Rcpp Version 1.0.14
No Matches
attributes.cpp File Reference
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
#include <ostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <Rcpp.h>
Include dependency graph for attributes.cpp:

Go to the source code of this file.


class  Rcpp::attributes::FileInfo
class  Rcpp::attributes::Type
class  Rcpp::attributes::Argument
class  Rcpp::attributes::Function
class  Rcpp::attributes::Param
class  Rcpp::attributes::Attribute
class  Rcpp::attributes::SourceFileAttributes
class  Rcpp::attributes::CommentState
class  Rcpp::attributes::SourceFileAttributesParser
class  Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerator
class  Rcpp::attributes::CppExportsGenerator
class  Rcpp::attributes::CppExportsIncludeGenerator
class  Rcpp::attributes::CppPackageIncludeGenerator
class  Rcpp::attributes::RExportsGenerator
class  Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerators


namespace  Rcpp
 Rcpp API.
namespace  Rcpp::attributes




bool Rcpp::attributes::removeFile (const std::string &path)
void Rcpp::attributes::createDirectory (const std::string &path)
bool Rcpp::attributes::isWhitespace (char ch)
void Rcpp::attributes::trimWhitespace (std::string *pStr)
void Rcpp::attributes::stripTrailingLineComments (std::string *pStr)
void Rcpp::attributes::stripQuotes (std::string *pStr)
bool Rcpp::attributes::isQuoted (const std::string &str)
bool Rcpp::attributes::endsWith (const std::string &str, const std::string &suffix)
void Rcpp::attributes::showWarning (const std::string &msg)
bool Rcpp::attributes::isRoxygenCpp (const std::string &str)
std::ostream & Rcpp::attributes::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Type &type)
std::ostream & Rcpp::attributes::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Argument &argument)
std::ostream & Rcpp::attributes::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Function &function)
std::ostream & Rcpp::attributes::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Param &param)
std::ostream & Rcpp::attributes::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Attribute &attribute)
std::string Rcpp::attributes::generateRArgList (const Function &function)
bool Rcpp::attributes::checkRSignature (const Function &function, std::string args)
void Rcpp::attributes::initializeGlobals (std::ostream &ostr)
void Rcpp::attributes::generateCpp (std::ostream &ostr, const SourceFileAttributes &attributes, bool includePrototype, bool cppInterface, const std::string &contextId)
void Rcpp::attributes::printArgument (std::ostream &os, const Argument &argument, bool printDefault=true)
void Rcpp::attributes::printFunction (std::ostream &os, const Function &function, bool printArgDefaults=true)
RcppExport SEXP sourceCppContext (SEXP sFile, SEXP sCode, SEXP sRebuild, SEXP sCacheDir, SEXP sPlatform)
RcppExport SEXP compileAttributes (SEXP sPackageDir, SEXP sPackageName, SEXP sDepends, SEXP sRegistration, SEXP sCppFiles, SEXP sCppFileBasenames, SEXP sIncludes, SEXP sVerbose, SEXP sPlatform)


const char *const Rcpp::attributes::kWhitespaceChars = " \f\n\r\t\v"
const char *const Rcpp::attributes::kExportAttribute = "export"
const char *const Rcpp::attributes::kExportName = "name"
const char *const Rcpp::attributes::kExportRng = "rng"
const char *const Rcpp::attributes::kExportInvisible = "invisible"
const char *const Rcpp::attributes::kExportSignature = "signature"
const char *const Rcpp::attributes::kInitAttribute = "init"
const char *const Rcpp::attributes::kDependsAttribute = "depends"
const char *const Rcpp::attributes::kPluginsAttribute = "plugins"
const char *const Rcpp::attributes::kInterfacesAttribute = "interfaces"
const char *const Rcpp::attributes::kInterfaceR = "r"
const char *const Rcpp::attributes::kInterfaceCpp = "cpp"
const char *const Rcpp::attributes::kParamValueFalse = "false"
const char *const Rcpp::attributes::kParamValueTrue = "true"
const char *const Rcpp::attributes::kParamValueFALSE = "FALSE"
const char *const Rcpp::attributes::kParamValueTRUE = "TRUE"
const char *const Rcpp::attributes::kParamBlockStart = "{;"
const char *const Rcpp::attributes::kParamBlockEnd = "}"

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 21 of file attributes.cpp.



Definition at line 38 of file attributes.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ compileAttributes()

◆ sourceCppContext()

RcppExport SEXP sourceCppContext ( SEXP  sFile,
SEXP  sCode,
SEXP  sRebuild,
SEXP  sCacheDir,
SEXP  sPlatform 

Definition at line 3561 of file attributes.cpp.

References Rcpp::as(), BEGIN_RCPP, Rcpp::Vector< VECSXP >::create(), and END_RCPP.

Here is the call graph for this function: