5                                                 |  146 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/NAMESPACE                                           |   10 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/                                             |    3 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/R/CodelistFromCodelistWithDetails.R                 |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/R/codesFromConceptSet.R                             |   91 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/R/codesInUse.R                                      |  192 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/R/data.R                                            |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/R/drugCodes.R                                       |  156 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/R/getDoseUnit.R                                     |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/R/getICD10StandardCodes.R                           |   28 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/R/getRoutes.R                                       |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/R/mockVocabRef.R                                    |    6 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/R/runSearch.R                                       |    5 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/R/stratifyByConcept.R                               |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/R/stratifyByDoseUnit.R                              |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/R/stratifyByRoute.R                                 |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/R/subsetOnDoseUnit.R                                |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/R/subsetOnRouteCategory.R                           |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/R/summariseAchillesCodeUse.R                        |   38 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/R/summariseCodeUse.R                                |   43 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/R/summariseOrphanCodes.R                            |  451 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/R/tableAchillesCodeUse.R                            |   57 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/R/tableCodeUse.R                                    |   22 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/R/vocabUtilities.R                                  |    8 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/                                           |   57 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/build/vignette.rds                                  |binary
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/data                                                |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/inst/doc/a01_Introduction_to_CodelistGenerator.html |    2 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/inst/doc/a02_Candidate_codes_OA.html                |    2 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/inst/doc/a03_Options_for_CodelistGenerator.Rmd      |  434 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/inst/doc/a03_Options_for_CodelistGenerator.html     |   18 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/inst/doc/a04_Vocab_based_codelists.R                |   30 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/inst/doc/a04_Vocab_based_codelists.Rmd              |   32 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/inst/doc/a04_Vocab_based_codelists.html             |  156 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/inst/not_all_concept_sets/cohort_def.json           | 5706 +++++-----
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/CodelistGenerator-package.Rd                    |    6 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/codesFromCohort.Rd                              |    7 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/codesFromConceptSet.Rd                          |    7 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/codesInUse.Rd                                   |    7 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/doseFormToRoute.Rd                              |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/figures/logo.png                                |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/getATCCodes.Rd                                  |   23 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/getConceptClassId.Rd                            |   60 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/getDoseUnit.Rd                                  |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/getDrugIngredientCodes.Rd                       |   23 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/getICD10StandardCodes.Rd                        |    7 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/getRouteCategories.Rd                           |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/restrictToCodesInUse.Rd                         |   11 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/sourceCodesInUse.Rd                             |    4 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/stratifyByConcept.Rd                            |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/stratifyByDoseUnit.Rd                           |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/stratifyByRouteCategory.Rd                      |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/subsetOnDoseUnit.Rd                             |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/subsetOnRouteCategory.Rd                        |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/subsetToCodesInUse.Rd                           |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/summariseOrphanCodes.Rd                         |   54 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/tableAchillesCodeUse.Rd                         |    4 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/tableCodeUse.Rd                                 |    4 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/tableCohortCodeUse.Rd                           |    4 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/man/tableOrphanCodes.Rd                             |   10 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-codesFrom.R                     |   44 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-codesInUse.R                    |   10 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-compareCodelists.R              |  254 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-data.R                          |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-dbms.R                          |  146 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-drugCodes.R                     |  646 +
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-findUnmappedCodes.R             |    1 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-getCandidateCodes.R             |  668 -
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-getDoseUnit.R                   |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-getICD10StandardCodes.R         |   14 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-getMappings.R                   |  148 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-getRouteCategories.R            |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-mockVocabRef.R                  |   26 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-restrictToCodesInUse.R          |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-stratifyByConcept.R             |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-stratifyByDoseUnit.R            |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-stratifyByRouteCategory.R       |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-subsetOnDoseUnit.R              |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-subsetOnRouteCategory.R         |only
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-summariseCodeUse.R              |    4 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-summariseOrphanCodes.R          |  119 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-tableAchillesCodeUse.R          |  142 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-tableCodeUse.R                  |   19 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-vocabUtilities.R                |    2 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/vignettes/a03_Options_for_CodelistGenerator.Rmd     |  434 
 CodelistGenerator-3.1.0/CodelistGenerator/vignettes/a04_Vocab_based_codelists.Rmd             |   32 
 90 files changed, 5747 insertions(+), 4911 deletions(-)

More information about CodelistGenerator at CRAN
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Package BayesianNetwork updated to version 0.3.2 with previous version 0.3 dated 2023-06-26

Title: Bayesian Network Modeling and Analysis
Description: A "Shiny"" web application for creating interactive Bayesian Network models, learning the structure and parameters of Bayesian networks, and utilities for classic network analysis.
Author: Paul Govan [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Paul Govan <>

Diff between BayesianNetwork versions 0.3 dated 2023-06-26 and 0.3.2 dated 2024-07-12

 BayesianNetwork-0.3.2/BayesianNetwork/DESCRIPTION                |   15 +++---
 BayesianNetwork-0.3.2/BayesianNetwork/MD5                        |   25 +++-------
 BayesianNetwork-0.3.2/BayesianNetwork/                    |    6 ++
 BayesianNetwork-0.3.2/BayesianNetwork/                  |only
 BayesianNetwork-0.3.2/BayesianNetwork/inst/CITATION              |only
 BayesianNetwork-0.3.2/BayesianNetwork/inst/images/Measures.PNG   |only
 BayesianNetwork-0.3.2/BayesianNetwork/inst/images/Parameters.PNG |only
 BayesianNetwork-0.3.2/BayesianNetwork/inst/images/Simulation.PNG |only
 BayesianNetwork-0.3.2/BayesianNetwork/inst/images/Structure.PNG  |only
 BayesianNetwork-0.3.2/BayesianNetwork/man/figures                |only
 BayesianNetwork-0.3/BayesianNetwork/inst/bn/tests                |only
 BayesianNetwork-0.3/BayesianNetwork/inst/images/Measures.png     |only
 BayesianNetwork-0.3/BayesianNetwork/inst/images/Parameters.png   |only
 BayesianNetwork-0.3/BayesianNetwork/inst/images/Simulation.png   |only
 BayesianNetwork-0.3/BayesianNetwork/inst/images/Structure.png    |only
 15 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

More information about BayesianNetwork at CRAN
Permanent link

Thu, 11 Jul 2024

Package eSDM updated to version 0.4.2 with previous version 0.4.1 dated 2024-02-14

Title: Ensemble Tool for Predictions from Species Distribution Models
Description: A tool which allows users to create and evaluate ensembles of species distribution model (SDM) predictions. Functionality is offered through R functions or a GUI (R Shiny app). This tool can assist users in identifying spatial uncertainties and making informed conservation and management decisions. The package is further described in Woodman et al (2019) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13283>.
Author: Sam Woodman [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Sam Woodman <>

Diff between eSDM versions 0.4.1 dated 2024-02-14 and 0.4.2 dated 2024-07-11

 DESCRIPTION                                     |   15 +++++++--------
 MD5                                             |   22 +++++++++++-----------                                         |    7 +++++++
 R/eSDM-package.R                                |    4 ++--
 R/eSDM_GUI.R                                    |    2 --
 build/vignette.rds                              |binary
 inst/doc/example-analysis.html                  |    8 ++++----
 inst/shiny/app.R                                |    3 ++-
 inst/shiny/server_other/server_checks.R         |    2 +-
 inst/shiny/server_other/server_reactiveValues.R |    4 ++--
 man/eSDM-package.Rd                             |    3 ++-
 man/eSDM_GUI.Rd                                 |    3 ---
 12 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

More information about eSDM at CRAN
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Package PAMpal updated to version 1.2.1 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2023-08-11

Title: Load and Process Passive Acoustic Data
Description: Tools for loading and processing passive acoustic data. Read in data that has been processed in 'Pamguard' (<>), apply a suite processing functions, and export data for reports or external modeling tools. Parameter calculations implement methods by Oswald et al (2007) <doi:10.1121/1.2743157>, Griffiths et al (2020) <doi:10.1121/10.0001229> and Baumann-Pickering et al (2010) <doi:10.1121/1.3479549>.
Author: Taiki Sakai [aut, cre], Jay Barlow [ctb], Emily Griffiths [ctb], Michael Oswald [ctb], Simone Baumann-Pickering [ctb], Julie Oswald [ctb]
Maintainer: Taiki Sakai <>

Diff between PAMpal versions 1.0.0 dated 2023-08-11 and 1.2.1 dated 2024-07-11

 DESCRIPTION                     |   18 +-
 MD5                             |   77 +++++++-----
 NAMESPACE                       |   58 ++++++++-                         |   56 +++++++++
 R/addAnnotation.R               |   20 ++-
 R/addFPOD.R                     |    2 
 R/addHydrophoneDepth.R          |   42 ++++--
 R/addMeasures.R                 |    3 
 R/addNote.R                     |    7 -
 R/addRecordings.R               |    3 
 R/addWaveHeight.R               |only
 R/calculateAverageSpectra.R     |   12 +
 R/calculateEchoDepth.R          |only
 R/calculateICI.R                |    4 
 R/filter.R                      |  102 ++++++++++++++--
 R/filterEchoDepths.R            |only
 R/getClipData.R                 |  111 ++++++++++++++----
 R/loadPamguardXML.R             |   92 +++++++--------
 R/matchTimeData.R               |    8 -
 R/plotDataExplorer.R            |  207 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 R/plotGram.R                    |  136 ++++++++++++++++++----
 R/processPgDetections.R         |   76 +++++++++---
 R/runDepthReview.R              |only
 R/setSpecies.R                  |   18 +-
 R/summariseDiveDepth.R          |only
 R/utils.R                       |   73 ++++++++----
 R/wavUtils.R                    |   59 ++++++++-
 R/writeEventClips.R             |  243 +++++-----------------------------------
 man/addFPOD.Rd                  |    2 
 man/addHydrophoneDepth.Rd       |    2 
 man/addWaveHeight.Rd            |only
 man/calculateAverageSpectra.Rd  |    4 
 man/calculateEchoDepth.Rd       |only
 man/filter.Rd                   |    2 
 man/filterEchoDepths.Rd         |only
 man/getClipData.Rd              |    5 
 man/loadPamguardXML.Rd          |    2 
 man/matchTimeData.Rd            |    2 
 man/plotDataExplorer.Rd         |   18 --
 man/plotGram.Rd                 |   52 +++++++-
 man/runDepthReview.Rd           |only
 man/summariseDiveDepth.Rd       |only
 man/writeEventClips.Rd          |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-utils.R     |only
 tests/testthat/test-workStudy.R |   46 ++++---
 45 files changed, 1014 insertions(+), 550 deletions(-)

More information about PAMpal at CRAN
Permanent link

Package ltable updated to version 2.0.4 with previous version 2.0.3 dated 2023-08-16

Title: Easy to Make (Lazy) Tables
Description: Constructs tables of counts and proportions out of data sets with possibility to insert tables to Excel, Word, HTML, and PDF documents. Transforms tables to data suitable for modelling. Features Gibbs sampling based log-linear (NB2) and power analyses (original by Oleksandr Ocheredko <doi:10.35566/isdsa2019c5>) for tabulated data.
Author: Ocheredko Oleksandr
Maintainer: Ocheredko Oleksandr <>

Diff between ltable versions 2.0.3 dated 2023-08-16 and 2.0.4 dated 2024-07-11

 ltable-2.0.3/ltable/inst/Doc/ltable2023Part1.pdf |only
 ltable-2.0.3/ltable/inst/Doc/ltable2023Part2.pdf |only
 ltable-2.0.3/ltable/inst/Doc/ltable2023Part3.pdf |only
 ltable-2.0.3/ltable/inst/Doc/ltable2023Part4.pdf |only
 ltable-2.0.4/ltable/DESCRIPTION                  |   14 +++++++-------
 ltable-2.0.4/ltable/MD5                          |   21 ++++++++++++---------
 ltable-2.0.4/ltable/NAMESPACE                    |    6 ++++--
 ltable-2.0.4/ltable/R/Plot.R                     |    6 ++++--
 ltable-2.0.4/ltable/R/Renewal.R                  |only
 ltable-2.0.4/ltable/inst/Doc/ltablePart1.pdf     |only
 ltable-2.0.4/ltable/inst/Doc/ltablePart2.pdf     |only
 ltable-2.0.4/ltable/inst/Doc/ltablePart3.pdf     |only
 ltable-2.0.4/ltable/inst/Doc/ltablePart4.pdf     |only
 ltable-2.0.4/ltable/inst/Doc/ltablePart5.pdf     |only
 ltable-2.0.4/ltable/inst/NEWS.Rd                 |    4 ++--
 ltable-2.0.4/ltable/man/BCdata.Rd                |    2 +-
 ltable-2.0.4/ltable/man/renewal.Rd               |only
 17 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

More information about ltable at CRAN
Permanent link

Package genieBPC updated to version 2.0.1 with previous version 1.1.1 dated 2024-03-29

Title: Project GENIE BioPharma Collaborative Data Processing Pipeline
Description: The American Association Research (AACR) Project Genomics Evidence Neoplasia Information Exchange (GENIE) BioPharma Collaborative represents a multi-year, multi-institution effort to build a pan-cancer repository of linked clinico-genomic data. The genomic and clinical data are provided in multiple releases (separate releases for each cancer cohort with updates following data corrections), which are stored on the data sharing platform 'Synapse' <>. The 'genieBPC' package provides a seamless way to obtain the data corresponding to each release from 'Synapse' and to prepare datasets for analysis.
Author: Jessica A. Lavery [aut, cre] , Michael A. Curry [aut] , Samantha Brown [aut] , Karissa Whiting [aut] , Hannah Fuchs [aut] , Axel Martin [aut], Daniel D. Sjoberg [ctb]
Maintainer: Jessica A. Lavery <>

Diff between genieBPC versions 1.1.1 dated 2024-03-29 and 2.0.1 dated 2024-07-11

 genieBPC-1.1.1/genieBPC/tests/testthat/test-check_synapse_login.R      |only
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/DESCRIPTION                                    |    8 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/MD5                                            |  105 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/NAMESPACE                                      |    2 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/                                        |   17 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/R/create_analytic_cohort.R                     |   21 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/R/data.R                                       |   13 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/R/drug_regimen_sunburst.R                      |   18 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/R/pull_data_synapse.R                          |   49 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/R/select_unique_ngs.R                          |    8 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/R/synapse_authentication.R                     |  345 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/R/synapse_version.R                            |   20 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/                                      |  100 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/data/drug_regimen_list.rda                     |binary
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/data/synapse_tables.rda                        |binary
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/inst/WORDLIST                                  |    9 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/inst/doc/clinical_data_structure_vignette.Rmd  |   39 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/inst/doc/clinical_data_structure_vignette.html |   74 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/inst/doc/create_analytic_cohort_vignette.R     |   94 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/inst/doc/create_analytic_cohort_vignette.Rmd   |   20 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/inst/doc/create_analytic_cohort_vignette.html  | 2378 -
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/inst/doc/drug_regimen_sunburst_vignette.R      |   70 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/inst/doc/drug_regimen_sunburst_vignette.Rmd    |   20 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/inst/doc/drug_regimen_sunburst_vignette.html   |12157 ----------
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/inst/doc/pull_data_synapse_vignette.R          |   55 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/inst/doc/pull_data_synapse_vignette.Rmd        |   45 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/inst/doc/pull_data_synapse_vignette.html       |  660 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/inst/doc/select_unique_ngs_vignette.R          |   83 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/inst/doc/select_unique_ngs_vignette.Rmd        |   18 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/inst/doc/select_unique_ngs_vignette.html       |  622 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/man/check_genie_access.Rd                      |   20 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/man/create_analytic_cohort.Rd                  |    4 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/man/dot-get_synapse_token.Rd                   |   14 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/man/dot-get_token_by_pat.Rd                    |only
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/man/dot-get_token_by_username.Rd               |only
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/man/dot-is_connected_to_genie.Rd               |    7 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/man/dot-pull_data_by_cohort.Rd                 |    2 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/man/dot-resolve_duplicates.Rd                  |    4 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/man/drug_regimen_list.Rd                       |   13 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/man/drug_regimen_sunburst.Rd                   |    2 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/man/pull_data_synapse.Rd                       |   17 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/man/select_unique_ngs.Rd                       |    6 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/man/set_synapse_credentials.Rd                 |   15 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/tests/testthat/test-check-genie-access.R       |only
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/tests/testthat/test-create_analytic_cohort.R   |   79 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/tests/testthat/test-drug_regimen_sunburst.R    |   45 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/tests/testthat/test-pull_data_synapse.R        |  445 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/tests/testthat/test-select_unique_ngs.R        |    7 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/tests/testthat/test-set_synapse_credentials.R  |only
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/tests/testthat/test-synapse_tables.R           |   31 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/tests/testthat/test-synapse_version.R          |   35 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/vignettes/clinical_data_structure_vignette.Rmd |   39 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/vignettes/create_analytic_cohort_vignette.Rmd  |   20 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/vignettes/drug_regimen_sunburst_vignette.Rmd   |   20 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/vignettes/pull_data_synapse_vignette.Rmd       |   45 
 genieBPC-2.0.1/genieBPC/vignettes/select_unique_ngs_vignette.Rmd       |   18 
 56 files changed, 1364 insertions(+), 16574 deletions(-)

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Package spaths updated to version 1.1.3 with previous version 1.1.2 dated 2024-05-30

Title: Shortest Paths Between Points in Grids
Description: Shortest paths between points in grids. Optional barriers and custom transition functions. Applications regarding planet Earth, as well as generally spheres and planes. Optimized for computational performance, customizability, and user friendliness. Graph-theoretical implementation tailored to gridded data. Currently focused on Dijkstra's (1959) <doi:10.1007/BF01386390> algorithm. Future updates broaden the scope to other least cost path algorithms and to centrality measures.
Author: Christian Dueben [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Christian Dueben <>

Diff between spaths versions 1.1.2 dated 2024-05-30 and 1.1.3 dated 2024-07-11

 DESCRIPTION        |   10 +++++-----
 MD5                |    8 ++++----            |   45 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------          |    2 +-
 build/vignette.rds |binary
 5 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

More information about spaths at CRAN
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Package samc updated to version 3.3.0 with previous version 3.2.1 dated 2023-05-09

Title: Spatial Absorbing Markov Chains
Description: Implements functions for working with absorbing Markov chains. The implementation is based on the framework described in "Toward a unified framework for connectivity that disentangles movement and mortality in space and time" by Fletcher et al. (2019) <doi:10.1111/ele.13333>, which applies them to spatial ecology. This framework incorporates both resistance and absorption with spatial absorbing Markov chains (SAMC) to provide several short-term and long-term predictions for metrics related to connectivity in landscapes. Despite the ecological context of the framework, this package can be used in any application of absorbing Markov chains.
Author: Andrew Marx [aut, cre, cph] , Robert Fletcher [ctb] , Miguel Acevedo [ctb] , Jorge Sefair [ctb] , Chao Wang [ctb] , Hughes Josie [ctb] , Barrett Griffin [ctb]
Maintainer: Andrew Marx <>

Diff between samc versions 3.2.1 dated 2023-05-09 and 3.3.0 dated 2024-07-11

 DESCRIPTION                        |   12 +-
 MD5                                |   93 +++++++--------                            |   18 +++
 R/RcppExports.R                    |   56 ++-------
 R/absorption.R                     |   39 +++---
 R/check.R                          |   10 +
 R/cond_passage.R                   |   89 ++++++++++----
 R/data.R                           |    4 
 R/dispersal.R                      |  118 +++++++++++--------
 R/distribution.R                   |  110 +++++++++++-------
 R/generics.R                       |    4 
 R/internal-classes.R               |    4 
 R/internal-functions.R             |  221 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 R/locate.R                         |    4 
 R/location-class.R                 |    4 
 R/map.R                            |   83 +++++++------
 R/mortality.R                      |  148 +++++++++++++++++-------
 R/pairwise.R                       |    4 
 R/rasterize.R                      |    4 
 R/samc-class.R                     |    8 +
 R/samc.R                           |   23 ++-
 R/survival.R                       |   60 +++++-----
 R/utils-models.R                   |only
 R/visitation.R                     |  173 +++++++++++++++++++---------
 R/zzz.R                            |    2 
 build/vignette.rds                 |binary
 inst/doc/overview.R                |   20 +--
 inst/doc/overview.Rmd              |    1 
 inst/doc/overview.html             |   29 ++--
 man/cond_passage.Rd                |    7 +
 man/dispersal.Rd                   |    3 
 man/distribution.Rd                |    3 
 man/mortality.Rd                   |    6 +
 man/pairwise.Rd                    |    4 
 man/samc-class.Rd                  |    4 
 man/survival.Rd                    |   18 ++-
 src/RcppExports.cpp                |  152 +++++--------------------
 src/cond_passage.cpp               |   22 +--
 src/dispersal.cpp                  |   29 ----
 src/distribution.cpp               |   34 +----
 src/mortality.cpp                  |    4 
 src/samc_types.h                   |    3 
 src/solver-cache.cpp               |    4 
 src/solver-cache.h                 |    4 
 src/survival.cpp                   |    4 
 src/visitation.cpp                 |   98 +++-------------
 tests/testthat/test-cond_passage.R |    1 
 vignettes/overview.Rmd             |    1 
 48 files changed, 908 insertions(+), 834 deletions(-)

More information about samc at CRAN
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Package mstate updated to version 0.3.3 with previous version 0.3.2 dated 2021-11-08

Title: Data Preparation, Estimation and Prediction in Multi-State Models
Description: Contains functions for data preparation, descriptives, hazard estimation and prediction with Aalen-Johansen or simulation in competing risks and multi-state models, see Putter, Fiocco, Geskus (2007) <doi:10.1002/sim.2712>.
Author: Hein Putter [aut, cre], Liesbeth C. de Wreede [aut], Marta Fiocco [aut], Ronald B. Geskus [ctb], Edouard F. Bonneville [aut], Damjan Manevski [ctb]
Maintainer: Hein Putter <>

Diff between mstate versions 0.3.2 dated 2021-11-08 and 0.3.3 dated 2024-07-11

 mstate-0.3.2/mstate/ChangeLog                  |only
 mstate-0.3.2/mstate/R/cuminc.R                 |only
 mstate-0.3.3/mstate/DESCRIPTION                |   13 
 mstate-0.3.3/mstate/MD5                        |   42 
 mstate-0.3.3/mstate/                    |only
 mstate-0.3.3/mstate/R/Cuminc.R                 |only
 mstate-0.3.3/mstate/R/crprep.R                 |    3 
 mstate-0.3.3/mstate/R/ggplot.probtrans.R       |   47 -
 mstate-0.3.3/mstate/R/msfit.R                  |   15 
 mstate-0.3.3/mstate/R/msprep.R                 |    6 
 mstate-0.3.3/mstate/R/mssample.R               |    2 
 mstate-0.3.3/mstate/R/plot.msfit.R             |    4 
 mstate-0.3.3/mstate/R/relsurv.msfit.relsurv.R  |    4 
 mstate-0.3.3/mstate/R/relsurv.rformulate.R     |    4 
 mstate-0.3.3/mstate/R/          |   15 
 mstate-0.3.3/mstate/build/vignette.rds         |binary
 mstate-0.3.3/mstate/inst/CITATION              |   72 -
 mstate-0.3.3/mstate/inst/doc/Tutorial.Rnw      |    2 
 mstate-0.3.3/mstate/inst/doc/Tutorial.pdf      |binary
 mstate-0.3.3/mstate/inst/doc/visuals_demo.R    |    2 
 mstate-0.3.3/mstate/inst/doc/visuals_demo.html | 1157 +++++++++++++++----------
 mstate-0.3.3/mstate/man/Cuminc.Rd              |  212 ++--
 mstate-0.3.3/mstate/man/LMAJ.Rd                |    2 
 mstate-0.3.3/mstate/vignettes/Tutorial.Rnw     |    2 
 24 files changed, 956 insertions(+), 648 deletions(-)

More information about mstate at CRAN
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Package rmdHelpers updated to version 1.3.1 with previous version 1.2 dated 2016-07-11

Title: Helper Functions for Rmd Documents
Description: A series of functions to aid in repeated tasks for Rmd documents. All details are to my personal preference, though I am happy to add flexibility if there are use cases I am missing. I will continue updating with new functions as I add utility functions for myself.
Author: Mark Peterson
Maintainer: Mark Peterson <>

Diff between rmdHelpers versions 1.2 dated 2016-07-11 and 1.3.1 dated 2024-07-11

 DESCRIPTION           |    8 ++++----
 MD5                   |    8 ++++----
 R/formatEffectTable.R |   21 ++++++++++++++++-----
 R/printList.R         |    5 +++++
 build/partial.rdb     |binary
 5 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

More information about rmdHelpers at CRAN
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Package isnullptr updated to version 1.0.2 with previous version 1.0.1 dated 2017-09-28

Title: Check if an 'externalptr' is a Null Pointer
Description: Check if an 'externalptr' is a null pointer. R does currently not have a native function for that purpose. This package contains a C function that returns TRUE in case of a null pointer.
Author: Jonas Foerster [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jonas Foerster <>

Diff between isnullptr versions 1.0.1 dated 2017-09-28 and 1.0.2 dated 2024-07-11

 DESCRIPTION     |    9 ++++-----
 MD5             |    4 ++--
 src/isnullptr.c |    2 +-
 3 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

More information about isnullptr at CRAN
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Package rfacebookstat updated to version 2.11.0 with previous version 2.10.0 dated 2024-01-25

Title: Load Data from Facebook API Marketing
Description: Load data by campaigns, ads, ad sets and insights, ad account and business manager from Facebook Marketing API into R. For more details see official documents by Facebook Marketing API <>.
Author: Alexey Seleznev [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Alexey Seleznev <>

Diff between rfacebookstat versions 2.10.0 dated 2024-01-25 and 2.11.0 dated 2024-07-11

 DESCRIPTION            |    6 +++---
 MD5                    |   12 ++++++------                |    5 +++++
 R/fbGetAdSets.R        |    2 +-
 R/fbGetMarketingStat.R |    2 +-
 R/zzz.R                |    2 +-
 build/partial.rdb      |binary
 7 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

More information about rfacebookstat at CRAN
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Package mvtsplot updated to version 1.0-5 with previous version 1.0-4 dated 2022-05-10

Title: Multivariate Time Series Plot
Description: A function for plotting multivariate time series data.
Author: Roger D. Peng <>
Maintainer: Roger D. Peng <>

Diff between mvtsplot versions 1.0-4 dated 2022-05-10 and 1.0-5 dated 2024-07-11

 mvtsplot-1.0-4/mvtsplot/inst            |only
 mvtsplot-1.0-5/mvtsplot/DESCRIPTION     |   14 +++---
 mvtsplot-1.0-5/mvtsplot/MD5             |    9 +---
 mvtsplot-1.0-5/mvtsplot/NAMESPACE       |    4 -
 mvtsplot-1.0-5/mvtsplot/R/mvtsplot.R    |   68 ++++++++++++++++++++------------
 mvtsplot-1.0-5/mvtsplot/man/mvtsplot.Rd |   27 +++++++++---
 6 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

More information about mvtsplot at CRAN
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Package metap updated to version 1.11 with previous version 1.10 dated 2024-04-15

Title: Meta-Analysis of Significance Values
Description: The canonical way to perform meta-analysis involves using effect sizes. When they are not available this package provides a number of methods for meta-analysis of significance values including the methods of Edgington, Fisher, Lancaster, Stouffer, Tippett, and Wilkinson; a number of data-sets to replicate published results; and routines for graphical display.
Author: Michael Dewey [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Michael Dewey <>

Diff between metap versions 1.10 dated 2024-04-15 and 1.11 dated 2024-07-11

 DESCRIPTION            |    9 +++++----
 MD5                    |   28 ++++++++++++++--------------
 NEWS                   |    4 ++++
 R/sumlog.R             |   14 +++++++++++---
 build/metap.pdf        |binary
 build/partial.rdb      |binary
 build/stage23.rdb      |binary
 build/vignette.rds     |binary
 inst/doc/compare.pdf   |binary
 inst/doc/metap.pdf     |binary
 inst/doc/plotmetap.pdf |binary
 man/plotp.Rd           |    2 +-
 man/sumlog.Rd          |    9 ++++++++-
 man/sumz.Rd            |    5 +++++
 man/truncated.Rd       |    3 ++-
 15 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

More information about metap at CRAN
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Package CICA updated to version 1.1.0 with previous version 1.0.2 dated 2024-02-05

Title: Clusterwise Independent Component Analysis
Description: Clustering multi-subject resting state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging data. This methods enables the clustering of subjects based on multi-subject resting state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging data. Objects are clustered based on similarities and differences in cluster-specific estimated components obtained by Independent Component Analysis.
Author: Jeffrey Durieux [aut, cre], Tom Wilderjans [aut], Juan Claramunt Gonzalez [ctb]
Maintainer: Jeffrey Durieux <>

Diff between CICA versions 1.0.2 dated 2024-02-05 and 1.1.0 dated 2024-07-11

 DESCRIPTION               |   17 ++++++++---------
 MD5                       |   18 +++++++++---------
 NAMESPACE                 |    2 ++
 R/CICA.R                  |   38 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 R/ExtractICA.R            |   19 ++++++++++++++-----
 R/FindRationalStarts.R    |    3 +++                 |    4 +++-
 man/CICA.Rd               |   11 +++++++----
 man/ExtractICA.Rd         |    8 ++++++--
 man/FindRationalStarts.Rd |    2 +-
 10 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

More information about CICA at CRAN
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Package RCurl updated to version 1.98-1.16 with previous version 1.98-1.14 dated 2024-01-09

Title: General Network (HTTP/FTP/...) Client Interface for R
Description: A wrapper for 'libcurl' <> Provides functions to allow one to compose general HTTP requests and provides convenient functions to fetch URIs, get & post forms, etc. and process the results returned by the Web server. This provides a great deal of control over the HTTP/FTP/... connection and the form of the request while providing a higher-level interface than is available just using R socket connections. Additionally, the underlying implementation is robust and extensive, supporting FTP/FTPS/TFTP (uploads and downloads), SSL/HTTPS, telnet, dict, ldap, and also supports cookies, redirects, authentication, etc.
Author: CRAN Team [ctb, cre] , Duncan Temple Lang [aut]
Maintainer: CRAN Team <>

Diff between RCurl versions 1.98-1.14 dated 2024-01-09 and 1.98-1.16 dated 2024-07-11

 DESCRIPTION       |    6 +++---
 MD5               |    4 ++--
 src/Makevars.ucrt |   10 +++++++++-
 3 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

More information about RCurl at CRAN
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Package openalexR updated to version 1.4.0 with previous version 1.3.1 dated 2024-05-08

Title: Getting Bibliographic Records from 'OpenAlex' Database Using 'DSL' API
Description: A set of tools to extract bibliographic content from 'OpenAlex' database using API <>.
Author: Massimo Aria [aut, cre, cph] , Corrado Cuccurullo [ctb] , Trang Le [aut] , June Choe [aut]
Maintainer: Massimo Aria <>

Diff between openalexR versions 1.3.1 dated 2024-05-08 and 1.4.0 dated 2024-07-11

 DESCRIPTION                    |   10 +--
 MD5                            |   36 +++++------
 NAMESPACE                      |    1                        |    5 +
 R/oa2df.R                      |  130 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 R/oa_fetch.R                   |    8 +-
 R/oa_snowball.R                |    9 ++
 R/simplify.R                   |   10 +--
 R/utils.R                      |   31 +++++++++                      |  115 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 data/concept_abbrev.rda        |binary
 man/oa2df.Rd                   |    2 
 man/oa_fetch.Rd                |    2 
 man/oa_query.Rd                |    2 
 man/oa_random.Rd               |    2 
 man/oa_snowball.Rd             |    9 ++
 man/openalexR-package.Rd       |    2 
 man/process_topics.Rd          |only
 man/topics2df.Rd               |only
 tests/testthat/test-oa_fetch.R |    2 
 20 files changed, 266 insertions(+), 110 deletions(-)

More information about openalexR at CRAN
Permanent link

Package datawizard updated to version 0.12.0 with previous version 0.11.0 dated 2024-06-05

Title: Easy Data Wrangling and Statistical Transformations
Description: A lightweight package to assist in key steps involved in any data analysis workflow: (1) wrangling the raw data to get it in the needed form, (2) applying preprocessing steps and statistical transformations, and (3) compute statistical summaries of data properties and distributions. It is also the data wrangling backend for packages in 'easystats' ecosystem. References: Patil et al. (2022) <doi:10.21105/joss.04684>.
Author: Indrajeet Patil [aut] , Etienne Bacher [aut, cre] , Dominique Makowski [aut] , Daniel Luedecke [aut] , Mattan S. Ben-Shachar [aut] , Brenton M. Wiernik [aut] , Remi Theriault [ctb] , Thomas J. Faulkenberry [rev], Robert Garrett [rev]
Maintainer: Etienne Bacher <>

Diff between datawizard versions 0.11.0 dated 2024-06-05 and 0.12.0 dated 2024-07-11

 DESCRIPTION                            |   13 
 MD5                                    |   94 +-
 NAMESPACE                              |   28                                |   27 
 R/categorize.R                         |    1 
 R/data_arrange.R                       |    1 
 R/data_duplicated.R                    |    2 
 R/data_modify.R                        |    2 
 R/data_rescale.R                       |    2 
 R/data_reverse.R                       |    2 
 R/data_select.R                        |    6 
 R/data_summary.R                       |   22 
 R/data_tabulate.R                      |  150 +++-
 R/data_unique.R                        |    2 
 R/data_xtabulate.R                     |   45 -
 R/demean.R                             |  360 +++++-----
 R/extract_column_names.R               |    7 
 R/normalize.R                          |    2 
 R/ranktransform.R                      |    2 
 R/reshape_ci.R                         |    2 
 R/row_means.R                          |    6 
 R/select_nse.R                         |   27 
 R/to_factor.R                          |    6 
 R/unnormalize.R                        |   20 
 R/unstandardize.R                      |    2 
 R/utils-rows.R                         |    2 
 R/utils_standardize_center.R           |    2                              |    9 
 build/partial.rdb                      |binary
 build/vignette.rds                     |binary
 inst/WORDLIST                          |    4 
 inst/doc/selection_syntax.html         |  416 ++++++------
 inst/doc/standardize_data.html         |    2 
 inst/doc/tidyverse_translation.R       |  186 ++---
 inst/doc/tidyverse_translation.Rmd     |  149 ++--
 inst/doc/tidyverse_translation.html    |  143 ++--
 man/data_summary.Rd                    |    8 
 man/data_tabulate.Rd                   |   53 +
 man/demean.Rd                          |  184 +++--
 man/extract_column_names.Rd            |    7 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/ | 1128 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
 tests/testthat/_snaps/        |   28 
 tests/testthat/test-center.R           |    3 
 tests/testthat/test-data_select.R      |   48 +
 tests/testthat/test-data_summary.R     |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-data_tabulate.R    |  106 ++-
 tests/testthat/test-demean.R           |  125 +++
 vignettes/tidyverse_translation.Rmd    |  149 ++--
 48 files changed, 2064 insertions(+), 1521 deletions(-)

More information about datawizard at CRAN
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Package catregs updated to version 0.2.1 with previous version 0.2.0 dated 2024-06-11

Title: Post-Estimation Functions for Generalized Linear Mixed Models
Description: Several functions for working with mixed effects regression models for limited dependent variables. The functions facilitate post-estimation of model predictions or margins, and comparisons between model predictions for assessing or probing moderation. Additional helper functions facilitate model comparisons and implements simulation-based inference for model predictions of alternative-specific outcome models. See also, Melamed and Doan (2024, ISBN: 978-1032509518).
Author: David Melamed [aut, cre]
Maintainer: David Melamed <>

Diff between catregs versions 0.2.0 dated 2024-06-11 and 0.2.1 dated 2024-07-11

 catregs-0.2.0/catregs/inst/doc/lr.test.R               |only
 catregs-0.2.0/catregs/inst/doc/lr.test.Rmd             |only
 catregs-0.2.0/catregs/inst/doc/lr.test.html            |only
 catregs-0.2.0/catregs/man/lr.test.Rd                   |only
 catregs-0.2.0/catregs/vignettes/lr.test.Rmd            |only
 catregs-0.2.1/catregs/DESCRIPTION                      |    6 
 catregs-0.2.1/catregs/MD5                              |   25 -
 catregs-0.2.1/catregs/R/functions.R                    |  253 +++--------------
 catregs-0.2.1/catregs/build/vignette.rds               |binary
 catregs-0.2.1/catregs/inst/doc/list.coef.html          |   42 +-
 catregs-0.2.1/catregs/inst/doc/margins.dat.clogit.R    |    3 
 catregs-0.2.1/catregs/inst/doc/margins.dat.clogit.Rmd  |    3 
 catregs-0.2.1/catregs/inst/doc/margins.dat.clogit.html |    8 
 catregs-0.2.1/catregs/man/margins.dat.Rd               |    6 
 catregs-0.2.1/catregs/man/margins.des.Rd               |    2 
 catregs-0.2.1/catregs/vignettes/margins.dat.clogit.Rmd |    3 
 16 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 250 deletions(-)

More information about catregs at CRAN
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Package spant updated to version 2.22.0 with previous version 2.21.0 dated 2024-05-30

Title: MR Spectroscopy Analysis Tools
Description: Tools for reading, visualising and processing Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy data. The package includes methods for spectral fitting: Wilson (2021) <DOI:10.1002/mrm.28385> and spectral alignment: Wilson (2018) <DOI:10.1002/mrm.27605>.
Author: Martin Wilson [cre, aut] , Yong Wang [ctb], John Muschelli [ctb]
Maintainer: Martin Wilson <>

Diff between spant versions 2.21.0 dated 2024-05-30 and 2.22.0 dated 2024-07-11

 spant-2.21.0/spant/man/mrs_data_list2bids.Rd                 |only
 spant-2.22.0/spant/DESCRIPTION                               |   12 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/MD5                                       |  115 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/NAMESPACE                                 |   16 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/                                   |    5 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/R/abfit.R                                 |   27 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/R/basis_set.R                             |    3 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/R/fitting.R                               |    6 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/R/fmrs.R                                  | 1398 +++++++++--
 spant-2.22.0/spant/R/mrs_data_display.R                      |   34 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/R/mrs_data_io.R                           |   52 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/R/mrs_data_proc.R                         |  454 +++
 spant-2.22.0/spant/R/mrs_read_ima.R                          |   51 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/R/mrs_read_list_data.R                    |   12 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/R/mrs_read_nifti.R                        |   13 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/R/mrs_read_twix.R                         |   31 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/R/mrs_write_nifti.R                       |    5 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/R/rats.R                                  |   48 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/R/utils.R                                 |    1 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/inst/doc/abfit-baseline-opts.html         |   14 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/inst/doc/spant-basis-simulation.html      |    2 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/inst/doc/spant-intro.html                 |  210 -
 spant-2.22.0/spant/inst/doc/spant-metabolite-simulation.html |    6 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/inst/doc/spant-preprocessing.html         |    6 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/inst/rmd                                  |only
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/abfit_opts.Rd                         |    7 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/add_noise_spec_snr.Rd                 |   10 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/apodise_xy.Rd                         |    2 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/array2mrs_data.Rd                     |   11 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/comb_coils_mrsi_gls.Rd                |only
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/comb_coils_svs_gls.Rd                 |only
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/dyn_acq_times.Rd                      |    9 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/find_bids_mrs.Rd                      |    4 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/gen_baseline_reg.Rd                   |    9 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/gen_bold_reg.Rd                       |   10 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/gen_conv_reg.Rd                       |   10 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/gen_group_reg.Rd                      |only
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/gen_impulse_reg.Rd                    |   16 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/gen_poly_reg.Rd                       |   11 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/gen_trap_reg.Rd                       |   10 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/glm_spec.Rd                           |    4 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/glm_spec_fmrs_fl.Rd                   |only
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/glm_spec_fmrs_group.Rd                |only
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/glm_spec_group_linhyp.Rd              |only
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/image.mrs_data.Rd                     |   18 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/mat2mrs_data.Rd                       |   11 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/mrs_data2bids.Rd                      |only
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/mrs_data2spec_mat.Rd                  |only
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/phase_ref_1h_brain.Rd                 |only
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/preproc_svs.Rd                        |only
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/preproc_svs_dataset.Rd                |only
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/read_mrs.Rd                           |    8 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/read_siemens_txt_hdr.Rd               |    2 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/sim_noise.Rd                          |    3 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/sim_zero.Rd                           |   11 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/spant_mpress_drift.Rd                 |    2 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/spant_sim_fmrs_dataset.Rd             |only
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/spec_op.Rd                            |    4 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/t_test_spec.Rd                        |only
 spant-2.22.0/spant/man/vec2mrs_data.Rd                       |   13 
 spant-2.22.0/spant/tests/testthat/abfit_res_coarse.rds       |binary
 spant-2.22.0/spant/tests/testthat/abfit_res_default.rds      |binary
 spant-2.22.0/spant/tests/testthat/abfit_res_fine.rds         |binary
 spant-2.22.0/spant/tests/testthat/abfit_res_no_optim.rds     |binary
 spant-2.22.0/spant/tests/testthat/test_nifti.R               |    3 
 65 files changed, 2181 insertions(+), 528 deletions(-)

More information about spant at CRAN
Permanent link

Package disaggR updated to version with previous version dated 2024-02-09

Title: Two-Steps Benchmarks for Time Series Disaggregation
Description: The twoStepsBenchmark() and threeRuleSmooth() functions allow you to disaggregate a low-frequency time series with higher frequency time series, using the French National Accounts methodology. The aggregated sum of the resulting time series is strictly equal to the low-frequency time series within the benchmarking window. Typically, the low-frequency time series is an annual one, unknown for the last year, and the high frequency one is either quarterly or monthly. See "Methodology of quarterly national accounts", Insee Méthodes N°126, by Insee (2012, ISBN:978-2-11-068613-8, <>).
Author: Arnaud Feldmann [aut] , Pauline Meinzel [cre], Thomas Laurent [ctb] , Franck Arnaud [ctb] , Institut national de la statistique et des etudes economiques [cph]
Maintainer: Pauline Meinzel <>

Diff between disaggR versions dated 2024-02-09 and dated 2024-07-11

 disaggR-                                |only
 disaggR-                                      |only
 disaggR-                                  |only
 disaggR-                                      |only
 disaggR-                                        |only
 disaggR-                                  |only
 disaggR-                                        |only
 disaggR-                 |only
 disaggR-                        |only
 disaggR-                         |only
 disaggR-                                |only
 disaggR-           |only
 disaggR-                  |only
 disaggR-                   |only
 disaggR-                          |only
 disaggR-                  |only
 disaggR-                         |only
 disaggR-                          |only
 disaggR-                                 |only
 disaggR-          |only
 disaggR-                 |only
 disaggR-                  |only
 disaggR-                         |only
 disaggR-                                  |only
 disaggR-               |only
 disaggR-                      |only
 disaggR-                       |only
 disaggR-                              |only
 disaggR-         |only
 disaggR-                |only
 disaggR-                 |only
 disaggR-                        |only
 disaggR-                |only
 disaggR-                       |only
 disaggR-                        |only
 disaggR-                               |only
 disaggR-        |only
 disaggR-               |only
 disaggR-                |only
 disaggR-                       |only
 disaggR-                                |only
 disaggR-                             |only
 disaggR-                                 |only
 disaggR-                              |only
 disaggR-                                  |only
 disaggR-                                   |only
 disaggR-                                        |only
 disaggR-                                      |only
 disaggR-                                          |only
 disaggR-                                    |only
 disaggR-                                                |only
 disaggR-                                              |only
 disaggR-                                                |only
 disaggR-                                                |only
 disaggR-                                           |only
 disaggR-                                          |only
 disaggR-                                        |only
 disaggR-                                      |only
 disaggR-                                 |only
 disaggR-                           |only
 disaggR-                               |only
 disaggR-                                    |only
 disaggR-                            |only
 disaggR-                          |only
 disaggR-                    |only
 disaggR-                           |only
 disaggR-                   |only
 disaggR-                            |only
 disaggR-                              |only
 disaggR-                                    |only
 disaggR-                                |only
 disaggR-                                    |only
 disaggR-                                      |only
 disaggR-                                |only
 disaggR-                                      |only
 disaggR-               |only
 disaggR-                      |only
 disaggR-                       |only
 disaggR-                              |only
 disaggR-                            |only
 disaggR-         |only
 disaggR-                |only
 disaggR-                 |only
 disaggR-                        |only
 disaggR-                      |only
 disaggR-                |only
 disaggR-                       |only
 disaggR-                        |only
 disaggR-                               |only
 disaggR-                             |only
 disaggR-        |only
 disaggR-               |only
 disaggR-                |only
 disaggR-                       |only
 disaggR-                     |only
 disaggR-                                |only
 disaggR-                          |only
 disaggR-                              |only
 disaggR-             |only
 disaggR-                    |only
 disaggR-                     |only
 disaggR-                            |only
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 disaggR-                                        |only
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 disaggR-                                         |only
 disaggR-                                              |only
 disaggR-                                              |only
 disaggR-                                              |only
 disaggR-                                              |only
 disaggR-                                         |only
 disaggR-                                |only
 disaggR-                                        |only
 disaggR-                             |only
 disaggR-                                    |only
 disaggR-                              |only
 disaggR-                                  |only
 disaggR-                          |only
 disaggR-                                                                              |   29 
 disaggR-                                                                                      |  447 ++++++----
 disaggR-                                                                                |    8 
 disaggR-                                                                                  |    8 
 disaggR-                                                                                   |    2 
 disaggR-                                                                                 |   17 
 disaggR-                                                                                |    3 
 disaggR-                                                                       |binary
 disaggR-                                                                    |   47 -
 disaggR-                                                                   |    5 
 disaggR-                                                                 |    6 
 disaggR-                           |only
 disaggR-                           |only
 disaggR-                                 |only
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 disaggR-                           |only
 disaggR-                           |only
 disaggR-                          |only
 disaggR-                          |only
 disaggR-                            |only
 disaggR-                            |only
 disaggR-                         |only
 disaggR-                         |only
 disaggR-                                        |only
 disaggR-                                        |only
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 disaggR-                             |only
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 disaggR-                                         |only
 disaggR-                                         |only
 disaggR-                                         |only
 disaggR-                                         |only
 disaggR-                                         |only
 disaggR-                                    |only
 disaggR-                                    |only
 disaggR-                                   |only
 disaggR-                                   |only
 disaggR-                           |only
 disaggR-                           |only
 disaggR-                               |only
 disaggR-                               |only
 disaggR-                        |only
 disaggR-                        |only
 disaggR-                         |only
 disaggR-                         |only
 disaggR-                             |only
 disaggR-                             |only
 disaggR-                     |only
 disaggR-                     |only
 disaggR-                                                               |   22 
 disaggR-                                                             |   66 -
 436 files changed, 425 insertions(+), 235 deletions(-)

More information about disaggR at CRAN
Permanent link

Wed, 10 Jul 2024

Package leidenbase updated to version 0.1.30 with previous version 0.1.27 dated 2023-12-01

Title: R and C/C++ Wrappers to Run the Leiden find_partition() Function
Description: An R to C/C++ interface that runs the Leiden community detection algorithm to find a basic partition (). It runs the equivalent of the 'leidenalg' find_partition() function, which is given in the 'leidenalg' distribution file 'leiden/src/'. This package includes the required source code files from the official 'leidenalg' distribution and functions from the R 'igraph' package. The 'leidenalg' distribution is available from <> and the R 'igraph' package is available from <>. The Leiden algorithm is described in the article by Traag et al. (2019) <doi:10.1038/s41598-019-41695-z>. Leidenbase includes code from the packages: igraph version 0.9.8 with license GPL (>= 2), leidenalg version 0.8.10 with license GPL 3.
Author: Brent Ewing [aut, cre], Vincent Traag [ctb], Gabor Csardi [ctb], Tamas Nepusz [ctb], Szabolcs Horvat [ctb], Fabio Zanini [ctb]
Maintainer: Brent Ewing <>

Diff between leidenbase versions 0.1.27 dated 2023-12-01 and 0.1.30 dated 2024-07-10

 DESCRIPTION                               |   10 ++--
 MD5                                       |   16 +++---                                   |    4 +
 build/vignette.rds                        |binary
 src/                           |    1 
 src/Makevars.ucrt                         |    2 
 src/core/core/error.c                     |    2 
 src/leidenbase/leidenFindPartitionR2C.cpp |   74 +++++++++++++++---------------
 src/vendor/uuid/R.c                       |    4 -
 9 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

More information about leidenbase at CRAN
Permanent link

Package JSDNE updated to version 4.3.4 with previous version 4.3.2 dated 2024-04-16

Title: Estimating the Age using Auricular Surface by DNE
Description: The age is estimated by calculating the Dirichlet Normal Energy (DNE) on the whole auricular surface and the apex of the auricular surface. It involves three estimation methods: principal component discriminant analysis (PCQDA), principal component regression analysis (PCR), and principal component logistic regression analysis (PCLR) methods. The package is created with the data from the Louis Lopes Collection in Lisbon, the 21st Century Identified Human Remains Collection in Coimbra, and the CAL Milano Cemetery Skeletal Collection in Milan.
Author: Jisun Jang [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jisun Jang <>

Diff between JSDNE versions 4.3.2 dated 2024-04-16 and 4.3.4 dated 2024-07-10

 JSDNE-4.3.2/JSDNE/R/data_PCLR.R              |only
 JSDNE-4.3.2/JSDNE/R/data_PCQDA.R             |only
 JSDNE-4.3.2/JSDNE/R/data_PCR.R               |only
 JSDNE-4.3.2/JSDNE/data/data_PCLR.rda         |only
 JSDNE-4.3.2/JSDNE/data/data_PCQDA.rda        |only
 JSDNE-4.3.2/JSDNE/data/data_PCR.rda          |only
 JSDNE-4.3.2/JSDNE/man/data_PCLR.Rd           |only
 JSDNE-4.3.2/JSDNE/man/data_PCQDA.Rd          |only
 JSDNE-4.3.2/JSDNE/man/data_PCR.Rd            |only
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/DESCRIPTION                |    6 
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/MD5                        |   48 +-
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/NAMESPACE                  |    7 
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/R/PCLR_Test.R              |only
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/R/PCLR_Train.R             |only
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/R/PCLR_result.R            |    4 
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/R/PCQDA_Test.R             |only
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/R/PCQDA_Train.R            |only
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/R/PCQDA_result.R           |    6 
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/R/PCR_Test.R               |only
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/R/PCR_Train.R              |only
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/R/PCR_result.R             |    6 
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/R/RawData.R                |only
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/data/PCLR_Test.rda         |only
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/data/PCLR_Train.rda        |only
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/data/PCQDA_Test.rda        |only
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/data/PCQDA_Train.rda       |only
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/data/PCR_Test.rda          |only
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/data/PCR_Train.rda         |only
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/data/RawData.rda           |only
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/inst/doc/introduction.R    |   12 
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/inst/doc/introduction.Rmd  |  543 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/inst/doc/introduction.html |  570 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/man/PCLR_Test.Rd           |only
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/man/PCLR_Train.Rd          |only
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/man/PCQDA_Test.Rd          |only
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/man/PCQDA_Train.Rd         |only
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/man/PCR_Test.Rd            |only
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/man/PCR_Train.Rd           |only
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/man/RawData.Rd             |only
 JSDNE-4.3.4/JSDNE/vignettes/introduction.Rmd |  543 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 40 files changed, 1676 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)

More information about JSDNE at CRAN
Permanent link

Package report updated to version 0.5.9 with previous version 0.5.8 dated 2023-12-07

Title: Automated Reporting of Results and Statistical Models
Description: The aim of the 'report' package is to bridge the gap between R’s output and the formatted results contained in your manuscript. This package converts statistical models and data frames into textual reports suited for publication, ensuring standardization and quality in results reporting.
Author: Dominique Makowski [aut] , Daniel Luedecke [aut] , Indrajeet Patil [aut] , Remi Theriault [aut, cre] , Mattan S. Ben-Shachar [aut] , Brenton M. Wiernik [aut] , Rudolf Siegel [ctb] , Camden Bock [ctb]
Maintainer: Remi Theriault <>

Diff between report versions 0.5.8 dated 2023-12-07 and 0.5.9 dated 2024-07-10

 report-0.5.8/report/tests/testthat/_snaps/windows/           |only
 report-0.5.9/report/DESCRIPTION                                               |   42 
 report-0.5.9/report/MD5                                                       |   77 -
 report-0.5.9/report/NAMESPACE                                                 |   13 
 report-0.5.9/report/                                                   |   22 
 report-0.5.9/report/R/report.BFBayesFactor.R                                  |only
 report-0.5.9/report/R/                                    |only
 report-0.5.9/report/R/report.coxph.R                                          |only
 report-0.5.9/report/R/report.htest.R                                          |    2 
 report-0.5.9/report/R/report.lm.R                                             |   22 
 report-0.5.9/report/R/report_htest_chi2.R                                     |   75 -
 report-0.5.9/report/R/report_htest_fisher.R                                   |   49 -
 report-0.5.9/report/R/report_htest_friedman.R                                 |    2 
 report-0.5.9/report/R/report_htest_ttest.R                                    |   20 
 report-0.5.9/report/R/report_htest_wilcox.R                                   |   14 
 report-0.5.9/report/R/report_participants.R                                   |   90 +
 report-0.5.9/report/R/report_sample.R                                         |  102 +-
 report-0.5.9/report/R/report_text.R                                           |    2 
 report-0.5.9/report/R/utils_misspelled_variables.R                            |only
 report-0.5.9/report/                                                 |   74 -
 report-0.5.9/report/build/vignette.rds                                        |binary
 report-0.5.9/report/inst/WORDLIST                                             |   11 
 report-0.5.9/report/inst/doc/cite_packages.html                               |    6 
 report-0.5.9/report/inst/doc/report.html                                      |  263 ++---
 report-0.5.9/report/inst/doc/report_table.html                                |   16 
 report-0.5.9/report/man/report-package.Rd                                     |    1 
 report-0.5.9/report/man/report.BFBayesFactor.Rd                               |only
 report-0.5.9/report/man/                                 |only
 report-0.5.9/report/man/report_participants.Rd                                |   11 
 report-0.5.9/report/man/report_sample.Rd                                      |   11 
 report-0.5.9/report/tests/testthat/_snaps/windows/        |  300 +++---
 report-0.5.9/report/tests/testthat/_snaps/windows/ |   10 
 report-0.5.9/report/tests/testthat/_snaps/windows/      |  472 +++++-----
 report-0.5.9/report/tests/testthat/_snaps/windows/           |   72 -
 report-0.5.9/report/tests/testthat/_snaps/windows/       |    9 
 report-0.5.9/report/tests/testthat/_snaps/windows/                 |   40 
 report-0.5.9/report/tests/testthat/_snaps/windows/            |   16 
 report-0.5.9/report/tests/testthat/test-report.brmsfit.R                      |    7 
 report-0.5.9/report/tests/testthat/test-report.htest-correlation.R            |   10 
 report-0.5.9/report/tests/testthat/test-report.lm.R                           |    2 
 report-0.5.9/report/tests/testthat/test-report_participants.R                 |    4 
 report-0.5.9/report/tests/testthat/test-report_performance.R                  |    5 
 report-0.5.9/report/tests/testthat/test-report_sample.R                       |   28 
 43 files changed, 979 insertions(+), 921 deletions(-)

More information about report at CRAN
Permanent link

Package ggplate updated to version 0.1.4 with previous version 0.1.2 dated 2024-06-14

Title: Create Layout Plots of Biological Culture Plates and Microplates
Description: Enables users to create simple plots of biological culture plates as well as microplates. Both continuous and discrete values can be plotted onto the plate layout.
Author: Jan-Philipp Quast [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jan-Philipp Quast <>

Diff between ggplate versions 0.1.2 dated 2024-06-14 and 0.1.4 dated 2024-07-10

 DESCRIPTION    |    6 +++---
 MD5            |    6 +++---        |    8 ++++++++
 R/plate_plot.R |    9 ++++++++-
 4 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

More information about ggplate at CRAN
Permanent link

Package crew.cluster updated to version 0.3.2 with previous version 0.3.1 dated 2024-04-24

Title: Crew Launcher Plugins for Traditional High-Performance Computing Clusters
Description: In computationally demanding analysis projects, statisticians and data scientists asynchronously deploy long-running tasks to distributed systems, ranging from traditional clusters to cloud services. The 'crew.cluster' package extends the 'mirai'-powered 'crew' package with worker launcher plugins for traditional high-performance computing systems. Inspiration also comes from packages 'mirai' by Gao (2023) <>, 'future' by Bengtsson (2021) <doi:10.32614/RJ-2021-048>, 'rrq' by FitzJohn and Ashton (2023) <>, 'clustermq' by Schubert (2019) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btz284>), and 'batchtools' by Lang, Bischl, and Surmann (2017). <doi:10.21105/joss.00135>.
Author: William Michael Landau [aut, cre] , Michael Gilbert Levin [aut] , Brendan Furneaux [aut] , Eli Lilly and Company [cph]
Maintainer: William Michael Landau <>

Diff between crew.cluster versions 0.3.1 dated 2024-04-24 and 0.3.2 dated 2024-07-10

 DESCRIPTION                        |    8 ++++----
 MD5                                |   24 ++++++++++++------------                            |    6 +++++-
 R/crew_controller_lsf.R            |    4 +++-
 R/crew_controller_pbs.R            |    4 +++-
 R/crew_controller_sge.R            |    4 +++-
 R/crew_controller_slurm.R          |    4 +++-
 R/crew_launcher_cluster.R          |    3 ++-
 man/crew_class_launcher_cluster.Rd |    3 ++-
 man/crew_controller_lsf.Rd         |    8 ++++++++
 man/crew_controller_pbs.Rd         |    8 ++++++++
 man/crew_controller_sge.Rd         |    8 ++++++++
 man/crew_controller_slurm.Rd       |    8 ++++++++
 13 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

More information about crew.cluster at CRAN
Permanent link

Package updated to version 0.0.6 with previous version 0.0.5 dated 2024-02-07

Title: A Crew Launcher Plugin for AWS Batch
Description: In computationally demanding analysis projects, statisticians and data scientists asynchronously deploy long-running tasks to distributed systems, ranging from traditional clusters to cloud services. The '' package extends the 'mirai'-powered 'crew' package with a worker launcher plugin for AWS Batch. Inspiration also comes from packages 'mirai' by Gao (2023) <>, 'future' by Bengtsson (2021) <doi:10.32614/RJ-2021-048>, 'rrq' by FitzJohn and Ashton (2023) <>, 'clustermq' by Schubert (2019) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btz284>), and 'batchtools' by Lang, Bischl, and Surmann (2017). <doi:10.21105/joss.00135>.
Author: William Michael Landau [aut, cre] , Eli Lilly and Company [cph]
Maintainer: William Michael Landau <>

Diff between versions 0.0.5 dated 2024-02-07 and 0.0.6 dated 2024-07-10

 DESCRIPTION                          |   10 +++++-----
 MD5                                  |   16 ++++++++--------                              |    4 ++++
 R/crew_controller_aws_batch.R        |    4 +++-
 R/crew_launcher_aws_batch.R          |    3 ++-
 R/crew_package.R                     |    1 -
 man/        |    1 -
 man/crew_class_launcher_aws_batch.Rd |    3 ++-
 man/crew_controller_aws_batch.Rd     |    8 ++++++++
 9 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

More information about at CRAN
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Package rhino updated to version 1.9.0 with previous version 1.8.0 dated 2024-06-06

Title: A Framework for Enterprise Shiny Applications
Description: A framework that supports creating and extending enterprise Shiny applications using best practices.
Author: Kamil Zyla [aut, cre], Jakub Nowicki [aut], Leszek Sieminski [aut], Marek Rogala [aut], Recle Vibal [aut], Tymoteusz Makowski [aut], Rodrigo Basa [aut], Eduardo Almeida [ctb], Appsilon Sp. z o.o. [cph]
Maintainer: Kamil Zyla <>

Diff between rhino versions 1.8.0 dated 2024-06-06 and 1.9.0 dated 2024-07-10

 DESCRIPTION                             |    8 ++--
 MD5                                     |   23 ++++++++-----
 NAMESPACE                               |    2 +                                 |   10 +++++-
 R/app.R                                 |   37 +++++++++++++---------
 R/config.R                              |    2 -
 R/tools.R                               |   53 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 inst/WORDLIST                           |    6 +++
 inst/templates/node/package-lock.json   |   22 +++++++++++++
 inst/templates/node/package.json        |    3 +
 inst/templates/node/prettier.config.mjs |only
 man/format_js.Rd                        |only
 man/format_sass.Rd                      |only
 tests/e2e/test-format-js.R              |only
 tests/e2e/test-format-sass.R            |only
 15 files changed, 135 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

More information about rhino at CRAN
Permanent link

Package ipumsr updated to version 0.8.0 with previous version 0.7.2 dated 2024-03-12

Title: An R Interface for Downloading, Reading, and Handling IPUMS Data
Description: An easy way to work with census, survey, and geographic data provided by IPUMS in R. Generate and download data through the IPUMS API and load IPUMS files into R with their associated metadata to make analysis easier. IPUMS data describing 1.4 billion individuals drawn from over 750 censuses and surveys is available free of charge from the IPUMS website <>.
Author: Greg Freedman Ellis [aut], Derek Burk [aut, cre], Finn Roberts [aut], Joe Grover [ctb], Dan Ehrlich [ctb], Renae Rodgers [ctb], Institute for Social Research and Data Innovation [cph]
Maintainer: Derek Burk <>

Diff between ipumsr versions 0.7.2 dated 2024-03-12 and 0.8.0 dated 2024-07-10

 ipumsr-0.7.2/ipumsr/man/define_extract-micro.Rd                             |only
 ipumsr-0.7.2/ipumsr/man/define_extract.Rd                                   |only
 ipumsr-0.7.2/ipumsr/tests/fixtures/nhgis-metadata-summary-filtered.yml      |only
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/DESCRIPTION                                             |    8 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/MD5                                                     |  177 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/NAMESPACE                                               |    4 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/                                                 |  666 +-
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/R/api_define_extract.R                                  |  619 +-
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/R/api_extract_info.R                                    |    9 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/R/api_helpers.R                                         |  222 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/R/api_metadata.R                                        |   17 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/R/api_process_extract.R                                 |   44 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/R/deprec-extract-info.R                                 |   67 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/R/proj_config.R                                         |    5 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/                                               |  720 +-
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/build/vignette.rds                                      |binary
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/inst/doc/ipums-api-micro.R                              |  366 -
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/inst/doc/ipums-api-micro.Rmd                            | 1002 ++-
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/inst/doc/ipums-api-micro.html                           | 1667 +++---
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/inst/doc/ipums-api-nhgis.R                              |  420 -
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/inst/doc/ipums-api-nhgis.Rmd                            |  902 +--
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/inst/doc/ipums-api-nhgis.html                           | 1564 ++---
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/inst/doc/ipums-api.R                                    |  540 +-
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/inst/doc/ipums-api.Rmd                                  | 1259 ++--
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/inst/doc/ipums-api.html                                 | 1675 +++---
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/inst/doc/ipums-bigdata.R                                |  556 +-
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/inst/doc/ipums-bigdata.Rmd                              | 1329 ++---
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/inst/doc/ipums-bigdata.html                             | 2122 ++++----
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/inst/doc/ipums-read.R                                   |  252 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/inst/doc/ipums-read.Rmd                                 |  768 +-
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/inst/doc/ipums-read.html                                | 1846 +++----
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/inst/doc/ipums.R                                        |  162 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/inst/doc/ipums.Rmd                                      |  582 +-
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/inst/doc/ipums.html                                     | 1331 ++---
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/inst/doc/value-labels.R                                 |  341 -
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/inst/doc/value-labels.Rmd                               |   29 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/inst/doc/value-labels.html                              | 1889 +++----
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/add_to_extract.Rd                                   |   17 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/add_to_extract.nhgis_extract.Rd                     |    5 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/add_to_extract_micro.Rd                             |   46 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/define_extract_micro.Rd                             |only
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/define_extract_nhgis.Rd                             |   10 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/download_extract.Rd                                 |   10 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/extract_tbl_to_list.Rd                              |   31 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/get_extract_history.Rd                              |    6 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/get_extract_info.Rd                                 |    3 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/get_recent_extracts_info_list.Rd                    |    8 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/get_sample_info.Rd                                  |    6 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/ipums_data_collections.Rd                           |    2 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/ipums_extract-class.Rd                              |   31 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/lbl_add.Rd                                          |    2 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/lbl_clean.Rd                                        |    2 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/lbl_define.Rd                                       |    2 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/lbl_na_if.Rd                                        |    2 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/lbl_relabel.Rd                                      |    2 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/remove_from_extract.Rd                              |   11 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/remove_from_extract.micro_extract.Rd                |   43 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/remove_from_extract.nhgis_extract.Rd                |    5 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/save_extract_as_json.Rd                             |   14 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/submit_extract.Rd                                   |    9 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/var_spec.Rd                                         |   52 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/wait_for_extract.Rd                                 |    3 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/man/zap_ipums_attributes.Rd                             |    4 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/tests/fixtures/api-errors-authorization.yml             |   15 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/tests/fixtures/api-errors-invalid-metadata.yml          |   56 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/tests/fixtures/atus-submission-error.yml                |only
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/tests/fixtures/download-extract-not-ready.yml           |  170 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/tests/fixtures/get-atus-extract-info.yml                |only
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/tests/fixtures/micro-metadata-summary.yml               |   40 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/tests/fixtures/nhgis-metadata-single-dataset.yml        | 1033 ++-
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/tests/fixtures/nhgis-metadata-single-source.yml         |   14 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/tests/fixtures/nhgis-metadata-single-tst.yml            |   34 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/tests/fixtures/nhgis-metadata-summary-paged.yml         |   99 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/tests/fixtures/nhgis-metadata-summary.yml               | 2617 +++++-----
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/tests/fixtures/ready-atus-extract.yml                   |only
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/tests/fixtures/submitted-atus-extract.yml               |only
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/tests/fixtures/submitted-household-only-usa-extract.yml |only
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/tests/testthat/helper_api.R                             |  108 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/tests/testthat/test_api_define_extract.R                |  351 +
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/tests/testthat/test_api_extract_info.R                  |  323 -
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/tests/testthat/test_api_helpers.R                       |   43 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/tests/testthat/test_api_metadata.R                      |  342 -
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/tests/testthat/test_api_process_extract.R               |   60 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/vignettes/fixtures/micro-sample-ids.yml                 |  310 -
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/vignettes/fixtures/nhgis-metadata-detailed.yml          |  174 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/vignettes/fixtures/nhgis-metadata-summary.yml           |  119 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/vignettes/fixtures/wait-for-extract.yml                 |  170 
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/vignettes/ipums-api-micro.Rmd                           | 1002 ++-
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/vignettes/ipums-api-nhgis.Rmd                           |  902 +--
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/vignettes/ipums-api.Rmd                                 | 1259 ++--
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/vignettes/ipums-bigdata.Rmd                             | 1329 ++---
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/vignettes/ipums-read.Rmd                                |  768 +-
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/vignettes/ipums.Rmd                                     |  582 +-
 ipumsr-0.8.0/ipumsr/vignettes/value-labels.Rmd                              |   29 
 94 files changed, 18385 insertions(+), 17050 deletions(-)

More information about ipumsr at CRAN
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Package rebmix updated to version 2.16.0 with previous version 2.15.0 dated 2023-07-16

Title: Finite Mixture Modeling, Clustering & Classification
Description: Random univariate and multivariate finite mixture model generation, estimation, clustering, latent class analysis and classification. Variables can be continuous, discrete, independent or dependent and may follow normal, lognormal, Weibull, gamma, Gumbel, binomial, Poisson, Dirac, uniform or circular von Mises parametric families.
Author: Marko Nagode [aut, cre] , Branislav Panic [ctb] , Jernej Klemenc [ctb] , Simon Oman [ctb]
Maintainer: Marko Nagode <>

Diff between rebmix versions 2.15.0 dated 2023-07-16 and 2.16.0 dated 2024-07-10

 DESCRIPTION                  |    6 
 MD5                          |  117 -
 R/AllClasses.R               |   15 
 R/AllGenerics.R              |    3 
 R/EMMIX.R                    |   35 
 R/IC.R                       |  162 +
 R/RCLRMIX.R                  |   66 
 R/RCLSMIX.R                  |   36 
 R/REBMIX.R                   |   61 
 R/RNGMIX.R                   |   34 
 R/bins.R                     |   16 
 R/boot.REBMIX.R              |    6 
 R/defaults.R                 |    9 
 R/demix.R                    |  128 +
 R/densHistogram.x.R          |   16 
 R/densHistogram.xy.R         |   16 
 R/densK.x.R                  |   16 
 R/densK.xy.R                 |   16 
 R/densKDE.x.R                |   16 
 R/densKDE.xy.R               |   16 
 R/densKNearestNeighbour.x.R  |   16 
 R/densKNearestNeighbour.xy.R |   16 
 R/dfmix.R                    |   15 
 R/          |only
 R/histogram.R                |   32 
 R/labelmoments.R             |   32 
 R/mapclusters.R              |   32 
 R/mergelabels.R              |   16 
 R/optbins.R                  |   16 
 R/pfmix.R                    |   15 
 R/pfmix.x.R                  |   15 
 R/pfmix.xy.R                 |   30 
 R/zaccessors.R               |    2 
 build/partial.rdb            |binary
 build/vignette.rds           |binary
 inst/NEWS.Rd                 |    9 
 inst/doc/rebmix.Rnw          |    6 
 inst/doc/rebmix.pdf          |binary
 man/REBMIX-class.Rd          |   15 
 man/REBMIX.Rd                |   10 
 man/rebmix-internal.Rd       |    6 
 man/wine.Rd                  |    3 
 src/Rmisc.cpp                |   78 
 src/Rrebmix.cpp              | 1258 ++++++++------
 src/Rrebmvnorm.cpp           |  934 +++++-----
 src/base.cpp                 |  653 +++++--
 src/base.h                   |   80 
 src/emf.cpp                  |  521 ++---
 src/emf.h                    |    6 
 src/init.c                   |   16 
 src/rebmix.cpp               |   26 
 src/rebmixf.cpp              | 3743 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 src/rebmixf.h                |   30 
 src/rebmvnormf.cpp           |  691 ++++---
 src/rebmvnormf.h             |    9 
 src/rngmixf.cpp              |  195 +-
 src/rngmixf.h                |    2 
 src/rngmvnormf.cpp           |   22 
 src/rngmvnormf.h             |    2 
 vignettes/rebmix.Rnw         |    6 
 60 files changed, 5450 insertions(+), 3898 deletions(-)

More information about rebmix at CRAN
Permanent link

Package migrate updated to version 0.5.0 with previous version 0.4.0 dated 2021-10-15

Title: Create Credit State Migration (Transition) Matrices
Description: Tools to help convert credit risk data at two timepoints into traditional credit state migration (aka, "transition") matrices. At a higher level, 'migrate' is intended to help an analyst understand how risk moved in their credit portfolio over a time interval. References to this methodology include: 1. Schuermann, T. (2008) <doi:10.1002/9780470061596.risk0409>. 2. Perederiy, V. (2017) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.1708.00062>.
Author: Michael Thomas [aut, cre], Brad Lindblad [ctb], Ivan Millanes [ctb]
Maintainer: Michael Thomas <>

Diff between migrate versions 0.4.0 dated 2021-10-15 and 0.5.0 dated 2024-07-10

 migrate-0.4.0/migrate/R/utils-pipe.R        |only
 migrate-0.4.0/migrate/man/pipe.Rd           |only
 migrate-0.5.0/migrate/DESCRIPTION           |   50 -
 migrate-0.5.0/migrate/LICENSE               |    4 
 migrate-0.5.0/migrate/MD5                   |   34 -
 migrate-0.5.0/migrate/NAMESPACE             |   16 
 migrate-0.5.0/migrate/               |   29 
 migrate-0.5.0/migrate/R/build_matrix.R      |  502 +++++++--------
 migrate-0.5.0/migrate/R/globals.R           |    4 
 migrate-0.5.0/migrate/R/migrate.R           |  806 ++++++++++++++-----------
 migrate-0.5.0/migrate/             |  383 ++++++------
 migrate-0.5.0/migrate/build/vignette.rds    |binary
 migrate-0.5.0/migrate/inst/doc/migrate.R    |  166 +++--
 migrate-0.5.0/migrate/inst/doc/migrate.Rmd  |  271 +++++---
 migrate-0.5.0/migrate/inst/doc/migrate.html |  882 ++++++++++++++++++----------
 migrate-0.5.0/migrate/man/build_matrix.Rd   |  146 ++--
 migrate-0.5.0/migrate/man/migrate.Rd        |  174 ++---
 migrate-0.5.0/migrate/man/mock_credit.Rd    |   72 +-
 migrate-0.5.0/migrate/vignettes/migrate.Rmd |  271 +++++---
 19 files changed, 2258 insertions(+), 1552 deletions(-)

More information about migrate at CRAN
Permanent link

Package ClusterVAR updated to version 0.0.7 with previous version 0.0.6 dated 2024-06-06

Title: Fitting Latent Class Vector-Autoregressive (VAR) Models
Description: Estimates latent class vector-autoregressive models via EM algorithm on time-series data for model-based clustering and classification. Includes model selection criteria for selecting the number of lags and clusters.
Author: Anja Ernst [aut, cre], Jonas Haslbeck [aut]
Maintainer: Anja Ernst <>

Diff between ClusterVAR versions 0.0.6 dated 2024-06-06 and 0.0.7 dated 2024-07-10

 DESCRIPTION                          |    6 ++--
 MD5                                  |   22 +++++++++--------
 NAMESPACE                            |    2 +
 NEWS                                 |   12 ++++-----
 R/DetPredSubj.R                      |   44 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 R/LCVAR.R                            |    3 +-
 R/checkPosteriorsNA.R                |    4 ++-
 R/checkSingularitySigma.R            |   14 +++++------
 R/numberPredictableObservations.R    |   25 +++++++++++++++----
 R/print.PredictableObs.R             |only
 build/partial.rdb                    |binary
 man/numberPredictableObservations.Rd |   18 ++++++++++----
 man/print.PredictableObs.Rd          |only
 13 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)

More information about ClusterVAR at CRAN
Permanent link

Package ebvcube updated to version 0.2.3 with previous version 0.2.1 dated 2024-06-11

Title: Working with netCDF for Essential Biodiversity Variables
Description: The concept of Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBV, <>) comes with a data structure based on the Network Common Data Form (netCDF). The 'ebvcube' 'R' package provides functionality to easily create, access and visualise this data. The EBV netCDFs can be downloaded from the EBV Data Portal: Christian Langer/ iDiv (2020) <>.
Author: Luise Quoss [aut, cre] , Nestor Fernandez [aut] , Christian Langer [aut] , Jose Valdez [aut] , Henrique Miguel Pereira [aut]
Maintainer: Luise Quoss <>

Diff between ebvcube versions 0.2.1 dated 2024-06-11 and 0.2.3 dated 2024-07-10

 ebvcube-0.2.1/ebvcube/inst/docs/ebvcube_0.2.1.pdf               |only
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/DESCRIPTION                               |    8 
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/MD5                                       |   67 
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/                                   |    5 
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/R/data.R                                  |   18 
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/R/ebv_add_data.R                          |  724 +--
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/R/ebv_analyse.R                           |  450 -
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/R/ebv_attribute.R                         | 1020 ++--
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/R/ebv_create.R                            | 2160 ++++-----
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/R/ebv_create_taxonomy.R                   | 2264 +++++-----
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/R/ebv_datacubepaths.R                     |  548 +-
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/R/ebv_download.R                          |  387 -
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/R/ebv_map.R                               |  794 +--
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/R/ebv_properties.R                        |  938 ++--
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/R/ebv_read.R                              |  546 +-
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/R/ebv_read_bb.R                           |  710 +--
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/R/ebv_read_shp.R                          |  486 +-
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/R/ebv_resample.R                          |  666 +-
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/R/ebv_trend.R                             |  806 +--
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/R/ebv_utils.R                             | 1801 ++++---
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/R/ebv_write.R                             |  436 -
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/inst/docs/ebvcube_0.2.2.pdf               |only
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/man/ebv_create_taxonomy.Rd                |  236 -
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/man/ebv_download.Rd                       |    5 
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/tests/testthat/test-analyse.R             |  110 
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/tests/testthat/test-data.R                |only
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/tests/testthat/test-download.R            |   47 
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/tests/testthat/test-ebv-read.R            |  154 
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/tests/testthat/test-ebv_create_taxonomy.R |  280 -
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/tests/testthat/test-ebv_datacubepaths.R   |   58 
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/tests/testthat/test-ebv_manipulate.R      |  314 -
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/tests/testthat/test-ebv_properties.R      |  200 
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/tests/testthat/test-ebv_utils.R           |  438 -
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/tests/testthat/test-plots.R               |  199 
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/tests/testthat/test-resample.R            |   68 
 ebvcube-0.2.3/ebvcube/tests/testthat/test-write.R               |  128 
 36 files changed, 8559 insertions(+), 8512 deletions(-)

More information about ebvcube at CRAN
Permanent link

Package RRNA updated to version 1.2 with previous version 1.1 dated 2024-05-15

Title: Secondary Structure Plotting for RNA
Description: Functions for creating and manipulating RNA secondary structure plots.
Author: JP Bida [aut], Jonathan Price [cre, ctb]
Maintainer: Jonathan Price <>

Diff between RRNA versions 1.1 dated 2024-05-15 and 1.2 dated 2024-07-10

 DESCRIPTION |    8 ++++----
 MD5         |    2 +-
 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

More information about RRNA at CRAN
Permanent link

Package Epi updated to version 2.52 with previous version 2.51 dated 2024-06-12

Title: Statistical Analysis in Epidemiology
Description: Functions for demographic and epidemiological analysis in the Lexis diagram, i.e. register and cohort follow-up data. In particular representation, manipulation, rate estimation and simulation for multistate data - the Lexis suite of functions, which includes interfaces to 'mstate', 'etm' and 'cmprsk' packages. Contains functions for Age-Period-Cohort and Lee-Carter modeling and a function for interval censored data and some useful functions for tabulation and plotting, as well as a number of epidemiological data sets.
Author: Bendix Carstensen [aut, cre], Martyn Plummer [aut], Esa Laara [ctb], Michael Hills [ctb]
Maintainer: Bendix Carstensen <>

Diff between Epi versions 2.51 dated 2024-06-12 and 2.52 dated 2024-07-10

 CHANGES                |    4 
 DESCRIPTION            |    8 
 MD5                    |   52 
 R/ci.eta.R             |only
 R/ci.lin.R             |    2 
 build/vignette.rds     |binary
 inst/doc/addLexis.pdf  |binary
 inst/doc/addLexis.rnw  |    2 
 inst/doc/crisk.R       |   63 
 inst/doc/crisk.pdf     |binary
 inst/doc/crisk.rnw     |    3 
 inst/doc/flup.R        |   86 
 inst/doc/flup.pdf      | 9642 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 inst/doc/flup.rnw      |   52 
 inst/doc/simLexis.pdf  |binary
 inst/doc/simLexis.rnw  |    2 
 inst/doc/yll.R         |   19 
 inst/doc/yll.pdf       |binary
 inst/doc/yll.rnw       |   40 
 man/ci.eta.Rd          |only
 man/ci.lin.Rd          |    8 
 man/mod.Lexis.Rd       |    4 
 man/plotCIF.Rd         |    8 
 vignettes/addLexis.rnw |    2 
 vignettes/crisk.rnw    |    3 
 vignettes/flup.rnw     |   52 
 vignettes/simLexis.rnw |    2 
 vignettes/yll.rnw      |   40 
 28 files changed, 5101 insertions(+), 4993 deletions(-)

More information about Epi at CRAN
Permanent link

Package bimets updated to version 4.0.1 with previous version 3.0.2 dated 2023-12-13

Title: Time Series and Econometric Modeling
Description: Time series analysis, (dis)aggregation and manipulation, e.g. time series extension, merge, projection, lag, lead, delta, moving and cumulative average and product, selection by index, date and year-period, conversion to daily, monthly, quarterly, (semi)annually. Simultaneous equation models definition, estimation, simulation and forecasting with coefficient restrictions, error autocorrelation, exogenization, add-factors, impact and interim multipliers analysis, conditional equation evaluation, rational expectations, endogenous targeting and model renormalization, structural stability, stochastic simulation and forecast, optimal control.
Author: Andrea Luciani [aut, cre] , Roberto Stok [aut], Bank of Italy [cph]
Maintainer: Andrea Luciani <>

Diff between bimets versions 3.0.2 dated 2023-12-13 and 4.0.1 dated 2024-07-10

 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_12F_YP2D__.RData            |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_12L_YP2D__.RData            |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_12_D2YP__.RData             |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_1F_YP2D__.RData             |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_1L_YP2D__.RData             |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_1_D2YP__.RData              |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_24F_YP2D__.RData            |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_24L_YP2D__.RData            |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_24_D2YP__.RData             |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_2F_YP2D__.RData             |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_2L_YP2D__.RData             |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_2_D2YP__.RData              |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_366_D2YP__.RData            |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_366_YP2D__.RData            |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_36F_YP2D__.RData            |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_36L_YP2D__.RData            |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_36_D2YP__.RData             |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_3F_YP2D__.RData             |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_3L_YP2D__.RData             |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_3_D2YP__.RData              |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_4F_YP2D__.RData             |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_4L_YP2D__.RData             |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_4_D2YP__.RData              |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_53F_YP2D__.RData            |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_53L_YP2D__.RData            |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_53_D2YP__.RData             |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_static_G90__.RData          |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_static_TD90__.RData         |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_static_startYear___.RData   |only
 bimets-3.0.2/bimets/data/bimets_static_totalLength___.RData |only
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/DESCRIPTION                             |   10 
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/MD5                                     |   99 
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/                                 |  542 
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/R/bimets_model_functions.R              | 7539 ++++++----
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/R/bimets_ts_functions.R                 | 8257 ++++++------
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/R/sysdata.rda                           |only
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/                               |  157 
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/build/vignette.rds                      |binary
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/data/FRB__MCAP__WP__MODEL.rda           |only
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/data/FRB__MODEL.rda                     |only
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/data/LONGBASE.rda                       |only
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/inst/doc/bimets.R                       |  152 
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/inst/doc/bimets.Rnw                     |  166 
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/inst/doc/bimets.pdf                     |binary
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/inst/doc/frb2bimets.R                   |only
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/inst/doc/frb2bimets.Rnw                 |only
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/inst/doc/frb2bimets.pdf                 |only
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/man/CUMPROD.Rd                          |    3 
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/man/CUMSUM.Rd                           |    5 
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/man/LOAD_MODEL.Rd                       |   32 
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/man/LOAD_MODEL_DATA.Rd                  |    2 
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/man/MDL.Rd                              |  918 -
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/man/MOVAVG.Rd                           |    5 
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/man/MOVTOT.Rd                           |    5 
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/man/MULTMATRIX.Rd                       |    4 
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/man/OPTIMIZE.Rd                         |    8 
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/man/RENORM.Rd                           |    5 
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/man/SIMULATE.Rd                         |  454 
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/man/STOCHSIMULATE.Rd                    |  112 
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/man/TABIT.Rd                            |   15 
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/man/bimets-package.Rd                   |  112 
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/man/bimetsDataset.Rd                    |   47 
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/man/figures/Reordering.png              |binary
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/man/idxOver.Rd                          |  107 
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/vignettes/FRB_python_1.png              |only
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/vignettes/FRB_python_2.png              |only
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/vignettes/FRB_python_3.png              |only
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/vignettes/FRB_python_4.png              |only
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/vignettes/FRB_python_5.png              |only
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/vignettes/Reordering.png                |binary
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/vignettes/bimets.Rnw                    |  166 
 bimets-4.0.1/bimets/vignettes/frb2bimets.Rnw                |only
 72 files changed, 11004 insertions(+), 7918 deletions(-)

More information about bimets at CRAN
Permanent link

Package sotkanet updated to version 0.10.1 with previous version 0.9.79 dated 2022-02-01

Title: Sotkanet Open Data Access and Analysis
Description: Access statistical information on welfare and health in Finland from the Sotkanet open data portal <>.
Author: Leo Lahti [aut, cre] , Einari Happonen [aut], Joona Lehtomaki [ctb], Juuso Parkkinen [ctb], Vesa Saaristo [ctb], Pyry Kantanen [aut] , Aleksi Lahtinen [aut]
Maintainer: Leo Lahti <>

Diff between sotkanet versions 0.9.79 dated 2022-02-01 and 0.10.1 dated 2024-07-10

 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/DESCRIPTION                               |   28 
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/LICENSE                                   |    4 
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/MD5                                       |   89 +-
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/NAMESPACE                                 |   43 -
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/                                   |   23 
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/R/GetDataSotkanet.R                       |  109 +--
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/R/SotkanetIndicatorMetadata.R             |   10 
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/R/SotkanetIndicators.R                    |   73 +-
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/R/SotkanetRegions.R                       |   21 
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/R/csv.R                                   |   40 -
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/R/firstlib.R                              |    2 
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/R/get_sotkanet.R                          |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/R/http_funs.R                             |   68 --
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/R/json.R                                  |   46 -
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/R/sotkanet.R                              |    4 
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/R/sotkanet_cite.R                         |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/R/sotkanet_clean_cache.R                  |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/R/sotkanet_collect.R                      |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/R/sotkanet_fixity.R                       |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/R/sotkanet_indicator_metadata.R           |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/R/sotkanet_indicators.R                   |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/R/sotkanet_interactive.R                  |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/R/sotkanet_read_cache.R                   |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/R/sotkanet_regions.R                      |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/R/sotkanet_write_cache.R                  |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/R/utils-pipe.R                            |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/R/write_frictionless_metadata.R           |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/                                 |   82 +-
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/build/vignette.rds                        |binary
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/inst/CITATION                             |   11 
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/inst/doc/tutorial.R                       |    5 
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/inst/doc/tutorial.Rmd                     |  242 +++----
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/inst/doc/tutorial.html                    |  339 +++++-----
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/inst/extdata                              |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/man/GetDataSotkanet.Rd                    |   22 
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/man/SotkanetIndicatorMetadata.Rd          |    5 
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/man/SotkanetIndicators.Rd                 |    7 
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/man/SotkanetRegions.Rd                    |    7 
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/man/figures/README-sotkanet_example-1.png |binary
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/man/get_sotkanet.Rd                       |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/man/pipe.Rd                               |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/man/sotkanet-package.Rd                   |    5 
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/man/sotkanet.csv_query.Rd                 |    4 
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/man/sotkanet.json_query.Rd                |   11 
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/man/sotkanet_cite.Rd                      |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/man/sotkanet_clean_cache.Rd               |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/man/sotkanet_fixity.Rd                    |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/man/sotkanet_indicator_metadata.Rd        |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/man/sotkanet_indicators.Rd                |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/man/sotkanet_interactive.Rd               |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/man/sotkanet_read_cache.Rd                |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/man/sotkanet_regions.Rd                   |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/man/sotkanet_write_cache.Rd               |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/man/test_connection.Rd                    |    6 
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/man/write_frictionless_metadata.Rd        |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/tests/testthat/test-SotkanetCite.R        |only
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/tests/testthat/test-all.R                 |    2 
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/vignettes/tutorial.Rmd                    |  242 +++----
 sotkanet-0.10.1/sotkanet/vignettes/                     |only
 sotkanet-0.9.79/sotkanet/man/try_GET.Rd                            |only
 60 files changed, 857 insertions(+), 693 deletions(-)

More information about sotkanet at CRAN
Permanent link

Package gm updated to version 2.0.0 with previous version 1.0.2 dated 2021-04-17

Title: Create Music with Ease
Description: Provides a simple and intuitive high-level language for music representation. Generates and embeds music scores and audio files in 'RStudio', 'R Markdown' documents, and R 'Jupyter Notebooks'. Internally, uses 'MusicXML' <> to represent music, and 'MuseScore' <> to convert 'MusicXML'.
Author: Renfei Mao
Maintainer: Renfei Mao <>

Diff between gm versions 1.0.2 dated 2021-04-17 and 2.0.0 dated 2024-07-10

 gm-1.0.2/gm/R/clef.R                                       |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/R/condition.R                                  |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/R/duration.R                                   |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/R/element.R                                    |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/R/gm.R                                         |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/R/key.R                                        |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/R/line.R                                       |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/R/meter.R                                      |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/R/music.R                                      |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/R/pitch.R                                      |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/R/position.R                                   |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/R/show.R                                       |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/R/tempo.R                                      |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/R/tie.R                                        |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/inst/doc/cn.R                                  |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/inst/doc/cn.Rmd                                |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/inst/doc/cn.html                               |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/man/Tupler.Rd                                  |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/man/export.Rd                                  |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/man/figures/alipay.jpeg                        |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/man/figures/cn                                 |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/man/figures/nested_tuplets_finale.png          |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/man/gm.Rd                                      |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/man/inspect_errors.Rd                          |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/man/show.Rd                                    |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/man/tuplet.Rd                                  |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/tests/testthat/test_duration.R                 |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/tests/testthat/test_element.R                  |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/tests/testthat/test_export.R                   |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/tests/testthat/test_number.R                   |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/tests/testthat/test_pitch.R                    |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/tests/testthat/test_tie.R                      |only
 gm-1.0.2/gm/vignettes/cn.Rmd                               |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/DESCRIPTION                                    |   29 
 gm-2.0.0/gm/LICENSE                                        |    2 
 gm-2.0.0/gm/MD5                                            |  254 +
 gm-2.0.0/gm/NAMESPACE                                      |  214 -
 gm-2.0.0/gm/                                        |   30 
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-accidental.R                     |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-articulation.R                   |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-breath.R                         |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-clef-.R                          |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-clef-check.R                     |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-dynamic-.R                       |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-dynamic-dynamics.R               |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-fermata.R                        |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-grace.R                          |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-hairpin.R                        |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-instrument-.R                    |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-instrument-instruments.R         |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-key.R                            |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-line-.R                          |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-line-check.R                     |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-line-normalize.R                 |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-lyric.R                          |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-meter.R                          |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-mordent.R                        |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-music.R                          |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-notehead.R                       |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-pedal.R                          |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-schleifer.R                      |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-slur.R                           |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-stem.R                           |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-tempo.R                          |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-tie.R                            |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-tremolo.R                        |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-trill.R                          |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-turn.R                           |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-construct-velocity.R                       |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-duration-.R                                |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-duration-check.R                           |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-duration-normalize-.R                      |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-duration-normalize-notation.R              |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-duration-predicate.R                       |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-duration-to-string.R                       |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-duration-to-value.R                        |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-duration-types.R                           |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-pitch-.R                                   |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-pitch-check.R                              |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-pitch-normalize-.R                         |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-pitch-normalize-notation.R                 |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-pitch-normalize-value.R                    |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-pitch-predicate.R                          |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-utils-check.R                              |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/1-utils-print.R                              |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-accidental.R                           |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-articulation.R                         |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-breath.R                               |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-clef.R                                 |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-dynamic.R                              |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-fermata.R                              |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-grace.R                                |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-hairpin.R                              |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-instrument.R                           |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-key.R                                  |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-line-.R                                |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-line-check.R                           |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-line-line.R                            |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-lyric.R                                |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-meter.R                                |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-music.R                                |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-notehead.R                             |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-ornament-.R                            |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-ornament-trill.R                       |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-pedal.R                                |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-slur.R                                 |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-stem.R                                 |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-tempo.R                                |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-tie-.R                                 |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-tie-check.R                            |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-add-velocity.R                             |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-utils-.R                                   |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-utils-check.R                              |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-utils-update-.R                            |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/2-utils-update-chordal.R                     |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/3-prepare.R                                  |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/3-utils-.R                                   |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/3-utils-delimit.R                            |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/3-utils-duration.R                           |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/3-utils-grace.R                              |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/3-utils-key.R                                |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/3-utils-metricalize-.R                       |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/3-utils-metricalize-fill.R                   |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/3-utils-metricalize-note.R                   |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/3-utils-offset.R                             |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/3-utils-pitch.R                              |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/3-utils-segment.R                            |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/3-utils-tie.R                                |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/3-utils-tuplet-check.R                       |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/3-utils-tuplet-group.R                       |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/3-utils-tuplet-indicate.R                    |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-.R                                |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-accidental.R                      |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-articulation.R                    |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-attributes.R                      |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-breath.R                          |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-clef.R                            |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-divisions.R                       |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-duration.R                        |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-dynamic.R                         |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-fermata.R                         |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-hairpin.R                         |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-instrument.R                      |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-key.R                             |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-lyric.R                           |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-meter.R                           |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-music.R                           |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-note.R                            |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-notehead.R                        |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-ornament.R                        |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-pedal.R                           |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-pitch.R                           |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-score.R                           |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-slur.R                            |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-stem.R                            |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-musicxml-tempo.R                           |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-utils-insert-.R                            |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-utils-insert-attribute.R                   |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-utils-insert-direction.R                   |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-utils-insert-notation.R                    |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-utils-insert-note.R                        |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-utils-insert-sub-notation.R                |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/4-utils-musicxml.R                           |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/5-export-.R                                  |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/5-export-music.R                             |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/5-export-musicxml.R                          |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/5-show-.R                                    |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/5-show-music.R                               |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/5-show-musicxml.R                            |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/5-utils-context.R                            |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/5-utils-musescore.R                          |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/gm-internal.R                                |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/options.R                                    |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/R/utils.R                                      |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/                                      |   36 
 gm-2.0.0/gm/build/vignette.rds                             |binary
 gm-2.0.0/gm/inst/doc/gm.R                                  |  617 ++-
 gm-2.0.0/gm/inst/doc/gm.Rmd                                | 1221 +++---
 gm-2.0.0/gm/inst/doc/gm.html                               | 2391 ++++++++-----
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Accidental.Rd                              |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Articulation.Rd                            |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Breath.Rd                                  |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Clef.Rd                                    |   74 
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Dynamic.Rd                                 |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Fermata.Rd                                 |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Grace.Rd                                   |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Hairpin.Rd                                 |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Instrument.Rd                              |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Key.Rd                                     |   73 
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Line.Rd                                    |  140 
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Lyric.Rd                                   |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Meter.Rd                                   |   67 
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Mordent.Rd                                 |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Music.Rd                                   |   31 
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Notehead.Rd                                |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Pedal.Rd                                   |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Schleifer.Rd                               |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Slur.Rd                                    |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Stem.Rd                                    |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Tempo.Rd                                   |   81 
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Tie.Rd                                     |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Tremolo.Rd                                 |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Trill.Rd                                   |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Turn.Rd                                    |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/Velocity.Rd                                |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/export.Music.Rd                            |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/figures/readme.png                         |binary
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/gm-internal.Rd                             |  181 
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/plus-.Music.Rd                             |   48 
 gm-2.0.0/gm/man/show.Music.Rd                              |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/tests/testthat/test-1-construct-line-.R        |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/tests/testthat/test-1-duration-normalize.R     |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/tests/testthat/test-1-duration-predicate.R     |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/tests/testthat/test-1-duration-to-string.R     |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/tests/testthat/test-1-duration-to-value.R      |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/tests/testthat/test-1-duration-types.R         |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/tests/testthat/test-2-add-tie-.R               |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/tests/testthat/test-3-utils-delimit.R          |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/tests/testthat/test-3-utils-duration.R         |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/tests/testthat/test-3-utils-key.R              |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/tests/testthat/test-3-utils-metricalize-.R     |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/tests/testthat/test-3-utils-metricalize-fill.R |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/tests/testthat/test-3-utils-metricalize-note.R |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/tests/testthat/test-3-utils-offset.R           |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/tests/testthat/test-3-utils-pitch.R            |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/tests/testthat/test-3-utils-tie.R              |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/tests/testthat/test-3-utils-tuplet-group.R     |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/tests/testthat/test-3-utils-tuplet-indicate.R  |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/tests/testthat/test-4-musicxml-.R              |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/tests/testthat/test-4-musicxml-divisions.R     |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/tests/testthat/test-4-musicxml-lyric.R         |only
 gm-2.0.0/gm/vignettes/gm.Rmd                               | 1221 +++---
 232 files changed, 4105 insertions(+), 2605 deletions(-)

More information about gm at CRAN
Permanent link

Package rsgeo updated to version 0.1.7 with previous version 0.1.6 dated 2023-09-08

Title: An Interface to Rust's 'geo' Library
Description: An R interface to the GeoRust crates 'geo' and 'geo-types' providing access to geometry primitives and algorithms.
Author: Josiah Parry [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Josiah Parry <>

Diff between rsgeo versions 0.1.6 dated 2023-09-08 and 0.1.7 dated 2024-07-10

 DESCRIPTION                     |    6 
 MD5                             |   78 -
 NAMESPACE                       |    9                         |   11 
 R/constructors.R                |   12 
 R/coords-utils.R                |only
 R/explode.R                     |only
 R/extendr-wrappers.R            |  563 +++++---
 R/segmentize.R                  |   23                       |    1                    |only                   | 2511 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 man/construction.Rd             |   12 
 man/coord_utils.Rd              |only
 man/densify.Rd                  |only
 man/explode_lines.Rd            |only
 man/line_segmentize.Rd          |   10 
 man/rsgeo-package.Rd            |only
 man/topology.Rd                 |    2 
 src/Makevars                    |   33 
 src/Makevars.webr               |only
 src/                |   42 
 src/rust/Cargo.lock             |  740 +++++++++--
 src/rust/Cargo.toml             |   15 
 src/rust/src/            |   34 
 src/rust/src/        |   94 -
 src/rust/src/casting/    |   14 
 src/rust/src/casting/  |   44 
 src/rust/src/casting/ |only
 src/rust/src/casting/     |    2 
 src/rust/src/    |   73 -
 src/rust/src/     |only
 src/rust/src/          |   84 -
 src/rust/src/         |only
 src/rust/src/        |  361 ++---
 src/rust/src/          |   72 -
 src/rust/src/             |   71 -
 src/rust/src/           |  123 -
 src/rust/src/      |only
 src/rust/src/      |   16 
 src/rust/src/  |   19 
 src/rust/src/   |    3 
 src/rust/src/        |  146 --
 src/rust/src/           |  100 -
 src/rust/vendor-config.toml     |   12 
 src/rust/vendor.tar.xz          |binary
 46 files changed, 4158 insertions(+), 1178 deletions(-)

More information about rsgeo at CRAN
Permanent link

Package joyn updated to version 0.2.2 with previous version 0.2.0 dated 2024-03-29

Title: Tool for Diagnosis of Tables Joins and Complementary Join Features
Description: Tool for diagnosing table joins. It combines the speed of `collapse` and `data.table`, the flexibility of `dplyr`, and the diagnosis and features of the `merge` command in `Stata`.
Author: R.Andres Castaneda [aut, cre], Zander Prinsloo [aut], Rossana Tatulli [aut]
Maintainer: R.Andres Castaneda <>

Diff between joyn versions 0.2.0 dated 2024-03-29 and 0.2.2 dated 2024-07-10

 DESCRIPTION                            |   10 
 MD5                                    |   86 ++--
 NAMESPACE                              |    1                                |  149 +++++---
 R/checks.R                             |  149 +++-----
 R/dplyr-joins.R                        |  345 +++++++++++++++----
 R/freq_table.R                         |   80 ++--
 R/info_display.R                       |  122 ++++++
 R/joyn-merge.R                         |  303 +++++++++--------
 R/joyn-package.R                       |    3 
 R/joyn_workhorse.R                     |  162 +++------
 R/merge-data.table.R                   |    8 
 R/update_na_vals.R                     |   25 -
 R/utils.R                              |   34 +
 R/zzz.R                                |   35 +                              |  184 ++++------
 build/vignette.rds                     |binary
 inst/doc/adv-functionalities.html      |  258 ++++++--------
 inst/doc/aux-functions.R               |    4 
 inst/doc/aux-functions.Rmd             |    7 
 inst/doc/aux-functions.html            |   85 ++--
 inst/doc/dplyr-joins.html              |  282 +++++++---------
 inst/doc/main-functionalities.html     |  300 ++++++++---------
 inst/doc/merge-wrapper.html            |  172 ++++-----
 inst/doc/messages.html                 |  580 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
 man/anti_join.Rd                       |only
 man/check_match_type.Rd                |    2 
 man/correct_names.Rd                   |only
 man/freq_table.Rd                      |    4 
 man/full_join.Rd                       |    5 
 man/inner_join.Rd                      |    5 
 man/joyn-package.Rd                    |    2 
 man/joyn.Rd                            |   15 
 man/joyn_workhorse.Rd                  |   15 
 man/left_join.Rd                       |    5 
 man/report_from_attr.Rd                |only
 man/right_join.Rd                      |    5 
 man/store_joyn_msg.Rd                  |only
 man/type_choices.Rd                    |   52 +-
 tests/testthat/test-dplyr-joins.R      |  469 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 tests/testthat/test-freq_table.R       |   26 -
 tests/testthat/test-joyn.R             |  207 ++++++++++-
 tests/testthat/test-joyn_workhorse.R   |   43 --
 tests/testthat/test-merge-data.table.R |   49 +-
 tests/testthat/test-update_na_vals.R   |   10 
 vignettes/aux-functions.Rmd            |    7 
 46 files changed, 2610 insertions(+), 1695 deletions(-)

More information about joyn at CRAN
Permanent link

Package exams updated to version 2.4-1 with previous version 2.4-0 dated 2022-10-17

Title: Automatic Generation of Exams in R
Description: Automatic generation of exams based on exercises in Markdown or LaTeX format, possibly including R code for dynamic generation of exercise elements. Exercise types include single-choice and multiple-choice questions, arithmetic problems, string questions, and combinations thereof (cloze). Output formats include standalone files (PDF, HTML, Docx, ODT, ...), Moodle XML, QTI 1.2, QTI 2.1, Blackboard, Canvas, OpenOlat, ILIAS, TestVision, Particify, ARSnova, Kahoot!, Grasple, and TCExam. In addition to fully customizable PDF exams, a standardized PDF format (NOPS) is provided that can be printed, scanned, and automatically evaluated.
Author: Achim Zeileis [aut, cre] , Bettina Gruen [aut] , Friedrich Leisch [aut] , Nikolaus Umlauf [aut], Mirko Birbaumer [ctb], Dominik Ernst [ctb], Patrik Keller [ctb], Niels Smits [ctb] , Reto Stauffer [ctb], Kenji Sato [ctb], Florian Wickelmaier [ctb]
Maintainer: Achim Zeileis <>

Diff between exams versions 2.4-0 dated 2022-10-17 and 2.4-1 dated 2024-07-10

 DESCRIPTION                  |   12 -
 MD5                          |  142 ++++++++-------
 NAMESPACE                    |    3                      |  190 +++++++++++++++++++-
 R/exams2arsnova.R            |    6 
 R/exams2blackboard.R         |   66 ++-----
 R/exams2canvas.R             |    4 
 R/exams2evaexam.R            |only
 R/exams2grasple.R            |    7 
 R/exams2html.R               |    5 
 R/exams2lops.R               |    6 
 R/exams2moodle.R             |   29 +--
 R/exams2nops.R               |   51 +++--
 R/exams2openolat.R           |    2 
 R/exams2pandoc.R             |    6 
 R/exams2particify.R          |   10 -
 R/exams2qti12.R              |   83 +++++---
 R/exams2qti21.R              |  404 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 R/exams2testvision.R         |  247 +++++++++++++-------------
 R/exams_metainfo.R           |only
 R/fileURI.R                  |    1 
 R/nops_eval.R                |   17 +
 R/nops_fix.R                 |only
 R/nops_scan.R                |  213 +++++++++++++---------
 R/pandoc.R                   |   15 -
 R/read_exercise.R            |   23 ++
 R/read_metainfo.R            |   41 +++-
 R/search_files.R             |    2 
 R/testvision2exams.R         |   72 +++++++
 R/to_choice.R                |   12 -
 R/xexams.R                   |   56 ++---
 build/partial.rdb            |binary
 build/vignette.rds           |binary
 inst/CITATION                |   57 ++----
 inst/css/table_grid.css      |only
 inst/css/table_rule.css      |only
 inst/css/table_shade.css     |only
 inst/doc/exams.pdf           |binary
 inst/doc/exams2.pdf          |binary
 inst/exercises/essayreg.Rmd  |    2 
 inst/exercises/essayreg.Rnw  |    2 
 inst/exercises/essayreg2.Rmd |    7 
 inst/exercises/essayreg2.Rnw |    7 
 inst/exercises/vowels2.Rmd   |only
 inst/exercises/vowels2.Rnw   |only
 inst/nops/bg.dcf             |only
 inst/nops/es.dcf             |    4 
 inst/nops/fr.dcf             |    4 
 inst/nops/pl.dcf             |only
 inst/nops/ru.dcf             |   14 +
 inst/nops/uibk-logo-bw.png   |only
 inst/tex/exam.tex            |    1 
 inst/tex/form.tex            |    1 
 inst/tex/plain-highlight.tex |    2 
 inst/tex/plain.tex           |    2 
 inst/tex/plain8.tex          |    2 
 inst/tex/solution.tex        |    1 
 inst/xml/canvas_meta.xml     |    2 
 man/exams2arsnova.Rd         |    9 
 man/exams2blackboard.Rd      |   12 -
 man/exams2canvas.Rd          |   11 -
 man/exams2grasple.Rd         |   60 +++---
 man/exams2html.Rd            |    4 
 man/exams2lops.Rd            |    7 
 man/exams2moodle.Rd          |  101 ++++++----
 man/exams2nops.Rd            |   10 -
 man/exams2pandoc.Rd          |    9 
 man/exams2particify.Rd       |   17 +
 man/exams2qti12.Rd           |   13 -
 man/exams2qti21.Rd           |   37 ++-
 man/exams2testvision.Rd      |   28 ++
 man/match_exams_call.Rd      |    9 
 man/matrix_to_schoice.Rd     |    5 
 man/nops_fix.Rd              |only
 man/nops_scan.Rd             |   21 +-
 man/num_to_schoice.Rd        |   12 +
 man/testvision2exams.Rd      |   29 +--
 man/xexams.Rd                |   24 +-
 78 files changed, 1461 insertions(+), 790 deletions(-)

More information about exams at CRAN
Permanent link

Package arcpbf updated to version 0.1.3 with previous version 0.1.2 dated 2024-07-05

Title: Process ArcGIS Protocol Buffer FeatureCollections
Description: Fast processing of ArcGIS FeatureCollection protocol buffers in R. It is designed to work seamlessly with 'httr2' and integrates with 'sf'.
Author: Josiah Parry [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Josiah Parry <>

Diff between arcpbf versions 0.1.2 dated 2024-07-05 and 0.1.3 dated 2024-07-10

 DESCRIPTION                  |   11 -
 MD5                          |   14 +-                      |    5 
 R/post-process.R             |   20 ---
 src/rust/Cargo.lock          |  240 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/rust/arcpbf/Cargo.toml   |    1 
 src/rust/arcpbf/src/ |   42 +++++--
 src/rust/vendor.tar.xz       |binary
 8 files changed, 292 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

More information about arcpbf at CRAN
Permanent link

Package Apoderoides updated to version 3.0.0 with previous version 2.0.1 dated 2024-06-19

Title: Prioritize and Delete Erroneous Taxa in a Large Phylogenetic Tree
Description: Finds, prioritizes and deletes erroneous taxa in a phylogenetic tree. This package calculates scores for taxa in a tree. Higher score means the taxon is more erroneous. If the score is zero for a taxon, the taxon is not erroneous. This package also can remove all erroneous taxa automatically by iterating score calculation and pruning taxa with the highest score.
Author: Satoshi Aoki [aut, cph, cre], Keita Fukasawa [ctb]
Maintainer: Satoshi Aoki <>

Diff between Apoderoides versions 2.0.1 dated 2024-06-19 and 3.0.0 dated 2024-07-10

 DESCRIPTION            |   13 +--
 MD5                    |   18 ++--
 NEWS                   |    3 
 R/Apoderoides.R        |  200 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 inst/doc/vignette.Rmd  |    2 
 inst/doc/vignette.html |   34 ++++----
 man/autoDeletion.Rd    |   15 ++-
 man/calc.Score.Rd      |   13 +--
 man/deleteAnomaly.Rd   |    2 
 vignettes/vignette.Rmd |    2 
 10 files changed, 221 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)

More information about Apoderoides at CRAN
Permanent link

Tue, 09 Jul 2024

Package duckdb updated to version 1.0.0-1 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2024-06-13

Title: DBI Package for the DuckDB Database Management System
Description: The DuckDB project is an embedded analytical data management system with support for the Structured Query Language (SQL). This package includes all of DuckDB and a R Database Interface (DBI) connector.
Author: Hannes Muehleisen [aut] , Mark Raasveldt [aut] , Kirill Mueller [cre] , Stichting DuckDB Foundation [cph], Apache Software Foundation [cph], PostgreSQL Global Development Group [cph], The Regents of the University of California [cph], Cameron Desrocher [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Kirill Mueller <>

Diff between duckdb versions 1.0.0 dated 2024-06-13 and 1.0.0-1 dated 2024-07-09

 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/DESCRIPTION                                              |    8 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/MD5                                                      |   82 +-
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/                                                  |    9 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/R/Connection.R                                           |    4 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/R/Driver.R                                               |    2 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/R/Result.R                                               |    2 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/R/dbConnect__duckdb_driver.R                             |    3 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/R/dbExistsTable__duckdb_connection_ANY.R                 |only
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/R/dbGetInfo__duckdb_connection.R                         |    1 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/R/dbGetInfo__duckdb_driver.R                             |    1 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/R/dbGetInfo__duckdb_result.R                             |    1 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/R/dbWriteTable__duckdb_connection_character_data.frame.R |    1 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/inst/include/cpp11.hpp                                   |    4 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/inst/include/cpp11/R.hpp                                 |   23 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/inst/include/cpp11/altrep.hpp                            |    4 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/inst/include/cpp11/as.hpp                                |  331 +++++-----
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/inst/include/cpp11/attribute_proxy.hpp                   |    4 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/inst/include/cpp11/data_frame.hpp                        |    4 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/inst/include/cpp11/declarations.hpp                      |   15 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/inst/include/cpp11/doubles.hpp                           |   27 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/inst/include/cpp11/environment.hpp                       |    4 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/inst/include/cpp11/external_pointer.hpp                  |    4 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/inst/include/cpp11/function.hpp                          |    4 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/inst/include/cpp11/integers.hpp                          |   29 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/inst/include/cpp11/list.hpp                              |    6 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/inst/include/cpp11/list_of.hpp                           |   12 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/inst/include/cpp11/logicals.hpp                          |   19 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/inst/include/cpp11/matrix.hpp                            |    4 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/inst/include/cpp11/named_arg.hpp                         |    4 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/inst/include/cpp11/protect.hpp                           |  193 +----
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/inst/include/cpp11/r_bool.hpp                            |   11 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/inst/include/cpp11/r_string.hpp                          |   11 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/inst/include/cpp11/r_vector.hpp                          |   30 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/inst/include/cpp11/raws.hpp                              |   21 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/inst/include/cpp11/sexp.hpp                              |   15 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/inst/include/cpp11/strings.hpp                           |    7 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/man/duckdb.Rd                                            |    5 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/man/duckdb_connection-class.Rd                           |   16 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/man/duckdb_driver-class.Rd                               |    6 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/man/duckdb_read_csv.Rd                                   |    2 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/man/duckdb_result-class.Rd                               |    6 
 duckdb-1.0.0-1/duckdb/src/rfuns.cpp                                            |    6 
 duckdb-1.0.0/duckdb/R/dbExistsTable__duckdb_connection_character.R             |only
 43 files changed, 454 insertions(+), 487 deletions(-)

More information about duckdb at CRAN
Permanent link

Package gt updated to version 0.11.0 with previous version 0.10.1 dated 2024-01-17

Title: Easily Create Presentation-Ready Display Tables
Description: Build display tables from tabular data with an easy-to-use set of functions. With its progressive approach, we can construct display tables with a cohesive set of table parts. Table values can be formatted using any of the included formatting functions. Footnotes and cell styles can be precisely added through a location targeting system. The way in which 'gt' handles things for you means that you don't often have to worry about the fine details.
Author: Richard Iannone [aut, cre] , Joe Cheng [aut], Barret Schloerke [aut] , Ellis Hughes [aut] , Alexandra Lauer [aut] , JooYoung Seo [aut] , Ken Brevoort [aut] , Olivier Roy [aut], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Richard Iannone <>

Diff between gt versions 0.10.1 dated 2024-01-17 and 0.11.0 dated 2024-07-09

 gt-0.10.1/gt/man/define_units.Rd                          |only
 gt-0.10.1/gt/man/print.gt_group.Rd                        |only
 gt-0.10.1/gt/man/print.rtf_text.Rd                        |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/DESCRIPTION                                  |   87 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/LICENSE                                      |    2 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/MD5                                          |  609 -
 gt-0.11.0/gt/NAMESPACE                                    |   62 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/                                      |  128 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/build_data.R                               |    2 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/compile_scss.R                             |    4 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/data_color.R                               |  176 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/datasets.R                                 |  410 +
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/dt_boxhead.R                               |    7 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/dt_data.R                                  |   25 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/dt_footnotes.R                             |   18 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/dt_groups_rows.R                           |   17 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/dt_heading.R                               |    2 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/dt_options.R                               |    3 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/dt_row_groups.R                            |    6 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/dt_spanners.R                              |   63 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/dt_stub_df.R                               |   29 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/dt_stubhead.R                              |    2 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/dt_styles.R                                |   14 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/dt_summary.R                               |  123 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/export.R                                   |  559 +
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/format_data.R                              | 4660 ++++++++++----
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/format_vec.R                               |  967 --
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/gt-package.R                               |    9 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/gt.R                                       |   38 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/gt_group.R                                 |  135 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/gt_preview.R                               |    8 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/gt_split.R                                 |   26 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/helpers.R                                  | 1557 +---
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/image.R                                    |   74 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/import-standalone-obj-type.R               |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/import-standalone-types-check.R            |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/info_tables.R                              |  863 +-
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/knitr-utils.R                              |    8 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/location_methods.R                         |   52 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/modify_columns.R                           |  626 +
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/modify_rows.R                              |   15 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/opts.R                                     |  115 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/print.R                                    |   26 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/render_as_html.R                           |    2 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/render_as_i_html.R                         |  545 +
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/resolver.R                                 |  212 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/rows_add.R                                 |   55 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/shiny.R                                    |   32 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/substitution.R                             |  225 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/summary_rows.R                             |   71 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/sysdata.rda                                |binary
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/tab_create_modify.R                        |  824 +-
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/tab_info.R                                 |   98 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/tab_remove.R                               |  112 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/tab_style_body.R                           |   42 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/text_transform.R                           |  171 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/topics.R                                   |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/utils.R                                    |  894 +-
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/utils_examples.R                           |  111 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/utils_formatters.R                         |   96 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/utils_general_str_formatting.R             |   85 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/utils_plots.R                              |  107 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/utils_render_common.R                      |   57 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/utils_render_grid.R                        |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/utils_render_html.R                        |   99 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/utils_render_latex.R                       |  865 ++
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/utils_render_rtf.R                         |   84 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/utils_render_xml.R                         |  434 -
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/utils_units.R                              |  408 +
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/z_utils_render_footnotes.R                 |  176 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/R/zzz.R                                      |   57 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/data/constants.rda                           |binary
 gt-0.11.0/gt/data/countrypops.rda                         |binary
 gt-0.11.0/gt/data/exibble.rda                             |binary
 gt-0.11.0/gt/data/films.rda                               |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/data/gibraltar.rda                           |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/data/gtcars.rda                              |binary
 gt-0.11.0/gt/data/illness.rda                             |binary
 gt-0.11.0/gt/data/metro.rda                               |binary
 gt-0.11.0/gt/data/nuclides.rda                            |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/data/peeps.rda                               |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/data/photolysis.rda                          |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/data/pizzaplace.rda                          |binary
 gt-0.11.0/gt/data/reactions.rda                           |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/data/rx_addv.rda                             |binary
 gt-0.11.0/gt/data/rx_adsl.rda                             |binary
 gt-0.11.0/gt/data/sp500.rda                               |binary
 gt-0.11.0/gt/data/sza.rda                                 |binary
 gt-0.11.0/gt/data/towny.rda                               |binary
 gt-0.11.0/gt/inst/css/gt_styles_default.scss              |   10 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/inst/gt_tables/fa_icons_vec.rds              |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/inst/gt_tables/info_conversions.rds          |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/inst/gt_tables/info_flags.rds                |binary
 gt-0.11.0/gt/inst/gt_tables/info_icons.rds                |binary
 gt-0.11.0/gt/inst/gt_tables/info_paletteer.rds            |binary
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/adjust_luminance.Rd                      |   20 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/as_gtable.Rd                             |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/as_latex.Rd                              |    3 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/as_raw_html.Rd                           |    5 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/as_rtf.Rd                                |    1 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/as_word.Rd                               |    5 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cell_borders.Rd                          |   33 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cell_fill.Rd                             |   27 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cell_text.Rd                             |   36 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cells_body.Rd                            |   92 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cells_column_labels.Rd                   |   80 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cells_column_spanners.Rd                 |   89 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cells_footnotes.Rd                       |   87 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cells_grand_summary.Rd                   |   93 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cells_group.Rd                           |    7 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cells_row_groups.Rd                      |   90 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cells_source_notes.Rd                    |   81 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cells_stub.Rd                            |   81 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cells_stub_grand_summary.Rd              |   90 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cells_stub_summary.Rd                    |   92 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cells_stubhead.Rd                        |   73 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cells_summary.Rd                         |  104 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cells_title.Rd                           |   75 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cols_add.Rd                              |   34 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cols_align.Rd                            |   15 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cols_align_decimal.Rd                    |   23 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cols_hide.Rd                             |   46 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cols_label.Rd                            |   30 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cols_label_with.Rd                       |   13 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cols_merge.Rd                            |   27 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cols_merge_n_pct.Rd                      |   32 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cols_merge_range.Rd                      |   45 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cols_merge_uncert.Rd                     |   34 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cols_move.Rd                             |   18 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cols_move_to_end.Rd                      |   31 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cols_move_to_start.Rd                    |   31 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cols_nanoplot.Rd                         |  170 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cols_unhide.Rd                           |   30 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cols_units.Rd                            |   25 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/cols_width.Rd                            |   22 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/constants.Rd                             |    8 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/countrypops.Rd                           |    6 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/currency.Rd                              |   18 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/data_color.Rd                            |   85 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/default_fonts.Rd                         |   37 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/escape_latex.Rd                          |   26 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/exibble.Rd                               |    6 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/extract_body.Rd                          |   13 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/extract_cells.Rd                         |   21 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/extract_summary.Rd                       |    9 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/films.Rd                                 |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt.Rd                                   |   29 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_auto.Rd                              |   53 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_bins.Rd                              |   51 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_bytes.Rd                             |   71 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_chem.Rd                              |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_country.Rd                           |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_currency.Rd                          |   81 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_date.Rd                              |   70 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_datetime.Rd                          |   70 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_duration.Rd                          |   47 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_email.Rd                             |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_engineering.Rd                       |  145 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_flag.Rd                              |  141 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_fraction.Rd                          |   74 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_icon.Rd                              |  127 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_image.Rd                             |   66 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_index.Rd                             |   67 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_integer.Rd                           |   74 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_markdown.Rd                          |  124 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_missing.Rd                           |   16 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_number.Rd                            |   88 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_partsper.Rd                          |   67 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_passthrough.Rd                       |   47 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_percent.Rd                           |   75 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_roman.Rd                             |   49 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_scientific.Rd                        |  168 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_spelled_num.Rd                       |  131 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_tf.Rd                                |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_time.Rd                              |   69 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_units.Rd                             |   32 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/fmt_url.Rd                               |  120 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/from_column.Rd                           |   33 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/ggplot_image.Rd                          |   12 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/gibraltar.Rd                             |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/google_font.Rd                           |   46 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/grand_summary_rows.Rd                    |   15 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/grp_add.Rd                               |    6 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/grp_clone.Rd                             |    4 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/grp_options.Rd                           |   10 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/grp_pull.Rd                              |   14 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/grp_replace.Rd                           |   17 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/grp_rm.Rd                                |    4 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/gt-package.Rd                            |    3 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/gt.Rd                                    |   38 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/gt_group.Rd                              |    2 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/gt_latex_dependencies.Rd                 |   33 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/gt_output.Rd                             |   14 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/gt_split.Rd                              |    7 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/gtcars.Rd                                |    6 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/gtsave.Rd                                |    3 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/html.Rd                                  |   22 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/illness.Rd                               |    8 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/info_currencies.Rd                       |   25 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/info_date_style.Rd                       |   26 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/info_flags.Rd                            |   11 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/info_google_fonts.Rd                     |    3 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/info_icons.Rd                            |    8 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/info_locales.Rd                          |   18 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/info_paletteer.Rd                        |   27 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/info_time_style.Rd                       |   26 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/info_unit_conversions.Rd                 |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/local_image.Rd                           |   18 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/location-helper.Rd                       |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/md.Rd                                    |   24 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/metro.Rd                                 |   44 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/nanoplot_options.Rd                      |   22 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/nuclides.Rd                              |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/opt_css.Rd                               |   10 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/opt_horizontal_padding.Rd                |    2 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/opt_interactive.Rd                       |    8 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/opt_row_striping.Rd                      |    2 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/opt_stylize.Rd                           |    4 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/opt_table_font.Rd                        |   22 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/opt_table_lines.Rd                       |    4 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/opt_vertical_padding.Rd                  |    2 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/pct.Rd                                   |   18 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/peeps.Rd                                 |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/photolysis.Rd                            |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/pizzaplace.Rd                            |   16 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/print.gt_tbl.Rd                          |   11 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/px.Rd                                    |   18 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/random_id.Rd                             |   25 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/reactions.Rd                             |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/render_gt.Rd                             |   16 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/rm_caption.Rd                            |    8 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/rm_footnotes.Rd                          |   12 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/rm_header.Rd                             |    6 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/rm_source_notes.Rd                       |   18 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/rm_spanners.Rd                           |   12 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/rm_stubhead.Rd                           |   10 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/row_group.Rd                             |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/row_group_order.Rd                       |   13 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/rows_add.Rd                              |   30 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/rx_addv.Rd                               |    8 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/rx_adsl.Rd                               |    8 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/sp500.Rd                                 |    6 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/stub.Rd                                  |   18 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/sub_large_vals.Rd                        |   34 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/sub_missing.Rd                           |   37 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/sub_small_vals.Rd                        |   42 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/sub_values.Rd                            |   33 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/sub_zero.Rd                              |   33 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/summary_rows.Rd                          |   26 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/system_fonts.Rd                          |   37 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/sza.Rd                                   |    6 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/tab_caption.Rd                           |   10 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/tab_footnote.Rd                          |   31 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/tab_header.Rd                            |   83 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/tab_info.Rd                              |   15 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/tab_options.Rd                           |   18 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/tab_row_group.Rd                         |   39 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/tab_source_note.Rd                       |   12 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/tab_spanner.Rd                           |   64 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/tab_spanner_delim.Rd                     |   82 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/tab_stub_indent.Rd                       |  111 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/tab_stubhead.Rd                          |   86 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/tab_style.Rd                             |   96 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/tab_style_body.Rd                        |   44 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/text_case_match.Rd                       |   23 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/text_case_when.Rd                        |   32 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/text_replace.Rd                          |   38 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/text_transform.Rd                        |   21 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/towny.Rd                                 |    6 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/unit_conversion.Rd                       |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/vec_fmt_bytes.Rd                         |   17 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/vec_fmt_currency.Rd                      |   56 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/vec_fmt_date.Rd                          |   11 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/vec_fmt_datetime.Rd                      |   17 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/vec_fmt_duration.Rd                      |    9 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/vec_fmt_engineering.Rd                   |   23 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/vec_fmt_fraction.Rd                      |    9 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/vec_fmt_index.Rd                         |    9 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/vec_fmt_integer.Rd                       |   16 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/vec_fmt_markdown.Rd                      |    8 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/vec_fmt_number.Rd                        |   20 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/vec_fmt_partsper.Rd                      |   15 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/vec_fmt_percent.Rd                       |   17 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/vec_fmt_roman.Rd                         |    2 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/vec_fmt_scientific.Rd                    |   23 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/vec_fmt_spelled_num.Rd                   |    9 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/vec_fmt_time.Rd                          |   13 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/man/web_image.Rd                             |   29 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/Rplots.pdf                    |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/_snaps                        |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/helper-gt_attr_expectations.R |    2 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/helper-render_formats.R       |    2 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/helper-tab_info.R             |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/helper-tab_style.R            |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/helper.R                      |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-as_latex.R               |  104 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-cols_align.R             |    6 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-cols_hide.R              |   11 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-cols_move.R              |   10 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-cols_units.R             |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-conditional_fmt.R        |   30 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-gt_preview.R             |   59 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-l_cols_align.R           |    5 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-l_cols_merge.R           |    9 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-l_cols_move.R            |    9 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-l_conditional_fmt.R      |   46 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_currency.R         |  108 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_date_time.R        |  262 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_engineering.R      |  216 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_integer.R          |   64 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_markdown.R         |    2 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_missing.R          |    6 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_number.R           |   82 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_passthrough.R      |    2 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_percent.R          |   86 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-l_fmt_scientific.R       |   74 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-l_row_group_order.R      |    2 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-l_tab_spanner_delim.R    |    5 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-render_as_gtable.R       |only
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-resolver.R               |   24 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-row_group_order.R        |   14 
 gt-0.11.0/gt/tests/testthat/test-tab_caption.R            |   14 
 322 files changed, 14319 insertions(+), 10823 deletions(-)

More information about gt at CRAN
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Package cthist updated to version 2.1.10 with previous version 2.1.9 dated 2024-06-01

Title: Clinical Trial Registry History
Description: Retrieves historical versions of clinical trial registry entries from <>. Package functionality and implementation for v 1.0.0 is documented in Carlisle (2022) <DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0270909>.
Author: Benjamin Gregory Carlisle [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Benjamin Gregory Carlisle <>

Diff between cthist versions 2.1.9 dated 2024-06-01 and 2.1.10 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION                        |    8 ++++----
 MD5                                |   12 ++++++------                            |    8 ++++++++
 R/clinicaltrials_gov_download.R    |   30 ++++++++++++++++++------------
 build/partial.rdb                  |binary
 man/clinicaltrials_gov_download.Rd |    9 ++++++++-
 man/clinicaltrials_gov_version.Rd  |    8 ++++----
 7 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

More information about cthist at CRAN
Permanent link

Package zonohedra updated to version 0.3-0 with previous version 0.2-2 dated 2023-05-31

Title: Compute and Plot Zonohedra from Vector Generators
Description: Computes a zonohedron from real vector generators. The package also computes zonogons (2D zonotopes) and zonosegs (1D zonotopes). An elementary S3 class for matroids is included, which supports matroids with rank 3, 2, and 1. Optimization methods are taken from Heckbert (1985) <>.
Author: Glenn Davis [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Glenn Davis <>

Diff between zonohedra versions 0.2-2 dated 2023-05-31 and 0.3-0 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION                   |    8 
 MD5                           |   80 +++++----                       |   12 +
 R/matroid.R                   |   47 ++++-
 R/trans2.R                    |   40 ++++
 build/vignette.rds            |binary
 inst/doc/matroids.R           |    2 
 inst/doc/matroids.html        |   22 +-
 inst/doc/raytrace.R           |   32 +--
 inst/doc/raytrace.Rmd         |   16 -
 inst/doc/raytrace.html        |   53 +++---
 inst/doc/transitions.R        |   18 +-
 inst/doc/transitions.Rmd      |   11 -
 inst/doc/transitions.html     |  156 ++++++++++++-------
 inst/doc/zonohedra-guide.R    |   18 +-
 inst/doc/zonohedra-guide.Rmd  |    8 
 inst/doc/zonohedra-guide.html |  156 ++++++++++++-------
 inst/doc/zonotopes.R          |    8 
 inst/doc/zonotopes.Rmd        |   19 +-
 inst/doc/zonotopes.html       |   46 ++---
 man/inside2trans.Rd           |   36 ++--
 src/CharSEXP.h                |    2 
 src/area.c                    |only
 src/area.h                    |only
 src/clipping.c                |only
 src/clipping.h                |only
 src/dbl_dig.c                 |    2 
 src/dupAtomMatHash.cpp        |   28 +--
 src/init.c                    |    7 
 src/linking.c                 |  343 ------------------------------------------
 src/linking2.c                |only
 src/linking3.c                |only
 src/matdat.c                  |    2 
 src/matroid.c                 |  223 ++++++++++++++-------------
 src/pgram.c                   |   59 +++----
 src/trans2.c                  |   20 +-
 src/transitions.c             |   10 -
 src/utils.c                   |   16 -
 src/zonohedron.c              |   88 ++++++----
 vignettes/bibliography.bib    |   15 +
 vignettes/raytrace.Rmd        |   16 -
 vignettes/transitions.Rmd     |   11 -
 vignettes/zonohedra-guide.Rmd |    8 
 vignettes/zonotopes.Rmd       |   19 +-
 44 files changed, 779 insertions(+), 878 deletions(-)

More information about zonohedra at CRAN
Permanent link

Package PAMscapes updated to version 0.6.0 with previous version 0.5.8 dated 2024-06-11

Title: Tools for Summarising and Analysing Soundscape Data
Description: A variety of tools relevant to the analysis of marine soundscape data. There are tools for downloading AIS (automatic identification system) data from Marine Cadastre <>, connecting AIS data to GPS coordinates, plotting summaries of various soundscape measurements, and downloading relevant environmental variables (wind, swell height) from the National Center for Atmospheric Research data server <>. Most tools were developed to work well with output from 'Triton' software, but can be adapted to work with any similar measurements.
Author: Taiki Sakai [aut, cre], Anne Simonis [ctb], Shannon Rankin [ctb], Megan McKenna [ctb], Kaitlin Palmer [ctb]
Maintainer: Taiki Sakai <>

Diff between PAMscapes versions 0.5.8 dated 2024-06-11 and 0.6.0 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION                    |    6 ++--
 MD5                            |   36 +++++++++++++-------------
 NAMESPACE                      |    4 ++                        |    8 +++++
 R/checkSoundscapeInput.R       |    4 +-
 R/downloadMarCadAIS.R          |    7 ++---
 R/loadMantaNc.R                |   56 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 R/matchGFS.R                   |    5 ++-
 R/plotAcousticScene.R          |    9 +++++-
 R/plotHourlyLevel.R            |   13 ++++++---
 R/plotLTSA.R                   |only
 R/plotPSD.R                    |   23 ++++++++++------
 R/plotTimeseries.R             |   47 +++++++++++++---------------------
 R/utils.R                      |   55 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 man/downloadMarCadAIS.Rd       |    7 ++---
 man/plotAcousticScene.Rd       |    3 ++
 man/plotHourlyLevel.Rd         |    2 -
 man/plotLTSA.Rd                |only
 man/plotTimeseries.Rd          |    2 -
 tests/testthat/test-dataprep.R |    3 ++
 20 files changed, 190 insertions(+), 100 deletions(-)

More information about PAMscapes at CRAN
Permanent link

Package sbw updated to version 1.1.8 with previous version 1.1.5 dated 2021-09-22

Title: Stable Balancing Weights for Causal Inference and Missing Data
Description: Implements the Stable Balancing Weights by Zubizarreta (2015) <DOI:10.1080/01621459.2015.1023805>. These are the weights of minimum variance that approximately balance the empirical distribution of the observed covariates. For an overview, see Chattopadhyay, Hase and Zubizarreta (2020) <DOI:10.1002/sim.8659>. To solve the optimization problem in 'sbw', the default solver is 'quadprog', which is readily available through CRAN. The solver 'osqp' is also posted on CRAN. To enhance the performance of 'sbw', users are encouraged to install other solvers such as 'gurobi' and 'Rmosek', which require special installation. For the installation of gurobi and pogs, please follow the instructions at <> and <>.
Author: Jose R. Zubizarreta [aut, cre], Yige Li [aut], Kwangho Kim [aut], Amine Allouah [ctb], Noah Greifer [ctb]
Maintainer: Jose R. Zubizarreta <>

Diff between sbw versions 1.1.5 dated 2021-09-22 and 1.1.8 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION      |   15 ++++++------
 MD5              |   34 ++++++++++++++---------------
 NAMESPACE        |    2 -
 R/data.R         |    4 +--
 R/estimate.R     |   42 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 R/propar.R       |    8 ++++--
 R/sbw.R          |   64 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 R/sbwauxfix.R    |   16 +++++++------
 R/sbwcaufix.R    |    8 +++---
 R/sbwcautun.R    |    8 +++---
 R/sbwfix.R       |    2 -
 R/sbwpri.R       |   43 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 R/sbwtun.R       |    2 -
 R/summarize.R    |   22 +++++++++---------
 R/visualize.R    |   22 +++++++++---------
 man/lalonde.Rd   |    8 ++++--
 man/sbw.Rd       |   49 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 man/summarize.Rd |   10 ++++----
 18 files changed, 189 insertions(+), 170 deletions(-)

More information about sbw at CRAN
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Package fossilbrush updated to version 1.0.5 with previous version 1.0.3 dated 2022-07-21

Title: Automated Cleaning of Fossil Occurrence Data
Description: Functions to automate the detection and resolution of taxonomic and stratigraphic errors in fossil occurrence datasets. Functions were developed using data from the Paleobiology Database.
Author: Joe Flannery-Sutherland [aut, cre] , Nussaibah Raja-Schoob [aut, ctb], Adam Kocsis [aut, ctb], Wolfgang Kiessling [aut]
Maintainer: Joe Flannery-Sutherland <>

Diff between fossilbrush versions 1.0.3 dated 2022-07-21 and 1.0.5 dated 2024-07-09

 fossilbrush-1.0.3/fossilbrush/R/GTS2020.R                        |only
 fossilbrush-1.0.3/fossilbrush/R/GTS2020_changelog.R              |only
 fossilbrush-1.0.3/fossilbrush/R/get_pbdb.R                       |only
 fossilbrush-1.0.3/fossilbrush/data/GTS2020.rda                   |only
 fossilbrush-1.0.3/fossilbrush/data/GTS2020_changelog.rda         |only
 fossilbrush-1.0.3/fossilbrush/man/GTS2020.Rd                     |only
 fossilbrush-1.0.3/fossilbrush/man/GTS2020_changelog.Rd           |only
 fossilbrush-1.0.3/fossilbrush/man/get_pbdb.Rd                    |only
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/DESCRIPTION                        |   12 
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/MD5                                |   49 
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/NAMESPACE                          |    4 
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/R/GTS_2020.R                       |only
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/R/GTS_2020_changelog.R             |only
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/R/add_itp.R                        |  144 -
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/R/age_ranges.R                     |  210 +-
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/R/check_taxonomy.R                 | 1005 +++++-----
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/R/chrono_scale.R                   |  337 +--
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/R/densify.R                        |    4 
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/R/format_check.R                   |  154 -
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/R/spell_check.R                    |  519 ++---
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/build/vignette.rds                 |binary
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/data/GTS_2020.rda                  |only
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/data/GTS_2020_changelog.rda        |only
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/inst/CITATION                      |only
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/inst/doc/fossilbrush_vignette.R    |    6 
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/inst/doc/fossilbrush_vignette.Rmd  |   14 
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/inst/doc/fossilbrush_vignette.pdf  |binary
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/man/GTS_2020.Rd                    |only
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/man/GTS_2020_changelog.Rd          |only
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/man/add_itp.Rd                     |    2 
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/man/check_taxonomy.Rd              |    8 
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/man/chrono_scale.Rd                |    6 
 fossilbrush-1.0.5/fossilbrush/vignettes/fossilbrush_vignette.Rmd |   14 
 33 files changed, 1255 insertions(+), 1233 deletions(-)

More information about fossilbrush at CRAN
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Package dosearch updated to version 1.0.10 with previous version 1.0.8 dated 2021-08-19

Title: Causal Effect Identification from Multiple Incomplete Data Sources
Description: Identification of causal effects from arbitrary observational and experimental probability distributions via do-calculus and standard probability manipulations using a search-based algorithm by Tikka, Hyttinen and Karvanen (2021) <doi:10.18637/jss.v099.i05>. Allows for the presence of mechanisms related to selection bias (Bareinboim and Tian, 2015) <doi:10.1609/aaai.v29i1.9679>, transportability (Bareinboim and Pearl, 2014) <>, missing data (Mohan, Pearl, and Tian, 2013) <>) and arbitrary combinations of these. Also supports identification in the presence of context-specific independence (CSI) relations through labeled directed acyclic graphs (LDAG). For details on CSIs see (Corander et al., 2019) <doi:10.1016/j.apal.2019.04.004>.
Author: Santtu Tikka [aut, cre] , Antti Hyttinen [ctb] , Juha Karvanen [ctb]
Maintainer: Santtu Tikka <>

Diff between dosearch versions 1.0.8 dated 2021-08-19 and 1.0.10 dated 2024-07-09

 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/DESCRIPTION                     |   39 
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/MD5                             |   75 
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/NAMESPACE                       |   19 
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/                         |only
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/R/RcppExports.R                 |   54 
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/R/dosearch-package.R            |only
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/R/dosearch.R                    |  951 +++++++--
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/R/internal.R                    | 1346 +++---------
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/R/internal_dag.R                |only
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/R/internal_ldag.R               |only
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/R/srr-stats-standards.R         |only
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/build                           |only
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/data/bivariate_missingness.rda  |only
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/inst/doc                        |only
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/man/bivariate_missingness.Rd    |   45 
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/man/dosearch-package.Rd         |  151 -
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/man/dosearch.Rd                 |  497 +++-
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/man/print.summary.dosearch.Rd   |only
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/src/csisearch.cpp               | 1261 +++++-------
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/src/csisearch.h                 |   83 
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/src/dcongraph.cpp               |  290 +-
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/src/dcongraph.h                 |   89 
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/src/derivation.cpp              |   32 
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/src/derivation.h                |   20 
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/src/dosearch.cpp                | 1564 ++++++---------
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/src/dosearch.h                  |   87 
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/src/initialize_csisearch.cpp    |  226 +-
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/src/initialize_dosearch.cpp     |  194 -
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/src/ldag.cpp                    |  537 ++---
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/src/ldag.h                      |  108 -
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/src/search.cpp                  |  462 ++--
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/src/search.h                    |  123 -
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/src/set.cpp                     |   54 
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/src/set.h                       |    2 
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/tests                           |only
 dosearch-1.0.10/dosearch/vignettes                       |only
 dosearch-1.0.8/dosearch/NEWS                             |only
 dosearch-1.0.8/dosearch/data/bivariate_missingness.RData |only
 dosearch-1.0.8/dosearch/man/get_benchmark.Rd             |only
 dosearch-1.0.8/dosearch/man/get_derivation.Rd            |only
 dosearch-1.0.8/dosearch/man/get_formula.Rd               |only
 dosearch-1.0.8/dosearch/man/is_identifiable.Rd           |only
 dosearch-1.0.8/dosearch/src/Makevars                     |only
 dosearch-1.0.8/dosearch/src/                 |only
 44 files changed, 4102 insertions(+), 4207 deletions(-)

More information about dosearch at CRAN
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Package dejaVu updated to version 0.3.1 with previous version 0.3.0 dated 2021-04-27

Title: Multiple Imputation for Recurrent Events
Description: Performs reference based multiple imputation of recurrent event data based on a negative binomial regression model, as described by Keene et al (2014) <doi:10.1002/pst.1624>.
Author: Nikolas Burkoff [aut], Paul Metcalfe [aut], Jonathan Bartlett [aut, cre], David Ruau [aut]
Maintainer: Jonathan Bartlett <>

Diff between dejaVu versions 0.3.0 dated 2021-04-27 and 0.3.1 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION                             |   12 
 MD5                                     |  148 ++--
 NAMESPACE                               |   92 +-                                 |   22 
 R/DropoutMechanism.R                    |  152 ++--
 R/ImputeMechanism.R                     |  140 ++--
 R/ImputeSim.R                           |  200 ++---
 R/ImputeSimFit.R                        |  256 +++----
 R/SingleSim.R                           |  492 +++++++-------
 R/SingleSimFit.R                        |  306 ++++----
 R/common.R                              |  202 ++---
 R/copyRefImpute.r                       |  152 ++--
 R/data.r                                |   32 
 R/dejaData.R                            |  202 ++---
 R/expander.R                            |  100 +-
 R/import.R                              |  436 ++++++------
 R/internalSingleSim.R                   |  178 ++---
 R/scenario.R                            |  362 +++++-----
 R/specificDropoutMechanisms.R           |  222 +++---
 R/specificImputeMechanisms.R            |  250 +++----
 R/uncertainty.R                         |  166 ++--
 R/validate.R                            |  258 +++----                               |   67 -
 build/vignette.rds                      |binary
 inst/data-raw/genExampleData.r          |  102 +-
 inst/doc/UserGuide.R                    |  696 +++++++++----------
 inst/doc/UserGuide.Rnw                  | 1120 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 inst/doc/UserGuide.pdf                  |binary
 inst/doc/analysingExistingDatasets.R    |   82 +-
 inst/doc/analysingExistingDatasets.Rnw  |  222 +++---
 inst/doc/analysingExistingDatasets.pdf  |binary
 man/ConstantRateDrop.Rd                 |   58 -
 man/CreateNewDropoutMechanism.Rd        |   76 +-
 man/CreateNewImputeMechanism.Rd         |   74 +-
 man/CreateScenario.Rd                   |   48 -
 man/DejaData.object.Rd                  |   46 -
 man/DropoutMechanism.object.Rd          |   82 +-
 man/GetImputedDataSet.Rd                |   66 -
 man/ImportSim.Rd                        |  150 ++--
 man/Impute.Rd                           |   64 -
 man/ImputeMechanism.object.Rd           |   80 +-
 man/ImputeSim.object.Rd                 |   60 -
 man/ImputeSimFit.object.Rd              |   50 -
 man/LinearRateChangeDrop.Rd             |   66 -
 man/MakeDejaData.Rd                     |   76 +-
 man/Scenario.object.Rd                  |   42 -
 man/Simfit.Rd                           |   84 +-
 man/SimulateComplete.Rd                 |  104 +-
 man/SimulateDropout.Rd                  |   66 -
 man/SingleSim.object.Rd                 |   86 +-
 man/SingleSimFit.object.Rd              |   50 -
 man/copy_reference.Rd                   |   70 +-
 man/expandEventCount.Rd                 |   60 -
 man/extract_results.Rd                  |   52 -
 man/numberSubjects.Rd                   |   44 -
 man/simData.Rd                          |   56 -
 man/subjectsPerArm.Rd                   |   44 -
 man/summary.ImputeSimFit.object.Rd      |   68 -
 man/summary.Scenario.object.Rd          |   64 -
 man/summary.SingleSim.object.Rd         |   50 -
 man/summary.SingleSimFit.Rd             |   92 +-
 man/weighted_j2r.Rd                     |  110 +--
 tests/classdiagram.Rmd                  |   82 +-
 tests/testthat.R                        |    6 
 tests/testthat/test-CopyReference.R     |  266 +++----
 tests/testthat/test-Impute.R            |  492 +++++++-------
 tests/testthat/test-Scenario.R          |  310 ++++----
 tests/testthat/test-SimFit.R            |  434 ++++++------
 tests/testthat/test-SingleSim.R         |  358 +++++-----
 tests/testthat/test-dejaData.R          |  164 ++--
 tests/testthat/test-expandEventCount.R  |  172 ++--
 tests/testthat/test-uncertainty.R       |  154 ++--
 vignettes/UserGuide.Rnw                 | 1120 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 vignettes/analysingExistingDatasets.Rnw |  222 +++---
 vignettes/userguide.bib                 |   10 
 75 files changed, 6304 insertions(+), 6293 deletions(-)

More information about dejaVu at CRAN
Permanent link

Package chk updated to version 0.9.2 with previous version 0.9.1 dated 2023-10-05

Title: Check User-Supplied Function Arguments
Description: For developers to check user-supplied function arguments. It is designed to be simple, fast and customizable. Error messages follow the tidyverse style guide.
Author: Joe Thorley [aut, cre] , Kirill Mueller [aut] , Ayla Pearson [aut] , Nadine Hussein [ctb] , Evan Amies-Galonski [ctb] , Poisson Consulting [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Joe Thorley <>

Diff between chk versions 0.9.1 dated 2023-10-05 and 0.9.2 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION                |    8 +-
 LICENSE                    |    2 
 MD5                        |   62 ++++++++++----------                    |    6 +
 R/check-key.R              |    4 -
 R/chk-join.R               |    1                  |   11 ++-
 build/vignette.rds         |binary
 inst/WORDLIST              |    1 
 inst/doc/chk-families.html |  136 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 inst/doc/chk.html          |    4 -
 man/chk_all_equal.Rd       |    4 -
 man/chk_all_equivalent.Rd  |    4 -
 man/chk_all_identical.Rd   |    4 -
 man/chk_count.Rd           |    2 
 man/chk_double.Rd          |    2 
 man/chk_environment.Rd     |    2 
 man/chk_factor.Rd          |    2 
 man/chk_gt.Rd              |    2 
 man/chk_gte.Rd             |    2 
 man/chk_integer.Rd         |    2 
 man/chk_list.Rd            |    2 
 man/chk_logical.Rd         |    2 
 man/chk_lt.Rd              |    2 
 man/chk_lte.Rd             |    2 
 man/chk_number.Rd          |    2 
 man/chk_range.Rd           |    6 -
 man/chk_scalar.Rd          |    2 
 man/chk_string.Rd          |    2 
 man/chk_tz.Rd              |    2 
 man/chk_whole_number.Rd    |    2 
 man/p.Rd                   |    3 
 32 files changed, 151 insertions(+), 137 deletions(-)

More information about chk at CRAN
Permanent link

Package rolog updated to version 0.9.18 with previous version 0.9.17 dated 2024-05-01

Title: Query 'SWI'-'Prolog' from R
Description: This R package connects to SWI-Prolog, <>, so that R can send deterministic and non-deterministic queries to prolog (consult, query/submit, once, findall).
Author: Matthias Gondan [aut, com, cre] , European Commission [fnd]
Maintainer: Matthias Gondan <>

Diff between rolog versions 0.9.17 dated 2024-05-01 and 0.9.18 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION         |    8 -
 MD5                 |   10 +-             |    6 +
 inst/doc/rolog.html |   34 +++----
 src/Makevars        |    2 
 src/crolog.cpp      |  225 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 6 files changed, 155 insertions(+), 130 deletions(-)

More information about rolog at CRAN
Permanent link

Package InteractionPoweR updated to version 0.2.2 with previous version 0.2.1 dated 2023-04-18

Title: Power Analyses for Interaction Effects in Cross-Sectional Regressions
Description: Power analysis for regression models which test the interaction of two or three independent variables on a single dependent variable. Includes options for correlated interacting variables and specifying variable reliability. Two-way interactions can include continuous, binary, or ordinal variables. Power analyses can be done either analytically or via simulation. Includes tools for simulating single data sets and visualizing power analysis results. The primary functions are power_interaction_r2() and power_interaction() for two-way interactions, and power_interaction_3way_r2() for three-way interactions. Please cite as: Baranger DAA, Finsaas MC, Goldstein BL, Vize CE, Lynam DR, Olino TM (2023). "Tutorial: Power analyses for interaction effects in cross-sectional regressions." <doi:10.1177/25152459231187531>.
Author: David Baranger [aut, cre] , Brandon Goldstein [ctb], Megan Finsaas [ctb], Thomas Olino [ctb], Colin Vize [ctb], Don Lynam [ctb]
Maintainer: David Baranger <>

Diff between InteractionPoweR versions 0.2.1 dated 2023-04-18 and 0.2.2 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION                           |   25 +++++++++--------
 MD5                                   |   30 +++++++++++++--------
 NAMESPACE                             |   41 ++++++++++++++++-------------                               |   14 +++++++++
 R/generate_interaction.R              |   24 ++++++++++++++++-
 R/plot_power_curve.R                  |   15 ++++++++++
 R/plots.3way.R                        |only
 R/power_estimate.R                    |   46 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 R/power_interaction.R                 |    4 +-
 R/power_interaction_3way_r2.R         |only
 R/power_interaction_r2.R              |   48 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 R/power_interaction_r2_covs.R         |only                             |   45 +++++++++++++++++--------------
 inst/CITATION                         |    8 +++--
 man/cor.mat.3way.Rd                   |only
 man/generate.interaction.cov.input.Rd |only
 man/power_interaction_3way_r2.Rd      |only
 man/power_interaction_r2.Rd           |    8 ++---
 man/power_interaction_r2_covs.Rd      |only
 man/simple.slopes.3way.Rd             |only
 20 files changed, 205 insertions(+), 103 deletions(-)

More information about InteractionPoweR at CRAN
Permanent link

Package gcplyr updated to version 1.10.0 with previous version 1.9.0 dated 2024-03-11

Title: Wrangle and Analyze Growth Curve Data
Description: Easy wrangling and model-free analysis of microbial growth curve data, as commonly output by plate readers. Tools for reshaping common plate reader outputs into 'tidy' formats and merging them with design information, making data easy to work with using 'gcplyr' and other packages. Also streamlines common growth curve processing steps, like smoothing and calculating derivatives, and facilitates model-free characterization and analysis of growth data. See methods at <>.
Author: Mike Blazanin [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Mike Blazanin <>

Diff between gcplyr versions 1.9.0 dated 2024-03-11 and 1.10.0 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION                                                                               |   10 
 MD5                                                                                       |  115 -
 NAMESPACE                                                                                 |    4                                                                                   |   14 
 R/functions.R                                                                             |  594 ++++++----
 R/utility_functions.R                                                                     |    5                                                                                 |    7 
 inst/CITATION                                                                             |   12 
 inst/doc/gc01_gcplyr.pdf                                                                  |binary
 inst/doc/gc02_import_reshape.pdf                                                          |binary
 inst/doc/gc03_incorporate_designs.pdf                                                     |binary
 inst/doc/gc04_preprocess_plot.pdf                                                         |binary
 inst/doc/gc05_process.pdf                                                                 |binary
 inst/doc/gc06_analyze.R                                                                   |   14 
 inst/doc/gc06_analyze.Rmd                                                                 |   30 
 inst/doc/gc06_analyze.pdf                                                                 |binary
 inst/doc/gc07_noise.pdf                                                                   |binary
 inst/doc/gc08_conclusion.Rmd                                                              |   12 
 inst/doc/gc08_conclusion.pdf                                                              |binary
 inst/doc/gc09_multiple_plates.Rmd                                                         |    1 
 inst/doc/gc09_multiple_plates.pdf                                                         |binary
 inst/doc/gc10_using_make_design.pdf                                                       |binary
 man/CentroidFunctions.Rd                                                                  |only
 man/ExtremaFunctions.Rd                                                                   |    2 
 man/block_tidydesign.Rd                                                                   |    2 
 man/calc_deriv.Rd                                                                         |    4 
 man/first_peak.Rd                                                                         |    4 
 man/gc_smooth.spline.Rd                                                                   |    8 
 man/import_blockdesigns.Rd                                                                |  104 +
 man/import_blockmeasures.Rd                                                               |   20 
 man/make_design.Rd                                                                        |    4 
 man/make_designpattern.Rd                                                                 |    2 
 man/makemethod_train_smooth_data.Rd                                                       |   14 
 man/merge_dfs.Rd                                                                          |   11 
 man/paste_blocks.Rd                                                                       |    4 
 man/read_blocks.Rd                                                                        |   40 
 man/read_tidys.Rd                                                                         |   36 
 man/read_wides.Rd                                                                         |   32 
 man/separate_tidy.Rd                                                                      |   14 
 man/smooth_data.Rd                                                                        |   27 
 man/train_smooth_data.Rd                                                                  |   27 
 man/trans_block_to_wide.Rd                                                                |    4 
 man/trans_wide_to_tidy.Rd                                                                 |    4 
 man/write_blocks.Rd                                                                       |    4 
 tests/testthat/allfunctions_argumentsmatching_files/full_matches_ref.csv                  |    2 
 tests/testthat/allfunctions_argumentsmatching_files/gcplyr_function_subfunction_calls.csv |    4 
 tests/testthat/test_analysisfunctions.R                                                   |   48 
 tests/testthat/test_importfunctions.R                                                     |   30 
 vignettes/gc01_gcplyr.html                                                                |   60 -
 vignettes/gc02_import_reshape.html                                                        |   14 
 vignettes/gc03_incorporate_designs.html                                                   |   90 -
 vignettes/gc06_analyze.Rmd                                                                |   30 
 vignettes/gc06_analyze.html                                                               |  312 +++--
 vignettes/gc07_noise.html                                                                 |   16 
 vignettes/gc08_conclusion.Rmd                                                             |   12 
 vignettes/gc08_conclusion.html                                                            |   38 
 vignettes/gc09_multiple_plates.Rmd                                                        |    1 
 vignettes/gc09_multiple_plates.html                                                       |   90 -
 vignettes/gc10_using_make_design.html                                                     |   47 
 59 files changed, 1218 insertions(+), 761 deletions(-)

More information about gcplyr at CRAN
Permanent link

Package RNAmf updated to version 1.0.0 with previous version 0.1.2 dated 2024-03-22

Title: Recursive Non-Additive Emulator for Multi-Fidelity Data
Description: Performs RNA emulation and active learning proposed by Heo and Sung (2024) <doi:10.1080/00401706.2024.2376173> for multi-fidelity computer experiments. The RNA emulator is particularly useful when the simulations with different fidelity level are nonlinearly correlated. The hyperparameters in the model are estimated by maximum likelihood estimation.
Author: Junoh Heo [aut, cre], Chih-Li Sung [aut]
Maintainer: Junoh Heo <>

Diff between RNAmf versions 0.1.2 dated 2024-03-22 and 1.0.0 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION              |    8 +-
 MD5                      |   39 +++++++-------
 NAMESPACE                |    2 
 R/ALC.R                  |   48 ++++++++---------
 R/ALD.R                  |only
 R/ALM.R                  |   61 ++++++++++------------
 R/ALMC.R                 |   70 +++++++++++---------------
 R/GP.R                   |   13 ++--
 R/NestedX.R              |    2 
 R/RNAmf_three_level.R    |    2 
 R/RNAmf_two_level.R      |    2 
 R/matGP.R                |   12 ++--
 R/predict.RNAmf.R        |  126 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 build                    |only
 man/ALC_RNAmf.Rd         |    6 +-
 man/ALD_RNAmf.Rd         |only
 man/ALMC_RNAmf.Rd        |    8 +-
 man/ALM_RNAmf.Rd         |    7 +-
 man/NestedX.Rd           |    2 
 man/RNAmf_three_level.Rd |    2 
 man/RNAmf_two_level.Rd   |    2 
 man/predict.Rd           |    2 
 22 files changed, 206 insertions(+), 208 deletions(-)

More information about RNAmf at CRAN
Permanent link

Package FielDHub updated to version 1.4.0 with previous version 1.3.7 dated 2024-03-28

Title: A Shiny App for Design of Experiments in Life Sciences
Description: A shiny design of experiments (DOE) app that aids in the creation of traditional, un-replicated, augmented and partially-replicated designs applied to agriculture, plant breeding, forestry, animal and biological sciences.
Author: Didier Murillo [cre, aut], Salvador Gezan [aut], Ana Heilman [ctb], Thomas Walk [ctb], Johan Aparicio [ctb], Matthew Seefeldt [ctb], Jean-Marc Montpetit [ctb], Richard Horsley [ctb], North Dakota State University [cph]
Maintainer: Didier Murillo <>

Diff between FielDHub versions 1.3.7 dated 2024-03-28 and 1.4.0 dated 2024-07-09

 FielDHub-1.3.7/FielDHub/inst/doc/incomplete_blocks.R        |only
 FielDHub-1.3.7/FielDHub/inst/doc/incomplete_blocks.Rmd      |only
 FielDHub-1.3.7/FielDHub/inst/doc/incomplete_blocks.html     |only
 FielDHub-1.3.7/FielDHub/inst/doc/rectangular_lattice.R      |only
 FielDHub-1.3.7/FielDHub/inst/doc/rectangular_lattice.Rmd    |only
 FielDHub-1.3.7/FielDHub/inst/doc/rectangular_lattice.html   |only
 FielDHub-1.3.7/FielDHub/inst/doc/square_lattice.R           |only
 FielDHub-1.3.7/FielDHub/inst/doc/square_lattice.Rmd         |only
 FielDHub-1.3.7/FielDHub/inst/doc/square_lattice.html        |only
 FielDHub-1.3.7/FielDHub/vignettes/incomplete_blocks.Rmd     |only
 FielDHub-1.3.7/FielDHub/vignettes/rectangular_lattice.Rmd   |only
 FielDHub-1.3.7/FielDHub/vignettes/square_lattice.Rmd        |only
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/DESCRIPTION                         |    8 
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/MD5                                 |   85 ++--
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/R/app_ui.R                          |    2 
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/R/fct_alpha_lattice.R               |    3 
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/R/fct_do_optim.R                    |   17 
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/R/fct_incomplete_blocks.R           |   54 --
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/R/fct_rectangular_lattice.R         |    3 
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/R/fct_square_lattice.R              |    7 
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/R/globals.R                         |    2 
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/R/ibd_reorder_treatments.R          |only
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/R/mod_Alpha_Lattice.R               |   16 
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/R/mod_IBD.R                         |   17 
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/R/mod_RCBD_augmented.R              |  218 ++++++++----
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/R/mod_Rectangular_Lattice.R         |   16 
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/R/mod_Square_Lattice.R              |   18 
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/R/mod_pREPS.R                       |   15 
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/R/run_app.R                         |    5 
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/R/utils_S3_methods.R                |   22 +
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/R/utils_diagonals_checks.R          |   34 -
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/R/utils_names_layout.R              |   21 -
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/R/utils_plot_RCBD.R                 |   14 
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/R/utils_plot_diagonal_arrangement.R |   21 +
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/R/utils_plot_iblocks_1.R            |   32 +
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/R/utils_plot_latinSQ.R              |    9 
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/R/utils_plot_layout.R               |    2 
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/R/utils_plot_splitPlots.R           |   35 -
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/build/vignette.rds                  |binary
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/inst/doc/RCBD_augmented.html        |    4 
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/inst/doc/alpha_lattice.html         |   47 +-
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/inst/doc/diagonal_arrangement.html  |    4 
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/inst/doc/full_factorial.html        |    2 
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/inst/doc/multi_location_prep.html   |   68 +--
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/inst/doc/optimized_arrangement.html |   46 +-
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/inst/doc/partially_replicated.html  |    5 
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/inst/doc/rcbd.html                  |    2 
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/inst/doc/row_column.html            |   42 +-
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/inst/doc/sparse_allocation.html     |   26 -
 FielDHub-1.4.0/FielDHub/inst/doc/split_plot.html            |    2 
 50 files changed, 556 insertions(+), 368 deletions(-)

More information about FielDHub at CRAN
Permanent link

Package mstudentd updated to version 1.1.1 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2024-03-22

Title: Multivariate t Distribution
Description: Distance between multivariate t distributions, as presented by N. Bouhlel and D. Rousseau (2023) <doi:10.1109/LSP.2023.3324594>.
Author: Pierre Santagostini [aut, cre], Nizar Bouhlel [aut]
Maintainer: Pierre Santagostini <>

Diff between mstudentd versions 1.0.0 dated 2024-03-22 and 1.1.1 dated 2024-07-09

 mstudentd-1.0.0/mstudentd/         |only
 mstudentd-1.1.1/mstudentd/DESCRIPTION       |   10 
 mstudentd-1.1.1/mstudentd/MD5               |   25 -
 mstudentd-1.1.1/mstudentd/NAMESPACE         |    1 
 mstudentd-1.1.1/mstudentd/R/dlauricella.R   |only
 mstudentd-1.1.1/mstudentd/R/kldstudent.R    |  486 ++++------------------------
 mstudentd-1.1.1/mstudentd/R/lauricella.R    |  145 ++++++--
 mstudentd-1.1.1/mstudentd/R/plotmtd.R       |    8 
 mstudentd-1.1.1/mstudentd/R/rmtd.R          |    2 
 mstudentd-1.1.1/mstudentd/build/partial.rdb |binary
 mstudentd-1.1.1/mstudentd/man/kldstudent.Rd |   10 
 mstudentd-1.1.1/mstudentd/man/plotmtd.Rd    |    8 
 mstudentd-1.1.1/mstudentd/man/rmtd.Rd       |    2 
 mstudentd-1.1.1/mstudentd/tests             |only
 14 files changed, 225 insertions(+), 472 deletions(-)

More information about mstudentd at CRAN
Permanent link

Package GEOmap updated to version 2.5-11 with previous version 2.5-5 dated 2023-09-01

Title: Topographic and Geologic Mapping
Description: Set of routines for making map projections (forward and inverse), topographic maps, perspective plots, geological maps, geological map symbols, geological databases, interactive plotting and selection of focus regions.
Author: Jonathan M. Lees [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jonathan M. Lees <>

Diff between GEOmap versions 2.5-5 dated 2023-09-01 and 2.5-11 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION              |    8 +--
 MD5                      |  100 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 R/DUMPLOC.R              |   17 ++++---
 R/Ellipsoidal.Distance.R |    4 -
 R/ExplodeSymbols.R       |   61 +++++++++++++++++-----------
 R/GEOTOPO.R              |    6 +-
 R/           |    2 
 R/GEOmap.limit.R         |    4 -
 R/GLOB.XY.R              |    2 
 R/GlobeView.R            |    2 
 R/KINOUT.R               |    2 
 R/LLsmallcircMap.R       |only
 R/LOCPOLIMAP.R           |    6 +-
 R/LandSeaCol.R           |    2 
 R/NoOverlap.R            |   35 ++++++++--------
 R/SELGEOmap.R            |    9 ++--
 R/XSECDEMg.R             |   12 ++---
 R/XSECEQ.R               |   23 +++++-----
 R/XSECwin.R              |    4 -
 R/XY.GLOB.R              |    2 
 R/addLLXY.R              |    2 
 R/addTIX.R               |    4 -
 R/antipolygon.R          |   46 +++++++++++++++++----
 R/fixCoastwrap.R         |   14 +++---
 R/geoLEGEND.R            |    2 
 R/insertNA.R             |    4 -
 R/inside.R               |    4 -
 R/jarea.R                |only
 R/        |   10 ++--
 R/        |    6 +-
 R/lambert.ea.ll.R        |   10 ++--
 R/lambert.ea.xy.R        |    6 +-
 R/locworld.R             |    2 
 R/mapTeleSeis.R          |   10 ++--
 R/maps2GEOmap.R          |    3 -
 R/niceLLtix.R            |    6 +-
 R/plotGEOmap.R           |   12 ++---
 R/plotGEOmapXY.R         |   34 +++++++--------
 R/plotworldmap.R         |    2 
 R/polyintern.R           |    2 
 R/printGEOinfo.R         |    4 +
 R/printGEOmap.R          |    6 +-
 R/projtype.R             |   24 +++++------
 R/rose.R                 |    8 +++
 R/setMarkup.R            |    8 +--
 R/sqrTICXY.R             |    6 +-
 R/stereo.sphr.ll.R       |    2 
 R/stereo.sphr.xy.R       |    4 -
 R/subsetTOPO.R           |    4 -
 R/targetLL.R             |   12 +++--
 R/utmbox.R               |    2 
 man/LLsmallcircMap.Rd    |only
 man/jarea.Rd             |only
 53 files changed, 314 insertions(+), 246 deletions(-)

More information about GEOmap at CRAN
Permanent link

Package childfree updated to version 0.0.2 with previous version 0.0.1 dated 2024-04-05

Title: Access and Harmonize Childfree Demographic Data
Description: Reads demographic data from a variety of public data sources, extracting and harmonizing variables useful for the study of childfree individuals. The identification of childfree individuals and those with other family statuses uses Neal & Neal's (2024) "A Framework for Studying Adults who Neither have Nor Want Children" <doi:10.1177/10664807231198869>; A pre-print is available at <doi:10.31234/>.
Author: Zachary Neal [aut, cre] , Jennifer Watling Neal [aut]
Maintainer: Zachary Neal <>

Diff between childfree versions 0.0.1 dated 2024-04-05 and 0.0.2 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION             |    8 
 MD5                     |   40 ++--                 |    5 
 R/childfree.R           |    4 
 R/dhs.R                 |  129 ++++++++------
 R/nsfg.R                |  428 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 R/soss.R                |   17 +               |    9 -
 build/partial.rdb       |binary
 build/vignette.rds      |binary
 inst/doc/childfree.Rmd  |    4 
 inst/doc/childfree.html |   73 +++-----
 inst/doc/codebooks.Rmd  |   51 +++--
 inst/doc/codebooks.html |  147 ++++++++++------
 man/childfree.Rd        |   22 ++
 man/dhs.Rd              |   33 +--
 man/figures/logo.png    |binary
 man/nsfg.Rd             |    7 
 man/soss.Rd             |    6 
 vignettes/childfree.Rmd |    4 
 vignettes/codebooks.Rmd |   51 +++--
 21 files changed, 781 insertions(+), 257 deletions(-)

More information about childfree at CRAN
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Package SLOPE updated to version 0.5.1 with previous version 0.5.0 dated 2022-06-09

Title: Sorted L1 Penalized Estimation
Description: Efficient implementations for Sorted L-One Penalized Estimation (SLOPE): generalized linear models regularized with the sorted L1-norm (Bogdan et al. 2015). Supported models include ordinary least-squares regression, binomial regression, multinomial regression, and Poisson regression. Both dense and sparse predictor matrices are supported. In addition, the package features predictor screening rules that enable fast and efficient solutions to high-dimensional problems.
Author: Johan Larsson [aut, cre] , Jonas Wallin [aut] , Malgorzata Bogdan [aut], Ewout van den Berg [aut], Chiara Sabatti [aut], Emmanuel Candes [aut], Evan Patterson [aut], Weijie Su [aut], Jakub Kala [aut], Krystyna Grzesiak [aut], Michal Burdukiewicz [aut [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Johan Larsson <>

Diff between SLOPE versions 0.5.0 dated 2022-06-09 and 0.5.1 dated 2024-07-09

 SLOPE-0.5.0/SLOPE/build/partial.rdb                                                  |only
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/DESCRIPTION                                                        |   28 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/MD5                                                                |   73 -
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/                                                            |  157 +-
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/R/SLOPE.R                                                          |    9 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/R/predict.R                                                        |    2 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/R/sortedL1Prox.R                                                   |    2 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/R/utils.R                                                          |   13 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/                                                          |    2 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/build/vignette.rds                                                 |binary
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/inst/CITATION                                                      |   62 -
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/inst/WORDLIST                                                      |    4 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/inst/doc/introduction.R                                            |    6 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/inst/doc/introduction.Rmd                                          |    2 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/inst/doc/introduction.html                                         |  583 +++++++---
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/inst/doc/prox-algs.R                                               |    4 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/inst/doc/prox-algs.html                                            |  423 +++++--
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/man/SLOPE-package.Rd                                               |    5 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/man/SLOPE.Rd                                                       |    7 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/man/sortedL1Prox.Rd                                                |    2 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/src/Makevars                                                       |    1 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/src/SLOPE.h                                                        |   22 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/src/families/binomial.h                                            |    2 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/src/families/family.h                                              |    4 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/src/families/gaussian.h                                            |    2 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/src/families/multinomial.h                                         |    2 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/src/families/poisson.h                                             |    2 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/src/prox.cpp                                                       |   19 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/src/standardize.cpp                                                |    4 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/tests/testthat/_snaps/diagnostics/plotdiagnostics-in-test.svg      |   14 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/tests/testthat/_snaps/plotting/binom-plot-trainedslope-in-test.svg |   12 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/tests/testthat/_snaps/plotting/plot-slope-in-test.svg              |  110 -
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/tests/testthat/_snaps/plotting/plot-slope-multinomial-in-test.svg  |   80 -
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/tests/testthat/_snaps/plotting/plot-slope-parameters-in-test.svg   |  118 +-
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/tests/testthat/_snaps/plotting/plot-trainedslope-in-test.svg       |   16 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/tests/testthat/_snaps/plotting/q-plot-trainedslope-in-test.svg     |   20 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/vignettes/SLOPE.bib                                                |   45 
 SLOPE-0.5.1/SLOPE/vignettes/introduction.Rmd                                         |    2 
 38 files changed, 1165 insertions(+), 694 deletions(-)

More information about SLOPE at CRAN
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Package quickcode updated to version 0.9 with previous version 0.8 dated 2024-04-06

Title: Quick and Essential 'R' Tricks for Better Scripts
Description: The NOT functions, 'R' tricks and a compilation of some simple quick plus often used 'R' codes to improve your scripts. Improve the quality and reproducibility of 'R' scripts.
Author: Obinna Obianom [aut, cre], Brice Richard [aut]
Maintainer: Obinna Obianom <>

Diff between quickcode versions 0.8 dated 2024-04-06 and 0.9 dated 2024-07-09

 quickcode-0.8/quickcode/man/add_key.Rd                                      |only
 quickcode-0.8/quickcode/man/not.empty.Rd                                    |only
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/DESCRIPTION                                         |    8 
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/MD5                                                 |   75 +++++---
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/NAMESPACE                                           |   14 +
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/                                             |   10 +
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/R/aaa.R                                             |    2 
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/R/add_key.R                                         |   60 ++++++
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/R/clean.R                                           |   30 +--
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/R/cybersec.R                                        |only
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/R/dat2week.R                                        |only
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/R/data_pop_filter.R                                 |   17 +
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/R/decimals.R                                        |only
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/R/duplicate.R                                       |    2 
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/R/filename.R                                        |   26 ++
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/R/getDate.R                                         |only
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/R/getMyIP.R                                         |only
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/R/getdist.R                                         |only
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/R/github.R                                          |    2 
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/R/libraryAll.R                                      |   15 +
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/R/mutate_filter.R                                   |only
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/R/nin.R                                             |    4 
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/R/not.empty.R                                       |    7 
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/R/randomImage.R                                     |   90 ++++++----
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/R/sort.R                                            |only
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/R/supervariable.R                                   |   60 +++---
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/R/uniquelen.R                                       |only
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/R/zsore.R                                           |only
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/                                           |    4 
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/build/vignette.rds                                  |binary
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/inst/doc/add_today_date_to_filenames_quickcode.R    |only
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/inst/doc/add_today_date_to_filenames_quickcode.Rmd  |only
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/inst/doc/add_today_date_to_filenames_quickcode.html |only
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/inst/doc/quickcode_r_introduction.Rmd               |    8 
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/inst/doc/quickcode_r_introduction.html              |   19 +-
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/man/addkey.Rd                                       |only
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/man/ai.duplicate.Rd                                 |    2 
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/man/cybersecurity.Rd                                |only
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/man/date-topic.Rd                                   |only
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/man/distribution_check.Rd                           |   12 +
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/man/empty.Rd                                        |only
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/man/fAddDate.Rd                                     |   13 +
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/man/genRandImg.Rd                                   |   19 +-
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/man/libraryAll.Rd                                   |   18 +-
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/man/mutate_filter.Rd                                |only
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/man/ndecimal.Rd                                     |only
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/man/sort_length.Rd                                  |only
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/man/unique_len.Rd                                   |only
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/man/zscore.Rd                                       |only
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/vignettes/add_today_date_to_filenames_quickcode.Rmd |only
 quickcode-0.9/quickcode/vignettes/quickcode_r_introduction.Rmd              |    8 
 51 files changed, 377 insertions(+), 148 deletions(-)

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Package WeibullR.learnr updated to version 0.1.3 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2023-06-06

Title: An Interactive Introduction to Life Data Analysis
Description: An interactive introduction to Life Data Analysis that depends on 'WeibullR' by David Silkworth and Jurgen Symynck (2022) <>, a R package for Weibull Analysis, and 'learnr' by Garrick Aden-Buie et al. (2023) <>, a framework for building interactive learning modules in R.
Author: Paul Govan [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Paul Govan <>

Diff between WeibullR.learnr versions 0.1.1 dated 2023-06-06 and 0.1.3 dated 2024-07-09

 WeibullR.learnr-0.1.1/WeibullR.learnr/inst/learnr         |only
 WeibullR.learnr-0.1.3/WeibullR.learnr/DESCRIPTION         |   17 ++--
 WeibullR.learnr-0.1.3/WeibullR.learnr/MD5                 |   53 +++++++-------
 WeibullR.learnr-0.1.3/WeibullR.learnr/NAMESPACE           |    7 +
 WeibullR.learnr-0.1.3/WeibullR.learnr/             |only
 WeibullR.learnr-0.1.3/WeibullR.learnr/R/RAMR.learnr.R     |only
 WeibullR.learnr-0.1.3/WeibullR.learnr/R/WeibullR.learnr.R |    2 
 WeibullR.learnr-0.1.3/WeibullR.learnr/R/availability.R    |only
 WeibullR.learnr-0.1.3/WeibullR.learnr/R/lambda.R          |only
 WeibullR.learnr-0.1.3/WeibullR.learnr/R/mtbf.R            |only
 WeibullR.learnr-0.1.3/WeibullR.learnr/R/mttf.R            |only
 WeibullR.learnr-0.1.3/WeibullR.learnr/R/reliability.R     |only
 WeibullR.learnr-0.1.3/WeibullR.learnr/R/serviceability.R  |only
 WeibullR.learnr-0.1.3/WeibullR.learnr/           |only
 WeibullR.learnr-0.1.3/WeibullR.learnr/inst/CITATION       |only
 WeibullR.learnr-0.1.3/WeibullR.learnr/inst/paper          |only
 WeibullR.learnr-0.1.3/WeibullR.learnr/inst/tutorials      |only
 WeibullR.learnr-0.1.3/WeibullR.learnr/man/RAMR.learnr.Rd  |only
 WeibullR.learnr-0.1.3/WeibullR.learnr/man/avail.Rd        |only
 WeibullR.learnr-0.1.3/WeibullR.learnr/man/fr.Rd           |only
 WeibullR.learnr-0.1.3/WeibullR.learnr/man/mtbf.Rd         |only
 WeibullR.learnr-0.1.3/WeibullR.learnr/man/mttf.Rd         |only
 WeibullR.learnr-0.1.3/WeibullR.learnr/man/rel.Rd          |only
 WeibullR.learnr-0.1.3/WeibullR.learnr/man/serv.Rd         |only
 24 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

More information about WeibullR.learnr at CRAN
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Package OPI updated to version 3.0.2 with previous version 3.0.1 dated 2024-07-03

Title: Open Perimetry Interface
Description: Implementation of the Open Perimetry Interface (OPI) for simulating and controlling visual field machines using R. The OPI is a standard for interfacing with visual field testing machines (perimeters) first started as an open source project with support of Haag-Streit in 2010. It specifies basic functions that allow many visual field tests to be constructed. As of February 2022 it is fully implemented on the Haag-Streit Octopus 900 and 'CrewT ImoVifa' ('Topcon Tempo') with partial implementations on the Centervue Compass, Kowa AP 7000 and Android phones. It also has a cousin: the R package 'visualFields', which has tools for analysing and manipulating visual field data.
Author: Andrew Turpin [cre, aut, cph] , David Lawson [ctb, cph], Ivan Marin-Franch [ctb, cph], Matthias Muller [ctb], Jonathan Denniss [ctb, cph], Astrid Zeman [ctb], Giovanni Montesano [ctb]
Maintainer: Andrew Turpin <>

Diff between OPI versions 3.0.1 dated 2024-07-03 and 3.0.2 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION                       |    8 ++++----
 MD5                               |   10 +++++-----                           |    3 +++
 R/ImoVifa.r                       |   30 +++++++++++++++++++-----------
 man/opiPresent_for_ImoVifa.Rd     |   23 +++++++++++++----------
 man/opiQueryDevice_for_ImoVifa.Rd |    6 ++++++
 6 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

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Package multilevelcoda updated to version with previous version dated 2024-06-30

Title: Estimate Bayesian Multilevel Models for Compositional Data
Description: Implement Bayesian Multilevel Modelling for compositional data in a multilevel framework. Compute multilevel compositional data and Isometric log ratio (ILR) at between and within-person levels, fit Bayesian multilevel models for compositional predictors and outcomes, and run post-hoc analyses such as isotemporal substitution models.
Author: Flora Le [aut, cre] , Joshua F. Wiley [aut]
Maintainer: Flora Le <>

Diff between multilevelcoda versions dated 2024-06-30 and dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION              |    8 ++++----
 MD5                      |    8 ++++----
 NAMESPACE                |    2 +-
 R/substitution-helpers.R |   26 ++++++++++----------------
 man/build.rg.Rd          |    5 +----
 5 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

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Package jmvReadWrite updated to version 0.4.7 with previous version 0.4.6 dated 2024-05-22

Title: Read and Write 'jamovi' Files ('.omv')
Description: The free and open a statistical spreadsheet 'jamovi' (<>) aims to make statistical analyses easy and intuitive. 'jamovi' produces syntax that can directly be used in R (in connection with the R-package 'jmv'). Having import / export routines for the data files 'jamovi' produces ('.omv') permits an easy transfer of data and analyses between 'jamovi' and R.
Author: Sebastian Jentschke [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Sebastian Jentschke <>

Diff between jmvReadWrite versions 0.4.6 dated 2024-05-22 and 0.4.7 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION                              |   12 ++--
 MD5                                      |   21 ++++----
 NAMESPACE                                |    1                                  |   17 +++++-
 R/read_omv.R                             |    2 
 R/transform_vars_omv.R                   |only
 R/write_omv.R                            |    3 -                                |   23 +--------
 build/vignette.rds                       |binary
 inst/CITATION                            |    2 
 inst/doc/jmvReadWrite.html               |   78 +++++++++++++++----------------
 man/transform_vars_omv.Rd                |only
 tests/testthat/test-transform_vars_omv.R |only
 13 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)

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Package gsDesign updated to version 3.6.3 with previous version 3.6.2 dated 2024-04-09

Title: Group Sequential Design
Description: Derives group sequential clinical trial designs and describes their properties. Particular focus on time-to-event, binary, and continuous outcomes. Largely based on methods described in Jennison, Christopher and Turnbull, Bruce W., 2000, "Group Sequential Methods with Applications to Clinical Trials" ISBN: 0-8493-0316-8.
Author: Keaven Anderson [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Keaven Anderson <>

Diff between gsDesign versions 3.6.2 dated 2024-04-09 and 3.6.3 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION                                            |   12 
 MD5                                                    |   51 
 NAMESPACE                                              |    3                                                |   20 
 R/gsMethods.R                                          |    2 
 R/gsSurv.R                                             |    3 
 R/sfXG.R                                               |only
 build/vignette.rds                                     |binary
 inst/doc/ConditionalErrorSpending.R                    |only
 inst/doc/ConditionalErrorSpending.Rmd                  |only
 inst/doc/ConditionalErrorSpending.html                 |only
 inst/doc/GentleIntroductionToGSD.Rmd                   |    4 
 inst/doc/GentleIntroductionToGSD.html                  |  822 ++----
 inst/doc/PoissonMixtureModel.html                      |  106 
 inst/doc/VaccineEfficacy.R                             |    6 
 inst/doc/VaccineEfficacy.Rmd                           |   20 
 inst/doc/VaccineEfficacy.html                          | 1282 ++++------
 inst/doc/binomialSPRTExample.Rmd                       |   11 
 inst/doc/binomialSPRTExample.html                      | 2014 +++--------------
 inst/doc/gsSurvBasicExamples.html                      |  318 +-
 inst/doc/nNormal.html                                  |    2 
 man/gsBoundSummary.Rd                                  |    2 
 man/sfXG.Rd                                            |only
 tests/testthat/test-independent-test-gsBinomialExact.R |   78 
 tests/testthat/test-independent-test-gsSurvCalendar.R  |only
 vignettes/ConditionalErrorSpending.Rmd                 |only
 vignettes/GentleIntroductionToGSD.Rmd                  |    4 
 vignettes/VaccineEfficacy.Rmd                          |   20 
 vignettes/binomialSPRTExample.Rmd                      |   11 
 vignettes/gsDesign.bib                                 |   39 
 30 files changed, 1729 insertions(+), 3101 deletions(-)

More information about gsDesign at CRAN
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Package GeoModels updated to version 2.0.4 with previous version 2.0.3 dated 2024-06-07

Title: Procedures for Gaussian and Non Gaussian Geostatistical (Large) Data Analysis
Description: Functions for Gaussian and Non Gaussian (bivariate) spatial and spatio-temporal data analysis are provided for a) (fast) simulation of random fields, b) inference for random fields using standard likelihood and a likelihood approximation method called weighted composite likelihood based on pairs and b) prediction using (local) best linear unbiased prediction. Weighted composite likelihood can be very efficient for estimating massive datasets. Both regression and spatial (temporal) dependence analysis can be jointly performed. Flexible covariance models for spatial and spatial-temporal data on Euclidean domains and spheres are provided. There are also many useful functions for plotting and performing diagnostic analysis. Different non Gaussian random fields can be considered in the analysis. Among them, random fields with marginal distributions such as Skew-Gaussian, Student-t, Tukey-h, Sin-Arcsin, Two-piece, Weibull, Gamma, Log-Gaussian, Binomial, Negative Binomial and Poisson. Se [...truncated...]
Author: Moreno Bevilacqua [aut, cre] , Victor Morales-Onate [aut] , Christian Caamano-Carrillo [aut]
Maintainer: Moreno Bevilacqua <>

Diff between GeoModels versions 2.0.3 dated 2024-06-07 and 2.0.4 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION               |    8 -
 MD5                       |   16 +--
 R/GeoCompositeLik2.R      |   24 ++++-
 R/GeoSim.r                |    2 
 R/Utility.r               |   10 +-
 man/GeoCovmatrix.Rd       |    3 
 src/CorrelationFunction.c |  198 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 src/Distributions.c       |  106 +++++++++++++++++++++++-
 src/header.h              |    8 +
 9 files changed, 346 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

More information about GeoModels at CRAN
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Package burgle updated to version 0.1.1 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2024-05-15

Title: 'Burgle': Stealing the Necessary Parts of Model Objects
Description: Provides a way to reduce model objects to necessary parts, making them easier to work with, store, share and simulate multiple values for new responses while allowing for parameter uncertainty.
Author: Paul R. Gunsalus [aut, cre] , Jarrod E. Dalton [aut]
Maintainer: Paul R. Gunsalus <>

Diff between burgle versions 0.1.0 dated 2024-05-15 and 0.1.1 dated 2024-07-09

 burgle-0.1.0/burgle/R/prep_burgle.R       |only
 burgle-0.1.1/burgle/DESCRIPTION           |    8 
 burgle-0.1.1/burgle/MD5                   |   24 +-
 burgle-0.1.1/burgle/NAMESPACE             |    2 
 burgle-0.1.1/burgle/               |   11 +
 burgle-0.1.1/burgle/R/burgle.R            |   26 ++
 burgle-0.1.1/burgle/R/burgle_CSC.R        |only
 burgle-0.1.1/burgle/R/burgle_flexsurv.R   |   32 ++-
 burgle-0.1.1/burgle/R/burgle_multinom.R   |only
 burgle-0.1.1/burgle/R/burgle_survival.R   |  231 ++++++++++++++++------
 burgle-0.1.1/burgle/R/predict_burgle.R    |  307 ------------------------------
 burgle-0.1.1/burgle/R/utils.R             |only
 burgle-0.1.1/burgle/             |   15 -
 burgle-0.1.1/burgle/man/burgle_.Rd        |   13 -
 burgle-0.1.1/burgle/man/predict_burgle.Rd |   72 ++++---
 15 files changed, 319 insertions(+), 422 deletions(-)

More information about burgle at CRAN
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Package paradox updated to version 1.0.1 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2024-06-11

Title: Define and Work with Parameter Spaces for Complex Algorithms
Description: Define parameter spaces, constraints and dependencies for arbitrary algorithms, to program on such spaces. Also includes statistical designs and random samplers. Objects are implemented as 'R6' classes.
Author: Michel Lang [aut] , Bernd Bischl [aut] , Jakob Richter [aut] , Xudong Sun [aut] , Martin Binder [aut, cre], Marc Becker [ctb]
Maintainer: Martin Binder <>

Diff between paradox versions 1.0.0 dated 2024-06-11 and 1.0.1 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION               |    8 
 MD5                       |   34                   |    4 
 R/Domain.R                |   63 -
 R/Domain_methods.R        |   28 
 R/ParamDbl.R              |    2 
 R/ParamFct.R              |    2 
 R/ParamInt.R              |   12 
 R/ParamLgl.R              |    2 
 R/ParamSet.R              |  202 +++--
 R/ParamSetCollection.R    |  125 ++-
 R/ParamUty.R              |    2 
 R/helper.R                |   12 
 build/vignette.rds        |binary
 inst/doc/indepth.html     | 1801 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 man/ParamSet.Rd           |   24 
 man/ParamSetCollection.Rd |    6 
 man/domain_check.Rd       |   14 
 18 files changed, 1475 insertions(+), 866 deletions(-)

More information about paradox at CRAN
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Package miesmuschel updated to version 0.0.4-2 with previous version 0.0.4-1 dated 2024-06-07

Title: Mixed Integer Evolution Strategies
Description: Evolutionary black box optimization algorithms building on the 'bbotk' package. 'miesmuschel' offers both ready-to-use optimization algorithms, as well as their fundamental building blocks that can be used to manually construct specialized optimization loops. The Mixed Integer Evolution Strategies as described by Li et al. (2013) <doi:10.1162/EVCO_a_00059> can be implemented, as well as the multi-objective optimization algorithms NSGA-II by Deb, Pratap, Agarwal, and Meyarivan (2002) <doi:10.1109/4235.996017>.
Author: Martin Binder [aut, cre], Lennart Schneider [ctb] , Susanne Dandl [ctb] , Andreas Hofheinz [ctb]
Maintainer: Martin Binder <>

Diff between miesmuschel versions 0.0.4-1 dated 2024-06-07 and 0.0.4-2 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION                                |    8 ++--
 MD5                                        |   52 ++++++++++++++---------------                                    |    4 ++
 R/OptimizerMies.R                          |    2 -
 R/ParamSetShadow.R                         |    2 -
 inst/tinytest/test_mies_filter_offspring.R |    1 
 man/OptimInstanceMultiCrit.Rd              |    2 -
 man/OptimInstanceSingleCrit.Rd             |    2 -
 man/Optimizer.Rd                           |    2 -
 man/OptimizerMies.Rd                       |   20 +++++------
 man/ParamSetShadow.Rd                      |    5 ++
 man/TuningInstanceMultiCrit.Rd             |    2 -
 man/TuningInstanceSingleCrit.Rd            |    2 -
 man/mies_aggregate_generations.Rd          |    4 +-
 man/mies_evaluate_offspring.Rd             |    4 +-
 man/mies_filter_offspring.Rd               |    2 -
 man/mies_generate_offspring.Rd             |    2 -
 man/mies_generation.Rd                     |    6 +--
 man/mies_get_fitnesses.Rd                  |    4 +-
 man/mies_get_generation_results.Rd         |    6 +--
 man/mies_init_population.Rd                |    8 ++--
 man/mies_prime_operators.Rd                |    2 -
 man/mies_select_from_archive.Rd            |    4 +-
 man/mies_step_fidelity.Rd                  |    2 -
 man/mies_survival_comma.Rd                 |    2 -
 man/mies_survival_plus.Rd                  |    2 -
 man/mut.Rd                                 |    5 +-
 27 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)

More information about miesmuschel at CRAN
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Package ccdR updated to version 1.1.0 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2024-03-29

Title: Utilities for Interacting with the 'CTX' APIs
Description: Access chemical, hazard, bioactivity, and exposure data from the Computational Toxicology and Exposure ('CTX') APIs <>. 'ccdR' was developed to streamline the process of accessing the information available through the 'CTX' APIs without requiring prior knowledge of how to use APIs. Most data is also available on the CompTox Chemical Dashboard ('CCD') <> and other resources found at the EPA Computational Toxicology and Exposure Online Resources <>.
Author: Paul Kruse [aut, cre] , Caroline Ring [aut] , Madison Feshuk [ctb] , Carter Thunes [ctb], Jason Brown [ctb]
Maintainer: Paul Kruse <>

Diff between ccdR versions 1.0.0 dated 2024-03-29 and 1.1.0 dated 2024-07-09

 ccdR-1.0.0/ccdR/R/register_ccte.R                                                                       |only
 ccdR-1.0.0/ccdR/man/register_ccte.Rd                                                                    |only
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 ccdR-1.1.0/ccdR/tests/testthat/test-hazard-APIs-batch.R                                                 |   64 
 ccdR-1.1.0/ccdR/tests/testthat/test-hazard-APIs.R                                                       |   36 
 ccdR-1.1.0/ccdR/vignettes/4                                                                             |only
 ccdR-1.1.0/ccdR/vignettes/5                                                                             |only
 ccdR-1.1.0/ccdR/vignettes/Bioactivity.Rmd                                                               |  155 
 ccdR-1.1.0/ccdR/vignettes/Chemical.Rmd                                                                  |   23 
 ccdR-1.1.0/ccdR/vignettes/Exposure.Rmd                                                                  |only
 ccdR-1.1.0/ccdR/vignettes/Hazard.Rmd                                                                    |   18 
 ccdR-1.1.0/ccdR/vignettes/Introduction.Rmd                                                              |   46 
 ccdR-1.1.0/ccdR/vignettes/Pictures/CTX_API_Key_authentication.png                                       |only
 ccdR-1.1.0/ccdR/vignettes/Pictures/CTX_Chemical_API_endpoints.png                                       |only
 222 files changed, 15010 insertions(+), 9933 deletions(-)

More information about ccdR at CRAN
Permanent link

Package rswipl updated to version with previous version dated 2024-05-13

Title: Embed 'SWI'-'Prolog'
Description: Interface to 'SWI'-'Prolog', <>. This package is normally not loaded directly, please refer to package 'rolog' instead. The purpose of this package is to provide the 'Prolog' runtime on systems that do not have a software installation of 'SWI'-'Prolog'.
Author: Matthias Gondan [aut, com, cre] , Jan Wielemaker [ctb, cph] , European Commission [fnd]
Maintainer: Matthias Gondan <>

Diff between rswipl versions dated 2024-05-13 and dated 2024-07-09

 rswipl-                         |only
 rswipl-                                                  |only
 rswipl-                                            |   12 
 rswipl-                                                    |  212 +--
 rswipl-                                                |   10 
 rswipl-                                        |    4 
 rswipl-                                              |   54 
 rswipl-                                             |   21 
 rswipl-                                           |    7 
 rswipl-                                           |   29 
 rswipl-                                          |   15 
 rswipl-                                           |only
 rswipl-                                           |   30 
 rswipl-                                       |only
 rswipl-                                       |    3 
 rswipl-                                    |   13 
 rswipl-                                     |    2 
 rswipl-                                         |  294 ----
 rswipl-                               |   48 
 rswipl-                         |    3 
 rswipl-                                |    2 
 rswipl-                           |    2 
 rswipl-                       |   50 
 rswipl-                           |    4 
 rswipl-                       |    2 
 rswipl-                        |    6 
 rswipl-                       |    7 
 rswipl-                  |    5 
 rswipl-                     |    3 
 rswipl- |    8 
 rswipl-                        |    5 
 rswipl-                      |   13 
 rswipl-                     |    1 
 rswipl-                  |   14 
 rswipl-                      |    7 
 rswipl-                  |  218 +--
 rswipl-             |    2 
 rswipl-              |    4 
 rswipl-              |    4 
 rswipl-                |    9 
 rswipl-                |    2 
 rswipl-           |    4 
 rswipl-             |   17 
 rswipl-                  |only
 rswipl-                 |   53 
 rswipl-           |   27 
 rswipl-          |    3 
 rswipl-              |    1 
 rswipl-              |   20 
 rswipl-                |    3 
 rswipl-                  |   19 
 rswipl-               |    2 
 rswipl-              |    6 
 rswipl-                 |   20 
 rswipl-                              |    2 
 rswipl-                       |    6 
 rswipl-          |   29 
 rswipl-            |    8 
 rswipl-      |   16 
 rswipl-         |   42 
 rswipl-                     |    1 
 rswipl-                      |    3 
 rswipl-                     |    1 
 rswipl-                 |    2 
 rswipl-                     |    2 
 rswipl-                         |   27 
 rswipl-                          |   16 
 rswipl-                          |    3 
 rswipl-                        |   14 
 rswipl-                        |   27 
 rswipl-                       |    4 
 rswipl-                          |    4 
 rswipl-                          |   20 
 rswipl-                          |    1 
 rswipl-                         |   69 -
 rswipl-                         |    6 
 rswipl-                           |    9 
 rswipl-                           |  669 +++++++---
 rswipl-                           |   36 
 rswipl-                            |    2 
 rswipl-                           |   23 
 rswipl-                          |   28 
 rswipl-                         |   22 
 rswipl-                         |    8 
 rswipl-                          |   83 -
 rswipl-                        |    2 
 rswipl-                         |  270 ++--
 rswipl-                         |    5 
 rswipl-                           |    5 
 rswipl-                           |   40 
 rswipl-                     |    8 
 rswipl-                      |   23 
 rswipl-                      |   18 
 rswipl-                       |   36 
 rswipl-                      |    4 
 rswipl-                        |  181 +-
 rswipl-                        |    3 
 rswipl-                          |   36 
 rswipl-                       |   27 
 rswipl-                           |   88 -
 rswipl-                           |   25 
 rswipl-                           |   13 
 rswipl-                         |   65 
 rswipl-                           |    6 
 rswipl-                     |    5 
 rswipl-                      |    8 
 rswipl-                   |   14 
 rswipl-                    |    8 
 rswipl-                     |   19 
 109 files changed, 2054 insertions(+), 1338 deletions(-)

More information about rswipl at CRAN
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Package heterometa updated to version 0.3 with previous version 0.2 dated 2024-03-05

Title: Convert Various Meta-Analysis Heterogeneity Measures
Description: Published meta-analyses routinely present one of the measures of heterogeneity introduced in Higgins and Thompson (2002) <doi:10.1002/sim.1186>. For critiquing articles it is often better to convert to another of those measures. Some conversions are provided here and confidence intervals are also available.
Author: Michael Dewey [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Michael Dewey <>

Diff between heterometa versions 0.2 dated 2024-03-05 and 0.3 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION                |   12 +++++---
 MD5                        |   22 ++++++++--------
 NEWS                       |    7 +++++
 R/higgins.R                |   61 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 R/parchck.R                |only
 R/print.higgins.R          |   24 ++++++++++++-----
 build/heterometa.pdf       |binary
 build/partial.rdb          |binary
 build/stage23.rdb          |binary
 man/dat.higgins02.Rd       |   12 ++++----
 man/heterometa-internal.Rd |only
 man/heterometa-package.Rd  |    3 ++
 man/higgins.Rd             |   47 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 13 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)

More information about heterometa at CRAN
Permanent link

Package fastTopics updated to version 0.6-192 with previous version 0.6-186 dated 2024-06-29

Title: Fast Algorithms for Fitting Topic Models and Non-Negative Matrix Factorizations to Count Data
Description: Implements fast, scalable optimization algorithms for fitting topic models ("grade of membership" models) and non-negative matrix factorizations to count data. The methods exploit the special relationship between the multinomial topic model (also, "probabilistic latent semantic indexing") and Poisson non-negative matrix factorization. The package provides tools to compare, annotate and visualize model fits, including functions to efficiently create "structure plots" and identify key features in topics. The 'fastTopics' package is a successor to the 'CountClust' package. For more information, see <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2105.13440> and <doi:10.1186/s13059-023-03067-9>. Please also see the GitHub repository for additional vignettes not included in the package on CRAN.
Author: Peter Carbonetto [aut, cre], Kevin Luo [aut], Kushal Dey [aut], Joyce Hsiao [ctb], Abhishek Sarkar [ctb], Anthony Hung [ctb], Xihui Lin [ctb], Paul C. Boutros [ctb], Minzhe Wang [ctb], Tracy Ke [ctb], Eric Weine [ctb], Matthew Stephens [aut]
Maintainer: Peter Carbonetto <>

Diff between fastTopics versions 0.6-186 dated 2024-06-29 and 0.6-192 dated 2024-07-09

 fastTopics-0.6-186/fastTopics/inst/doc/single_cell_rnaseq_basic.R    |only
 fastTopics-0.6-186/fastTopics/inst/doc/single_cell_rnaseq_basic.Rmd  |only
 fastTopics-0.6-186/fastTopics/inst/doc/single_cell_rnaseq_basic.html |only
 fastTopics-0.6-186/fastTopics/vignettes/single_cell_rnaseq_basic.Rmd |only
 fastTopics-0.6-192/fastTopics/DESCRIPTION                            |   15 +++---
 fastTopics-0.6-192/fastTopics/MD5                                    |   20 +++------
 fastTopics-0.6-192/fastTopics/R/fit_poisson_nmf.R                    |    2 
 fastTopics-0.6-192/fastTopics/                              |    3 -
 fastTopics-0.6-192/fastTopics/build/vignette.rds                     |binary
 fastTopics-0.6-192/fastTopics/data/pbmc_facs.RData                   |binary
 fastTopics-0.6-192/fastTopics/inst/doc/relationship.html             |    4 -
 fastTopics-0.6-192/fastTopics/inst/doc/topics_vs_clusters.html       |    4 -
 fastTopics-0.6-192/fastTopics/tests/testthat/test_plots.R            |   22 +++++-----
 13 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

More information about fastTopics at CRAN
Permanent link

Package lidR updated to version 4.1.2 with previous version 4.1.1 dated 2024-03-05

Title: Airborne LiDAR Data Manipulation and Visualization for Forestry Applications
Description: Airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) interface for data manipulation and visualization. Read/write 'las' and 'laz' files, computation of metrics in area based approach, point filtering, artificial point reduction, classification from geographic data, normalization, individual tree segmentation and other manipulations.
Author: Jean-Romain Roussel [aut, cre, cph], David Auty [aut, ctb] , Florian De Boissieu [ctb] , Andrew Sanchez Meador [ctb] for segment_snags), Bourdon Jean-Francois [ctb] for track_sensor), Gatziolis Demetrios [ctb] for track_sensor), Leon Steinmeier [c [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Jean-Romain Roussel <>

Diff between lidR versions 4.1.1 dated 2024-03-05 and 4.1.2 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION                           |    8 +-
 MD5                                   |   84 ++++++++++-----------                               |   22 ++++-
 R/Class-LAScatalog.R                  |   23 +++--
 R/RcppExports.R                       |    8 --
 R/algorithm-dec.R                     |   15 ++-
 R/algorithm-dtm.R                     |    5 -
 R/algorithm-gnd.R                     |    6 +
 R/catalog_apply.R                     |    4 -
 R/classify.R                          |    3 
 R/io_readLAS.R                        |   17 ++++
 R/metrics_point.R                     |   15 +++
 R/metrics_stdmetrics.R                |    3 
 R/plot.R                              |    9 +-
 R/st_hull.R                           |    5 +
 R/utils_geometry.R                    |   27 ++++++
 R/utils_threads.R                     |    3 
 build/vignette.rds                    |binary
 inst/doc/lidR-LAScatalog-class.html   |   10 +-
 inst/include/lidR/Octree.h            |    2 
 inst/include/lidR/QuadTree.h          |    2 
 inst/include/lidR/Shapes.h            |   30 ++++---
 man/LAScatalog-class.Rd               |    2 
 man/catalog_apply.Rd                  |    4 -
 man/classify.Rd                       |    3 
 man/dtm_kriging.Rd                    |    4 -
 man/gnd_csf.Rd                        |    3 
 man/gnd_mcc.Rd                        |    3 
 man/nstdmetrics.Rd                    |    3 
 man/plot.Rd                           |    4 -
 man/sample_homogenize.Rd              |    2 
 man/sample_random.Rd                  |    4 -
 src/LAS.cpp                           |  136 ++++++++++++++++++----------------
 src/LAS.h                             |    4 -
 src/RcppExports.cpp                   |   26 +-----
 src/RcppFunction.cpp                  |    8 +-
 src/concaveman/concaveman.h           |    2 
 tests/testthat/Rplots.pdf             |binary
 tests/testthat/setup-testthat.R       |    1 
 tests/testthat/test-classify_ground.R |   24 +++++-
 tests/testthat/test-metrics_points.R  |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-print.R           |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-segment_shape.R   |    2 
 43 files changed, 335 insertions(+), 205 deletions(-)

More information about lidR at CRAN
Permanent link

Package PCAPAM50 updated to version 1.0.1 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2024-07-08

Title: Enhanced 'PAM50' Subtyping of Breast Cancer
Description: Accurate classification of breast cancer tumors based on gene expression data is not a trivial task, and it lacks standard practices.The 'PAM50' classifier, which uses 50 gene centroid correlation distances to classify tumors, faces challenges with balancing estrogen receptor (ER) status and gene centering. The 'PCAPAM50' package leverages principal component analysis and iterative 'PAM50' calls to create a gene expression-based ER-balanced subset for gene centering, avoiding the use of protein expression-based ER data resulting into an enhanced Breast Cancer subtyping.
Author: Praveen-Kumar Raj-Kumar [aut, cre, cph], Boyi Chen [aut], Ming-Wen Hu [aut], Tyler Hohenstein [aut], Jianfang Liu [aut], Craig D. Shriver [aut], Xiaoying Lin [aut, cph], Hai Hu [aut, cph]
Maintainer: Praveen-Kumar Raj-Kumar <>

Diff between PCAPAM50 versions 1.0.0 dated 2024-07-08 and 1.0.1 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION                     |   15 ++++++++-------
 MD5                             |    4 ++--
 inst/doc/PCAPAM50_vignette.html |    4 ++--
 3 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

More information about PCAPAM50 at CRAN
Permanent link

Package DSMolgenisArmadillo updated to version 2.0.9 with previous version 2.0.5 dated 2023-10-30

Title: 'DataSHIELD' Client for 'MOLGENIS Armadillo'
Description: 'DataSHIELD' is an infrastructure and series of R packages that enables the remote and 'non-disclosive' analysis of sensitive research data. This package is the 'DataSHIELD' interface implementation to analyze data shared on a 'MOLGENIS Armadillo' server. 'MOLGENIS Armadillo' is a light-weight 'DataSHIELD' server using a file store and an 'RServe' server.
Author: Mariska Slofstra [aut, cre] , Sido Haakma [aut] , Tommy de Boer [aut] , Fleur Kelpin [aut] , MOLGENIS org [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Mariska Slofstra <>

Diff between DSMolgenisArmadillo versions 2.0.5 dated 2023-10-30 and 2.0.9 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION                                        |   11 
 MD5                                                |   50 
 NAMESPACE                                          |    5 
 R/ArmadilloConnection.R                            |   14 
 R/ArmadilloDriver.R                                |    2 
 R/ArmadilloResult.R                                |    8 
 R/utils.R                                          |   30                                          |   17 
 build/vignette.rds                                 |binary
 inst/doc/DSMolgenisArmadillo.html                  |  931 ++++++----
 inst/doc/development.html                          | 1790 +++++++++++----------
 inst/doc/workspaces.Rmd                            |   36 
 inst/doc/workspaces.html                           |  470 ++++-
 man/ArmadilloConnection-class.Rd                   |    2 
 man/ArmadilloDriver-class.Rd                       |    2 
 man/ArmadilloResult-class.Rd                       |    2 
 man/dsAssignResource-ArmadilloConnection-method.Rd |    2 
 man/dsDisconnect-ArmadilloConnection-method.Rd     |    2 
 man/dsIsAsync-ArmadilloConnection-method.Rd        |    2 
 man/dsListResources-ArmadilloConnection-method.Rd  |    2 
 man/dsListTables-ArmadilloConnection-method.Rd     |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-ArmadilloConnection.R          |   20 
 tests/testthat/test-ArmadilloResult.R              |   20 
 tests/testthat/test-utils.R                        |   82 
 vignettes/workspaces.Rmd                           |   36 
 vignettes/workspaces.Rmd.orig                      |    4 
 26 files changed, 2154 insertions(+), 1388 deletions(-)

More information about DSMolgenisArmadillo at CRAN
Permanent link

Package dockerfiler updated to version 0.2.3 with previous version 0.2.2 dated 2023-11-13

Title: Easy Dockerfile Creation from R
Description: Build a Dockerfile straight from your R session. 'dockerfiler' allows you to create step by step a Dockerfile, and provide convenient tools to wrap R code inside this Dockerfile.
Author: Colin Fay [cre, aut] , Vincent Guyader [aut] , Josiah Parry [aut] , Sebastien Rochette [aut]
Maintainer: Colin Fay <>

Diff between dockerfiler versions 0.2.2 dated 2023-11-13 and 0.2.3 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION                             |   14 +--
 MD5                                     |   41 +++++------
 NAMESPACE                               |    6 -                                 |   14 +++
 R/compact_sysreqs.R                     |    2 
 R/dock_from_renv.R                      |  116 ++++++++++----------------------
 R/gen_base_image.R                      |   12 +--
 R/get_sysreqs.R                         |   78 +--------------------
 build/vignette.rds                      |binary
 inst/doc/dockerfile-from-renv-lock.R    |    4 -
 inst/doc/dockerfile-from-renv-lock.Rmd  |   14 +--
 inst/doc/dockerfiler.R                  |    4 -
 inst/doc/dockerfiler.html               |    4 -
 man/compact_sysreqs.Rd                  |    2 
 man/dock_from_renv.Rd                   |   23 +++++-
 man/get_sysreqs.Rd                      |    3 
 tests/testthat/setup_cache_dir.R        |only
 tests/testthat/test-dock_from_desc.R    |   31 ++++++--
 tests/testthat/test-dock_from_renv.R    |   48 +++++++++++--
 tests/testthat/test-dockerbuild.R       |    1 
 tests/testthat/test-get_sysreqs.R       |   32 --------
 vignettes/dockerfile-from-renv-lock.Rmd |   14 +--
 22 files changed, 203 insertions(+), 260 deletions(-)

More information about dockerfiler at CRAN
Permanent link

Package adbcpostgresql updated to version 0.13.0 with previous version 0.12.0 dated 2024-05-22

Title: 'Arrow' Database Connectivity ('ADBC') 'PostgreSQL' Driver
Description: Provides a developer-facing interface to the 'Arrow' Database Connectivity ('ADBC') 'PostgreSQL' driver for the purposes of building high-level database interfaces for users. 'ADBC' <> is an API standard for database access libraries that uses 'Arrow' for result sets and query parameters.
Author: Dewey Dunnington [aut, cre] , Apache Arrow [aut, cph], Apache Software Foundation [cph]
Maintainer: Dewey Dunnington <>

Diff between adbcpostgresql versions 0.12.0 dated 2024-05-22 and 0.13.0 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION                           |    6 
 MD5                                   |   16 -
 src/c/driver/common/utils.c           |    6 
 src/c/driver/postgresql/ |   68 ++---
 src/c/driver/postgresql/copy/writer.h |    2 
 src/c/driver/postgresql/  |   23 +
 src/c/vendor/nanoarrow/nanoarrow.c    |  105 ++++++--
 src/c/vendor/nanoarrow/nanoarrow.h    |  171 +++++++++-----
 src/c/vendor/nanoarrow/nanoarrow.hpp  |  415 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 9 files changed, 680 insertions(+), 132 deletions(-)

More information about adbcpostgresql at CRAN
Permanent link

Package wk updated to version 0.9.2 with previous version 0.9.1 dated 2023-11-29

Title: Lightweight Well-Known Geometry Parsing
Description: Provides a minimal R and C++ API for parsing well-known binary and well-known text representation of geometries to and from R-native formats. Well-known binary is compact and fast to parse; well-known text is human-readable and is useful for writing tests. These formats are useful in R only if the information they contain can be accessed in R, for which high-performance functions are provided here.
Author: Dewey Dunnington [aut, cre] , Edzer Pebesma [aut] , Anthony North [ctb]
Maintainer: Dewey Dunnington <>

Diff between wk versions 0.9.1 dated 2023-11-29 and 0.9.2 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION                          |    6 +--
 MD5                                  |   16 ++++----
 NAMESPACE                            |    2 +                              |   20 ++++++----
 R/pkg-sf.R                           |   11 +++++
 src/internal/fast_float/fast_float.h |   20 +++++-----
 src/transform.c                      |    2 -
 tests/testthat/test-pkg-sf.R         |   13 ++++++
 tests/testthat/test-transform.R      |   70 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 9 files changed, 131 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

More information about wk at CRAN
Permanent link

Package mev updated to version 1.17 with previous version 1.16 dated 2023-11-30

Title: Modelling of Extreme Values
Description: Various tools for the analysis of univariate, multivariate and functional extremes. Exact simulation from max-stable processes [Dombry, Engelke and Oesting (2016) <doi:10.1093/biomet/asw008>, R-Pareto processes for various parametric models, including Brown-Resnick (Wadsworth and Tawn, 2014, <doi:10.1093/biomet/ast042>) and Extremal Student (Thibaud and Opitz, 2015, <doi:10.1093/biomet/asv045>). Threshold selection methods, including Wadsworth (2016) <doi:10.1080/00401706.2014.998345>, and Northrop and Coleman (2014) <doi:10.1007/s10687-014-0183-z>. Multivariate extreme diagnostics. Estimation and likelihoods for univariate extremes, e.g., Coles (2001) <doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-3675-0>.
Author: Leo Belzile [aut, cre] , Jennifer L. Wadsworth [aut], Paul J. Northrop [aut], Scott D. Grimshaw [aut], Jin Zhang [ctb], Michael A. Stephens [ctb], Art B. Owen [ctb], Raphael Huser [aut]
Maintainer: Leo Belzile <>

Diff between mev versions 1.16 dated 2023-11-30 and 1.17 dated 2024-07-09

 mev-1.16/mev/inst/doc/mev-vignette.Rnw  |only
 mev-1.16/mev/inst/doc/mev-vignette.pdf  |only
 mev-1.16/mev/vignettes/mev-vignette.Rnw |only
 mev-1.17/mev/DESCRIPTION                |   10 
 mev-1.17/mev/MD5                        |   67 ++--
 mev-1.17/mev/NAMESPACE                  |    6 
 mev-1.17/mev/                    |   10 
 mev-1.17/mev/R/NCdiag.R                 |    2 
 mev-1.17/mev/R/Wdiag.R                  |    2 
 mev-1.17/mev/R/datasets.R               |   16 -
 mev-1.17/mev/R/gp.R                     |   20 -
 mev-1.17/mev/R/mgplikelihoods.R         |   15 
 mev-1.17/mev/R/multivar.R               |    5 
 mev-1.17/mev/R/penultimate.R            |   22 -
 mev-1.17/mev/R/profile.R                |   21 +
 mev-1.17/mev/R/taildep.R                |    1 
 mev-1.17/mev/R/tailindex.R              |    2 
 mev-1.17/mev/R/threshold.R              |  488 ++++++++++++++++++++------------
 mev-1.17/mev/R/univdist.R               |    7 
 mev-1.17/mev/R/vartymetric.R            |    2 
 mev-1.17/mev/build/partial.rdb          |binary
 mev-1.17/mev/build/vignette.rds         |binary
 mev-1.17/mev/data/frwind.rda            |binary
 mev-1.17/mev/data/pandemics.rda         |binary
 mev-1.17/mev/inst/doc/mev-vignette.R    |only
 mev-1.17/mev/inst/doc/mev-vignette.Rmd  |only
 mev-1.17/mev/inst/doc/mev-vignette.html |only
 mev-1.17/mev/inst/sticker               |only
 mev-1.17/mev/inst/tinytest/test-mle.R   |  111 +++----
 mev-1.17/mev/man/PickandsXU.Rd          |    2 
 mev-1.17/mev/man/abisko.Rd              |    2 
 mev-1.17/mev/man/angextrapo.Rd          |    2 
 mev-1.17/mev/man/frwind.Rd              |   12 
 mev-1.17/mev/man/geomagnetic.Rd         |    2 
 mev-1.17/mev/man/lambdadep.Rd           |    4 
 mev-1.17/mev/man/tstab.gpd.Rd           |    3 
 mev-1.17/mev/vignettes/mev-vignette.Rmd |only
 mev-1.17/mev/vignettes/mevvignette.bib  |    2 
 38 files changed, 510 insertions(+), 326 deletions(-)

More information about mev at CRAN
Permanent link

Package adbcdrivermanager updated to version 0.13.0 with previous version 0.12.0 dated 2024-05-22

Title: 'Arrow' Database Connectivity ('ADBC') Driver Manager
Description: Provides a developer-facing interface to 'Arrow' Database Connectivity ('ADBC') for the purposes of driver development, driver testing, and building high-level database interfaces for users. 'ADBC' <> is an API standard for database access libraries that uses 'Arrow' for result sets and query parameters.
Author: Dewey Dunnington [aut, cre] , Apache Arrow [aut, cph], Apache Software Foundation [cph]
Maintainer: Dewey Dunnington <>

Diff between adbcdrivermanager versions 0.12.0 dated 2024-05-22 and 0.13.0 dated 2024-07-09

 DESCRIPTION      |    8 ++++----
 MD5              |    8 ++++----
 R/helpers.R      |    2 +-
 man/read_adbc.Rd |    2 +-
 src/     |   10 ++++++----
 5 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

More information about adbcdrivermanager at CRAN
Permanent link

Mon, 08 Jul 2024

Package adbcsqlite updated to version 0.13.0 with previous version 0.12.0 dated 2024-05-22

Title: 'Arrow' Database Connectivity ('ADBC') 'SQLite' Driver
Description: Provides a developer-facing interface to the 'Arrow' Database Connectivity ('ADBC') 'SQLite' driver for the purposes of building high-level database interfaces for users. 'ADBC' <> is an API standard for database access libraries that uses 'Arrow' for result sets and query parameters.
Author: Dewey Dunnington [aut, cre] , Apache Arrow [aut, cph], Apache Software Foundation [cph]
Maintainer: Dewey Dunnington <>

Diff between adbcsqlite versions 0.12.0 dated 2024-05-22 and 0.13.0 dated 2024-07-08

 DESCRIPTION                            |    6 
 MD5                                    |   14 -
 src/c/driver/common/utils.c            |    6 
 src/c/driver/framework/      |   54 ++--
 src/c/driver/sqlite/statement_reader.c |    6 
 src/c/vendor/nanoarrow/nanoarrow.c     |  105 ++++++--
 src/c/vendor/nanoarrow/nanoarrow.h     |  171 +++++++++----
 src/c/vendor/nanoarrow/nanoarrow.hpp   |  415 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 8 files changed, 657 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)

More information about adbcsqlite at CRAN
Permanent link

Package statpsych updated to version 1.6.0 with previous version 1.5.0 dated 2023-12-20

Title: Statistical Methods for Psychologists
Description: Implements confidence interval and sample size methods that are especially useful in psychological research. The methods can be applied in 1-group, 2-group, paired-samples, and multiple-group designs and to a variety of parameters including means, medians, proportions, slopes, standardized mean differences, standardized linear contrasts of means, plus several measures of correlation and association. The confidence intervals and sample size functions are applicable to single parameters as well as differences, ratios, and linear contrasts of parameters. The sample size functions can be used to approximate the sample size needed to estimate a parameter or function of parameters with desired confidence interval precision or to perform a variety of hypothesis tests (directional two-sided, equivalence, superiority, noninferiority) with desired power. For details see: Statistical Methods for Psychologists, Volumes 1 – 4, <>.
Author: Douglas G. Bonett [aut, cre], Robert J. Calin-Jageman [ctb]
Maintainer: Douglas G. Bonett <>

Diff between statpsych versions 1.5.0 dated 2023-12-20 and 1.6.0 dated 2024-07-08

 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/ci.bayes.prop1.Rd            |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/ci.cod1.Rd                   |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/ci.cod2.Rd                   |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/ci.cqv1.Rd                   |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/ci.cv1.Rd                    |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/ci.mad1.Rd                   |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/ci.mape1.Rd                  |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/ci.mape2.Rd                  |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/ci.mean1.Rd                  |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/ci.median1.Rd                |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/ci.pairs.prop1.Rd            |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/ci.prop1.Rd                  |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/ci.prop1.inv.Rd              |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/ci.random.anova1.Rd          |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/ci.sign1.Rd                  |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/ci.stdmean1.Rd               |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/pi.score1.Rd                 |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/power.cor1.Rd                |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/power.mean1.Rd               |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/power.prop1.Rd               |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/              |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/            |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/             |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/             |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/             |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/size.test.mean1.Rd           |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/size.test.prop1.Rd           |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/size.test.sign1.Rd           |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/            |only
 statpsych-1.5.0/statpsych/man/test.prop1.Rd                |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/DESCRIPTION                      |    8 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/MD5                              |  346 ++--
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/NAMESPACE                        |   77 -
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/                          |   42 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/R/statpsych1.R                   |  896 +++++++-----
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/R/statpsych2.R                   |  951 +++++++++++--
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/R/statpsych3.R                   |  790 ++++++++--
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/build/partial.rdb                |binary
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/inst/REFERENCES.bib              |   65 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/                    |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/            |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.2x2.mean.mixed.Rd         |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/            |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/          |   38 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.2x2.median.mixed.Rd       |  115 -
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/          |  114 -
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/            |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.2x2.prop.mixed.Rd         |    8 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/         |   13 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.2x2.stdmean.mixed.Rd      |  114 -
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/         |  115 -
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.agree.3rater.Rd           |   13 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.agree.Rd                  |   11 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.agree2.Rd                 |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.bayes.normal.Rd           |    6 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.bayes.prop.Rd             |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.biphi.Rd                  |    8 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.bscor.Rd                  |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.cod.Rd                    |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.condslope.Rd              |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.condslope.log.Rd          |    8 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.cor.Rd                    |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.cor.dep.Rd                |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.cor2.Rd                   |    6 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.cor2.gen.Rd               |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.cqv.Rd                    |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.cramer.Rd                 |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.cronbach.Rd               |    7 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.cronbach2.Rd              |    6 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/                     |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.kappa.Rd                  |    7 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/              |    8 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/                 |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/             |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/           |    8 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/             |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/                 |   11 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/          |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.mad.Rd                    |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.mape.Rd                   |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.mean.Rd                   |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.mean.fpc.Rd               |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/                |    6 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.mean2.Rd                  |    7 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.median.Rd                 |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/              |    7 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.median2.Rd                |   12 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.pairs.mult.Rd             |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/          |    8 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.pbcor.Rd                  |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.phi.Rd                    |   10 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.poisson.Rd                |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.prop.Rd                   |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.prop.fpc.Rd               |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.prop.inv.Rd               |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/                |    6 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.prop2.Rd                  |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.prop2.inv.Rd              |    8 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.pv.Rd                     |  112 -
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.random.anova.Rd           |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.ratio.cod2.Rd             |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.ratio.cv2.Rd              |  102 -
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.ratio.mad2.Rd             |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.ratio.mape2.Rd            |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.ratio.mean2.Rd            |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/        |    8 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.ratio.median2.Rd          |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.ratio.poisson2.Rd         |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/          |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.ratio.prop2.Rd            |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.ratio.sd2.Rd              |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.rel2.Rd                   |    6 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.reliability.Rd            |    3 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.rsqr.Rd                   |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.sign.Rd                   |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/          |   14 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/          |   10 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.spcor.Rd                  |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.spear.Rd                  |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.spear2.Rd                 |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.stdmean.Rd                |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/             |   10 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.stdmean.strat.Rd          |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.stdmean2.Rd               |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.theil.Rd                  |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.tukey.Rd                  |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.var.upper.Rd              |   10 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/ci.yule.Rd                   |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/etasqr.adj.Rd                |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/etasqr.gen.2way.Rd           |   10 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/fitindices.Rd                |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/iqv.Rd                       |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/pi.cor.Rd                    |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/pi.prop.Rd                   |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/pi.score.Rd                  |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/               |    8 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/pi.var.upper.Rd              |   34 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/power.cor.Rd                 |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/power.cor2.Rd                |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/          |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/power.mean.Rd                |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/             |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/power.mean2.Rd               |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/power.prop.Rd                |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/             |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/power.prop2.Rd               |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/randomize.Rd                 |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/                |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/               |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/            |    8 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/              |   10 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/             |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/          |   15 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/            |    8 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/              |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/         |   10 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/           |   10 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/             |    8 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/          |    6 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/               |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/         |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/              |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/          |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/            |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/          |    8 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/         |    6 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/        |    6 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/              |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/              |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/        |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/             |   84 -
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/              |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/        |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/           |   14 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/             |    6 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/     |    8 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/       |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/              |    8 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/             |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/             |   72 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/            |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/        |   10 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/             |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/size.interval.cor.Rd         |   12 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/size.test.cor.Rd             |    6 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/size.test.cor2.Rd            |   10 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/size.test.cronbach2.Rd       |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/       |    8 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/size.test.mean.Rd            |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/size.test.prop.Rd            |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/         |    6 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/size.test.prop2.Rd           |   27 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/size.test.sign.Rd            |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/         |   18 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/size.test.slope.Rd           |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/slope.contrast.Rd            |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/spearmanbrown.Rd             |   68 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/             |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/test.cor.Rd                  |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/test.cor2.Rd                 |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/test.kurtosis.Rd             |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/test.mean.Rd                 |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/         |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/         |    4 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/test.prop.Rd                 |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/              |   11 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/test.prop2.Rd                |    8 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/test.skew.Rd                 |    2 
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/test.spear.Rd                |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/man/test.spear2.Rd               |only
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/tests/testthat/test_statpsych1.R |  113 +
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/tests/testthat/test_statpsych2.R |  185 ++
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/tests/testthat/test_statpsych3.R |  123 +
 statpsych-1.6.0/statpsych/tests/testthat/test_statpsych4.R |    8 
 214 files changed, 3542 insertions(+), 1706 deletions(-)

More information about statpsych at CRAN
Permanent link

Package syllogi updated to version 1.0.3 with previous version 1.0.2 dated 2024-01-08

Title: Collection of Data Sets for Teaching Purposes
Description: Collection (syllogi in greek) of real and fictitious data sets for teaching purposes. The datasets were manually entered by the author from the respective references as listed in the individual dataset documentation. The fictions datasets are the creation of the author, that he has found useful for teaching statistics.
Author: Jared Studyvin [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jared Studyvin <>

Diff between syllogi versions 1.0.2 dated 2024-01-08 and 1.0.3 dated 2024-07-08

 DESCRIPTION                  |   11 +++++-----
 MD5                          |   45 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 R/alligatorDiet.R            |only
 R/alligatorLength.R          |only
 R/annualSales.R              |only
 R/bighornSheep.R             |only
 R/bladderCancer.R            |only
 R/butterflyPlot.R            |    2 +
 R/depression.R               |    2 +
 R/dogFood.R                  |    2 +
 R/federalistPapers.R         |    2 +
 R/genericData.R              |    2 +
 R/nutritionCancer.R          |    2 +
 R/osteosarcoma.R             |    2 +
 R/patientSatisfaction.R      |    2 +
 R/politicalIdeology.R        |only
 R/schoolProgram.R            |    2 +
 R/shipGold.R                 |    2 +
 R/weightLoss.R               |    2 +
 R/wheat.R                    |only
 data/alligatorDiet.RData     |only
 data/alligatorLength.RData   |only
 data/annualSales.RData       |only
 data/bighornSheep.RData      |only
 data/bladderCancer.RData     |only
 data/politicalIdeology.RData |only
 data/wheat.RData             |only
 man/alligatorDiet.Rd         |only
 man/alligatorLength.Rd       |only
 man/annualSales.Rd           |only
 man/bighornSheep.Rd          |only
 man/bladderCancer.Rd         |only
 man/politicalIdeology.Rd     |only
 man/wheat.Rd                 |only
 34 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

More information about syllogi at CRAN
Permanent link

Package rodeo updated to version 0.8.2 with previous version 0.8.1 dated 2024-07-04

Title: A Code Generator for ODE-Based Models
Description: Provides an R6 class and several utility methods to facilitate the implementation of models based on ordinary differential equations. The heart of the package is a code generator that creates compiled 'Fortran' (or 'R') code which can be passed to a numerical solver. There is direct support for solvers contained in packages 'deSolve' and 'rootSolve'.
Author: David Kneis <>
Maintainer: David Kneis <>

Diff between rodeo versions 0.8.1 dated 2024-07-04 and 0.8.2 dated 2024-07-08

 DESCRIPTION                       |    8 ++++----
 MD5                               |    6 +++---
 R/plainMethod_buildFromWorkbook.r |    2 +-
 inst/doc/rodeoVignette.pdf        |binary
 4 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

More information about rodeo at CRAN
Permanent link

Package phoenix updated to version 1.1.1 with previous version 1.1.0 dated 2024-05-03

Title: The Phoenix Pediatric Sepsis and Septic Shock Criteria
Description: Implementation of the Phoenix and Phoenix-8 Sepsis Criteria as described in "Development and Validation of the Phoenix Criteria for Pediatric Sepsis and Septic Shock" by Sanchez-Pinto, Bennett, DeWitt, Russell et al. (2024) <doi:10.1001/jama.2024.0196> (Drs. Sanchez-Pinto and Bennett contributed equally to this manuscript; Dr. DeWitt and Mr. Russell contributed equally to the manuscript), "International Consensus Criteria for Pediatric Sepsis and Septic Shock" by Schlapbach, Watson, Sorce, Argent, et al. (2024) <doi:10.1001/jama.2024.0179> (Drs Schlapbach, Watson, Sorce, and Argent contributed equally) and the application note "phoenix: an R package and Python module for calculating the Phoenix pediatric sepsis score and criteria" by DeWitt, Russell, Rebull, Sanchez-Pinto, and Bennett (2024) <doi:10.1093/jamiaopen/ooae066>.
Author: Peter DeWitt [aut, cre] , Seth Russell [ctb] , Meg Rebull [ctb] , Tell Bennett [ctb] , L. Nelson Sanchez-Pinto [ctb]
Maintainer: Peter DeWitt <>

Diff between phoenix versions 1.1.0 dated 2024-05-03 and 1.1.1 dated 2024-07-08

 DESCRIPTION                           |   15 -
 MD5                                   |   18 -                               |    4                             |   15 -
 build/partial.rdb                     |binary
 build/vignette.rds                    |binary
 inst/CITATION                         |   18 +
 inst/doc/phoenix.html                 |  424 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 inst/                |    2 
 inst/ |    2 
 10 files changed, 261 insertions(+), 237 deletions(-)

More information about phoenix at CRAN
Permanent link

Package esci updated to version 1.0.3 with previous version 1.0.2 dated 2024-03-21

Title: Estimation Statistics with Confidence Intervals
Description: A collection of functions and 'jamovi' module for the estimation approach to inferential statistics, the approach which emphasizes effect sizes, interval estimates, and meta-analysis. Nearly all functions are based on 'statpsych' and 'metafor'. This package is still under active development, and breaking changes are likely, especially with the plot and hypothesis test functions. Data sets are included for all examples from Cumming & Calin-Jageman (2024) <ISBN:9780367531508>.
Author: Robert Calin-Jageman [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Robert Calin-Jageman <>

Diff between esci versions 1.0.2 dated 2024-03-21 and 1.0.3 dated 2024-07-08

 esci-1.0.2/esci/build/partial.rdb                         |only
 esci-1.0.3/esci/DESCRIPTION                               |    8 -
 esci-1.0.3/esci/MD5                                       |   52 +++----
 esci-1.0.3/esci/NAMESPACE                                 |    6 
 esci-1.0.3/esci/                                   |    9 +
 esci-1.0.3/esci/R/CI_smd_ind_contrast.R                   |   14 -
 esci-1.0.3/esci/R/esci-package.R                          |    6 
 esci-1.0.3/esci/R/estimate_magnitude.R                    |    8 -
 esci-1.0.3/esci/R/estimate_mdiff_one.R                    |    6 
 esci-1.0.3/esci/R/estimate_pdiff_one.R                    |    3 
 esci-1.0.3/esci/R/estimate_proportion.R                   |    3 
 esci-1.0.3/esci/R/overview.R                              |    6 
 esci-1.0.3/esci/R/overview_nominal.R                      |    4 
 esci-1.0.3/esci/R/plot_aesthetics.R                       |  101 ++++++++++---
 esci-1.0.3/esci/R/statpsych_apply.R                       |    4 
 esci-1.0.3/esci/R/statpsych_wrapper.R                     |  102 +++++++++++++-
 esci-1.0.3/esci/                                 |    4 
 esci-1.0.3/esci/build/stage23.rdb                         |only
 esci-1.0.3/esci/man/CI_smd_ind_contrast.Rd                |   14 -
 esci-1.0.3/esci/man/estimate_magnitude.Rd                 |    6 
 esci-1.0.3/esci/man/estimate_mdiff_one.Rd                 |    6 
 esci-1.0.3/esci/man/estimate_pdiff_one.Rd                 |    3 
 esci-1.0.3/esci/man/estimate_proportion.Rd                |    3 
 esci-1.0.3/esci/man/geom_meta_diamond_h.Rd                |   32 +++-
 esci-1.0.3/esci/tests/testthat/test_estimate_magnitude.R  |   72 +++++++--
 esci-1.0.3/esci/tests/testthat/test_estimate_mdiff_one.R  |   44 ++++--
 esci-1.0.3/esci/tests/testthat/test_estimate_pdiff_one.R  |   68 +++++++--
 esci-1.0.3/esci/tests/testthat/test_estimate_proportion.R |   65 ++++++--
 28 files changed, 483 insertions(+), 166 deletions(-)

More information about esci at CRAN
Permanent link

Package energyr updated to version 0.1.3 with previous version 0.1.2 dated 2018-12-02

Title: Data Published by the United States Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Description: Data published by the United States Federal Energy Regulatory Commission including electric company financial data, natural gas company financial data, hydropower plant data, liquified natural gas plant data, oil company financial data natural gas company financial data, and natural gas storage field data.
Author: Paul Govan [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Paul Govan <>

Diff between energyr versions 0.1.2 dated 2018-12-02 and 0.1.3 dated 2024-07-08

 DESCRIPTION       |   19 ++++++++++---------
 MD5               |   31 ++++++++++++++++---------------
 NAMESPACE         |    1 -           |    7 +++++++
 R/hydropower.R    |    1 -
 R/lng.R           |    1 -
 R/storage.R       |    1 -         |   14 ++++++--------
 inst/CITATION     |only
 man/electric.Rd   |    6 ++++--
 man/energyr.Rd    |    1 -
 man/gas.Rd        |    6 ++++--
 man/hydropower.Rd |    6 ++++--
 man/lng.Rd        |    6 ++++--
 man/oil.Rd        |    6 ++++--
 man/pipeline.Rd   |    6 ++++--
 man/storage.Rd    |    6 ++++--
 17 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

More information about energyr at CRAN
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Package evt0 updated to version 1.1.5 with previous version 1.1-4 dated 2023-04-21

Title: Mean of Order P, Peaks over Random Threshold Hill and High Quantile Estimates
Description: The R package proposes extreme value index estimators for heavy tailed models by mean of order p <DOI:10.1016/j.csda.2012.07.019>, peaks over random threshold <DOI:10.57805/revstat.v4i3.37> and a bias-reduced estimator <DOI:10.1080/00949655.2010.547196>. The package also computes moment, generalised Hill <DOI:10.2307/3318416> and mixed moment estimates for the extreme value index. High quantiles and value at risk estimators based on these estimators are implemented.
Author: Leo Belzile [cre] , B. G. Manjunath [aut] , Frederico Caeiro [aut] , Maria Ivette. Gomes [ctb] , Maria Isabel Fraga Alves [ctb]
Maintainer: Leo Belzile <>

Diff between evt0 versions 1.1-4 dated 2023-04-21 and 1.1.5 dated 2024-07-08

 DESCRIPTION |   11 +++++------
 MD5         |    2 +-
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

More information about evt0 at CRAN
Permanent link

Package forestly updated to version 0.1.1 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2023-07-19

Title: Interactive Forest Plot
Description: Interactive forest plot for clinical trial safety analysis using 'metalite', 'reactable', 'plotly', and Analysis Data Model (ADaM) datasets. Includes functionality for adverse event filtering, incidence-based group filtering, hover-over reveals, and search and sort operations. The workflow allows for metadata construction, data preparation, output formatting, and interactive plot generation.
Author: Yilong Zhang [aut], Benjamin Wang [aut, cre], Yujie Zhao [aut], Nan Xiao [ctb], Hiroaki Fukuda [ctb], Yulia Sidi [ctb], Xuan Deng [ctb], Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA and its affiliates [cph]
Maintainer: Benjamin Wang <>

Diff between forestly versions 0.1.0 dated 2023-07-19 and 0.1.1 dated 2024-07-08

 DESCRIPTION                                             |   24 +-
 MD5                                                     |   66 +++--
 NAMESPACE                                               |   31 ++                                                 |   14 +
 R/ae_forestly.R                                         |   92 ++++++--
 R/ae_listing.R                                          |  181 +++++++++-------
 R/format_ae_forestly.R                                  |   25 +-
 R/globals.R                                             |only
 R/meta_forestly.R                                       |   25 +-
 R/plot.R                                                |only
 R/prepare_ae_forestly.R                                 |   73 +++++-
 R/reactable2.R                                          |   25 ++                                               |   25 +-
 build/vignette.rds                                      |binary
 data/forestly_adae.rda                                  |binary
 data/forestly_adsl.rda                                  |binary
 inst/doc/forest-plot-static.R                           |only
 inst/doc/forest-plot-static.Rmd                         |only
 inst/doc/forest-plot-static.html                        |only
 inst/doc/forestly-cran.R                                |   10 
 inst/doc/forestly-cran.Rmd                              |    8 
 inst/doc/forestly-cran.html                             |   26 +-
 inst/js/filter-crosstalk.js                             |    2 
 man/ae_forestly.Rd                                      |   16 +
 man/background_panel.Rd                                 |only
 man/format_ae_forestly.Rd                               |    6 
 man/meta_forestly.Rd                                    |   22 +
 man/plot_dot.Rd                                         |only
 man/plot_errorbar.Rd                                    |only
 man/prepare_ae_forestly.Rd                              |   19 +
 man/table_panel.Rd                                      |only
 man/theme_panel.Rd                                      |only
 tests/testthat/helper-ae_forestly.R                     |only
 tests/testthat/helper-format_ae_forestly.R              |only
 tests/testthat/helper-meta_forestly.R                   |only
 tests/testthat/test-ae_forestly.R                       |   26 --
 tests/testthat/test-format_ae_forestly.R                |   15 -
 tests/testthat/test-independent-testing-meta_forestly.R |   35 ---
 tests/testthat/test-prepare_ae_forestly.R               |    3 
 vignettes/forest-plot-static.Rmd                        |only
 vignettes/forestly-cran.Rmd                             |    8 
 41 files changed, 523 insertions(+), 254 deletions(-)

More information about forestly at CRAN
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Package TruncatedNormal updated to version 2.3 with previous version 2.2.2 dated 2021-09-08

Title: Truncated Multivariate Normal and Student Distributions
Description: A collection of functions to deal with the truncated univariate and multivariate normal and Student distributions, described in Botev (2017) <doi:10.1111/rssb.12162> and Botev and L'Ecuyer (2015) <doi:10.1109/WSC.2015.7408180>.
Author: Zdravko Botev [aut] , Leo Belzile [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Leo Belzile <>

Diff between TruncatedNormal versions 2.2.2 dated 2021-09-08 and 2.3 dated 2024-07-08

 TruncatedNormal-2.2.2/TruncatedNormal/tests/testthat                       |only
 TruncatedNormal-2.2.2/TruncatedNormal/tests/testthat.R                     |only
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/DESCRIPTION                            |   13 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/MD5                                    |   86 -
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/NAMESPACE                              |    3 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/                                |   20 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/R/RcppExports.R                        |   18 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/R/cholperm.R                           |   10 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/R/mvNcdf.R                             |    6 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/R/mvNqmc.R                             |   35 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/R/mvTcdf.R                             |    8 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/R/mvTqmc.R                             |    6 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/R/mvnprqmc.R                           |    7 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/R/mvrandn.R                            |    8 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/R/mvtprqmc.R                           |    7 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/R/ntail.R                              |   10 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/R/tmvnorm.R                            |  141 +-
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/R/tmvt.R                               |  148 +-
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/R/tnorm.R                              |   53 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/build/vignette.rds                     |binary
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/inst/doc/TruncatedNormal_vignette.R    |    2 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/inst/doc/TruncatedNormal_vignette.html |  702 +++++++---
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/inst/tinytest                          |only
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/man/TruncatedNormal-package.Rd         |    1 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/man/cholperm.Rd                        |    8 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/man/dot-cholpermGB.Rd                  |   10 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/man/dot-cholpermGGE.Rd                 |    8 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/man/dtmvnorm.Rd                        |   13 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/man/dtmvt.Rd                           |   20 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/man/mvNcdf.Rd                          |    6 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/man/mvNqmc.Rd                          |   12 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/man/mvTcdf.Rd                          |    6 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/man/mvTqmc.Rd                          |    6 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/man/mvrandn.Rd                         |    8 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/man/pmvnorm.Rd                         |   13 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/man/pmvt.Rd                            |   14 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/man/ptmvnorm.Rd                        |   13 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/man/ptmvt.Rd                           |   20 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/man/rtmvnorm.Rd                        |    2 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/man/rtmvt.Rd                           |    6 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/man/tmvnorm.Rd                         |    8 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/man/tmvt.Rd                            |    6 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/src/Makevars                           |   11 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/src/                       |   11 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/src/lnNpr_cholperm_Phinv.cpp           |   18 
 TruncatedNormal-2.3/TruncatedNormal/tests/tinytest.R                       |only
 46 files changed, 1024 insertions(+), 479 deletions(-)

More information about TruncatedNormal at CRAN
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Package SimDesign updated to version 2.16 with previous version 2.15.1 dated 2024-04-24

Title: Structure for Organizing Monte Carlo Simulation Designs
Description: Provides tools to safely and efficiently organize and execute Monte Carlo simulation experiments in R. The package controls the structure and back-end of Monte Carlo simulation experiments by utilizing a generate-analyse-summarise workflow. The workflow safeguards against common simulation coding issues, such as automatically re-simulating non-convergent results, prevents inadvertently overwriting simulation files, catches error and warning messages during execution, implicitly supports parallel processing with high-quality random number generation, and provides tools for managing high-performance computing (HPC) array jobs submitted to schedulers such as SLURM. For a pedagogical introduction to the package see Sigal and Chalmers (2016) <doi:10.1080/10691898.2016.1246953>. For a more in-depth overview of the package and its design philosophy see Chalmers and Adkins (2020) <doi:10.20982/tqmp.16.4.p248>.
Author: Phil Chalmers [aut, cre] , Matthew Sigal [ctb], Ogreden Oguzhan [ctb], Mikko Ronkko [ctb]
Maintainer: Phil Chalmers <>

Diff between SimDesign versions 2.15.1 dated 2024-04-24 and 2.16 dated 2024-07-08

 SimDesign-2.15.1/SimDesign/R/add_missing.R                |only
 SimDesign-2.15.1/SimDesign/R/aggregate_simulations.R      |only
 SimDesign-2.15.1/SimDesign/R/boot_predict.R               |only
 SimDesign-2.15.1/SimDesign/R/convertWarnings.R            |only
 SimDesign-2.15.1/SimDesign/man/add_missing.Rd             |only
 SimDesign-2.15.1/SimDesign/man/aggregate_simulations.Rd   |only
 SimDesign-2.15.1/SimDesign/man/boot_predict.Rd            |only
 SimDesign-2.15.1/SimDesign/man/convertWarnings.Rd         |only
 SimDesign-2.15.1/SimDesign/man/gen_seeds.Rd               |only
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/DESCRIPTION                      |   14 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/MD5                              |  159 +++++-----
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/NAMESPACE                        |   11 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/                          |   28 +
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/R/AnalyseIf.R                    |    8 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/R/Attach.R                       |    6 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/R/Design.R                       |    6 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/R/GenerateIf.R                   |    8 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/R/PBA.R                          |   48 ++-
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/R/SFA.R                          |    6 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/R/SimCollect.R                   |only
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/R/SimDesign.R                    |    3 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/R/SimExtract.R                   |   21 -
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/R/SimFunctions.R                 |   14 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/R/SimShiny.R                     |    6 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/R/SimSolve.R                     |   79 ++++-
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/R/addMissing.R                   |only
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/R/analysis.R                     |   13 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/R/bootPredict.R                  |only
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/R/functions.R                    |   26 -
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/R/manageMessages.R               |only
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/R/manageWarnings.R               |only
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/R/rbind.SimDesign.R              |    6 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/R/reSummarise.R                  |    8 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/R/runArraySimulation.R           |   27 -
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/R/runSimulation.R                |  104 +++---
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/R/summary_functions.R            |    6 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/R/util.R                         |  212 +++++++++++---
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/inst/doc/Catch_errors.R          |   18 -
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/inst/doc/Catch_errors.Rmd        |   24 -
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/inst/doc/Catch_errors.html       |   38 +-
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/inst/doc/Fixed_obj_fun.R         |    6 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/inst/doc/Fixed_obj_fun.Rmd       |    6 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/inst/doc/Fixed_obj_fun.html      |   16 -
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/inst/doc/HPC-computing.R         |   48 +--
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/inst/doc/HPC-computing.Rmd       |  132 ++++----
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/inst/doc/HPC-computing.html      |  139 +++++----
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/inst/doc/MultipleAnalyses.R      |   24 -
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/inst/doc/MultipleAnalyses.Rmd    |   24 -
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/inst/doc/MultipleAnalyses.html   |   40 +-
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/inst/doc/Parallel-computing.html |    4 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/inst/doc/Saving-results.R        |   12 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/inst/doc/Saving-results.Rmd      |   12 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/inst/doc/Saving-results.html     |   34 +-
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/inst/doc/SimDesign-intro.R       |    6 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/inst/doc/SimDesign-intro.Rmd     |    6 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/inst/doc/SimDesign-intro.html    |   34 +-
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/Analyse.Rd                   |   10 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/AnalyseIf.Rd                 |    8 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/Attach.Rd                    |    6 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/Generate.Rd                  |   12 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/GenerateIf.Rd                |    8 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/MSRSE.Rd                     |    6 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/PBA.Rd                       |    9 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/SFA.Rd                       |    6 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/SimCollect.Rd                |only
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/SimExtract.Rd                |   14 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/SimShiny.Rd                  |    6 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/SimSolve.Rd                  |   64 +++-
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/Summarise.Rd                 |    4 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/addMissing.Rd                |only
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/bootPredict.Rd               |only
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/expandDesign.Rd              |    6 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/genSeeds.Rd                  |only
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/manageMessages.Rd            |only
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/manageWarnings.Rd            |only
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/quiet.Rd                     |   38 +-
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/rbind.SimDesign.Rd           |    6 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/reSummarise.Rd               |    8 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/runArraySimulation.Rd        |   25 -
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/runSimulation.Rd             |   66 ++--
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/man/timeFormater.Rd              |only
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/tests/tests/mpi/simulation.R     |    6 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/tests/tests/test-01-core.R       |  145 ++++-----
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/tests/tests/test-02-aggregate.R  |   98 ++++--
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/tests/tests/test-03-array.R      |   12 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/vignettes/Catch_errors.Rmd       |   24 -
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/vignettes/Fixed_obj_fun.Rmd      |    6 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/vignettes/HPC-computing.Rmd      |  132 ++++----
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/vignettes/MultipleAnalyses.Rmd   |   24 -
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/vignettes/Saving-results.Rmd     |   12 
 SimDesign-2.16/SimDesign/vignettes/SimDesign-intro.Rmd    |    6 
 91 files changed, 1295 insertions(+), 914 deletions(-)

More information about SimDesign at CRAN
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Package Compositional updated to version 6.9 with previous version 6.8 dated 2024-04-01

Title: Compositional Data Analysis
Description: Regression, classification, contour plots, hypothesis testing and fitting of distributions for compositional data are some of the functions included. We further include functions for percentages (or proportions). The standard textbook for such data is John Aitchison's (1986) "The statistical analysis of compositional data". Relevant papers include: a) Tsagris M.T., Preston S. and Wood A.T.A. (2011). "A data-based power transformation for compositional data". Fourth International International Workshop on Compositional Data Analysis. <doi:10.48550/arXiv.1106.1451> b) Tsagris M. (2014). "The k-NN algorithm for compositional data: a revised approach with and without zero values present". Journal of Data Science, 12(3): 519--534. <doi:10.6339/JDS.201407_12(3).0008>. c) Tsagris M. (2015). "A novel, divergence based, regression for compositional data". Proceedings of the 28th Panhellenic Statistics Conference, 15-18 April 2015, Athens, Greece, 430--444. <doi:10.48550/arXiv.151 [...truncated...]
Author: Michail Tsagris [aut, cre], Giorgos Athineou [aut], Abdulaziz Alenazi [ctb], Christos Adam [ctb]
Maintainer: Michail Tsagris <>

Diff between Compositional versions 6.8 dated 2024-04-01 and 6.9 dated 2024-07-08

 Compositional-6.8/Compositional/R/compbn.R                   |only
 Compositional-6.8/Compositional/R/fd.est.R                   |only
 Compositional-6.8/Compositional/R/kent.contour.R             |only
 Compositional-6.8/Compositional/R/pcr.R                      |only
 Compositional-6.8/Compositional/man/compbn.Rd                |only
 Compositional-6.8/Compositional/man/fd.est.Rd                |only
 Compositional-6.8/Compositional/man/kent.contour.Rd          |only
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/DESCRIPTION                  |   18 -
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/MD5                          |  119 ++++---
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/NAMESPACE                    |   10 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/ait.R                      |    4 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/alfa.pcr.R                 |    8 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/alfa.reg.R                 |   99 +++++-
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/alfa.reg2.R                |    4 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/alfa.reg3.R                |   74 +++-
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/alfa.tune.R                |    1 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/alfareg.tune.R             |    1 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/dfd.R                      |   13 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/diri.contour.R             |  163 ++++++++++
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/dptest.R                   |    9 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/glmpcr.tune.R              |    1 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/lc.rq.R                    |only
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/lc.rq2.R                   |only
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/multinompcr.tune.R         |    1 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/ols.compreg.R              |  167 ++++++++---
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/pcr.tune.R                 |    8 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/rfd.R                      |   15 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/ridge.tune.R               |    1 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/scls.R                     |    2 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/scrq.R                     |only
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/tflr.R                     |   76 ++++-
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/tflr.betest.R              |    4 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/tflr.indeptest.R           |   90 +++++
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/tflr2.R                    |    6 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/ulc.rq.R                   |only
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/R/ulc.rq2.R                  |only
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/Compositional-package.Rd |    4 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/aknnreg.tune.Rd          |    4 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/alfa.pcr.Rd              |    2 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/alfa.reg.Rd              |   19 -
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/alpha.mle.Rd             |   10 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/beta.est.Rd              |    2 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/beta.reg.Rd              |    2 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/colbeta.mle.Rd           |    2 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/dfd.Rd                   |    8 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/               |    3 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/fd.contour.Rd            |    2 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/glm.pcr.Rd               |   27 -
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/kl.alfapcr.Rd            |    2 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/klalfapcr.tune.Rd        |    2 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/lc.reg2.Rd               |   21 -
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/lc.rq.Rd                 |only
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/lc.rq2.Rd                |only
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/multivt.Rd               |    2 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/ols.compreg.Rd           |    2 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/propreg.Rd               |   30 -
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/rcompsn.Rd               |    4 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/rcompt.Rd                |    2 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/rfd.Rd                   |    4 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/ridge.reg.Rd             |   10 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/scls.Rd                  |    2 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/scrq.Rd                  |only
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/tflr.Rd                  |    8 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/ulc.glm.Rd               |    4 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/ulc.glm2.Rd              |    2 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/ulc.reg2.Rd              |    5 
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/ulc.rq.Rd                |only
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/ulc.rq2.Rd               |only
 Compositional-6.9/Compositional/man/zad.est.Rd               |    6 
 69 files changed, 783 insertions(+), 302 deletions(-)

More information about Compositional at CRAN
Permanent link

Package WeibullR.plotly updated to version 0.2.1 with previous version 0.2.0 dated 2023-10-14

Title: Interactive Weibull Probability Plots with 'WeibullR'
Description: Build interactive Weibull Probability Plots with 'WeibullR' by David Silkworth and Jurgen Symynck (2022) <>, an R package for Weibull analysis, and 'plotly' by Carson Sievert (2020) <>, an interactive web-based graphing library.
Author: Paul Govan [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Paul Govan <>

Diff between WeibullR.plotly versions 0.2.0 dated 2023-10-14 and 0.2.1 dated 2024-07-08

 DESCRIPTION   |   18 ++++++++++--------
 MD5           |   11 +++++++----       |    7 ++++++-     |   14 ++++++++++----
 inst/CITATION |    2 +-
 tests         |only
 6 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

More information about WeibullR.plotly at CRAN
Permanent link

Package surveil updated to version 0.3.0 with previous version 0.2.2 dated 2023-10-02

Title: Time Series Models for Disease Surveillance
Description: Fits time trend models for routine disease surveillance tasks and returns probability distributions for a variety of quantities of interest, including age-standardized rates, period and cumulative percent change, and measures of health inequality. The models are appropriate for count data such as disease incidence and mortality data, employing a Poisson or binomial likelihood and the first-difference (random-walk) prior for unknown risk. Optionally add a covariance matrix for multiple, correlated time series models. Inference is completed using Markov chain Monte Carlo via the Stan modeling language. References: Donegan, Hughes, and Lee (2022) <doi:10.2196/34589>; Stan Development Team (2021) <>; Theil (1972, ISBN:0-444-10378-3).
Author: Connor Donegan [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Connor Donegan <>

Diff between surveil versions 0.2.2 dated 2023-10-02 and 0.3.0 dated 2024-07-08

 DESCRIPTION                        |   12 
 MD5                                |   64 ++--                            |    8 
 R/apc.R                            |    5 
 R/group-diff.R                     |    9 
 R/methods.R                        |   35 --
 R/stan_rw.R                        |   49 +--
 R/theil.R                          |    6 
 build/partial.rdb                  |binary
 build/vignette.rds                 |binary
 inst/CITATION                      |   16 -
 inst/doc/age-standardization.R     |   53 ---
 inst/doc/age-standardization.Rmd   |  118 +------
 inst/doc/age-standardization.html  |  328 +++++---------------
 inst/doc/measuring-inequality.R    |only
 inst/doc/measuring-inequality.Rmd  |only
 inst/doc/measuring-inequality.html |only
 inst/doc/surveil-demo.R            |   50 +--
 inst/doc/surveil-demo.Rmd          |  174 ++++------
 inst/doc/surveil-demo.html         |  591 ++++++++++++++++---------------------
 inst/doc/surveil-mcmc.R            |   34 +-
 inst/doc/surveil-mcmc.Rmd          |  120 +++----
 inst/doc/surveil-mcmc.html         |  346 +++++++--------------
 man/apc.Rd                         |    5 
 man/group_diff.Rd                  |    9 
 man/plot.surveil.Rd                |   12 
 man/stan_rw.Rd                     |   49 +--
 man/standardize.Rd                 |   15 
 man/surveil-package.Rd             |   12 
 man/theil.Rd                       |    6 
 man/waic.Rd                        |    6 
 vignettes/age-standardization.Rmd  |  118 +------
 vignettes/measuring-inequality.Rmd |only
 vignettes/surveil-demo.Rmd         |  174 ++++------
 vignettes/surveil-mcmc.Rmd         |  120 +++----
 35 files changed, 983 insertions(+), 1561 deletions(-)

More information about surveil at CRAN
Permanent link

Package hgwrr updated to version 0.4-0 with previous version 0.3-0 dated 2023-05-26

Title: Hierarchical and Geographically Weighted Regression
Description: This model divides coefficients into three types, i.e., local fixed effects, global fixed effects, and random effects (Hu et al., 2022)<doi:10.1177/23998083211063885>. If data have spatial hierarchical structures (especially are overlapping on some locations), it is worth trying this model to reach better fitness.
Author: Yigong Hu, Richard Harris, Richard Timmerman
Maintainer: Yigong Hu <>

Diff between hgwrr versions 0.3-0 dated 2023-05-26 and 0.4-0 dated 2024-07-08

 hgwrr-0.3-0/hgwrr/man/matrix2char.Rd         |only
 hgwrr-0.3-0/hgwrr/man/parse.formula.Rd       |only
 hgwrr-0.3-0/hgwrr/src/hlmgwr.cpp             |only
 hgwrr-0.3-0/hgwrr/src/hlmgwr.h               |only
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/DESCRIPTION                |   17 
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/MD5                        |   72 -
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/NAMESPACE                  |   47 
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/                    |only
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/R/RcppExports.R            |   25 
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/R/hgwr.R                   |  477 ++++++---
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/R/hgwrr-package.R          |only
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/R/make.dummy.R             |only
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/R/parse.formula.R          |   54 -
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/R/utils.R                  |only
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/build/partial.rdb          |binary
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/build/vignette.rds         |only
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/configure                  | 1389 +++++++++++++++++----------
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/               |    3 
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/data/wuhan.hp.rda          |binary
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/inst                       |only
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/man/fitted.hgwrm.Rd        |    4 
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/man/hgwr.Rd                |   96 +
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/man/hgwrr-package.Rd       |   24 
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/man/logLik.hgwrm.Rd        |only
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/man/make.dummy.Rd          |only
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/man/multisampling.Rd       |    3 
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/man/multisampling.large.Rd |    3 
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/man/print.hgwrm.Rd         |    7 
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/man/print.summary.hgwrm.Rd |    7 
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/man/      |    6 
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/man/summary.hgwrm.Rd       |   16 
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/man/wuhan.hp.Rd            |    8 
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/src/            |   13 
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/src/           |   13 
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/src/RcppExports.cpp        |  123 --
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/src/hetero_test.cpp        |only
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/src/hgwr.cpp               |only
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/src/libhgwr                |only
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/src/utils.h                |only
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/tests                      |only
 hgwrr-0.4-0/hgwrr/vignettes                  |only
 41 files changed, 1518 insertions(+), 889 deletions(-)

More information about hgwrr at CRAN
Permanent link

Package QuickJSR updated to version 1.3.0 with previous version 1.2.2 dated 2024-06-07

Title: Interface for the 'QuickJS' Lightweight 'JavaScript' Engine
Description: An 'R' interface to the 'QuickJS' portable 'JavaScript' engine. The engine and all 'R' to 'JavaScript' interoperability is bundled within the package, requiring no dependencies beyond a 'C' compiler.
Author: Andrew R. Johnson [aut, cre] , Fabrice Bellard [cph] , Charlie Gordon [cph] , QuickJS-NG Authors [cph]
Maintainer: Andrew R. Johnson <>

Diff between QuickJSR versions 1.2.2 dated 2024-06-07 and 1.3.0 dated 2024-07-08

 QuickJSR-1.2.2/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/Changelog                     |only
 QuickJSR-1.2.2/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/TODO                          |only
 QuickJSR-1.2.2/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/VERSION                       |only
 QuickJSR-1.2.2/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/doc/jsbignum.texi             |only
 QuickJSR-1.2.2/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/examples/pi_bigdecimal.js     |only
 QuickJSR-1.2.2/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/examples/pi_bigfloat.js       |only
 QuickJSR-1.2.2/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/qjscalc.js                    |only
 QuickJSR-1.2.2/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/readme.txt                    |only
 QuickJSR-1.2.2/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/                    |only
 QuickJSR-1.2.2/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/test262o.conf                 |only
 QuickJSR-1.2.2/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/test262o_errors.txt           |only
 QuickJSR-1.2.2/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/tests/test_bignum.js          |only
 QuickJSR-1.2.2/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/tests/test_op_overloading.js  |only
 QuickJSR-1.2.2/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/tests/test_qjscalc.js         |only
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/DESCRIPTION                               |   13 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/MD5                                       |  152 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/                                   |   86 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/R/flags.R                                 |    5 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/R/qjs.R                                   |    8 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/R/utils.R                                 |    9 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/build/vignette.rds                        |binary
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/inst/doc/working_with_js_types.html       |   34 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/inst/include/cpp11/R.hpp                  |    4 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/inst/include/cpp11/environment.hpp        |    5 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/inst/include/quickjs_helpers.hpp          |   10 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/inst/include/quickjsr/JSCommonType.hpp    |   12 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/inst/include/quickjsr/JSValue_Date.hpp    |   20 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/inst/include/quickjsr/JSValue_to_Cpp.hpp  |   30 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/inst/include/quickjsr/JSValue_to_SEXP.hpp |   23 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/inst/include/quickjsr/JS_SEXP.hpp         |    4 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/inst/include/quickjsr/SEXP_to_JSValue.hpp |   53 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/Makevars                              |   48 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/init.cpp                              |    2 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/libquickjs.c                          |only
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/CMakeLists.txt                |only
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/LICENSE                       |    4 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/                     |only
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/cutils.c                      |  978 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/cutils.h                      |  323 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/dirent_compat.h               |only
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/doc/quickjs.texi              |  104 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/examples/fib.c                |    6 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/examples/pi_bigint.js         |    2 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/examples/point.c              |   29 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/gen                           |only
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/getopt_compat.h               |only
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/libbf.c                       |  628 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/libbf.h                       |   28 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/libregexp-opcode.h            |    8 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/libregexp.c                   |  761 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/libregexp.h                   |   18 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/libunicode-table.h            |  128 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/libunicode.c                  |  488 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/libunicode.h                  |   13 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/list.h                        |    4 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/qjs.c                         |  244 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/qjsc.c                        |  395 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/quickjs-atom.h                |   30 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/quickjs-c-atomics.h           |only
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/quickjs-libc.c                |  991 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/quickjs-libc.h                |   11 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/quickjs-opcode.h              |   47 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/quickjs.c                     |19496 ++++------
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/quickjs.h                     |  854 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/repl.js                       | 1056 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/run-test262.c                 |  238 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/test262-fast.conf             |only
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/test262.conf                  |  154 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/test262_errors.txt            |   16 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/tests/bjson.c                 |   14 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/tests/function_source.js      |only
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/tests/microbench.js           |  160 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/tests/test_bigint.js          |only
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/tests/test_bjson.js           |   36 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/tests/test_builtin.js         |  444 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/tests/test_closure.js         |    4 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/tests/test_conv.c             |only
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/tests/test_language.js        |  215 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/tests/test_loop.js            |   26 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/tests/test_queue_microtask.js |only
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/tests/test_std.js             |  125 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/tests/test_worker.js          |    5 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/tests/test_worker_module.js   |    5 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/           |    2 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/unicode_gen.c                 |  388 
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/v8-tweak.js                   |only
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/v8.js                         |only
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/                         |only
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjs/v8.txt                        |only
 QuickJSR-1.3.0/QuickJSR/src/quickjsr.cpp                          |   10 
 90 files changed, 13936 insertions(+), 15070 deletions(-)

More information about QuickJSR at CRAN
Permanent link

Package PointedSDMs updated to version 2.1.0 with previous version 1.3.2 dated 2024-02-02

Title: Fit Models Derived from Point Processes to Species Distributions using 'inlabru'
Description: Integrated species distribution modeling is a rising field in quantitative ecology thanks to significant rises in the quantity of data available, increases in computational speed and the proven benefits of using such models. Despite this, the general software to help ecologists construct such models in an easy-to-use framework is lacking. We therefore introduce the R package 'PointedSDMs': which provides the tools to help ecologists set up integrated models and perform inference on them. There are also functions within the package to help run spatial cross-validation for model selection, as well as generic plotting and predicting functions. An introduction to these methods is discussed in Issac, Jarzyna, Keil, Dambly, Boersch-Supan, Browning, Freeman, Golding, Guillera-Arroita, Henrys, Jarvis, Lahoz-Monfort, Pagel, Pescott, Schmucki, Simmonds and O’Hara (2020) <doi:10.1016/j.tree.2019.08.006>.
Author: Philip Mostert [aut, cre], Bob O'hara [aut]
Maintainer: Philip Mostert <>

Diff between PointedSDMs versions 1.3.2 dated 2024-02-02 and 2.1.0 dated 2024-07-08

 PointedSDMs-1.3.2/PointedSDMs/R/dataSDM.R                                |only
 PointedSDMs-1.3.2/PointedSDMs/man/dataSDM.Rd                             |only
 PointedSDMs-1.3.2/PointedSDMs/tests/testthat/testthat_dataSDM.R          |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/DESCRIPTION                                |   10 
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/MD5                                        |  141 +-
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/NAMESPACE                                  |   26 
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/R/blockedCV.R                              |   73 +
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/R/bruSDM_outputs.R                         |   38 
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/R/bruSDM_predict.R                         |  165 ++
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/R/data.SetophagaData.rda.R                 |    2 
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/R/data2ENV.R                               |    2 
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/R/dataOrganize.R                           |  265 +++-
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/R/dataSet.R                                |  187 +--
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/R/datasetOut.R                             |   87 -
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/R/fitISDM.R                                |   48 
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/R/intModel.R                               |  138 --
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/R/makeFormulaComps.R                       |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/R/makeLhoods.R                             |   16 
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/R/modISDM_predict.R                        |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/R/modMarks_predict.R                       |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/R/modSpecies_predict.R                     |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/R/modelOutputs.R                           |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/R/reduceComps.R                            |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/R/removeFormula.R                          |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/R/specifyISDM.R                            |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/R/specifyMarks.R                           |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/R/specifySpecies.R                         |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/R/startISDM.R                              |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/R/startMarks.R                             |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/R/startSpecies.R                           |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/                                  |  144 +-
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/build/vignette.rds                         |binary
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/data/SolitaryTinamou.rda                   |binary
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/inst/doc/Marked_Point_Process.R            |   86 -
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/inst/doc/Marked_Point_Process.Rmd          |   87 -
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/inst/doc/Marked_Point_Process.html         |  126 +-
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/inst/doc/Setophaga.R                       |  205 ++-
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/inst/doc/Setophaga.Rmd                     |  312 +++--
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/inst/doc/Setophaga.html                    |  601 +++++-----
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/inst/doc/Solitary_tinamou.R                |   37 
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/inst/doc/Solitary_tinamou.Rmd              |   47 
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/inst/doc/Solitary_tinamou.html             |   66 -
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/inst/doc/Spatiotemporal_example.R          |   47 
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/inst/doc/Spatiotemporal_example.Rmd        |   49 
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/inst/doc/Spatiotemporal_example.html       |  115 +
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/BBA.Rd                                 |    2 
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/blockedCV.Rd                           |    7 
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/dataOrganize.Rd                        |   13 
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/dataSet.Rd                             |    4 
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/datasetOut.Rd                          |    7 
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/figures/README-plot-1.png              |binary
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/figures/README-predict_and_plot-1.png  |binary
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/intModel.Rd                            |   25 
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/makeFormulaComps.Rd                    |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/modISDM-class.Rd                       |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/modISDM_predict-class.Rd               |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/modMarks-class.Rd                      |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/modMarks_predict-class.Rd              |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/modSpecies-class.Rd                    |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/modSpecies_predict-class.Rd            |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/plot.Rd                                |  112 +
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/predict.Rd                             |  161 ++
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/print.modISDM.Rd                       |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/print.modMarks.Rd                      |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/print.modSpecies.Rd                    |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/reduceComps.Rd                         |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/removeFormula.Rd                       |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/specifyISDM.Rd                         |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/specifyMarks.Rd                        |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/specifySpecies.Rd                      |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/startISDM.Rd                           |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/startMarks.Rd                          |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/startSpecies.Rd                        |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/man/summary.Rd                             |   21 
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/tests/testthat/testthat_blockedCV.R        |   24 
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/tests/testthat/testthat_dataOrganize.R     |  238 +++
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/tests/testthat/testthat_dataSet.R          |   11 
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/tests/testthat/testthat_datasetOut.R       |   28 
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/tests/testthat/testthat_fitISDM.R          |  112 +
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/tests/testthat/testthat_intModel.R         |   47 
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/tests/testthat/testthat_makeFormulaComps.R |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/tests/testthat/testthat_makeLhoods.R       |   23 
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/tests/testthat/testthat_specifyISDM.R      |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/tests/testthat/testthat_specifyMarks.R     |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/tests/testthat/testthat_specifySpecies.R   |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/tests/testthat/testthat_startISDM.R        |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/tests/testthat/testthat_startMarks.R       |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/tests/testthat/testthat_startSpecies.R     |only
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/vignettes/Marked_Point_Process.Rmd         |   87 -
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/vignettes/Setophaga.Rmd                    |  312 +++--
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/vignettes/Solitary_tinamou.Rmd             |   47 
 PointedSDMs-2.1.0/PointedSDMs/vignettes/Spatiotemporal_example.Rmd       |   49 
 92 files changed, 2906 insertions(+), 1544 deletions(-)

More information about PointedSDMs at CRAN
Permanent link

Package gitignore updated to version 0.1.7 with previous version 0.1.6 dated 2023-12-12

Title: Create Useful .gitignore Files for your Project
Description: Simple interface to query to fetch gitignore templates that can be included in the .gitignore file. More than 450 templates are currently available.
Author: Philippe Massicotte [aut, cre] , Amanda Dobbyn [rev], Mauro Lepore [rev]
Maintainer: Philippe Massicotte <>

Diff between gitignore versions 0.1.6 dated 2023-12-12 and 0.1.7 dated 2024-07-08

 gitignore-0.1.6/gitignore/                  |only
 gitignore-0.1.7/gitignore/DESCRIPTION                |   12 
 gitignore-0.1.7/gitignore/MD5                        |   17 
 gitignore-0.1.7/gitignore/                    |   12 
 gitignore-0.1.7/gitignore/R/gi_available_templates.R |    4 
 gitignore-0.1.7/gitignore/R/gi_fetch_templates.R     |   17 
 gitignore-0.1.7/gitignore/R/gi_write_gitignore.R     |   31 -
 gitignore-0.1.7/gitignore/build/vignette.rds         |binary
 gitignore-0.1.7/gitignore/inst/doc/introduction.html |  589 +++++++++----------
 gitignore-0.1.7/gitignore/man/gitignore-package.Rd   |    1 
 10 files changed, 348 insertions(+), 335 deletions(-)

More information about gitignore at CRAN
Permanent link

Package customiser updated to version 0.1.1 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2024-06-24

Title: Use R Markdown to Write your "Rprofile"
Description: A simple way to write ".Rprofile" code in an R Markdown file and have it knit to the correct location for your operating system.
Author: James Laird-Smith [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: James Laird-Smith <>

Diff between customiser versions 0.1.0 dated 2024-06-24 and 0.1.1 dated 2024-07-08

 DESCRIPTION                      |    6 +++---
 MD5                              |   10 +++++-----                          |    4 ++++
 R/customiser.R                   |    1 -
 man/customiser-package.Rd        |    4 ++--
 tests/testthat/test-customiser.R |   10 ++++++++++
 6 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

More information about customiser at CRAN
Permanent link

Package convevol updated to version 2.2.0 with previous version 2.0.1 dated 2023-06-30

Title: Analysis of Convergent Evolution
Description: Quantifies and assesses the significance of convergent evolution using multiple methods and measures as described in Stayton (2015) <DOI: 10.1111/evo.12729> and Grossnickle et al. 2023. Also displays results in various ways.
Author: William Brightly [aut], C. Tristan Stayton [aut, cre]
Maintainer: C. Tristan Stayton <>

Diff between convevol versions 2.0.1 dated 2023-06-30 and 2.2.0 dated 2024-07-08

 convevol-2.0.1/convevol/R/calcConvCt.r           |only
 convevol-2.0.1/convevol/R/convSig.r              |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/DESCRIPTION              |   23 +++-
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/MD5                      |   74 ++++++++++------
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/NAMESPACE                |   16 +++
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/R/allmaxdist.R           |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/R/ancestrallineages.R    |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/R/calcConv.R             |  106 +++++++++++------------
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/R/calcConvCt.R           |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/R/calcCs.R               |    2 
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/R/calcCsCt.R             |    4 
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/R/calcchanges.R          |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/R/convSig.R              |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/R/convSigCt.R            |  102 +++++++++++++---------
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/R/convnum.R              |    8 +
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/R/convnumsig.R           |    2 
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/R/convrat.R              |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/R/convratsig.R           |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/R/findanc.R              |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/R/labelstonumbers.R      |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/R/maxdist.R              |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/R/multianc.R             |    2 
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/R/phy.r                  |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/R/plot2D.R               |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/R/plotCt.r               |    3 
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/R/pullNodeSeq.R          |    2 
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/R/pwCheck.R              |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/R/trait.r                |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/data                     |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/man/allmaxdist.Rd        |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/man/ancestrallineages.Rd |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/man/calcConv.Rd          |   14 +--
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/man/calcConvCt.Rd        |   47 +++++++---
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/man/calcCs.Rd            |   12 +-
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/man/calcCsCt.Rd          |    4 
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/man/calcchanges.Rd       |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/man/convSig.Rd           |   20 ++--
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/man/convSigCt.Rd         |   51 ++++++++---
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/man/convnum.Rd           |    2 
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/man/convnumsig.Rd        |    2 
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/man/convrat.Rd           |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/man/convratsig.Rd        |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/man/findanc.Rd           |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/man/labelstonumbers.Rd   |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/man/maxdist.Rd           |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/man/multianc.Rd          |    2 
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/man/phy.Rd               |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/man/plot2D.Rd            |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/man/plotCt.Rd            |   14 +++
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/man/pullNodeSeq.Rd       |    2 
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/man/pwCheck.Rd           |only
 convevol-2.2.0/convevol/man/trait.Rd             |only
 52 files changed, 322 insertions(+), 192 deletions(-)

More information about convevol at CRAN
Permanent link

Package optiSel updated to version 2.0.9 with previous version 2.0.8 dated 2024-06-12

Title: Optimum Contribution Selection and Population Genetics
Description: A framework for the optimization of breeding programs via optimum contribution selection and mate allocation. An easy to use set of function for computation of optimum contributions of selection candidates, and of the population genetic parameters to be optimized. These parameters can be estimated using pedigree or genotype information, and include kinships, kinships at native haplotype segments, and breed composition of crossbred individuals. They are suitable for managing genetic diversity, removing introgressed genetic material, and accelerating genetic gain. Additionally, functions are provided for computing genetic contributions from ancestors, inbreeding coefficients, the native effective size, the native genome equivalent, pedigree completeness, and for preparing and plotting pedigrees. The methods are described in:\n Wellmann, R., and Pfeiffer, I. (2009) <doi:10.1017/S0016672309000202>.\n Wellmann, R., and Bennewitz, J. (2011) <doi:10.2527/jas.2010-3709>.\n Wellmann [...truncated...]
Author: Robin Wellmann [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Robin Wellmann <>

Diff between optiSel versions 2.0.8 dated 2024-06-12 and 2.0.9 dated 2024-07-08

 DESCRIPTION                |    8 ++++----
 MD5                        |   16 ++++++++--------
 R/makeA.R                  |    3 +--
 build/partial.rdb          |binary
 build/vignette.rds         |binary
 inst/doc/ocs-vignette.html |   22 +++++++++++-----------
 inst/doc/ped-vignette.html |    4 ++--
 inst/doc/seg-vignette.html |    4 ++--
 src/rcpp_makeA_lowMem.cpp  |    7 ++++++-
 9 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

More information about optiSel at CRAN
Permanent link

Package jskm updated to version 0.5.5 with previous version 0.5.3 dated 2024-01-26

Title: Kaplan-Meier Plot with 'ggplot2'
Description: The function 'jskm()' creates publication quality Kaplan-Meier plot with at risk tables below. 'svyjskm()' provides plot for weighted Kaplan-Meier estimator.
Author: Jinseob Kim [aut, cre] , yoonkyoung Chun [aut], Zarathu [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Jinseob Kim <>

Diff between jskm versions 0.5.3 dated 2024-01-26 and 0.5.5 dated 2024-07-08

 DESCRIPTION        |   13 +++++++------
 MD5                |   18 +++++++++---------            |    8 ++++++++
 R/jskm.R           |   33 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 R/svyjskm.R        |   32 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------          |    3 +++
 build/vignette.rds |binary
 inst/doc/jskm.html |   32 +++++++++++++++++---------------
 man/jskm.Rd        |    2 +-
 man/svyjskm.Rd     |    2 +-
 10 files changed, 96 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

More information about jskm at CRAN
Permanent link

Package collapse updated to version 2.0.15 with previous version 2.0.14 dated 2024-05-24

Title: Advanced and Fast Data Transformation
Description: A C/C++ based package for advanced data transformation and statistical computing in R that is extremely fast, class-agnostic, robust and programmer friendly. Core functionality includes a rich set of S3 generic grouped and weighted statistical functions for vectors, matrices and data frames, which provide efficient low-level vectorizations, OpenMP multithreading, and skip missing values by default. These are integrated with fast grouping and ordering algorithms (also callable from C), and efficient data manipulation functions. The package also provides a flexible and rigorous approach to time series and panel data in R. It further includes fast functions for common statistical procedures, detailed (grouped, weighted) summary statistics, powerful tools to work with nested data, fast data object conversions, functions for memory efficient R programming, and helpers to effectively deal with variable labels, attributes, and missing data. It is well integrated with base R classes, 'dplyr'/' [...truncated...]
Author: Sebastian Krantz [aut, cre] , Matt Dowle [ctb], Arun Srinivasan [ctb], Morgan Jacob [ctb], Dirk Eddelbuettel [ctb], Laurent Berge [ctb], Kevin Tappe [ctb], R Core Team and contributors worldwide [ctb], Martyn Plummer [cph], 1999-2016 The R Core Team [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Sebastian Krantz <>

Diff between collapse versions 2.0.14 dated 2024-05-24 and 2.0.15 dated 2024-07-08

 collapse-2.0.14/collapse/vignettes/AREA_Ag.png                      |only
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/DESCRIPTION                                |   10 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/MD5                                        |  142 +++----
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/                                    |   55 ++
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/R/BY.R                                     |    2 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/R/collap.R                                 |   18 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/R/fhdbetween_fhdwithin.R                   |    2 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/R/fsubset_ftransform_fmutate.R             |    4 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/R/join.R                                   |   24 +
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/R/list_functions.R                         |    6 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/R/pivot.R                                  |   30 +
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/R/recode_replace.R                         |    2 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/R/unlist2d.R                               |    2 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/R/zzz.R                                    |    2 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/inst/WORDLIST                              |only
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/inst/doc/collapse_and_sf.Rmd               |    3 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/inst/doc/collapse_and_sf.html              |    5 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/inst/doc/collapse_documentation.Rmd        |    4 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/inst/doc/collapse_documentation.html       |   10 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/inst/doc/collapse_for_tidyverse_users.Rmd  |    2 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/inst/doc/collapse_for_tidyverse_users.html |   19 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/inst/doc/collapse_object_handling.Rmd      |    2 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/inst/doc/collapse_object_handling.html     |    4 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/man/collapse-renamed.Rd                    |    4 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/man/fast-statistical-functions.Rd          |   31 -
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/man/flm.Rd                                 |    5 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/man/join.Rd                                |   19 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/man/pivot.Rd                               |   25 +
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/ExportSymbols.c                        |    4 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/TRA.c                                  |   40 +-
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/base_radixsort.c                       |   49 --
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/base_radixsort.h                       |   52 ++
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/collapse_c.h                           |    2 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/data.table.h                           |    5 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/data.table_rbindlist.c                 |   18 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/data.table_subset.c                    |   16 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/data.table_utils.c                     |   12 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/ffirst.c                               |   14 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/flag.cpp                               |   27 -
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/flast.c                                |   14 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/fmean.c                                |    6 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/fmode.c                                |   18 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/fndistinct.c                           |   12 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/fnobs.c                                |    8 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/fnth_fmedian_fquantile.c               |    6 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/fprod.c                                |    4 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/fscale.cpp                             |    2 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/fsum.c                                 |    8 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/fvar_fsd.cpp                           |    2 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/gsplit.c                               |   24 -
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/handle_attributes.c                    |    4 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/join.c                                 |    4 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/kit.h                                  |    1 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/kit_dup.c                              |   16 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/match.c                                |   27 -
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/pivot.c                                |  194 +++++++---
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/programming.c                          |   37 -
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/src/small_helper.c                         |   17 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/tests/testthat/test-GRP.R                  |    1 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/tests/testthat/test-collap.R               |   12 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/tests/testthat/test-fbetween-fwithin-B-W.R |    4 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/tests/testthat/test-fmatch.R               |    4 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/tests/testthat/test-fscale-STD.R           |    2 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/tests/testthat/test-fvar-fsd.R             |   10 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/tests/testthat/test-indexing.R             |   17 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/tests/testthat/test-misc.R                 |    1 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/tests/testthat/test-miscellaneous-issues.R |   46 +-
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/tests/testthat/test-pivot.R                |   46 +-
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/tests/testthat/test-qtab.R                 |    2 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/vignettes/collapse_and_sf.Rmd              |    3 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/vignettes/collapse_documentation.Rmd       |    4 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/vignettes/collapse_for_tidyverse_users.Rmd |    2 
 collapse-2.0.15/collapse/vignettes/collapse_object_handling.Rmd     |    2 
 73 files changed, 734 insertions(+), 497 deletions(-)

More information about collapse at CRAN
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Package rmsb updated to version 1.1-1 with previous version 1.1-0 dated 2024-03-12

Title: Bayesian Regression Modeling Strategies
Description: A Bayesian companion to the 'rms' package, 'rmsb' provides Bayesian model fitting, post-fit estimation, and graphics. It implements Bayesian regression models whose fit objects can be processed by 'rms' functions such as 'contrast()', 'summary()', 'Predict()', 'nomogram()', and 'latex()'. The fitting function currently implemented in the package is 'blrm()' for Bayesian logistic binary and ordinal regression with optional clustering, censoring, and departures from the proportional odds assumption using the partial proportional odds model of Peterson and Harrell (1990) <>.
Author: Frank Harrell [aut, cre] , Ben Goodrich [ctb] , Ben Bolker [ctb] , Doug Bates [ctb]
Maintainer: Frank Harrell <>

Diff between rmsb versions 1.1-0 dated 2024-03-12 and 1.1-1 dated 2024-07-08

 DESCRIPTION                  |   10 
 MD5                          |   27 -
 NEWS                         |    6 
 R/blrm.r                     |   43 +-
 R/stackMI.r                  |    2 
 R/stanMisc.r                 |    2 
 inst/stan/lrmconppot.stan    |    2 
 inst/tests/comp-mle.r        |only
 man/blrm.Rd                  |   13 
 man/predict.blrm.Rd          |    8 
 man/stackMI.Rd               |    2 
 man/vcov.rmsb.Rd             |    2 
 src/stanExports_lrmconppo.h  |  722 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 src/stanExports_lrmconppot.h |  718 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 src/stanExports_lrmcppo.h    |  240 +++++++-------
 15 files changed, 980 insertions(+), 817 deletions(-)

More information about rmsb at CRAN
Permanent link

Package LUCIDus updated to version 3.0.2 with previous version 3.0.1 dated 2023-10-31

Title: LUCID with Multiple Omics Data
Description: An implementation of estimating the Latent Unknown Clusters By Integrating Multi-omics Data (LUCID) model (Peng (2019) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btz667>). LUCID conducts integrated clustering using exposures, omics information (and outcome information as an option). This package implements three different integration strategies for multi-omics data analysis within the LUCID framework: LUCID early integration (the original LUCID model), LUCID in parallel (intermediate integration), and LUCID in serial (late integration). Automated model selection for each LUCID model is available to obtain the optimal number of latent clusters, and an integrated imputation approach is implemented to handle sporadic and list-wise missingness in multi-omics data. Lasso-type regularity for exposure and omics features were added. S3 methods for summary and plotting functions were fixed.
Author: Qiran Jia [aut, cre] , Yinqi Zhao [aut] , David Conti [ths] , Jesse Goodrich [ctb]
Maintainer: Qiran Jia <>

Diff between LUCIDus versions 3.0.1 dated 2023-10-31 and 3.0.2 dated 2024-07-08

 LUCIDus-3.0.1/LUCIDus/                                            |only
 LUCIDus-3.0.1/LUCIDus/man/plot_lucid.Rd                                    |only
 LUCIDus-3.0.1/LUCIDus/man/print.sumlucid.Rd                                |only
 LUCIDus-3.0.1/LUCIDus/man/summary_lucid.Rd                                 |only
 LUCIDus-3.0.1/LUCIDus/tests/testthat/test-Serial-binary.R                  |only
 LUCIDus-3.0.1/LUCIDus/tests/testthat/test-Serial-normal.R                  |only
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/DESCRIPTION                                          |   10 
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/LICENSE                                              |    2 
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/MD5                                                  |   77 ++--
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/NAMESPACE                                            |   18 -
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/R/boot_lucid.R                                       |    3 
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/R/early_estep.R                                      |    1 
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/R/g_computation_utility.R                            |only
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/R/lucid.R                                            |   14 
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/R/plot_lucid.R                                       |  105 +++---
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/R/pred_lucid.R                                       |  174 +++++++---
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/R/predict_lucid_all.R                                |   79 +++-
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/R/summary.R                                          |  161 +++++++--
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/R/summary_auxi_fxn_serial.R                          |    6 
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/R/tune_lucid.R                                       |   18 -
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/man/boot_lucid.Rd                                    |    3 
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/man/lucid.Rd                                         |    6 
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/man/plot.Rd                                          |only
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/man/predict_lucid.Rd                                 |   12 
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/man/print.sumlucid_early.Rd                          |only
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/man/print.sumlucid_parallel.Rd                       |only
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/man/print.sumlucid_serial.Rd                         |only
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/man/summary.early_lucid.Rd                           |only
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/man/summary.lucid_parallel.Rd                        |only
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/man/summary.lucid_serial.Rd                          |only
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/man/tune_lucid.Rd                                    |   16 
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/tests/testthat/test-Serial-binary-missing.R          |   16 
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/tests/testthat/test-Serial-binary-summary.R          |   12 
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/tests/testthat/test-g_comp-binary-3-layers.R         |only
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/tests/testthat/test-gcomp-binary-1-layer.R           |only
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/tests/testthat/test-gcomp-serial-normal-5-layers.R   |only
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/tests/testthat/test-lucid-binary-1-layer.R           |    4 
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/tests/testthat/test-lucid-normal-1-layer.R           |    2 
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/tests/testthat/test-lucid-normal-3-layers.R          |   16 
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/tests/testthat/test-lucid-normal-5-layers.R          |    2 
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/tests/testthat/test-missing-normal-3-layers.R        |   36 +-
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/tests/testthat/test-plot_lucid_1_layer.R             |    4 
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/tests/testthat/test-predict-binary-3-layers.R        |    1 
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/tests/testthat/test-predict-binary-5-layers.R        |    6 
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/tests/testthat/test-predict-serial-binary-5-layers.R |    4 
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/tests/testthat/test-predict_normal_1_layer.R         |    8 
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/tests/testthat/test-summart-binary-5-layers.R        |   12 
 LUCIDus-3.0.2/LUCIDus/tests/testthat/test-summary-normal-5-layers.R        |   11 
 48 files changed, 556 insertions(+), 283 deletions(-)

More information about LUCIDus at CRAN
Permanent link

Package ClusBoot updated to version 1.2.2 with previous version 1.2.1 dated 2023-10-17

Title: Bootstrap a Clustering Solution to Establish the Stability of the Clusters
Description: Providing a cluster allocation for n samples, either with an $n \times p$ data matrix or an $n \times n$ distance matrix, a bootstrap procedure is performed. The proportion of bootstrap replicates where a pair of samples cluster in the same cluster indicates who tightly the samples in a particular cluster clusters together.
Author: Sugnet Lubbe [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Sugnet Lubbe <>

Diff between ClusBoot versions 1.2.1 dated 2023-10-17 and 1.2.2 dated 2024-07-08

 DESCRIPTION     |    6 +++---
 MD5             |    4 ++--
 man/clusboot.Rd |    4 ++--
 3 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

More information about ClusBoot at CRAN
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Package PPCDT updated to version 0.2.0 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2024-05-25

Title: An Optimal Subset Selection for Distributed Hypothesis Testing
Description: In the era of big data, data redundancy and distributed characteristics present novel challenges to data analysis. This package introduces a method for estimating optimal subsets of redundant distributed data, based on PPCDT (Conjunction of Power and P-value in Distributed Settings). Leveraging PPC technology, this approach can efficiently extract valuable information from redundant distributed data and determine the optimal subset. Experimental results demonstrate that this method not only enhances data quality and utilization efficiency but also assesses its performance effectively. The philosophy of the package is described in Guo G. (2020) <doi:10.1007/s00180-020-00974-4>.
Author: Guangbao Guo [aut, cre, cph], Jiarui Li [ctb]
Maintainer: Guangbao Guo <>

Diff between PPCDT versions 0.1.0 dated 2024-05-25 and 0.2.0 dated 2024-07-08

 PPCDT-0.1.0/PPCDT/LICENSE      |only
 PPCDT-0.1.0/PPCDT/R/PPCTD.R    |only
 PPCDT-0.1.0/PPCDT/man/PPCTD.Rd |only
 PPCDT-0.1.0/PPCDT/tests        |only
 PPCDT-0.2.0/PPCDT/DESCRIPTION  |   14 ++++++--------
 PPCDT-0.2.0/PPCDT/MD5          |    9 +++------
 PPCDT-0.2.0/PPCDT/R/PPCDT.R    |only
 PPCDT-0.2.0/PPCDT/man/PPCDT.Rd |only
 8 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

More information about PPCDT at CRAN
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Package paws.common updated to version 0.7.4 with previous version 0.7.3 dated 2024-05-15

Title: Paws Low-Level Amazon Web Services API
Description: Functions for making low-level API requests to Amazon Web Services <>. The functions handle building, signing, and sending requests, and receiving responses. They are designed to help build higher-level interfaces to individual services, such as Simple Storage Service (S3).
Author: David Kretch [aut], Adam Banker [aut], Dyfan Jones [cre],, Inc. [cph]
Maintainer: Dyfan Jones <>

Diff between paws.common versions 0.7.3 dated 2024-05-15 and 0.7.4 dated 2024-07-08

 DESCRIPTION                                |   26 +++++++++----------
 MD5                                        |   38 +++++++++++++++--------------                                    |   27 ++++++++++++++++++++
 R/cache.R                                  |    2 +
 R/credential_providers.R                   |   37 +++++++++++++++++++++-------
 R/credential_sso.R                         |   27 ++++----------------
 R/credentials.R                            |    8 ++++++
 R/custom_s3.R                              |   37 ++++++++++++----------------
 R/error.R                                  |   33 +++++++++++++++++++++++--
 R/handlers_query.R                         |   14 +++-------
 R/head_bucket.R                            |only
 R/http_status.R                            |only
 R/retry.R                                  |    2 -
 R/xmlutil.R                                |    5 ++-
 man/aws_error.Rd                           |    4 +--
 man/locate_credentials.Rd                  |    8 ++++++
 tests/testthat/test_config.R               |    4 +--
 tests/testthat/test_credential_providers.R |   21 ++++++++++++++++
 tests/testthat/test_custom_s3.R            |   17 +++++++++---
 tests/testthat/test_handlers_query.R       |    2 -
 tests/testthat/test_xmlutil.R              |   21 ++++++++++++----
 21 files changed, 223 insertions(+), 110 deletions(-)

More information about paws.common at CRAN
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Package bbk updated to version 0.4.0 with previous version 0.3.0 dated 2024-06-12

Title: Client for the Deutsche Bundesbank and European Central Bank APIs
Description: Download data and metadata from the 'Bundesbank SDMX Web Service API' found at <> and the 'ECB Data Portal API' found at <>.
Author: Maximilian Muecke [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Maximilian Muecke <>

Diff between bbk versions 0.3.0 dated 2024-06-12 and 0.4.0 dated 2024-07-08

 bbk-0.3.0/bbk/R/api.R                                 |only
 bbk-0.3.0/bbk/tests/testthat/test-api.R               |only
 bbk-0.4.0/bbk/DESCRIPTION                             |   15 +++++---
 bbk-0.4.0/bbk/MD5                                     |   32 ++++++++++--------
 bbk-0.4.0/bbk/NAMESPACE                               |    3 +
 bbk-0.4.0/bbk/                                 |    4 ++
 bbk-0.4.0/bbk/R/bbk-package.R                         |    1 
 bbk-0.4.0/bbk/R/bbk.R                                 |only
 bbk-0.4.0/bbk/R/ecb.R                                 |only
 bbk-0.4.0/bbk/R/utils.R                               |    9 +++++
 bbk-0.4.0/bbk/                               |   31 ++++++++++-------
 bbk-0.4.0/bbk/man/bbk-package.Rd                      |    4 +-
 bbk-0.4.0/bbk/man/bbk_data.Rd                         |    9 ++---
 bbk-0.4.0/bbk/man/bbk_metadata.Rd                     |    8 +++-
 bbk-0.4.0/bbk/man/bbk_series.Rd                       |   11 +++---
 bbk-0.4.0/bbk/man/ecb_data.Rd                         |only
 bbk-0.4.0/bbk/man/ecb_metadata.Rd                     |only
 bbk-0.4.0/bbk/man/figures/README-plotting-1.png       |binary
 bbk-0.4.0/bbk/tests/testthat/fixtures/ecb-data-fm.xml |only
 bbk-0.4.0/bbk/tests/testthat/fixtures/ecb-data.xml    |only
 bbk-0.4.0/bbk/tests/testthat/test-bbk.R               |only
 bbk-0.4.0/bbk/tests/testthat/test-ecb.R               |only
 22 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

More information about bbk at CRAN
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Package DiscreteFDR updated to version 2.0.0 with previous version 1.3.7 dated 2024-02-08

Title: FDR Based Multiple Testing Procedures with Adaptation for Discrete Tests
Description: Implementations of the multiple testing procedures for discrete tests described in the paper Döhler, Durand and Roquain (2018) "New FDR bounds for discrete and heterogeneous tests" <doi:10.1214/18-EJS1441>. The main procedures of the paper (HSU and HSD), their adaptive counterparts (AHSU and AHSD), and the HBR variant are available and are coded to take as input the results of a test procedure from package 'DiscreteTests', or a set of observed p-values and their discrete support under their nulls. A shortcut function to obtain such p-values and supports is also provided, along with a wrapper allowing to apply discrete procedures directly to data.
Author: Sebastian Doehler [aut, ctb], Florian Junge [aut, ctb, cre], Guillermo Durand [aut, ctb], Etienne Roquain [ctb], Christina Kihn [ctb]
Maintainer: Florian Junge <>

Diff between DiscreteFDR versions 1.3.7 dated 2024-02-08 and 2.0.0 dated 2024-07-08

 DiscreteFDR-1.3.7/DiscreteFDR/R/print_funs.R                            |only
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/DESCRIPTION                               |   35 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/MD5                                       |  105 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/NAMESPACE                                 |   36 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/                                   |   97 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/R/ADBH_fun.R                              |only
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/R/Aux_fun.R                               |  167 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/R/DBH_fun.R                               |only
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/R/DBR_fun.R                               |  364 -
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/R/DiscreteFDR-package.R                   |   52 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/R/RcppExports.R                           |  249 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/R/amnesia.R                               |    7 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/R/discreteBH_fun.R                        |  495 +
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/R/discreteFDR_fun.R                       |only
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/R/fast_appli.R                            |  244 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/R/onUnload.R                              |    8 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/R/plot_funs.R                             |  387 -
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/R/print_fun.R                             |only
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/R/summary_funs.R                          |   76 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/R/support.R                               |  461 +
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/build/partial.rdb                         |binary
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/build/vignette.rds                        |binary
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/inst/doc/DiscreteFDR.R                    |  513 +
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/inst/doc/DiscreteFDR.Rmd                  |  384 -
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/inst/doc/DiscreteFDR.html                 | 2568 ++++++----
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/inst/doc/furtheranalyses.R                |only
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/inst/doc/furtheranalyses.Rmd              |only
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/inst/doc/furtheranalyses.html             |only
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/inst/doc/toyexample.R                     |only
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/inst/doc/toyexample.Rmd                   |only
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/inst/doc/toyexample.html                  |only
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/ADBH.Rd                               |only
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/DBH.Rd                                |only
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/DBR.Rd                                |   94 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/DiscreteFDR.Rd                        |  152 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/amnesia.Rd                            |   97 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/direct.discrete.BH.Rd                 |only
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/discrete.BH.Rd                        |  143 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/fast.Discrete.Rd                      |   77 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/figures/lifecycle-archived.svg        |   42 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/figures/lifecycle-defunct.svg         |   42 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/figures/lifecycle-deprecated.svg      |   42 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/figures/lifecycle-experimental.svg    |   42 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/figures/lifecycle-maturing.svg        |   42 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/figures/lifecycle-questioning.svg     |   42 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/figures/lifecycle-soft-deprecated.svg |   42 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/figures/lifecycle-stable.svg          |   58 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/figures/lifecycle-superseded.svg      |   42 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/             |   41 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/generate.pvalues.Rd                   |only
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/hist.DiscreteFDR.Rd                   |   22 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/kernel.Rd                             |  267 -
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/match.pvals.Rd                        |   35 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/plot.DiscreteFDR.Rd                   |  167 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/print.DiscreteFDR.Rd                  |   81 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/man/summary.DiscreteFDR.Rd                |   31 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/src/RcppExports.cpp                       |   75 
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/src/helper.cpp                            |only
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/src/helper.h                              |only
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/src/kernel_fun.cpp                        |  844 +--
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/vignettes/DiscreteFDR.Rmd                 |  384 -
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/vignettes/furtheranalyses.Rmd             |only
 DiscreteFDR-2.0.0/DiscreteFDR/vignettes/toyexample.Rmd                  |only
 63 files changed, 4959 insertions(+), 4193 deletions(-)

More information about DiscreteFDR at CRAN
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Package biplotEZ updated to version 2.0 with previous version 1.2.0 dated 2023-11-28

Title: EZ-to-Use Biplots
Description: Provides users with an EZ-to-use platform for representing data with biplots. Currently principal component analysis (PCA) and canonical variate analysis (CVA) biplots are included. This is accompanied by various formatting options for the samples and axes. Alpha-bags and concentration ellipses are included for visual enhancements and interpretation. For an extensive discussion on the topic, see Gower, J.C., Lubbe, S. and le Roux, N.J. (2011, ISBN: 978-0-470-01255-0) Understanding Biplots. Wiley: Chichester.
Author: Sugnet Lubbe [aut, cre, cph] , Niel le Roux [aut] , Johane Nienkemper-Swanepoel [aut] , Raeesa Ganey [aut] , Ruan Buys [aut] , Zoe-Mae Adams [aut] , Peter Manefeldt [aut]
Maintainer: Sugnet Lubbe <>

Diff between biplotEZ versions 1.2.0 dated 2023-11-28 and 2.0 dated 2024-07-08

 biplotEZ-1.2.0/biplotEZ/R/bags_ellipses.R                  |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/DESCRIPTION                          |   38 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/LICENSE                              |    2 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/MD5                                  |  143 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/NAMESPACE                            |   83 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/R/CA.R                               |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/R/CATPCA.R                           |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/R/CVA.R                              |  563 +
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/R/MDS.R                              |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/R/PCA.R                              |  279 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/R/aesthetics.R                       | 1421 ++--
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/R/biplot.R                           | 1563 +++-
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/R/biplotEZ-package.R                 |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/R/clouds.R                           |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/R/more_biplots.R                     |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/R/plot1D.R                           |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/R/plot2D.R                           |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/R/plot3D.R                           |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/R/plotting.R                         | 1073 +--
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/R/translate_axes.R                   |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/R/utility.R                          |  436 +
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/                            |   39 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/build/vignette.rds                   |binary
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/inst/doc/Biplots_in_1D.R             |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/inst/doc/Biplots_in_1D.Rmd           |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/inst/doc/Biplots_in_1D.html          |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/inst/doc/Biplots_in_3D.R             |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/inst/doc/Biplots_in_3D.Rmd           |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/inst/doc/Biplots_in_3D.html          |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/inst/doc/CA_in_biplotEZ.R            |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/inst/doc/CA_in_biplotEZ.Rmd          |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/inst/doc/CA_in_biplotEZ.html         |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/inst/doc/Class_separation.R          |   61 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/inst/doc/Class_separation.Rmd        |  751 +-
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/inst/doc/Class_separation.html       | 4270 ++++++++++++-
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/inst/doc/MDS.R                       |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/inst/doc/MDS.Rmd                     |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/inst/doc/MDS.html                    |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/inst/doc/biplotEZ.R                  |  106 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/inst/doc/biplotEZ.Rmd                | 1167 +--
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/inst/doc/biplotEZ.html               |  918 +-
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/inst/doc/biplotEZ_enhancements.R     |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/inst/doc/biplotEZ_enhancements.Rmd   |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/inst/doc/biplotEZ_enhancements.html  |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/AoD.Rd                           |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/AoD.biplot.Rd                    |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/CA.Rd                            |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/CA.biplot.Rd                     |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/CATPCA.Rd                        |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/CVA.Rd                           |  136 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/CVA.biplot.Rd                    |   80 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/CVAlowdim.Rd                     |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/PCA.Rd                           |  130 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/PCA.biplot.Rd                    |   18 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/PCO.Rd                           |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/PCO.biplot.Rd                    |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/alpha.bags.Rd                    |   96 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/axes.Rd                          |  207 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/biplot.Rd                        |  167 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/biplotEZ.Rd                      |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/classification.Rd                |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/classification.biplot.Rd         |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/classify.Rd                      |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/density1D.Rd                     |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/density2D.Rd                     |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/ellipses.Rd                      |  100 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/extended.matching.coefficient.Rd |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/figures/README-CVA_example-1.png |binary
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/figures/README-PCA_example-1.png |binary
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/figures/README-aes_example-1.png |binary
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/figures/README-ca_default-1.png  |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/figures/README-ca_standard-1.png |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/figures/README-cva-1.png         |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/figures/README-regress-1.png     |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/figures/logo.png                 |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/fit.measures.Rd                  |   71 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/interpolate.Rd                   |   77 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/legend.type.Rd                   |   82 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/means.Rd                         |  118 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/newaxes.Rd                       |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/newsamples.Rd                    |  128 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/plot.biplot.Rd                   |   95 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/plot3D.Rd                        |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/prediction.Rd                    |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/print.CA.Rd                      |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/print.biplot.Rd                  |   47 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/reflect.Rd                       |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/regress.Rd                       |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/regress.biplot.Rd                |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/rotate.Rd                        |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/samples.Rd                       |  163 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/sqrtManhattan.Rd                 |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/summary.biplot.Rd                |   99 
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/man/translate_axes.Rd                |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/src                                  |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/vignettes/Biplots_in_1D.Rmd          |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/vignettes/Biplots_in_3D.Rmd          |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/vignettes/CA_in_biplotEZ.Rmd         |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/vignettes/Class_separation.Rmd       |  751 +-
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/vignettes/MDS.Rmd                    |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/vignettes/biplotEZ.Rmd               | 1167 +--
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/vignettes/biplotEZ_enhancements.Rmd  |only
 biplotEZ-2.0/biplotEZ/vignettes/references.bib             |  159 
 103 files changed, 11270 insertions(+), 5534 deletions(-)

More information about biplotEZ at CRAN
Permanent link

Package rethnicity updated to version 0.2.5 with previous version 0.2.4 dated 2023-03-13

Title: Predicting Ethnic Group from Names
Description: Implementation of the race/ethnicity prediction method, described in "rethnicity: An R package for predicting ethnicity from names" by Fangzhou Xie (2022) <doi:10.1016/j.softx.2021.100965> and "Rethnicity: Predicting Ethnicity from Names" by Fangzhou Xie (2021) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2109.09228>.
Author: Fangzhou Xie [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Fangzhou Xie <>

Diff between rethnicity versions 0.2.4 dated 2023-03-13 and 0.2.5 dated 2024-07-08

 DESCRIPTION                     |   11 
 MD5                             |   29                         |   15 
 R/predict_ethnicity.R           |   15                       |    4 
 build/vignette.rds              |binary
 inst/doc/advanced_usage.R       |    2 
 inst/doc/advanced_usage.html    |   34 
 inst/doc/introduction.R         |    6 
 inst/doc/introduction.Rmd       |    6 
 inst/doc/introduction.html      |   58 
 inst/include/fplus/fplus.hpp    | 9395 +++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 inst/include/fplus/fplus.hpp.bk |only
 src/Makevars                    |    4 
 src/predict_ethnicity.cpp       |   10 
 vignettes/introduction.Rmd      |    6 
 16 files changed, 4731 insertions(+), 4864 deletions(-)

More information about rethnicity at CRAN
Permanent link

Built and running on Debian GNU/Linux using R, littler and blosxom. Styled with Bootstrap.