Wed, 10 Jun 2020

binb 0.0.6: Small enhancements

The sixth release of the binb package is now on CRAN. binb regroups four rather nice themes for writing LaTeX Beamer presentations much more easily in (R)Markdown. As a teaser, a quick demo combining all four themes follows; documentation and examples are in the package.

Via two contributed PRs, this releases adds titlepage support via the YAML header for Metropolis, and suppresses nags about the changed natbib default. A little polish on the README and Travis rounds everything off.

Changes in binb version 0.0.6 (2020-06-10)

  • Support for YAML option titlegraphic was added in Metropolis (Andras Scraka in #23).

  • The file received another badge (Dirk).

  • The natbib default value was updated to accomodate rmarkdown (Joseph Stachelek in #26).

  • Travis now uses R 4.0.0 and 'bionic' (Dirk).

CRANberries provides a summary of changes to the previous version. For questions or comments, please use the issue tracker at GitHub.

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This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

/code/binb | permanent link