Rcpp Version 1.0.14
No Matches
Rcpp Namespace Reference

Rcpp API. More...


namespace  algorithm
namespace  attributes
namespace  internal
 internal implementation details
namespace  InternalFunctionWithStdFunction
namespace  stats
namespace  sugar
namespace  traits
 traits used to dispatch wrap


class  Argument
class  Armor
class  AttributeProxyPolicy
class  binary_call
class  BindingPolicy
struct  can_have_na
class  ChildVector
class  class_Base
class  ConstInputParameter
class  ConstMatrixColumn
class  ConstMatrixRow
class  ConstReferenceInputParameter
class  CppClass
class  CppFinalizer
class  CppFunction
class  CppFunctionBase
class  CppInheritedMethod
class  CppInheritedProperty
class  CppMethod
class  CppObject
class  CppProperty
class  DataFrame_Impl
class  Date
class  Datetime
class  Dimension
class  DottedPairImpl
class  DottedPairProxyPolicy
class  enum_
class  exception
class  Fast
class  FieldProxyPolicy
class  file_exists
class  file_io_error
class  file_not_found
class  fixed_call
class  FunctionFinalizer
class  Generator
struct  GenericProxy
class  InputParameter
class  ListOf
struct  LongjumpException
struct  lsinfo
class  Matrix
class  MatrixBase
class  MatrixColumn
class  MatrixRow
class  Module
class  Na_Proxy
class  NamesProxyPolicy
class  newDatetimeVector
class  newDateVector
class  no_init_matrix
class  no_init_vector
class  no_such_env
class  NoProtectStorage
class  Nullable
class  object
class  oldDatetimeVector
class  oldDateVector
class  PreserveStorage
class  ProtectedProxyPolicy
class  Range
class  ReferenceInputParameter
class  result
class  RNGScope
class  RObjectMethods
class  Rostream
class  Rstreambuf
struct  rule
class  S4_CppConstructor
class  S4_CppOverloadedMethods
class  S4_field
class  Shelter
class  Shield
class  SignedConstructor
class  SignedFactory
class  SignedMethod
class  SingleLogicalResult
class  SlotProxyPolicy
struct  state
class  String
class  StringTransformer
class  SubMatrix
class  SubsetProxy
class  SuspendRNGSynchronizationScope
class  TagProxyPolicy
class  Timer
struct  ttinfo
struct  tzhead
class  unary_call
class  Vector
class  VectorBase
struct  void_type
class  XPtr


typedef uint64_t nanotime_t
typedef DataFrame_Impl< PreserveStorageDataFrame
typedef oldDateVector DateVector
typedef oldDatetimeVector DatetimeVector
typedef DottedPair_Impl< PreserveStorageDottedPair
typedef Environment_Impl< PreserveStorageEnvironment
typedef Formula_Impl< PreserveStorageFormula
typedef Function_Impl< PreserveStorageFunction
typedef InternalFunction_Impl< PreserveStorageInternalFunction
typedef DottedPairProxyPolicy< Language_Impl >::const_DottedPairProxy const_Proxy
typedef Language_Impl< PreserveStorageLanguage
typedef bool(* ValidConstructor) (SEXP *, int)
typedef bool(* ValidMethod) (SEXP *, int)
typedef Pairlist_Impl< PreserveStoragePairlist
typedef Promise_Impl< PreserveStoragePromise
typedef Reference_Impl< PreserveStorageReference
typedef RObject_Impl< PreserveStorageRObject
typedef S4_Impl< PreserveStorageS4
typedef StretchyList_Impl< PreserveStorageStretchyList
typedef Symbol_Impl< NoProtectStorageSymbol
typedef Vector< CPLXSXPComplexVector
typedef Vector< INTSXPIntegerVector
typedef Vector< LGLSXPLogicalVector
typedef Vector< REALSXPNumericVector
typedef Vector< REALSXPDoubleVector
typedef Vector< RAWSXPRawVector
typedef Vector< STRSXPCharacterVector
typedef Vector< STRSXPStringVector
typedef Vector< VECSXPGenericVector
typedef Vector< VECSXPList
typedef Vector< EXPRSXPExpressionVector
typedef Matrix< CPLXSXPComplexMatrix
typedef Matrix< INTSXPIntegerMatrix
typedef Matrix< LGLSXPLogicalMatrix
typedef Matrix< REALSXPNumericMatrix
typedef Matrix< RAWSXPRawMatrix
typedef Matrix< STRSXPCharacterMatrix
typedef Matrix< STRSXPStringMatrix
typedef Matrix< VECSXPGenericMatrix
typedef Matrix< VECSXPListMatrix
typedef Matrix< EXPRSXPExpressionMatrix
typedef WeakReference_Impl< PreserveStorageWeakReference


template<class InputIterator , class T >
bool __any (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const T &value, std::input_iterator_tag)
template<class RandomAccessIterator , class T >
bool __any (RandomAccessIterator __first, RandomAccessIterator __last, const T &__val, std::random_access_iterator_tag)
template<class InputIterator , class T >
bool any (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const T &value)
template<class InputIterator , class Predicate >
bool __any_if (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Predicate pred, std::input_iterator_tag)
template<class RandomAccessIterator , class Predicate >
bool __any_if (RandomAccessIterator __first, RandomAccessIterator __last, Predicate __pred, std::random_access_iterator_tag)
template<class InputIterator , class Predicate >
bool any_if (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Predicate pred)
SEXP wrap_extra_steps< Rcpp::Date > (SEXP)
SEXP wrap_extra_steps< Rcpp::Datetime > (SEXP)
template<typename T >
SEXP wrap_extra_steps (SEXP x)
SEXP wrap (const Date &date)
SEXP wrap_extra_steps< Rcpp::Datetime > (SEXP x)
SEXP wrap< Datetime > (const Datetime &date)
Environment new_env (int size=29)
Environment new_env (SEXP parent, int size=29)
void message (SEXP s)
SEXP Rcpp_fast_eval (SEXP expr, SEXP env)
SEXP Rcpp_eval (SEXP expr, SEXP env)
template<typename T >
as (SEXP x)
char as< char > (SEXP x)
template<typename T >
traits::remove_const_and_reference< T >::type bare_as (SEXP x)
SEXP as (SEXP x)
template<typename T >
clone (const T &object)
SEXP wrap< Rcpp::Date > (const Rcpp::Date &date)
SEXP wrap_extra_steps< Rcpp::Date > (SEXP x)
Date operator+ (const Date &date, int offset)
double operator- (const Date &d1, const Date &d2)
bool operator< (const Date &d1, const Date &d2)
bool operator> (const Date &d1, const Date &d2)
bool operator== (const Date &d1, const Date &d2)
bool operator>= (const Date &d1, const Date &d2)
bool operator<= (const Date &d1, const Date &d2)
bool operator!= (const Date &d1, const Date &d2)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Date d)
SEXP wrap< Rcpp::Datetime > (const Rcpp::Datetime &dt)
SEXP wrap_extra_steps< Rcpp::Datetime > (SEXP x)
Datetime operator+ (const Datetime &datetime, double offset)
Datetime operator+ (const Datetime &datetime, int offset)
double operator- (const Datetime &d1, const Datetime &d2)
bool operator< (const Datetime &d1, const Datetime &d2)
bool operator> (const Datetime &d1, const Datetime &d2)
bool operator== (const Datetime &d1, const Datetime &d2)
bool operator>= (const Datetime &d1, const Datetime &d2)
bool operator<= (const Datetime &d1, const Datetime &d2)
bool operator!= (const Datetime &d1, const Datetime &d2)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Datetime d)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const newDatetimeVector d)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const newDateVector d)
 RCPP_API_CLASS (DottedPair_Impl)
 RCPP_API_CLASS (Environment_Impl)
 Environment_Impl (SEXP x)
 Environment_Impl (const std::string &name)
 Environment_Impl (int pos)
SEXP ls (bool all) const
SEXP get (const std::string &name) const
SEXP get (Symbol name) const
SEXP find (const std::string &name) const
SEXP find (Symbol name) const
bool exists (const std::string &name) const
bool assign (const std::string &name, SEXP x) const
bool assign (const std::string &name, const Shield< SEXP > &x) const
template<typename WRAPPABLE >
bool assign (const std::string &name, const WRAPPABLE &x) const
bool isLocked () const
bool remove (const std::string &name)
void lock (bool bindings=false)
void lockBinding (const std::string &name)
void unlockBinding (const std::string &name)
bool bindingIsLocked (const std::string &name) const
bool bindingIsActive (const std::string &name) const
static Environment_Impl global_env ()
static Environment_Impl empty_env ()
static Environment_Impl base_env ()
static Environment_Impl base_namespace ()
static Environment_Impl Rcpp_namespace ()
static Environment_Impl namespace_env (const std::string &package)
Environment_Impl parent () const
Environment_Impl new_child (bool hashed) const
void update (SEXP)
static std::string toString (const int i)
void warning (const std::string &message)
void NORET stop (const std::string &message)
template<typename... Args>
void warning (const char *fmt, Args &&... args)
template<typename... Args>
void NORET stop (const char *fmt, Args &&... args)
template<typename T1 >
void warning (const char *fmt, const T1 &arg1)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void warning (const char *fmt, const T1 &arg1, const T2 &arg2)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 >
void warning (const char *fmt, const T1 &arg1, const T2 &arg2, const T3 &arg3)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 >
void warning (const char *fmt, const T1 &arg1, const T2 &arg2, const T3 &arg3, const T4 &arg4)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 >
void warning (const char *fmt, const T1 &arg1, const T2 &arg2, const T3 &arg3, const T4 &arg4, const T5 &arg5)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 >
void warning (const char *fmt, const T1 &arg1, const T2 &arg2, const T3 &arg3, const T4 &arg4, const T5 &arg5, const T6 &arg6)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 , typename T7 >
void warning (const char *fmt, const T1 &arg1, const T2 &arg2, const T3 &arg3, const T4 &arg4, const T5 &arg5, const T6 &arg6, const T7 &arg7)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 , typename T7 , typename T8 >
void warning (const char *fmt, const T1 &arg1, const T2 &arg2, const T3 &arg3, const T4 &arg4, const T5 &arg5, const T6 &arg6, const T7 &arg7, const T8 &arg8)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 , typename T7 , typename T8 , typename T9 >
void warning (const char *fmt, const T1 &arg1, const T2 &arg2, const T3 &arg3, const T4 &arg4, const T5 &arg5, const T6 &arg6, const T7 &arg7, const T8 &arg8, const T9 &arg9)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 , typename T7 , typename T8 , typename T9 , typename T10 >
void warning (const char *fmt, const T1 &arg1, const T2 &arg2, const T3 &arg3, const T4 &arg4, const T5 &arg5, const T6 &arg6, const T7 &arg7, const T8 &arg8, const T9 &arg9, const T10 &arg10)
template<typename T1 >
void NORET stop (const char *fmt, const T1 &arg1)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void NORET stop (const char *fmt, const T1 &arg1, const T2 &arg2)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 >
void NORET stop (const char *fmt, const T1 &arg1, const T2 &arg2, const T3 &arg3)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 >
void NORET stop (const char *fmt, const T1 &arg1, const T2 &arg2, const T3 &arg3, const T4 &arg4)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 >
void NORET stop (const char *fmt, const T1 &arg1, const T2 &arg2, const T3 &arg3, const T4 &arg4, const T5 &arg5)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 >
void NORET stop (const char *fmt, const T1 &arg1, const T2 &arg2, const T3 &arg3, const T4 &arg4, const T5 &arg5, const T6 &arg6)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 , typename T7 >
void NORET stop (const char *fmt, const T1 &arg1, const T2 &arg2, const T3 &arg3, const T4 &arg4, const T5 &arg5, const T6 &arg6, const T7 &arg7)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 , typename T7 , typename T8 >
void NORET stop (const char *fmt, const T1 &arg1, const T2 &arg2, const T3 &arg3, const T4 &arg4, const T5 &arg5, const T6 &arg6, const T7 &arg7, const T8 &arg8)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 , typename T7 , typename T8 , typename T9 >
void NORET stop (const char *fmt, const T1 &arg1, const T2 &arg2, const T3 &arg3, const T4 &arg4, const T5 &arg5, const T6 &arg6, const T7 &arg7, const T8 &arg8, const T9 &arg9)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 , typename T7 , typename T8 , typename T9 , typename T10 >
void NORET stop (const char *fmt, const T1 &arg1, const T2 &arg2, const T3 &arg3, const T4 &arg4, const T5 &arg5, const T6 &arg6, const T7 &arg7, const T8 &arg8, const T9 &arg9, const T10 &arg10)
 RCPP_API_CLASS (Formula_Impl)
 Formula_Impl (SEXP x)
 Formula_Impl (const std::string &code)
 RCPP_API_CLASS (Function_Impl)
SEXP pairlist ()
SEXP grow (SEXP head, SEXP tail)
template<typename T >
SEXP grow (const T &head, SEXP tail)
SEXP grow (const char *head, SEXP tail)
 RCPP_API_CLASS (InternalFunction_Impl)
void checkUserInterrupt ()
template<typename T >
bool is (SEXP x)
SEXP Rcpp_list2 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1)
SEXP Rcpp_list3 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2)
SEXP Rcpp_list4 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3)
SEXP Rcpp_list5 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4)
SEXP Rcpp_list6 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5)
SEXP Rcpp_list7 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6)
SEXP Rcpp_lang7 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6)
SEXP Rcpp_list8 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7)
SEXP Rcpp_lang8 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7)
SEXP Rcpp_list9 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7, SEXP x8)
SEXP Rcpp_lang9 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7, SEXP x8)
SEXP Rcpp_list10 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7, SEXP x8, SEXP x9)
SEXP Rcpp_lang10 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7, SEXP x8, SEXP x9)
SEXP Rcpp_list11 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7, SEXP x8, SEXP x9, SEXP x10)
SEXP Rcpp_lang11 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7, SEXP x8, SEXP x9, SEXP x10)
SEXP Rcpp_list12 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7, SEXP x8, SEXP x9, SEXP x10, SEXP x11)
SEXP Rcpp_lang12 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7, SEXP x8, SEXP x9, SEXP x10, SEXP x11)
SEXP Rcpp_list13 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7, SEXP x8, SEXP x9, SEXP x10, SEXP x11, SEXP x12)
SEXP Rcpp_lang13 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7, SEXP x8, SEXP x9, SEXP x10, SEXP x11, SEXP x12)
SEXP Rcpp_list14 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7, SEXP x8, SEXP x9, SEXP x10, SEXP x11, SEXP x12, SEXP x13)
SEXP Rcpp_lang14 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7, SEXP x8, SEXP x9, SEXP x10, SEXP x11, SEXP x12, SEXP x13)
SEXP Rcpp_list15 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7, SEXP x8, SEXP x9, SEXP x10, SEXP x11, SEXP x12, SEXP x13, SEXP x14)
SEXP Rcpp_lang15 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7, SEXP x8, SEXP x9, SEXP x10, SEXP x11, SEXP x12, SEXP x13, SEXP x14)
SEXP Rcpp_list16 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7, SEXP x8, SEXP x9, SEXP x10, SEXP x11, SEXP x12, SEXP x13, SEXP x14, SEXP x15)
SEXP Rcpp_lang16 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7, SEXP x8, SEXP x9, SEXP x10, SEXP x11, SEXP x12, SEXP x13, SEXP x14, SEXP x15)
SEXP Rcpp_list17 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7, SEXP x8, SEXP x9, SEXP x10, SEXP x11, SEXP x12, SEXP x13, SEXP x14, SEXP x15, SEXP x16)
SEXP Rcpp_lang17 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7, SEXP x8, SEXP x9, SEXP x10, SEXP x11, SEXP x12, SEXP x13, SEXP x14, SEXP x15, SEXP x16)
SEXP Rcpp_list18 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7, SEXP x8, SEXP x9, SEXP x10, SEXP x11, SEXP x12, SEXP x13, SEXP x14, SEXP x15, SEXP x16, SEXP x17)
SEXP Rcpp_lang18 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7, SEXP x8, SEXP x9, SEXP x10, SEXP x11, SEXP x12, SEXP x13, SEXP x14, SEXP x15, SEXP x16, SEXP x17)
SEXP Rcpp_list19 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7, SEXP x8, SEXP x9, SEXP x10, SEXP x11, SEXP x12, SEXP x13, SEXP x14, SEXP x15, SEXP x16, SEXP x17, SEXP x18)
SEXP Rcpp_lang19 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7, SEXP x8, SEXP x9, SEXP x10, SEXP x11, SEXP x12, SEXP x13, SEXP x14, SEXP x15, SEXP x16, SEXP x17, SEXP x18)
SEXP Rcpp_list20 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7, SEXP x8, SEXP x9, SEXP x10, SEXP x11, SEXP x12, SEXP x13, SEXP x14, SEXP x15, SEXP x16, SEXP x17, SEXP x18, SEXP x19)
SEXP Rcpp_lang20 (SEXP x0, SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP x3, SEXP x4, SEXP x5, SEXP x6, SEXP x7, SEXP x8, SEXP x9, SEXP x10, SEXP x11, SEXP x12, SEXP x13, SEXP x14, SEXP x15, SEXP x16, SEXP x17, SEXP x18, SEXP x19)
 RCPP_API_CLASS (Language_Impl)
 Language_Impl ()
 Language_Impl (SEXP x)
 Language_Impl (const std::string &symbol)
 Language_Impl (const Symbol &symbol)
 Language_Impl (const Function &function)
void setSymbol (const std::string &symbol)
void setSymbol (const Symbol &symbol)
void setFunction (const Function &function)
SEXP eval () const
SEXP eval (SEXP env) const
SEXP fast_eval () const
SEXP fast_eval (SEXP env) const
template<typename FROM , typename TO >
void converter (const char *from, const char *to, TO(*fun)(FROM), const char *docstring=0)
template<typename RESULT_TYPE >
std::string get_return_type_dispatch (Rcpp::traits::false_type)
template<typename RESULT_TYPE >
std::string get_return_type_dispatch (Rcpp::traits::true_type)
template<typename RESULT_TYPE >
std::string get_return_type ()
std::string get_return_type< void_type > ()
std::string get_return_type< SEXP > ()
std::string get_return_type< Rcpp::IntegerVector > ()
std::string get_return_type< Rcpp::NumericVector > ()
std::string get_return_type< Rcpp::RawVector > ()
std::string get_return_type< Rcpp::ExpressionVector > ()
std::string get_return_type< Rcpp::List > ()
std::string get_return_type< Rcpp::CharacterVector > ()
LogicalVector shush_about_NA ()
Argument Named (const std::string &name)
template<typename T >
traits::named_object< T > Named (const std::string &name, const T &o)
 RCPP_API_CLASS (Pairlist_Impl)
 Pairlist_Impl ()
 Pairlist_Impl (SEXP x)
void print (SEXP s)
void warningcall (SEXP call, const std::string &s)
 RCPP_API_CLASS (Promise_Impl)
SEXP Rcpp_protect (SEXP x)
void Rcpp_unprotect (int i)
template<int TARGET>
SEXP r_cast (SEXP x)
 RCPP_API_CLASS (Reference_Impl)
 RCPP_API_CLASS (RObject_Impl)
attribute_hidden const chartype2name (SEXP x)
attribute_hidden double mktime00 (struct tm &tm)
attribute_hidden struct tmgmtime_ (const time_t *const x)
attribute_hidden void Rcpp_precious_init ()
attribute_hidden void Rcpp_precious_teardown ()
attribute_hidden SEXP Rcpp_precious_preserve (SEXP object)
attribute_hidden void Rcpp_precious_remove (SEXP token)
attribute_hidden Rostream< true > & Rcpp_cout_get ()
attribute_hidden Rostream< false > & Rcpp_cerr_get ()
template<int MAX_SIZE>
std::string sprintf (const char *format,...)
template<bool NA, typename T >
stats::D1< REALSXP, NA, T > dexp (const Rcpp::VectorBase< REALSXP, NA, T > &x, double shape, bool log=false)
template<bool NA, typename T >
stats::P1< REALSXP, NA, T > pexp (const Rcpp::VectorBase< REALSXP, NA, T > &x, double shape, bool lower=true, bool log=false)
template<bool NA, typename T >
stats::Q1< REALSXP, NA, T > qexp (const Rcpp::VectorBase< REALSXP, NA, T > &x, double shape, bool lower=true, bool log=false)
NumericVector rnorm (int n, double mean, double sd)
NumericVector rnorm (int n, double mean)
NumericVector rnorm (int n)
NumericVector rbeta (int n, double a, double b)
NumericVector rbinom (int n, double nin, double pp)
NumericVector rcauchy (int n, double location, double scale)
NumericVector rcauchy (int n, double location)
NumericVector rcauchy (int n)
NumericVector rchisq (int n, double df)
NumericVector rexp (int n, double rate)
NumericVector rexp (int n)
NumericVector rf (int n, double n1, double n2)
NumericVector rgamma (int n, double a, double scale)
NumericVector rgamma (int n, double a)
NumericVector rgeom (int n, double p)
NumericVector rhyper (int n, double nn1, double nn2, double kk)
NumericVector rlnorm (int n, double meanlog, double sdlog)
NumericVector rlnorm (int n, double meanlog)
NumericVector rlnorm (int n)
NumericVector rlogis (int n, double location, double scale)
NumericVector rlogis (int n, double location)
NumericVector rlogis (int n)
NumericVector rnbinom (int n, double siz, double prob)
NumericVector rnbinom_mu (int n, double siz, double mu)
NumericVector rnchisq (int n, double df, double lambda)
NumericVector rnchisq (int n, double df)
NumericVector rpois (int n, double mu)
NumericVector rsignrank (int n, double nn)
NumericVector rt (int n, double df)
NumericVector runif (int n, double min, double max)
NumericVector runif (int n, double min)
NumericVector runif (int n)
NumericVector rweibull (int n, double shape, double scale)
NumericVector rweibull (int n, double shape)
NumericVector rwilcox (int n, double mm, double nn)
 RCPP_API_CLASS (StretchyList_Impl)
 StretchyList_Impl ()
 StretchyList_Impl (SEXP x)
 operator SEXP () const
template<typename T >
StretchyList_Implpush_back (const T &obj)
template<typename T >
StretchyList_Implpush_front (const T &obj)
template<typename T >
StretchyList_Implpush_back__impl (const T &obj, traits::true_type)
template<typename T >
StretchyList_Implpush_back__impl (const T &obj, traits::false_type)
template<typename T >
StretchyList_Implpush_front__impl (const T &obj, traits::true_type)
template<typename T >
StretchyList_Implpush_front__impl (const T &obj, traits::false_type)
SEXP wrap< Rcpp::String > (const Rcpp::String &object)
bool operator== (const String::StringProxy &lhs, const String &rhs)
bool operator!= (const String::StringProxy &lhs, const String &rhs)
bool operator== (const String::const_StringProxy &lhs, const String &rhs)
bool operator!= (const String::const_StringProxy &lhs, const String &rhs)
template<typename UnaryOperator >
StringTransformer< UnaryOperatormake_string_transformer (const UnaryOperator &fun)
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::All< NA, T > all (const Rcpp::VectorBase< LGLSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Any< NA, T > any (const Rcpp::VectorBase< LGLSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Clamp_Primitive_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA, T > clamp (typename Rcpp::traits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type lhs, const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &vec, typename Rcpp::traits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type rhs)
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Cummax< INTSXP, NA, T > cummax (const VectorBase< INTSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Cummax< REALSXP, NA, T > cummax (const VectorBase< REALSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Cummin< INTSXP, NA, T > cummin (const VectorBase< INTSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Cummin< REALSXP, NA, T > cummin (const VectorBase< REALSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Cumprod< INTSXP, NA, T > cumprod (const VectorBase< INTSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Cumprod< REALSXP, NA, T > cumprod (const VectorBase< REALSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Cumprod< CPLXSXP, NA, T > cumprod (const VectorBase< CPLXSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Cumsum< INTSXP, NA, T > cumsum (const VectorBase< INTSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Cumsum< REALSXP, NA, T > cumsum (const VectorBase< REALSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T >
sugar::Diff< INTSXP, LHS_NA, LHS_Tdiff (const VectorBase< INTSXP, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &lhs)
template<bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T >
sugar::Diff< REALSXP, LHS_NA, LHS_Tdiff (const VectorBase< REALSXP, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &lhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
LogicalVector duplicated (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &x)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Head< RTYPE, NA, T > head (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &t, R_xlen_t n)
template<int RTYPE, bool COND_NA, typename COND_T , bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
sugar::IfElse< RTYPE, COND_NA, COND_T, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_Tifelse (const Rcpp::VectorBase< LGLSXP, COND_NA, COND_T > &cond, const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &lhs, const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &rhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool COND_NA, typename COND_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
sugar::IfElse_Primitive_Vector< RTYPE, COND_NA, COND_T, RHS_NA, RHS_Tifelse (const Rcpp::VectorBase< LGLSXP, COND_NA, COND_T > &cond, typename traits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type lhs, const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &rhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool COND_NA, typename COND_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
sugar::IfElse_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, COND_NA, COND_T, RHS_NA, RHS_Tifelse (const Rcpp::VectorBase< LGLSXP, COND_NA, COND_T > &cond, const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &lhs, typename traits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type rhs)
template<bool COND_NA, typename COND_T >
sugar::IfElse_Primitive_Primitive< REALSXP, COND_NA, COND_Tifelse (const Rcpp::VectorBase< LGLSXP, COND_NA, COND_T > &cond, double lhs, double rhs)
template<bool COND_NA, typename COND_T >
sugar::IfElse_Primitive_Primitive< INTSXP, COND_NA, COND_Tifelse (const Rcpp::VectorBase< LGLSXP, COND_NA, COND_T > &cond, int lhs, int rhs)
template<bool COND_NA, typename COND_T >
sugar::IfElse_Primitive_Primitive< CPLXSXP, COND_NA, COND_Tifelse (const Rcpp::VectorBase< LGLSXP, COND_NA, COND_T > &cond, Rcomplex lhs, Rcomplex rhs)
template<bool COND_NA, typename COND_T >
sugar::IfElse_Primitive_Primitive< LGLSXP, COND_NA, COND_Tifelse (const Rcpp::VectorBase< LGLSXP, COND_NA, COND_T > &cond, bool lhs, bool rhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::IsFinite< RTYPE, NA, T > is_finite (const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &t)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::IsInfinite< RTYPE, NA, T > is_infinite (const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &t)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::IsNa< RTYPE, NA, T > is_na (const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &t)
sugar::IsNa_Vector_is_na< oldDatetimeVectoris_na (const oldDatetimeVector &x)
sugar::IsNa_Vector_is_na< oldDateVectoris_na (const oldDateVector &x)
sugar::IsNa_Vector_is_na< NumericVectoris_na (newDatetimeVector &x)
sugar::IsNa_Vector_is_na< NumericVectoris_na (newDateVector &x)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::IsNaN< RTYPE, NA, T > is_nan (const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &t)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename Function >
sugar::Lapply< RTYPE, NA, T, Functionlapply (const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &t, Function fun)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA_1, typename T_1 , bool NA_2, typename T_2 , typename Function >
sugar::Mapply_2< RTYPE, NA_1, T_1, NA_2, T_2, Functionmapply (const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA_1, T_1 > &t1, const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA_2, T_2 > &t2, Function fun)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA_1, typename T_1 , typename Function >
sugar::Mapply_2_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA_1, T_1, double, Functionmapply (const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA_1, T_1 > &t1, double t2, Function fun)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA_2, typename T_2 , typename Function >
sugar::Mapply_2_Primitive_Vector< RTYPE, double, NA_2, T_2, Functionmapply (double t1, const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA_2, T_2 > &t2, Function fun)
template<int RTYPE_1, bool NA_1, typename T_1 , int RTYPE_2, bool NA_2, typename T_2 , int RTYPE_3, bool NA_3, typename T_3 , typename Function >
sugar::Mapply_3< RTYPE_1, NA_1, T_1, RTYPE_2, NA_2, T_2, RTYPE_3, NA_3, T_3, Functionmapply (const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE_1, NA_1, T_1 > &t1, const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE_2, NA_2, T_2 > &t2, const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE_3, NA_3, T_3 > &t3, Function fun)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
IntegerVector match (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &x, const VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &table_)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Max< RTYPE, NA, T > max (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &x)
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Mean< REALSXP, NA, T > mean (const VectorBase< REALSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Mean< INTSXP, NA, T > mean (const VectorBase< INTSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Mean< CPLXSXP, NA, T > mean (const VectorBase< CPLXSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Mean< LGLSXP, NA, T > mean (const VectorBase< LGLSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::median_detail::result< RTYPE >::type median (const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &x, bool na_rm=false)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Min< RTYPE, NA, T > min (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &x)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
Vector< RTYPE > na_omit (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &t)
template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
sugar::Pmax_Vector_Vector< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_Tpmax (const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &lhs, const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &rhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T >
sugar::Pmax_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_Tpmax (const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &lhs, typename Rcpp::traits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type rhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
sugar::Pmax_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_Tpmax (typename Rcpp::traits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type lhs, const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &rhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
sugar::Pmin_Vector_Vector< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_Tpmin (const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &lhs, const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &rhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T >
sugar::Pmin_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_Tpmin (const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &lhs, typename Rcpp::traits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type rhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
sugar::Pmin_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_Tpmin (typename Rcpp::traits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type lhs, const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &rhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename EXPONENT_TYPE >
sugar::Pow< RTYPE, NA, T, EXPONENT_TYPEpow (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &t, EXPONENT_TYPE exponent)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Range< RTYPE, NA, T > range (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &x)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Rep< RTYPE, NA, T > rep (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &t, R_xlen_t n)
sugar::Rep_Single< doublerep (const double &x, R_xlen_t n)
sugar::Rep_Single< intrep (const int &x, R_xlen_t n)
sugar::Rep_Single< Rbyterep (const Rbyte &x, R_xlen_t n)
sugar::Rep_Single< Rcomplexrep (const Rcomplex &x, R_xlen_t n)
sugar::Rep_Single< boolrep (const bool &x, R_xlen_t n)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Rep_each< RTYPE, NA, T > rep_each (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &t, R_xlen_t times)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Rep_len< RTYPE, NA, T > rep_len (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &t, R_xlen_t len)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Rev< RTYPE, NA, T > rev (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &t)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::detail::RowSumsReturn< RTYPE >::type rowSums (const MatrixBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &x, bool na_rm=false)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::detail::ColSumsReturn< RTYPE >::type colSums (const MatrixBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &x, bool na_rm=false)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::detail::RowMeansReturn< RTYPE >::type rowMeans (const MatrixBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &x, bool na_rm=false)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::detail::ColMeansReturn< RTYPE >::type colMeans (const MatrixBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &x, bool na_rm=false)
Vector< INTSXPsample (int n, int size, bool replace=false, sugar::probs_t probs=R_NilValue, bool one_based=true)
template<int RTYPE>
Vector< RTYPE > sample (const Vector< RTYPE > &x, int size, bool replace=false, sugar::probs_t probs=R_NilValue)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename Function >
sugar::Sapply< RTYPE, NA, T, Function, traits::same_type< typename ::Rcpp::sugar::sapply_application_result_of< Function, T >::type, typename Rcpp::traits::storage_type< traits::r_sexptype_traits< typename ::Rcpp::sugar::sapply_application_result_of< Function, T >::type >::rtype >::type >::value > sapply (const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &t, Function fun)
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Sd< REALSXP, NA, T > sd (const VectorBase< REALSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
IntegerVector self_match (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &x)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::SeqLen seq_along (const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &t)
sugar::SeqLen seq_len (const size_t &n)
Range seq (R_xlen_t start, R_xlen_t end)
template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
Vector< RTYPE > setdiff (const VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &lhs, const VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &rhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
bool setequal (const VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &lhs, const VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &rhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
Vector< RTYPE > intersect (const VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &lhs, const VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &rhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
Vector< RTYPE > union_ (const VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &lhs, const VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &rhs)
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Sign< INTSXP, NA, T > sign (const VectorBase< INTSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Sign< REALSXP, NA, T > sign (const VectorBase< REALSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<bool NA, typename T >
String collapse (const VectorBase< STRSXP, NA, T > &vec)
Vector< STRSXPtrimws (const Vector< STRSXP > &x, const char *which="both")
Matrix< STRSXPtrimws (const Matrix< STRSXP > &x, const char *which="both")
String trimws (const String &str, const char *which="both")
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Sum< INTSXP, NA, T > sum (const VectorBase< INTSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Sum< REALSXP, NA, T > sum (const VectorBase< REALSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Sum< LGLSXP, NA, T > sum (const VectorBase< LGLSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
IntegerVector table (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &x)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Tail< RTYPE, NA, T > tail (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &t, R_xlen_t n)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
Vector< RTYPE > unique (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &t)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
Vector< RTYPE > sort_unique (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &t, bool decreasing=false)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
LogicalVector in (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &x, const VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &table)
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Var< REALSXP, NA, T > var (const VectorBase< REALSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Var< INTSXP, NA, T > var (const VectorBase< INTSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Var< LGLSXP, NA, T > var (const VectorBase< LGLSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Var< CPLXSXP, NA, T > var (const VectorBase< CPLXSXP, NA, T > &t)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
R_xlen_t which_max (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &t)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
R_xlen_t which_min (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &t)
template<bool NA, typename T >
bool is_true (const Rcpp::sugar::SingleLogicalResult< NA, T > &x)
template<bool NA, typename T >
bool is_false (const Rcpp::sugar::SingleLogicalResult< NA, T > &x)
template<bool NA, typename T >
bool is_na (const Rcpp::sugar::SingleLogicalResult< NA, T > &x)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE > as_vector (const MatrixBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &t)
template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T >
sugar::Col< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_Tcol (const Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &lhs)
template<typename T >
sugar::diag_result_type_trait< T >::type diag (const T &t)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::LowerTri< RTYPE, NA, T > lower_tri (const Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &lhs, bool diag=false)
template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T , typename Function >
sugar::Outer< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T, Functionouter (const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &lhs, const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &rhs, Function fun)
template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T >
sugar::Row< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_Trow (const Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &lhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::UpperTri< RTYPE, NA, T > upper_tri (const Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &lhs, bool diag=false)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename VECTOR >
sugar::Nona< RTYPE, NA, VECTOR > noNA (const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, VECTOR > &vec)
sugar::NonaPrimitive< doublenoNA (double x)
sugar::NonaPrimitive< intnoNA (int x)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename U >
traits::enable_if< traits::is_convertible< typenametraits::remove_const_and_reference< U >::type, typenametraits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type >::value, sugar::Divides_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA, T > >::type operator/ (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &lhs, const U &rhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename U >
traits::enable_if< traits::is_convertible< typenametraits::remove_const_and_reference< U >::type, typenametraits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type >::value, sugar::Divides_Primitive_Vector< RTYPE, NA, T > >::type operator/ (const U &lhs, const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &rhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
sugar::Divides_Vector_Vector< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_Toperator/ (const VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &lhs, const VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &rhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename U >
traits::enable_if< traits::is_convertible< typenametraits::remove_const_and_reference< U >::type, typenametraits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type >::value, sugar::Minus_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA, T > >::type operator- (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &lhs, const U &rhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename U >
traits::enable_if< traits::is_convertible< typenametraits::remove_const_and_reference< U >::type, typenametraits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type >::value, sugar::Minus_Primitive_Vector< RTYPE, NA, T > >::type operator- (const U &lhs, const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &rhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
sugar::Minus_Vector_Vector< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_Toperator- (const VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &lhs, const VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &rhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename U >
traits::enable_if< traits::is_convertible< typenametraits::remove_const_and_reference< U >::type, typenametraits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type >::value, typenamesugar::Plus_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA, T > >::type operator+ (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &lhs, const U &rhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename U >
traits::enable_if< traits::is_convertible< typenametraits::remove_const_and_reference< U >::type, typenametraits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type >::value, typenamesugar::Plus_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA, T > >::type operator+ (const U &rhs, const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &lhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename U >
traits::enable_if< traits::is_convertible< typenametraits::remove_const_and_reference< U >::type, typenametraits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type >::value, sugar::Plus_Vector_Primitive_nona< RTYPE, NA, T > >::type operator+ (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &lhs, const typename sugar::NonaPrimitive< U > &rhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename U >
traits::enable_if< traits::is_convertible< typenametraits::remove_const_and_reference< U >::type, typenametraits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type >::value, sugar::Plus_Vector_Primitive_nona< RTYPE, NA, T > >::type operator+ (const typename sugar::NonaPrimitive< U > &rhs, const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &lhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
sugar::Plus_Vector_Vector< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_Toperator+ (const VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &lhs, const VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &rhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename U >
traits::enable_if< traits::is_convertible< typenametraits::remove_const_and_reference< U >::type, typenametraits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type >::value, sugar::Times_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA, T > >::type operator* (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &lhs, const U &rhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename U >
traits::enable_if< traits::is_convertible< typenametraits::remove_const_and_reference< U >::type, typenametraits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type >::value, sugar::Times_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA, T > >::type operator* (const U &rhs, const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &lhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename U >
traits::enable_if< traits::is_convertible< typenametraits::remove_const_and_reference< U >::type, typenametraits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type >::value, sugar::Times_Vector_Primitive_nona< RTYPE, NA, T > >::type operator* (const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &lhs, const typename sugar::NonaPrimitive< U > &rhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename U >
traits::enable_if< traits::is_convertible< typenametraits::remove_const_and_reference< U >::type, typenametraits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type >::value, sugar::Times_Vector_Primitive_nona< RTYPE, NA, T > >::type operator* (const typename sugar::NonaPrimitive< U > &rhs, const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &lhs)
template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
sugar::Times_Vector_Vector< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_Toperator* (const VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &lhs, const VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &rhs)
 RCPP_API_CLASS (Symbol_Impl)
SEXP unwindProtect (SEXP(*callback)(void *data), void *data)
template<typename T , typename Function >
List lapply (const ListOf< T > &t, Function fun)
template<typename T , typename Function >
sapply (const ListOf< T > &t, Function fun)
internal::DimNameProxy rownames (SEXP x)
internal::DimNameProxy colnames (SEXP x)
template<template< class > class StoragePolicy>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const Matrix< REALSXP, StoragePolicy > &rhs)
template<template< class > class StoragePolicy>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const Matrix< INTSXP, StoragePolicy > &rhs)
template<template< class > class StoragePolicy>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const Matrix< STRSXP, StoragePolicy > &rhs)
template<int RTYPE, template< class > class StoragePolicy>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy > &rhs)
template<int RTYPE, template< class > class StoragePolicy>
Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy > tranpose_impl (const Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy > &x)
template<template< class > class StoragePolicy>
Matrix< REALSXP, StoragePolicy > transpose (const Matrix< REALSXP, StoragePolicy > &x)
template<template< class > class StoragePolicy>
Matrix< INTSXP, StoragePolicy > transpose (const Matrix< INTSXP, StoragePolicy > &x)
template<template< class > class StoragePolicy>
Matrix< STRSXP, StoragePolicy > transpose (const Matrix< STRSXP, StoragePolicy > &x)
no_init_vector no_init (R_xlen_t size)
no_init_matrix no_init (int nr, int nc)
template<int RTYPE, template< class > class StoragePolicy>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy > &rhs)
template<template< class > class StoragePolicy>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const Vector< STRSXP, StoragePolicy > &rhs)
 RCPP_API_CLASS (WeakReference_Impl)
template<typename T >
void standard_delete_finalizer (T *obj)
template<typename T , void Finalizer>
void finalizer_wrapper (SEXP p)
SEXP Rcpp_PreserveObject (SEXP x)
void Rcpp_ReleaseObject (SEXP x)
SEXP Rcpp_ReplaceObject (SEXP x, SEXP y)
SEXP Rcpp_PreciousPreserve (SEXP object)
void Rcpp_PreciousRelease (SEXP token)
static int tzparse (const char *name, struct state *sp, int lastditch)
static int typesequiv (const struct state *sp, int a, int b)
static const chargetsecs (const char *strp, int_fast32_t *secsp)
static const chargetnum (const char *strp, int *const nump, const int min, const int max)
static const chargetrule (const char *strp, struct rule *const rulep)
static int_fast32_t transtime (int year, const struct rule *rulep, int_fast32_t offset)
static struct tmtimesub (const time_t *timep, int_fast32_t offset, const struct state *sp, struct tm *tmp)
static int leaps_thru_end_of (const int y)
static int increment_overflow (int *const ip, int j)
static int increment_overflow_time (time_t *tp, int_fast32_t j)
static int_fast32_t detzcode (const char *const codep)
static int_fast64_t detzcode64 (const char *const codep)
static int differ_by_repeat (const time_t t1, const time_t t0)
static const chargetzname (const char *strp)
static const chargetqzname (const char *strp, const int delim)
static const chargetoffset (const char *strp, int_fast32_t *const offsetp)
static int tzload (const char *name, struct state *const sp, const int doextend)
static void gmtload (struct state *const sp)
static struct tmgmtsub (const time_t *const timep, const int_fast32_t offset, struct tm *const tmp)


 DottedPairProxyPolicy< DottedPair_Impl< StoragePolicy > >
 DottedPairImpl< DottedPair_Impl< StoragePolicy > >
 BindingPolicy< Environment_Impl< StoragePolicy > >
 DottedPairProxyPolicy< Formula_Impl< StoragePolicy > >
 DottedPairImpl< Formula_Impl< StoragePolicy > >
static Rostream< trueRcout = Rcpp_cout_get()
static Rostream< falseRcerr = Rcpp_cerr_get()
 DottedPairProxyPolicy< Language_Impl< StoragePolicy > >
 DottedPairImpl< Language_Impl< StoragePolicy > >
static Na_Proxy NA
static internal::NamedPlaceHolder _
 DottedPairProxyPolicy< Pairlist_Impl< StoragePolicy > >
 DottedPairImpl< Pairlist_Impl< StoragePolicy > >
 FieldProxyPolicy< Reference_Impl< StoragePolicy > >
 DottedPairProxyPolicy< StretchyList_Impl< StoragePolicy > >
static SEXP Rcpp_precious = R_NilValue
static time_t const time_t_min = MINVAL(time_t, TYPE_BIT(time_t))
static time_t const time_t_max = MAXVAL(time_t, TYPE_BIT(time_t))
static const char gmt [] = "GMT"
static const int mon_lengths [2][MONSPERYEAR]
static const int year_lengths [2]
static int gmt_is_set
static struct state gmtmem
static struct tm tm
static Modulecurrent_scope

Detailed Description

Rcpp API.

Typedef Documentation

◆ CharacterMatrix

◆ CharacterVector

◆ ComplexMatrix

◆ ComplexVector

◆ const_Proxy

Definition at line 38 of file Language.h.

◆ DataFrame

◆ DatetimeVector

◆ DateVector

◆ DottedPair

◆ DoubleVector

◆ Environment

◆ ExpressionMatrix

◆ ExpressionVector

◆ Formula

◆ Function

◆ GenericMatrix

◆ GenericVector

◆ IntegerMatrix

◆ IntegerVector

◆ InternalFunction

◆ Language

◆ List

Definition at line 37 of file instantiation.h.

◆ ListMatrix

Definition at line 49 of file instantiation.h.

◆ LogicalMatrix

◆ LogicalVector

◆ nanotime_t

Definition at line 47 of file Timer.h.

◆ NumericMatrix

◆ NumericVector

◆ Pairlist

◆ Promise

◆ RawMatrix

Definition at line 44 of file instantiation.h.

◆ RawVector

Definition at line 32 of file instantiation.h.

◆ Reference

◆ RObject

◆ S4

Definition at line 77 of file S4.h.

◆ StretchyList

◆ StringMatrix

Definition at line 47 of file instantiation.h.

◆ StringVector

Definition at line 35 of file instantiation.h.

◆ Symbol

◆ ValidConstructor

typedef bool(* Rcpp::ValidConstructor) (SEXP *, int)

Definition at line 261 of file Module.h.

◆ ValidMethod

typedef bool(* Rcpp::ValidMethod) (SEXP *, int)

Definition at line 262 of file Module.h.

◆ WeakReference

Function Documentation

◆ __any() [1/2]

template<class InputIterator , class T >
bool Rcpp::__any ( InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  last,
const T &  value,

Definition at line 32 of file algo.h.

References as().

Referenced by any().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ __any() [2/2]

bool Rcpp::__any ( RandomAccessIterator  __first,
RandomAccessIterator  __last,
const T &  __val,

Definition at line 39 of file algo.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ __any_if() [1/2]

bool Rcpp::__any_if ( InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  last,
Predicate  pred,

Definition at line 98 of file algo.h.

References as().

Referenced by any_if().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ __any_if() [2/2]

bool Rcpp::__any_if ( RandomAccessIterator  __first,
RandomAccessIterator  __last,
Predicate  __pred,

Definition at line 105 of file algo.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ all()

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::All< NA, T > Rcpp::all ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< LGLSXP, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 84 of file all.h.

Referenced by ls().

◆ any() [1/2]

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Any< NA, T > Rcpp::any ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< LGLSXP, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 81 of file any.h.

◆ any() [2/2]

template<class InputIterator , class T >
bool Rcpp::any ( InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  last,
const T &  value 

stl like algorithm to identify if any of the objects in the range is equal to the value

Definition at line 89 of file algo.h.

References __any(), and as().

Referenced by Rcpp::sugar::Median< RTYPE, NA, T, NA_RM >::operator result_type(), and Rcpp::sugar::Median< STRSXP, NA, T, NA_RM >::operator result_type().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ any_if()

bool Rcpp::any_if ( InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  last,
Predicate  pred 

stl-like algorithm to identify if the predicate is true for any of the objects in the range

Definition at line 155 of file algo.h.

References __any_if(), and as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ as() [1/2]

template<typename T >
T Rcpp::as ( SEXP  x)

Generic converted from SEXP to the typename. T can be any type that has a constructor taking a SEXP, which is the case for all our RObject and derived classes.

If it is not possible to add the SEXP constructor, e.g you don't control the type, you can specialize the as template to perform the requested conversion

This is used for example in Environment, so that for example the code below will work as long as there is a way to as<> the Foo type

Environment x = ... ; // some environment Foo y = x["bla"] ; // if as<Foo> makes sense then this works !!

Definition at line 151 of file as.h.

References Rcpp::internal::as().

Referenced by __any(), __any(), __any_if(), __any_if(), Rcpp::Module::Add(), Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerators::add(), Rcpp::class_Base::add_enum(), Rcpp::Module::add_enum(), Rcpp::sugar::IndexHash< RTYPE >::add_value(), Rcpp::sugar::SelfHash< RTYPE >::add_value_get_index(), Rcpp::Module::AddClass(), any(), any_if(), Rcpp::String::append(), Rcpp::String::append_wide_string(), Rcpp::sugar::All< NA, T >::apply(), Rcpp::sugar::All< false, T >::apply(), Rcpp::sugar::Any< NA, T >::apply(), Rcpp::sugar::Any< false, T >::apply(), Rcpp::sugar::And_SingleLogicalResult_SingleLogicalResult< LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::apply(), Rcpp::sugar::And_SingleLogicalResult_SingleLogicalResult< LHS_NA, LHS_T, false, RHS_T >::apply(), Rcpp::sugar::And_SingleLogicalResult_SingleLogicalResult< false, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::apply(), Rcpp::sugar::And_SingleLogicalResult_SingleLogicalResult< false, LHS_T, false, RHS_T >::apply(), Rcpp::sugar::And_SingleLogicalResult_bool< LHS_NA, LHS_T >::apply(), Rcpp::sugar::Or_SingleLogicalResult_SingleLogicalResult< LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::apply(), Rcpp::sugar::Or_SingleLogicalResult_SingleLogicalResult< LHS_NA, LHS_T, false, RHS_T >::apply(), Rcpp::sugar::Or_SingleLogicalResult_SingleLogicalResult< false, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::apply(), Rcpp::sugar::Or_SingleLogicalResult_SingleLogicalResult< false, LHS_T, false, RHS_T >::apply(), Rcpp::sugar::Or_SingleLogicalResult_bool< LHS_NA, LHS_T >::apply(), Rcpp::sugar::not_< REALSXP, NA >::apply(), Rcpp::sugar::not_< REALSXP, false >::apply(), Rcpp::sugar::negate< NA >::apply(), Rcpp::sugar::negate< false >::apply(), Rcpp::sugar::not_< CPLXSXP, NA >::apply(), Rcpp::sugar::not_< CPLXSXP, false >::apply(), Rcpp::sugar::unary_minus< CPLXSXP, NA >::apply(), Rcpp::sugar::unary_minus< CPLXSXP, false >::apply(), Rcpp::sugar::not_< RTYPE, NA >::apply(), Rcpp::sugar::not_< RTYPE, false >::apply(), Rcpp::Armor< T >::Armor(), Rcpp::internal::as(), as_character_externalptr(), assign(), assign(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::assign(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::assign_object(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::assign_sugar_expression(), Rcpp::String::assign_wide_string(), Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::at(), Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::at(), Rcpp::AttributeProxyPolicy< CLASS >::attr(), Rcpp::AttributeProxyPolicy< CLASS >::attr(), Rcpp::AttributeProxyPolicy< CLASS >::attributeNames(), Rcpp::attributes::SourceFileAttributesParser::attributeWarning(), Rcpp::attributes::SourceFileAttributesParser::attributeWarning(), bare_as(), base_env(), base_namespace(), bindingIsActive(), bindingIsLocked(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind(), Rcpp::SubsetProxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy, RHS_RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::check_indices(), Rcpp::sugar::detail::check_na(), Rcpp::sugar::detail::check_na(), Rcpp::sugar::detail::check_na(), Rcpp::sugar::detail::check_na(), Rcpp::sugar::detail::check_na(), Rcpp::internal::check_single_string(), Rcpp::XPtr< T, StoragePolicy, Finalizer, finalizeOnExit >::checked_get(), Rcpp::XPtr< T, StoragePolicy, Finalizer, finalizeOnExit >::checked_set(), Rcpp::attributes::checkRSignature(), checkUserInterrupt(), Rcpp::Module::class_names(), Rcpp::Module::classes_info(), clone(), Rcpp::sugar::collapse__impl(), colMeans(), colSums(), Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerator::commit(), Rcpp::attributes::CppExportsGenerator::commit(), Rcpp::attributes::CppExportsIncludeGenerator::commit(), Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerators::commit(), compileAttributes(), Rcpp::Module::complete(), Rcpp::DottedPairProxyPolicy< CLASS >::const_DottedPairProxy::const_DottedPairProxy(), Rcpp::SlotProxyPolicy< CLASS >::const_SlotProxy::const_SlotProxy(), Rcpp::ConstMatrixColumn< RTYPE >::ConstMatrixColumn(), Rcpp::ConstMatrixRow< RTYPE >::ConstMatrixRow(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::ContainerBindable< RTYPE, T >::ContainerBindable(), Rcpp::sugar::IndexHash< RTYPE >::contains(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::containsElementNamed(), converter(), convolve(), convolve11cpp(), convolve14cpp(), convolve5cpp(), Rcpp::NoProtectStorage< CLASS >::copy__(), Rcpp::PreserveStorage< CLASS >::copy__(), Rcpp::exception::copy_stack_trace_to_r(), Rcpp::CppClass::CppClass(), Rcpp::attributes::CppExportsIncludeGenerator::CppExportsIncludeGenerator(), Rcpp::CppObject::CppObject(), Rcpp::attributes::CppPackageIncludeGenerator::CppPackageIncludeGenerator(), Rcpp::attributes::createDirectory(), Rcpp::attributes::Attribute::customRSignature(), Rcpp::stats::d_exp_0(), Rcpp::DataFrame_Impl< StoragePolicy >::DataFrame_Impl(), Rcpp::Date::Date(), Rcpp::Date::Date(), Rcpp::Date::Date(), Rcpp::Datetime::Datetime(), Rcpp::Datetime::Datetime(), demangle(), detzcode(), detzcode64(), dexp(), Rcpp::stats::dgamma_1(), Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::diag(), differ_by_repeat(), Rcpp::Dimension::Dimension(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::dims(), Rcpp::stats::dlnorm_0(), Rcpp::stats::dlnorm_1(), Rcpp::stats::dlogis_0(), Rcpp::stats::dlogis_1(), Rcpp::stats::dnorm_0(), Rcpp::stats::dnorm_1(), Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerator::dotNameHelper(), Rcpp::DottedPairProxyPolicy< CLASS >::DottedPairProxy::DottedPairProxy(), Rcpp::attributes::CppExportsGenerator::doWriteFunctions(), Rcpp::attributes::CppExportsIncludeGenerator::doWriteFunctions(), Rcpp::attributes::RExportsGenerator::doWriteFunctions(), Rcpp::stats::dunif_0(), Rcpp::stats::dweibull_1(), Rcpp::sugar::EmpiricalSample(), Rcpp::sugar::EmpiricalSample(), empty_env(), Rcpp::attributes::endsWith(), Environment_Impl(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::erase(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::erase(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::erase(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::erase(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::erase_range__impl(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::erase_single__impl(), eval(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::eval(), exists(), Rcpp::algorithm::exp(), Rcpp::internal::export_range__dispatch(), Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerator::ExportsGenerator(), Rcpp::attributes::FileInfo::extension(), Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, na, MATRIX >::eye(), fast_eval(), fastLm(), Rcpp::FieldProxyPolicy< CLASS >::field(), Rcpp::FieldProxyPolicy< CLASS >::field(), Rcpp::attributes::FileInfo::FileInfo(), Rcpp::attributes::FileInfo::FileInfo(), Rcpp::sugar::IndexHash< RTYPE >::fill(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::fill(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::fill__dispatch(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::fill__dispatch(), Rcpp::sugar::IndexHash< RTYPE >::fill_and_get_duplicated(), Rcpp::sugar::SelfHash< RTYPE >::fill_and_self_match(), Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::fill_diag(), Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::fill_diag__dispatch(), Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::fill_diag__dispatch(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::fill_or_generate__impl(), finalizer_wrapper(), find(), find(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::findName(), Rcpp::Datetime::format(), Rcpp::Date::format(), Formula_Impl(), Formula_Impl(), Rcpp::DataFrame_Impl< StoragePolicy >::from_list(), Rcpp::Module::functions_arity(), Rcpp::Module::functions_names(), Rcpp::attributes::generateCpp(), Rcpp::attributes::generateRArgList(), Rcpp::traits::ContainerExporter< ContainerTemplate, T >::get(), Rcpp::AttributeProxyPolicy< CLASS >::AttributeProxy::get(), Rcpp::AttributeProxyPolicy< CLASS >::const_AttributeProxy::get(), Rcpp::DottedPairProxyPolicy< CLASS >::DottedPairProxy::get(), Rcpp::DottedPairProxyPolicy< CLASS >::const_DottedPairProxy::get(), Rcpp::FieldProxyPolicy< CLASS >::FieldProxy::get(), Rcpp::FieldProxyPolicy< CLASS >::const_FieldProxy::get(), Rcpp::ProtectedProxyPolicy< XPtrClass >::ProtectedProxy::get(), Rcpp::ProtectedProxyPolicy< XPtrClass >::const_ProtectedProxy::get(), Rcpp::SlotProxyPolicy< CLASS >::SlotProxy::get(), Rcpp::SlotProxyPolicy< CLASS >::const_SlotProxy::get(), Rcpp::TagProxyPolicy< XPtrClass >::TagProxy::get(), Rcpp::TagProxyPolicy< XPtrClass >::const_TagProxy::get(), Rcpp::sugar::Cummax< RTYPE, NA, T >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::Cummin< RTYPE, NA, T >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::Cumprod< RTYPE, NA, T >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::Cumsum< RTYPE, NA, T >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::Mean< RTYPE, NA, T >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::Mean< CPLXSXP, NA, T >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::Mean< LGLSXP, NA, T >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::Mean< INTSXP, NA, T >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::RowSumsImpl< RTYPE, NA, T, NA_RM >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::RowSumsImpl< RTYPE, NA, T, true >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::ColSumsImpl< RTYPE, NA, T, NA_RM >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::ColSumsImpl< RTYPE, NA, T, true >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::RowMeansImpl< RTYPE, NA, T, NA_RM >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::RowMeansImpl< RTYPE, NA, T, true >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::ColMeansImpl< RTYPE, NA, T, NA_RM >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::ColMeansImpl< RTYPE, NA, T, true >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::SetDiff< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::SetEqual< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::Intersect< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::Union< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::Sum< RTYPE, NA, T >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::Sum< REALSXP, NA, T >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::Sum< RTYPE, false, T >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::Var< RTYPE, NA, T >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::Var< CPLXSXP, NA, T >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::WhichMax< RTYPE, NA, T >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::WhichMax< RTYPE, false, T >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::WhichMin< RTYPE, NA, T >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::WhichMin< RTYPE, false, T >::get(), Rcpp::XPtr< T, StoragePolicy, Finalizer, finalizeOnExit >::get(), get(), Rcpp::sugar::sign__impl< NA, RTYPE >::get(), get(), Rcpp::sugar::IndexHash< RTYPE >::get_addr(), Rcpp::sugar::SelfHash< RTYPE >::get_addr(), Rcpp::sugar::IndexHash< RTYPE >::get_addr(), Rcpp::sugar::SelfHash< RTYPE >::get_addr(), Rcpp::Module::get_class(), Rcpp::Module::get_class_pointer(), Rcpp::sugar::get_const_end(), Rcpp::String::get_cstring(), Rcpp::CppFunction::get_formals(), Rcpp::Module::get_function(), Rcpp::Module::get_function_ptr(), Rcpp::sugar::IndexHash< RTYPE >::get_index(), Rcpp::sugar::SelfHash< RTYPE >::get_index(), Rcpp::SubsetProxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy, RHS_RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::get_indices(), Rcpp::SubsetProxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy, RHS_RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::get_indices(), Rcpp::SubsetProxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy, RHS_RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::get_indices(), Rcpp::SubsetProxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy, RHS_RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::get_indices(), Rcpp::traits::get_na< CPLXSXP >(), Rcpp::traits::get_na< INTSXP >(), Rcpp::traits::get_na< LGLSXP >(), Rcpp::traits::get_na< REALSXP >(), Rcpp::traits::get_na< STRSXP >(), Rcpp::traits::get_na< VECSXP >(), Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >::get_parent_index(), Rcpp::ConstMatrixRow< RTYPE >::get_parent_index(), Rcpp::sugar::IndexHash< RTYPE >::get_profile_data(), get_return_type(), get_return_type_dispatch(), Rcpp::sugar::SingleLogicalResult< NA, T >::get_sexp(), Rcpp::String::get_sexp_impl(), Rcpp::SubsetProxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy, RHS_RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::get_vec(), getnum(), getoffset(), getqzname(), getRcppVersionStrings(), getrule(), getsecs(), getzname(), global_env(), gmtime_(), gmtload(), gmtsub(), grow(), grow(), Rcpp::class_Base::has_default_constructor(), Rcpp::class_Base::has_method(), Rcpp::class_Base::has_property(), Rcpp::AttributeProxyPolicy< CLASS >::hasAttribute(), Rcpp::attributes::SourceFileAttributesParser::hasInterface(), Rcpp::SlotProxyPolicy< CLASS >::hasSlot(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::import(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::import_expression(), Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::import_matrix_expression(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::import_sugar_expression(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::import_sugar_expression(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::import_transform(), in(), increment_overflow(), increment_overflow_time(), Rcpp::sugar::IndexHash< RTYPE >::IndexHash(), Rcpp::NoProtectStorage< CLASS >::inherits(), Rcpp::PreserveStorage< CLASS >::inherits(), Rcpp::Armor< T >::init(), Rcpp::DottedPairImpl< CLASS >::insert(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::insert(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::insert(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::insert__impl(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::insert__impl(), Rcpp::sugar::Intersect< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::Intersect(), Rcpp::NoProtectStorage< CLASS >::invalidate__(), Rcpp::PreserveStorage< CLASS >::invalidate__(), Rcpp::attributes::Attribute::invisible(), Rcpp::Module::invoke(), Rcpp::class_Base::invoke(), Rcpp::class_Base::invoke_notvoid(), Rcpp::class_Base::invoke_void(), Rcpp::CppMethod< Class >::is_const(), Rcpp::sugar::SingleLogicalResult< NA, T >::is_false(), Rcpp::traits::is_finite< CPLXSXP >(), Rcpp::traits::is_finite< INTSXP >(), Rcpp::traits::is_finite< LGLSXP >(), Rcpp::traits::is_finite< REALSXP >(), Rcpp::traits::is_infinite(), Rcpp::traits::is_infinite< REALSXP >(), Rcpp::String::is_na(), Rcpp::traits::is_na< CPLXSXP >(), Rcpp::traits::is_na< INTSXP >(), Rcpp::traits::is_na< LGLSXP >(), Rcpp::traits::is_na< REALSXP >(), Rcpp::traits::is_na< STRSXP >(), Rcpp::traits::is_nan(), Rcpp::sugar::SingleLogicalResult< NA, T >::is_true(), Rcpp::CppMethod< Class >::is_void(), Rcpp::CppFunction::is_void(), isLocked(), Rcpp::RObjectMethods< Class >::isNULL(), Rcpp::RObjectMethods< Class >::isObject(), Rcpp::attributes::isQuoted(), Rcpp::attributes::isRoxygenCpp(), Rcpp::RObjectMethods< Class >::isS4(), Rcpp::attributes::isWhitespace(), Rcpp::sugar::detail::isws(), Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, na, MATRIX >::iterator::iterator(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::JoinOp< RTYPE, E1, E2 >::JoinOp(), Language_Impl(), Language_Impl(), Language_Impl(), Language_Impl(), lapplyCpp(), Rcpp::DottedPairImpl< CLASS >::length(), Rcpp::ListOf< T >::ListOf(), Rcpp::ListOf< T >::ListOf(), lock(), lockBinding(), Rcpp::algorithm::log(), Rcpp::sugar::IndexHash< RTYPE >::lookup__impl(), ls(), make_string_transformer(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::MakeScalarBindable(), mapply(), mapply(), mapply(), mapply(), match(), Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Matrix(), Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Matrix(), Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Matrix(), Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Matrix(), Rcpp::MatrixColumn< RTYPE >::MatrixColumn(), Rcpp::MatrixColumn< RTYPE >::MatrixColumn(), Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >::MatrixRow(), Rcpp::algorithm::mean(), median(), message(), mktime00(), Module__invoke(), Rcpp::algorithm::helpers::rtype_helper< double >::NA(), Rcpp::algorithm::helpers::rtype_helper< int >::NA(), Rcpp::sugar::na_omit_impl(), Rcpp::sugar::na_omit_impl(), Named(), Rcpp::NamesProxyPolicy< CLASS >::names(), Rcpp::NamesProxyPolicy< CLASS >::names(), namespace_env(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::BindableExpression< RTYPE, E >::ncol(), new_child(), new_env(), new_env(), Rcpp::newDatetimeVector::newDatetimeVector(), Rcpp::newDatetimeVector::newDatetimeVector(), Rcpp::newDatetimeVector::newDatetimeVector(), Rcpp::class_Base::newInstance(), Rcpp::sugar::Normalize(), Rcpp::Timer::now(), Rcpp::DataFrame_Impl< StoragePolicy >::nrow(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::BindableExpression< RTYPE, E >::nrow(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::offset(), Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::offset(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::offset(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::offset(), Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, na, MATRIX >::ones(), Rcpp::traits::one_type< T >::op(), Rcpp::traits::zero_type< T >::op(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::BindableExpression< RTYPE, ContainerBindable< RTYPE, T > >::operator const ContainerBindable< RTYPE, T > &(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::BindableExpression< RTYPE, ContainerBindable< RTYPE, T > >::operator ContainerBindable< RTYPE, T > &(), Rcpp::sugar::Lazy< detail::ColMeansReturn< RTYPE >::type, ColMeansImpl< RTYPE, NA, T, false > >::operator detail::ColMeansReturn< RTYPE >::type(), Rcpp::sugar::Table< RTYPE, TABLE_T >::operator IntegerVector(), Rcpp::no_init_matrix::operator Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >(), Rcpp::sugar::Median< RTYPE, NA, T, NA_RM >::operator result_type(), Rcpp::sugar::Median< RTYPE, NA, T, true >::operator result_type(), Rcpp::sugar::Median< RTYPE, false, T, NA_RM >::operator result_type(), Rcpp::sugar::Median< STRSXP, NA, T, NA_RM >::operator result_type(), Rcpp::sugar::Median< STRSXP, NA, T, true >::operator result_type(), Rcpp::sugar::Median< STRSXP, false, T, true >::operator result_type(), Rcpp::Timer::operator SEXP(), operator SEXP(), Rcpp::String::operator std::wstring(), Rcpp::sugar::Max< RTYPE, NA, T >::operator STORAGE(), Rcpp::sugar::Max< RTYPE, false, T >::operator STORAGE(), Rcpp::sugar::Min< RTYPE, NA, T >::operator STORAGE(), Rcpp::sugar::Min< RTYPE, false, T >::operator STORAGE(), Rcpp::InputParameter< T >::operator T(), Rcpp::AttributeProxyPolicy< CLASS >::const_AttributeProxy::operator T(), Rcpp::BindingPolicy< EnvironmentClass >::Binding::operator T(), Rcpp::BindingPolicy< EnvironmentClass >::const_Binding::operator T(), Rcpp::DottedPairProxyPolicy< CLASS >::DottedPairProxy::operator T(), Rcpp::DottedPairProxyPolicy< CLASS >::const_DottedPairProxy::operator T(), Rcpp::FieldProxyPolicy< CLASS >::FieldProxy::operator T(), Rcpp::FieldProxyPolicy< CLASS >::const_FieldProxy::operator T(), Rcpp::NamesProxyPolicy< CLASS >::const_NamesProxy::operator T(), Rcpp::SlotProxyPolicy< CLASS >::SlotProxy::operator T(), Rcpp::SlotProxyPolicy< CLASS >::const_SlotProxy::operator T(), Rcpp::ProtectedProxyPolicy< XPtrClass >::ProtectedProxy::operator U(), Rcpp::ProtectedProxyPolicy< XPtrClass >::const_ProtectedProxy::operator U(), Rcpp::XPtr< T, StoragePolicy, Finalizer, finalizeOnExit >::operator unspecified_bool_type(), Rcpp::sugar::Range< RTYPE, NA, T >::operator Vector< RTYPE >(), Rcpp::sugar::Range< RTYPE, false, T >::operator Vector< RTYPE >(), Rcpp::no_init_vector::operator Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >(), Rcpp::XPtr< T, StoragePolicy, Finalizer, finalizeOnExit >::operator!(), Rcpp::attributes::Argument::operator!=(), Rcpp::attributes::Attribute::operator!=(), Rcpp::ConstMatrixRow< RTYPE >::const_iterator::operator!=(), Rcpp::String::operator!=(), Rcpp::attributes::FileInfo::operator!=(), Rcpp::attributes::Function::operator!=(), Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >::iter_base< TRAITS >::operator!=(), Rcpp::attributes::Param::operator!=(), Rcpp::String::operator!=(), Rcpp::String::operator!=(), Rcpp::attributes::Type::operator!=(), Rcpp::String::operator!=(), Rcpp::fixed_call< RESULT_TYPE >::operator()(), Rcpp::stats::CauchyGenerator::operator()(), Rcpp::stats::CauchyGenerator_1::operator()(), Rcpp::stats::CauchyGenerator_0::operator()(), Rcpp::stats::FGenerator_Finite_Finite::operator()(), Rcpp::stats::FGenerator_NotFinite_Finite::operator()(), Rcpp::stats::LogisGenerator::operator()(), Rcpp::stats::LogisGenerator_1::operator()(), Rcpp::stats::LogisGenerator_0::operator()(), Rcpp::stats::NBinomGenerator::operator()(), Rcpp::stats::NBinomGenerator_Mu::operator()(), Rcpp::stats::NChisqGenerator::operator()(), Rcpp::stats::TGenerator::operator()(), Rcpp::stats::UnifGenerator::operator()(), Rcpp::stats::UnifGenerator__0__1::operator()(), Rcpp::stats::WeibullGenerator::operator()(), Rcpp::CppMethod< Class >::operator()(), Rcpp::CppInheritedMethod< Class, Parent >::operator()(), Rcpp::StringTransformer< UnaryOperator >::operator()(), Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::operator()(), Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::operator()(), Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::operator()(), Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::operator()(), Rcpp::unary_call< T, RESULT_TYPE >::operator()(), Rcpp::sugar::pmax_op_Vector_Primitive< REALSXP, true >::operator()(), Rcpp::sugar::pmin_op_Vector_Primitive< REALSXP, true >::operator()(), Rcpp::sugar::pmax_op< REALSXP, true, true >::operator()(), Rcpp::sugar::pmax_op< REALSXP, true, false >::operator()(), Rcpp::sugar::pmax_op< REALSXP, false, true >::operator()(), Rcpp::sugar::pmax_op< REALSXP, false, false >::operator()(), Rcpp::sugar::pmin_op< REALSXP, true, true >::operator()(), Rcpp::sugar::pmin_op< REALSXP, true, false >::operator()(), Rcpp::sugar::pmin_op< REALSXP, false, true >::operator()(), Rcpp::sugar::pmin_op< REALSXP, false, false >::operator()(), Rcpp::sugar::pmax_op< INTSXP, LHS_NA, RHS_NA >::operator()(), Rcpp::sugar::pmin_op< INTSXP, LHS_NA, RHS_NA >::operator()(), Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::operator()(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::BindableExpression< RTYPE, E >::operator()(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::JoinOp< RTYPE, E1, E2 >::operator()(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::JoinOp< RTYPE, E1, ScalarBindable< typename scalar< RTYPE >::type > >::operator()(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::JoinOp< RTYPE, ScalarBindable< typename scalar< RTYPE >::type >, E2 >::operator()(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::JoinOp< RTYPE, ScalarBindable< typename scalar< RTYPE >::type >, ScalarBindable< typename scalar< RTYPE >::type > >::operator()(), Rcpp::CppFunctionBase::operator()(), Rcpp::InternalFunctionWithStdFunction::CppFunctionBaseFromStdFunction< RESULT_TYPE, Args >::operator()(), Rcpp::Shelter< T >::operator()(), Rcpp::sugar::pmax_op_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA >::operator()(), Rcpp::sugar::pmin_op_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA >::operator()(), Rcpp::sugar::SelfInserter< HASH, STORAGE >::operator()(), Rcpp::sugar::Grabber< HASH, RTYPE >::operator()(), Rcpp::algorithm::helpers::log::operator()(), Rcpp::algorithm::helpers::exp::operator()(), Rcpp::algorithm::helpers::sqrt::operator()(), operator*(), operator+(), Rcpp::Range::operator++(), Rcpp::sugar::SugarIterator< T >::operator++(), Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, na, MATRIX >::iterator::operator++(), Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >::iter_base< TRAITS >::operator++(), Rcpp::ConstMatrixRow< RTYPE >::const_iterator::operator++(), Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::iter_base< TRAITS >::operator++(), Rcpp::String::operator+=(), Rcpp::String::operator+=(), Rcpp::String::operator+=(), Rcpp::String::operator+=(), Rcpp::String::operator+=(), Rcpp::String::operator+=(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::operator+=(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::operator+=(), Rcpp::String::operator+=(), Rcpp::sugar::SugarIterator< T >::operator+=(), Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, na, MATRIX >::iterator::operator+=(), Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >::iter_base< TRAITS >::operator+=(), Rcpp::ConstMatrixRow< RTYPE >::const_iterator::operator+=(), Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::iter_base< TRAITS >::operator+=(), Rcpp::Range::operator+=(), Rcpp::String::operator+=(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::operator,(), Rcpp::ConstMatrixRow< RTYPE >::const_iterator::operator-(), Rcpp::ConstMatrixRow< RTYPE >::const_iterator::operator-(), Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >::iter_base< TRAITS >::operator-(), Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >::iter_base< TRAITS >::operator-(), Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::iter_base< TRAITS >::operator-(), Rcpp::sugar::SugarIterator< T >::operator-(), Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, na, MATRIX >::iterator::operator-(), operator-(), Rcpp::Range::operator--(), Rcpp::sugar::SugarIterator< T >::operator--(), Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, na, MATRIX >::iterator::operator--(), Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >::iter_base< TRAITS >::operator--(), Rcpp::ConstMatrixRow< RTYPE >::const_iterator::operator--(), Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::iter_base< TRAITS >::operator--(), Rcpp::sugar::SugarIterator< T >::operator-=(), Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, na, MATRIX >::iterator::operator-=(), Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >::iter_base< TRAITS >::operator-=(), Rcpp::ConstMatrixRow< RTYPE >::const_iterator::operator-=(), Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::iter_base< TRAITS >::operator-=(), Rcpp::Range::operator-=(), operator/(), Rcpp::ConstMatrixRow< RTYPE >::const_iterator::operator<(), Rcpp::attributes::FileInfo::operator<(), Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >::iter_base< TRAITS >::operator<(), Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::iter_base< TRAITS >::operator<(), Rcpp::sugar::SugarIterator< T >::operator<(), Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, na, MATRIX >::iterator::operator<(), Rcpp::String::operator<(), Rcpp::attributes::FileInfo::operator<<(), Rcpp::attributes::operator<<(), Rcpp::attributes::operator<<(), Rcpp::attributes::operator<<(), Rcpp::attributes::operator<<(), Rcpp::attributes::operator<<(), operator<<(), operator<<(), operator<<(), operator<<(), operator<<(), operator<<(), Rcpp::ConstMatrixRow< RTYPE >::const_iterator::operator<=(), Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >::iter_base< TRAITS >::operator<=(), Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::iter_base< TRAITS >::operator<=(), Rcpp::sugar::SugarIterator< T >::operator<=(), Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, na, MATRIX >::iterator::operator<=(), Rcpp::SubsetProxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy, RHS_RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::operator=(), Rcpp::AttributeProxyPolicy< CLASS >::AttributeProxy::operator=(), Rcpp::BindingPolicy< EnvironmentClass >::Binding::operator=(), Rcpp::SubsetProxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy, RHS_RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::operator=(), Rcpp::String::operator=(), Rcpp::ChildVector< T >::operator=(), Rcpp::Dimension::operator=(), Rcpp::ListOf< T >::operator=(), Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::operator=(), Rcpp::MatrixColumn< RTYPE >::operator=(), Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >::operator=(), Rcpp::NamesProxyPolicy< CLASS >::NamesProxy::operator=(), Rcpp::MatrixColumn< RTYPE >::operator=(), Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >::operator=(), Rcpp::SlotProxyPolicy< CLASS >::SlotProxy::operator=(), Rcpp::String::operator=(), Rcpp::String::operator=(), Rcpp::String::operator=(), Rcpp::String::operator=(), Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::operator=(), Rcpp::SubsetProxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy, RHS_RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::operator=(), Rcpp::SubsetProxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy, RHS_RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::operator=(), Rcpp::ChildVector< T >::operator=(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::operator=(), Rcpp::ChildVector< T >::operator=(), Rcpp::ListOf< T >::operator=(), Rcpp::ProtectedProxyPolicy< XPtrClass >::ProtectedProxy::operator=(), Rcpp::Armor< T >::operator=(), Rcpp::SubsetProxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy, RHS_RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::operator=(), Rcpp::String::operator=(), Rcpp::XPtr< T, StoragePolicy, Finalizer, finalizeOnExit >::operator=(), Rcpp::DataFrame_Impl< StoragePolicy >::operator=(), Rcpp::SubsetProxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy, RHS_RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::operator=(), Rcpp::SubsetProxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy, RHS_RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::operator=(), Rcpp::DataFrame_Impl< StoragePolicy >::operator=(), Rcpp::attributes::Argument::operator==(), Rcpp::attributes::Attribute::operator==(), Rcpp::ConstMatrixRow< RTYPE >::const_iterator::operator==(), Rcpp::String::operator==(), Rcpp::attributes::FileInfo::operator==(), Rcpp::attributes::Function::operator==(), Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >::iter_base< TRAITS >::operator==(), Rcpp::attributes::Param::operator==(), Rcpp::String::operator==(), Rcpp::String::operator==(), Rcpp::attributes::Type::operator==(), Rcpp::String::operator==(), Rcpp::ConstMatrixRow< RTYPE >::const_iterator::operator>(), Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >::iter_base< TRAITS >::operator>(), Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::iter_base< TRAITS >::operator>(), Rcpp::sugar::SugarIterator< T >::operator>(), Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, na, MATRIX >::iterator::operator>(), Rcpp::String::operator>(), Rcpp::ConstMatrixRow< RTYPE >::const_iterator::operator>=(), Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >::iter_base< TRAITS >::operator>=(), Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::iter_base< TRAITS >::operator>=(), Rcpp::sugar::SugarIterator< T >::operator>=(), Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, na, MATRIX >::iterator::operator>=(), Rcpp::BindingPolicy< EnvironmentClass >::operator[](), Rcpp::BindingPolicy< EnvironmentClass >::operator[](), Rcpp::ListOf< T >::operator[](), Rcpp::ListOf< T >::operator[](), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::operator[](), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::operator[](), Rcpp::Dimension::operator[](), Rcpp::DottedPairProxyPolicy< CLASS >::operator[](), Rcpp::Dimension::operator[](), Rcpp::DottedPairProxyPolicy< CLASS >::operator[](), Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >::operator[](), Rcpp::ConstMatrixRow< RTYPE >::operator[](), Rcpp::ListOf< T >::operator[](), Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::operator[](), Rcpp::sugar::SugarMath_1< NA, RESULT_TYPE, U1, T1, FunPtr >::operator[](), Rcpp::sugar::Vectorized< Func, NA, VEC >::operator[](), Rcpp::sugar::Vectorized_INTSXP< Func, NA, VEC >::operator[](), Rcpp::sugar::Vectorized_INTSXP< Func, false, VEC >::operator[](), Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::BindableExpression< RTYPE, E >::operator[](), Rcpp::sugar::SugarComplex< NA, RESULT_TYPE, T, FunPtr >::operator[](), Rcpp::sugar::IsNa< RTYPE, false, VEC_TYPE >::operator[](), Rcpp::sugar::Pow< INTSXP, NA, T, EXPONENT_TYPE >::operator[](), Rcpp::sugar::And_LogicalExpression_LogicalExpression< LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::operator[](), Rcpp::sugar::And_LogicalExpression_LogicalExpression< false, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::operator[](), Rcpp::sugar::And_LogicalExpression_LogicalExpression< LHS_NA, LHS_T, false, RHS_T >::operator[](), Rcpp::sugar::And_LogicalExpression_LogicalExpression< false, LHS_T, false, RHS_T >::operator[](), Rcpp::sugar::Or_LogicalExpression_LogicalExpression< LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::operator[](), Rcpp::sugar::Or_LogicalExpression_LogicalExpression< false, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::operator[](), Rcpp::sugar::Or_LogicalExpression_LogicalExpression< LHS_NA, LHS_T, false, RHS_T >::operator[](), Rcpp::sugar::Or_LogicalExpression_LogicalExpression< false, LHS_T, false, RHS_T >::operator[](), Rcpp::sugar::Comparator< RTYPE, Operator, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::operator[](), Rcpp::sugar::Comparator< RTYPE, Operator, false, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::operator[](), Rcpp::sugar::Plus_Vector_Vector< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::operator[](), Rcpp::sugar::Plus_Vector_Vector< RTYPE, false, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::operator[](), Rcpp::sugar::Plus_Vector_Vector< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, false, RHS_T >::operator[](), Rcpp::sugar::Times_Vector_Vector< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::operator[](), Rcpp::sugar::Times_Vector_Vector< RTYPE, false, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::operator[](), Rcpp::sugar::Times_Vector_Vector< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, false, RHS_T >::operator[](), Rcpp::ListOf< T >::operator[](), Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::operator[](), Rcpp::Rstreambuf< OUTPUT >::overflow(), Rcpp::stats::p_exp_0(), pairlist(), Pairlist_Impl(), Rcpp::attributes::Param::Param(), Rcpp::attributes::Attribute::paramNamed(), parent(), Rcpp::attributes::SourceFileAttributesParser::parseArguments(), Rcpp::attributes::SourceFileAttributesParser::parseAttribute(), Rcpp::attributes::SourceFileAttributesParser::parseFunction(), Rcpp::attributes::SourceFileAttributesParser::parseParameters(), Rcpp::attributes::SourceFileAttributesParser::parseSignature(), Rcpp::attributes::SourceFileAttributesParser::parseType(), Rcpp::stats::pcauchy_0(), Rcpp::stats::pcauchy_1(), pexp(), Rcpp::stats::pgamma_1(), PiLeibniz(), piSugar(), Rcpp::stats::plnorm_0(), Rcpp::stats::plnorm_1(), Rcpp::stats::plogis_0(), Rcpp::stats::plogis_1(), Rcpp::stats::pnorm_0(), Rcpp::stats::pnorm_1(), pow(), print(), Rcpp::attributes::printArgument(), Rcpp::attributes::printFunction(), Rcpp::Dimension::prod(), Rcpp::class_Base::property_is_readonly(), Rcpp::ProtectedProxyPolicy< XPtrClass >::prot(), Rcpp::ProtectedProxyPolicy< XPtrClass >::prot(), Rcpp::stats::punif_0(), Rcpp::stats::punif_1(), Rcpp::String::push_back(), Rcpp::String::push_back(), Rcpp::String::push_back(), Rcpp::DottedPairImpl< CLASS >::push_back(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::push_back__impl(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::push_back__impl(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::push_back_name__impl(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::push_back_name__impl(), Rcpp::String::push_front(), Rcpp::String::push_front(), Rcpp::String::push_front(), Rcpp::DottedPairImpl< CLASS >::push_front(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::push_front__impl(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::push_front__impl(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::push_front_name__impl(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::push_front_name__impl(), Rcpp::stats::pweibull_1(), Rcpp::stats::q_exp_0(), Rcpp::stats::qcauchy_0(), Rcpp::stats::qcauchy_1(), qexp(), Rcpp::stats::qgamma_1(), Rcpp::stats::qlnorm_0(), Rcpp::stats::qlnorm_1(), Rcpp::stats::qlogis_0(), Rcpp::stats::qlogis_1(), Rcpp::stats::qnorm_0(), Rcpp::stats::qnorm_1(), Rcpp::stats::qunif_0(), Rcpp::stats::qunif_1(), Rcpp::stats::qweibull_1(), r_cast(), Rcpp::Range::Range(), rcauchy(), rcauchy(), rchisq(), RCPP_API_CLASS(), RCPP_API_CLASS(), RCPP_API_CLASS(), RCPP_API_CLASS(), RCPP_API_CLASS(), RCPP_API_CLASS(), RCPP_API_CLASS(), rcpp_can_use_cxx0x(), rcpp_can_use_cxx11(), rcpp_capabilities(), Rcpp_cerr_get(), Rcpp_cout_get(), Rcpp_eval(), Rcpp_fast_eval(), Rcpp_lang10(), Rcpp_lang11(), Rcpp_lang12(), Rcpp_lang13(), Rcpp_lang14(), Rcpp_lang15(), Rcpp_lang16(), Rcpp_lang17(), Rcpp_lang18(), Rcpp_lang19(), Rcpp_lang20(), Rcpp_lang7(), Rcpp_lang8(), Rcpp_lang9(), Rcpp_list10(), Rcpp_list11(), Rcpp_list12(), Rcpp_list13(), Rcpp_list14(), Rcpp_list15(), Rcpp_list16(), Rcpp_list17(), Rcpp_list18(), Rcpp_list19(), Rcpp_list2(), Rcpp_list20(), Rcpp_list3(), Rcpp_list4(), Rcpp_list5(), Rcpp_list6(), Rcpp_list7(), Rcpp_list8(), Rcpp_list9(), Rcpp_precious_init(), Rcpp_precious_preserve(), Rcpp_precious_remove(), Rcpp_precious_teardown(), Rcpp_PreserveObject(), Rcpp_protect(), Rcpp_ReleaseObject(), Rcpp_unprotect(), Rcpp::attributes::SourceFileAttributesParser::rcppExportInvalidParameterWarning(), Rcpp::attributes::SourceFileAttributesParser::rcppExportNoFunctionFoundWarning(), Rcpp::attributes::SourceFileAttributesParser::rcppExportWarning(), Rcpp::attributes::SourceFileAttributesParser::rcppInterfacesWarning(), Rcpp::exception::record_stack_trace(), Rcpp::attributes::CppExportsGenerator::registerCCallable(), Rcpp::XPtr< T, StoragePolicy, Finalizer, finalizeOnExit >::release(), Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerators::remove(), Rcpp::DottedPairImpl< CLASS >::remove(), remove(), Rcpp::attributes::removeFile(), Rcpp::DottedPairImpl< CLASS >::replace(), Rcpp::String::replace_all(), Rcpp::String::replace_all(), Rcpp::String::replace_all(), Rcpp::String::replace_all(), Rcpp::String::replace_all(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::replace_element(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::replace_element__dispatch(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::replace_element__dispatch(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::replace_element__dispatch__isArgument(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::replace_element__dispatch__isArgument(), Rcpp::String::replace_first(), Rcpp::String::replace_first(), Rcpp::String::replace_first(), Rcpp::String::replace_first(), Rcpp::String::replace_last(), Rcpp::String::replace_last(), Rcpp::String::replace_last(), Rcpp::String::replace_last(), rexp(), rf(), rgamma(), rgamma(), rgeom(), rlnorm(), rlnorm(), rlogis(), rlogis(), rnbinom(), rnbinom_mu(), rnchisq(), rnchisq(), Rcpp::attributes::Attribute::rng(), rnorm(), rnorm(), rowMeans(), rowSums(), rt(), runif(), runif(), rweibull(), rweibull(), Rcpp::S4_CppConstructor< Class >::S4_CppConstructor(), Rcpp::S4_CppOverloadedMethods< Class >::S4_CppOverloadedMethods(), Rcpp::S4_field< Class >::S4_field(), sample(), sample(), Rcpp::sugar::SampleNoReplace(), Rcpp::sugar::SampleNoReplace(), Rcpp::sugar::SampleReplace(), Rcpp::sugar::SampleReplace(), Rcpp::sugar::SelfHash< RTYPE >::SelfHash(), Rcpp::CppInheritedProperty< Class, Parent >::set(), CppProperty_Getter_Setter< PROP >::set(), CppProperty_GetMethod_SetMethod< Class, PROP >::set(), CppProperty_GetConstMethod_SetMethod< Class, PROP >::set(), CppProperty_GetMethod_SetPointer< Class, PROP >::set(), CppProperty_GetConstMethod_SetPointer< Class, PROP >::set(), CppProperty_GetPointer_SetMethod< Class, PROP >::set(), CppProperty_GetPointer_SetPointer< Class, PROP >::set(), Rcpp::AttributeProxyPolicy< CLASS >::AttributeProxy::set(), Rcpp::DottedPairProxyPolicy< CLASS >::DottedPairProxy::set(), Rcpp::FieldProxyPolicy< CLASS >::FieldProxy::set(), Rcpp::NamesProxyPolicy< CLASS >::NamesProxy::set(), Rcpp::ProtectedProxyPolicy< XPtrClass >::ProtectedProxy::set(), Rcpp::SlotProxyPolicy< CLASS >::SlotProxy::set(), Rcpp::TagProxyPolicy< XPtrClass >::TagProxy::set(), Rcpp::DottedPairProxyPolicy< CLASS >::DottedPairProxy::set(), Rcpp::DataFrame_Impl< StoragePolicy >::set__(), Rcpp::NoProtectStorage< CLASS >::set__(), Rcpp::PreserveStorage< CLASS >::set__(), Rcpp::String::set_encoding(), Rcpp::sugar::SingleLogicalResult< NA, T >::set_false(), Rcpp::String::set_na(), Rcpp::sugar::SingleLogicalResult< NA, T >::set_na(), Rcpp::sugar::detail::set_nan(), Rcpp::sugar::detail::set_nan(), Rcpp::sugar::SingleLogicalResult< NA, T >::set_true(), Rcpp::DataFrame_Impl< StoragePolicy >::set_type_after_push(), Rcpp::newDateVector::setClass(), Rcpp::newDatetimeVector::setClass(), Rcpp::XPtr< T, StoragePolicy, Finalizer, finalizeOnExit >::setDeleteFinalizer(), setFunction(), setSymbol(), setSymbol(), Rcpp::RObjectMethods< Class >::sexp_type(), short_file_name(), Rcpp::attributes::showWarning(), shush_about_NA(), Rcpp::attributes::Function::signature(), Rcpp::CppMethod< Class >::signature(), Rcpp::CppInheritedMethod< Class, Parent >::signature(), Rcpp::SignedMethod< Class >::signature(), Rcpp::DottedPairImpl< CLASS >::size(), Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::BindableExpression< RTYPE, E >::size(), Rcpp::sugar::Col< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T >::size(), Rcpp::sugar::Diag_Maker< RTYPE, NA, T >::size(), Rcpp::sugar::LowerTri< RTYPE, NA, T >::size(), Rcpp::sugar::Outer< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T, Function >::size(), Rcpp::sugar::Row< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T >::size(), Rcpp::sugar::UpperTri< RTYPE, NA, T >::size(), Rcpp::SubMatrix< RTYPE >::size(), Rcpp::SlotProxyPolicy< CLASS >::slot(), Rcpp::SlotProxyPolicy< CLASS >::slot(), Rcpp::SlotProxyPolicy< CLASS >::SlotProxy::SlotProxy(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::sort(), sort_unique(), sourceCppContext(), Rcpp::attributes::SourceFileAttributesParser::SourceFileAttributesParser(), sprintf(), Rcpp::algorithm::sqrt(), stack_trace(), stop(), stop(), stop(), stop(), stop(), stop(), stop(), stop(), stop(), stop(), stop(), StretchyList_Impl(), StretchyList_Impl(), Rcpp::String::String(), Rcpp::String::String(), Rcpp::String::String(), Rcpp::attributes::stripQuotes(), Rcpp::attributes::stripTrailingLineComments(), Rcpp::attributes::CommentState::submitLine(), Rcpp::Rstreambuf< OUTPUT >::sync(), Rcpp::TagProxyPolicy< XPtrClass >::tag(), Rcpp::TagProxyPolicy< XPtrClass >::tag(), timesub(), Rcpp::attributes::FileInfo::toList(), tranpose_impl(), transpose(), transpose(), transpose(), transtime(), Rcpp::sugar::detail::trim_both(), Rcpp::sugar::detail::trim_left(), Rcpp::sugar::detail::trim_right(), Rcpp::attributes::trimWhitespace(), trimws(), trimws(), trimws(), type2name(), typesequiv(), tzload(), tzparse(), unlockBinding(), unwindProtect(), Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, na, MATRIX >::iterator::update_index(), Rcpp::Date::update_tm(), Rcpp::Datetime::update_tm(), Rcpp::enum_< Enum, Parent >::value(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::Vector(), Rcpp::sugar::WalkerSample(), Rcpp::sugar::WalkerSample(), warning(), warning(), warning(), warning(), warning(), warning(), warning(), warning(), warning(), warning(), warning(), warning(), warningcall(), wrap(), wrap< Datetime >(), wrap< Rcpp::String >(), wrap_extra_steps< Rcpp::Date >(), wrap_extra_steps< Rcpp::Datetime >(), Rcpp::attributes::CppExportsIncludeGenerator::writeBegin(), Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerators::writeBegin(), Rcpp::attributes::CppExportsGenerator::writeEnd(), Rcpp::attributes::CppPackageIncludeGenerator::writeEnd(), Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerators::writeEnd(), Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerator::writeFunctions(), Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerators::writeFunctions(), Rcpp::XPtr< T, StoragePolicy, Finalizer, finalizeOnExit >::XPtr(), Rcpp::XPtr< T, StoragePolicy, Finalizer, finalizeOnExit >::XPtr(), Rcpp::XPtr< T, StoragePolicy, Finalizer, finalizeOnExit >::XPtr(), Rcpp::Rstreambuf< OUTPUT >::xsputn(), Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, na, MATRIX >::zeros(), Rcpp::Armor< T >::~Armor(), Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerators::~ExportsGenerators(), Rcpp::NoProtectStorage< CLASS >::~NoProtectStorage(), Rcpp::PreserveStorage< CLASS >::~PreserveStorage(), Rcpp::Shield< T >::~Shield(), and Rcpp::String::~String().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ as() [2/2]

SEXP Rcpp::as ( SEXP  x)

Definition at line 164 of file as.h.

◆ as< char >()

char Rcpp::as< char > ( SEXP  x)

Definition at line 155 of file as.h.

References Rcpp::internal::check_single_string().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ as_vector()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE > Rcpp::as_vector ( const MatrixBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 55 of file as_vector.h.

References Rcpp::internal::as_vector__impl().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ assign() [1/3]

bool Rcpp::assign ( const std::string &  name,
const Shield< SEXP > &  x 
) const

Definition at line 209 of file Environment.h.

References as(), and assign().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ assign() [2/3]

template<typename WRAPPABLE >
bool Rcpp::assign ( const std::string &  name,
const WRAPPABLE x 
) const

wrap and assign. If there is a wrap method taking an object of WRAPPABLE type, then it is wrapped and the corresponding SEXP is assigned in the environment

namename of the object to assign
xwrappable object. anything that has a wrap( WRAPPABLE ) is fine

◆ assign() [3/3]

bool Rcpp::assign ( const std::string &  name,
SEXP  x 
) const

Attempts to assign x to name in this environment

namename of the object to assign
xobject to assign
true if the assign was successfull see ?bindingIsLocked
binding_is_lockedif the binding is locked

Definition at line 202 of file Environment.h.

References as(), bindingIsLocked(), and exists().

Referenced by assign().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ bare_as()

template<typename T >
traits::remove_const_and_reference< T >::type Rcpp::bare_as ( SEXP  x)

Definition at line 160 of file as.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ base_env()

static Environment_Impl Rcpp::base_env ( )
the base environment. See ?baseenv

Definition at line 333 of file Environment.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ base_namespace()

static Environment_Impl Rcpp::base_namespace ( )
the base namespace. See ?baseenv

Definition at line 340 of file Environment.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ bindingIsActive()

bool Rcpp::bindingIsActive ( const std::string &  name) const
namename of a binding
true if the binding is active in this environment see ?bindingIsActive
no_such_bindingif there is no such binding in this environment

Definition at line 310 of file Environment.h.

References as(), and exists().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ bindingIsLocked()

bool Rcpp::bindingIsLocked ( const std::string &  name) const
namename of a potential binding
true if the binding is locked in this environment see ?bindingIsLocked
no_such_bindingif there is no such binding in this environment

Definition at line 295 of file Environment.h.

References as(), and exists().

Referenced by assign(), and remove().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ checkUserInterrupt()

void Rcpp::checkUserInterrupt ( )

Definition at line 59 of file Interrupt.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ clamp()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Clamp_Primitive_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA, T > Rcpp::clamp ( typename Rcpp::traits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type  lhs,
const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  vec,
typename Rcpp::traits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type  rhs 

Definition at line 84 of file clamp.h.

References Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::get_ref().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ clone()

template<typename T >
T Rcpp::clone ( const T &  object)

Definition at line 33 of file clone.h.

References as().

Referenced by Rcpp::Nullable< T >::clone(), sample(), and sample().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ col()

template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T >
sugar::Col< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > Rcpp::col ( const Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &  lhs)

Definition at line 55 of file col.h.

◆ collapse()

template<bool NA, typename T >
String Rcpp::collapse ( const VectorBase< STRSXP, NA, T > &  vec)

Definition at line 41 of file collapse.h.

References Rcpp::sugar::collapse__impl(), Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::get_ref(), and Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::size().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ colMeans()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::detail::ColMeansReturn< RTYPE >::type Rcpp::colMeans ( const MatrixBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  x,
bool  na_rm = false 

Definition at line 951 of file rowSums.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ colnames()

internal::DimNameProxy Rcpp::colnames ( SEXP  x)

Definition at line 213 of file Matrix.h.

◆ colSums()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::detail::ColSumsReturn< RTYPE >::type Rcpp::colSums ( const MatrixBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  x,
bool  na_rm = false 

Definition at line 933 of file rowSums.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ converter()

template<typename FROM , typename TO >
void Rcpp::converter ( const char from,
const char to,
TO(*)(FROM fun,
const char docstring = 0 

Definition at line 581 of file Module.h.

References as(), and Rcpp::internal::as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ cummax() [1/2]

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Cummax< INTSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::cummax ( const VectorBase< INTSXP, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 59 of file cummax.h.

◆ cummax() [2/2]

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Cummax< REALSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::cummax ( const VectorBase< REALSXP, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 64 of file cummax.h.

◆ cummin() [1/2]

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Cummin< INTSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::cummin ( const VectorBase< INTSXP, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 59 of file cummin.h.

◆ cummin() [2/2]

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Cummin< REALSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::cummin ( const VectorBase< REALSXP, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 64 of file cummin.h.

◆ cumprod() [1/3]

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Cumprod< CPLXSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::cumprod ( const VectorBase< CPLXSXP, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 69 of file cumprod.h.

◆ cumprod() [2/3]

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Cumprod< INTSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::cumprod ( const VectorBase< INTSXP, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 59 of file cumprod.h.

◆ cumprod() [3/3]

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Cumprod< REALSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::cumprod ( const VectorBase< REALSXP, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 64 of file cumprod.h.

◆ cumsum() [1/2]

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Cumsum< INTSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::cumsum ( const VectorBase< INTSXP, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 59 of file cumsum.h.

◆ cumsum() [2/2]

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Cumsum< REALSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::cumsum ( const VectorBase< REALSXP, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 64 of file cumsum.h.

◆ detzcode()

static int_fast32_t Rcpp::detzcode ( const char *const  codep)

Definition at line 481 of file date.cpp.

References as().

Referenced by tzload().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ detzcode64()

static int_fast64_t Rcpp::detzcode64 ( const char *const  codep)

Definition at line 488 of file date.cpp.

References as().

Referenced by tzload().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ dexp()

template<bool NA, typename T >
stats::D1< REALSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::dexp ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< REALSXP, NA, T > &  x,
double  shape,
bool  log = false 

Definition at line 81 of file exp.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ diag()

template<typename T >
sugar::diag_result_type_trait< T >::type Rcpp::diag ( const T &  t)

Definition at line 83 of file diag.h.

Referenced by lower_tri(), and upper_tri().

◆ diff() [1/2]

template<bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T >
sugar::Diff< INTSXP, LHS_NA, LHS_T > Rcpp::diff ( const VectorBase< INTSXP, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &  lhs)

Definition at line 124 of file diff.h.

Referenced by Rcpp::sugar::Diff< RTYPE, false, LHS_T >::operator[]().

◆ diff() [2/2]

template<bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T >
sugar::Diff< REALSXP, LHS_NA, LHS_T > Rcpp::diff ( const VectorBase< REALSXP, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &  lhs)

Definition at line 131 of file diff.h.

◆ differ_by_repeat()

static int Rcpp::differ_by_repeat ( const time_t  t1,
const time_t  t0 

Definition at line 495 of file date.cpp.


Referenced by tzload().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ duplicated()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
LogicalVector Rcpp::duplicated ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  x)

Definition at line 28 of file duplicated.h.

References Rcpp::sugar::IndexHash< RTYPE >::fill_and_get_duplicated().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ empty_env()

static Environment_Impl Rcpp::empty_env ( )
The empty environment. See ?emptyenv

Definition at line 326 of file Environment.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Environment_Impl() [1/3]

Rcpp::Environment_Impl ( const std::string &  name)

Gets the environment associated with the given name

namename of the environment, e.g "package:Rcpp"

◆ Environment_Impl() [2/3]

Rcpp::Environment_Impl ( int  pos)

Gets the environment in the given position of the search path

pos(1-based) position of the environment, e.g pos=1 gives the global environment

◆ Environment_Impl() [3/3]

Rcpp::Environment_Impl ( SEXP  x)

wraps the given environment

if the SEXP is not an environment, and exception is thrown

Definition at line 57 of file Environment.h.

References as().

Referenced by namespace_env(), new_child(), and parent().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ eval() [1/2]

SEXP Rcpp::eval ( ) const

eval this call in the global environment

Definition at line 147 of file Language.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_fast_eval().

Referenced by Rcpp::attributes::checkRSignature().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ eval() [2/2]

SEXP Rcpp::eval ( SEXP  env) const

eval this call in the requested environment

Definition at line 154 of file Language.h.

References Rcpp_fast_eval().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ exists()

bool Rcpp::exists ( const std::string &  name) const

Indicates if an object called name exists in the environment

namename of the object
true if the object exists in the environment

Definition at line 185 of file Environment.h.

References as().

Referenced by assign(), bindingIsActive(), bindingIsLocked(), Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerator::commit(), Rcpp::attributes::createDirectory(), Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerator::ExportsGenerator(), lockBinding(), remove(), Rcpp::attributes::removeFile(), and unlockBinding().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fast_eval() [1/2]

SEXP Rcpp::fast_eval ( ) const

Definition at line 158 of file Language.h.

References as(), and Rcpp::internal::Rcpp_eval_impl().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fast_eval() [2/2]

SEXP Rcpp::fast_eval ( SEXP  env) const

Definition at line 161 of file Language.h.

References Rcpp::internal::Rcpp_eval_impl().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ finalizer_wrapper()

template<typename T , void Finalizer>
void Rcpp::finalizer_wrapper ( SEXP  p)

Definition at line 35 of file XPtr.h.

References as(), DEMANGLE, and RCPP_DEBUG_3.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ find() [1/2]

SEXP Rcpp::find ( const std::string &  name) const

Get an object from the environment or one of its parents

namename of the object

Definition at line 140 of file Environment.h.

References as(), and Rcpp::internal::Rcpp_eval_impl().

Referenced by Rcpp::attributes::CppExportsIncludeGenerator::commit().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ find() [2/2]

SEXP Rcpp::find ( Symbol  name) const

Get an object from the environment or one of its parents

namesymbol name to call

Definition at line 160 of file Environment.h.

References as(), and Rcpp::internal::Rcpp_eval_impl().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Formula_Impl() [1/2]

Rcpp::Formula_Impl ( const std::string &  code)

Definition at line 69 of file Formula.h.

References as(), and Rcpp::internal::convert_using_rfunction().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Formula_Impl() [2/2]

Rcpp::Formula_Impl ( SEXP  x)

Definition at line 40 of file Formula.h.

References as(), and Rcpp::internal::convert_using_rfunction().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get() [1/2]

◆ get() [2/2]

SEXP Rcpp::get ( Symbol  name) const

Get an object from the environment

namesymbol name to call
a SEXP (possibly R_NilValue)

Definition at line 119 of file Environment.h.

References as(), and Rcpp::internal::Rcpp_eval_impl().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_return_type()

template<typename RESULT_TYPE >
std::string Rcpp::get_return_type ( )

Definition at line 42 of file get_return_type.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_return_type< Rcpp::CharacterVector >()

std::string Rcpp::get_return_type< Rcpp::CharacterVector > ( )

Definition at line 74 of file get_return_type.h.

◆ get_return_type< Rcpp::ExpressionVector >()

std::string Rcpp::get_return_type< Rcpp::ExpressionVector > ( )

Definition at line 66 of file get_return_type.h.

◆ get_return_type< Rcpp::IntegerVector >()

std::string Rcpp::get_return_type< Rcpp::IntegerVector > ( )

Definition at line 54 of file get_return_type.h.

◆ get_return_type< Rcpp::List >()

std::string Rcpp::get_return_type< Rcpp::List > ( )

Definition at line 70 of file get_return_type.h.

◆ get_return_type< Rcpp::NumericVector >()

std::string Rcpp::get_return_type< Rcpp::NumericVector > ( )

Definition at line 58 of file get_return_type.h.

◆ get_return_type< Rcpp::RawVector >()

std::string Rcpp::get_return_type< Rcpp::RawVector > ( )

Definition at line 62 of file get_return_type.h.

◆ get_return_type< SEXP >()

std::string Rcpp::get_return_type< SEXP > ( )

Definition at line 50 of file get_return_type.h.

◆ get_return_type< void_type >()

std::string Rcpp::get_return_type< void_type > ( )

Definition at line 46 of file get_return_type.h.

◆ get_return_type_dispatch() [1/2]

template<typename RESULT_TYPE >
std::string Rcpp::get_return_type_dispatch ( Rcpp::traits::false_type  )

Definition at line 30 of file get_return_type.h.

References as(), and demangle().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_return_type_dispatch() [2/2]

template<typename RESULT_TYPE >
std::string Rcpp::get_return_type_dispatch ( Rcpp::traits::true_type  )

Definition at line 34 of file get_return_type.h.

References demangle().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getnum()

static const char * Rcpp::getnum ( const char strp,
int *const  nump,
const int  min,
const int  max 

Definition at line 567 of file date.cpp.

References as(), is_digit, max(), and min().

Referenced by getrule(), and getsecs().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getoffset()

static const char * Rcpp::getoffset ( const char strp,
int_fast32_t *const  offsetp 

Definition at line 520 of file date.cpp.

References as(), and getsecs().

Referenced by tzparse().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getqzname()

static const char * Rcpp::getqzname ( const char strp,
const int  delim 

Definition at line 512 of file date.cpp.

References as().

Referenced by tzparse().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getrule()

static const char * Rcpp::getrule ( const char strp,
struct rule *const  rulep 

Definition at line 586 of file date.cpp.


Referenced by tzparse().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getsecs()

static const char * Rcpp::getsecs ( const char strp,
int_fast32_t secsp 

Definition at line 536 of file date.cpp.


Referenced by getoffset(), and getrule().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getzname()

static const char * Rcpp::getzname ( const char strp)

Definition at line 503 of file date.cpp.

References as(), and is_digit.

Referenced by tzparse().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ global_env()

static Environment_Impl Rcpp::global_env ( )
the global environment. See ?globalenv

Definition at line 319 of file Environment.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ gmtime_()

struct tm * Rcpp::gmtime_ ( const time_t *const  x)

Definition at line 136 of file routines.h.

References as(), GET_CALLABLE, and tm.

Referenced by Rcpp::Date::update_tm(), and Rcpp::Datetime::update_tm().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ gmtload()

static void Rcpp::gmtload ( struct state *const  sp)

Definition at line 1355 of file date.cpp.

References as(), gmt, tzload(), and tzparse().

Referenced by gmtsub().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ gmtsub()

static struct tm * Rcpp::gmtsub ( const time_t *const  timep,
const int_fast32_t  offset,
struct tm *const  tmp 

Definition at line 1364 of file date.cpp.

References as(), gmt_is_set, gmtload(), gmtptr, timesub(), and tm.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ grow() [1/3]

SEXP Rcpp::grow ( const char head,
SEXP  tail 

Definition at line 68 of file grow.h.

References as(), grow(), head(), and tail().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ grow() [2/3]

template<typename T >
SEXP Rcpp::grow ( const T &  head,
SEXP  tail 

grows a pairlist. First wrap the head into a SEXP, then grow the tail pairlist

Definition at line 63 of file grow.h.

References Rcpp::internal::grow__dispatch(), head(), and tail().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ grow() [3/3]

SEXP Rcpp::grow ( SEXP  head,
SEXP  tail 

◆ head()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Head< RTYPE, NA, T > Rcpp::head ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  t,
R_xlen_t  n 

◆ ifelse() [1/7]

template<bool COND_NA, typename COND_T >
sugar::IfElse_Primitive_Primitive< LGLSXP, COND_NA, COND_T > Rcpp::ifelse ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< LGLSXP, COND_NA, COND_T > &  cond,
bool  lhs,
bool  rhs 

Definition at line 419 of file ifelse.h.

◆ ifelse() [2/7]

template<int RTYPE, bool COND_NA, typename COND_T , bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
sugar::IfElse< RTYPE, COND_NA, COND_T, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T > Rcpp::ifelse ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< LGLSXP, COND_NA, COND_T > &  cond,
const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &  lhs,
const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 342 of file ifelse.h.

◆ ifelse() [3/7]

template<int RTYPE, bool COND_NA, typename COND_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
sugar::IfElse_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, COND_NA, COND_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T > Rcpp::ifelse ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< LGLSXP, COND_NA, COND_T > &  cond,
const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &  lhs,
typename traits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type  rhs 

Definition at line 371 of file ifelse.h.

◆ ifelse() [4/7]

template<bool COND_NA, typename COND_T >
sugar::IfElse_Primitive_Primitive< REALSXP, COND_NA, COND_T > Rcpp::ifelse ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< LGLSXP, COND_NA, COND_T > &  cond,
double  lhs,
double  rhs 

Definition at line 383 of file ifelse.h.

◆ ifelse() [5/7]

template<bool COND_NA, typename COND_T >
sugar::IfElse_Primitive_Primitive< INTSXP, COND_NA, COND_T > Rcpp::ifelse ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< LGLSXP, COND_NA, COND_T > &  cond,
int  lhs,
int  rhs 

Definition at line 395 of file ifelse.h.

◆ ifelse() [6/7]

template<bool COND_NA, typename COND_T >
sugar::IfElse_Primitive_Primitive< CPLXSXP, COND_NA, COND_T > Rcpp::ifelse ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< LGLSXP, COND_NA, COND_T > &  cond,
Rcomplex  lhs,
Rcomplex  rhs 

Definition at line 407 of file ifelse.h.

◆ ifelse() [7/7]

template<int RTYPE, bool COND_NA, typename COND_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
sugar::IfElse_Primitive_Vector< RTYPE, COND_NA, COND_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T > Rcpp::ifelse ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< LGLSXP, COND_NA, COND_T > &  cond,
typename traits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type  lhs,
const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 357 of file ifelse.h.

◆ in()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
LogicalVector Rcpp::in ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  x,
const VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &  table 

Definition at line 77 of file unique.h.

References as(), Rcpp::sugar::In< RTYPE, TABLE_T >::get(), Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::get_ref(), and table().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ increment_overflow()

static int Rcpp::increment_overflow ( int *const  ip,
int  j 

Definition at line 452 of file date.cpp.

References as().

Referenced by timesub().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ increment_overflow_time()

static int Rcpp::increment_overflow_time ( time_t tp,
int_fast32_t  j 

Definition at line 467 of file date.cpp.

References as(), time_t_max, time_t_min, and TYPE_SIGNED.

Referenced by tzparse().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ intersect()

template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
Vector< RTYPE > Rcpp::intersect ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &  lhs,
const VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 171 of file setdiff.h.

References Rcpp::sugar::Intersect< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::get(), and Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::get_ref().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is()

template<typename T >
bool Rcpp::is ( SEXP  x)

identify if an x can be seen as the T type

example: bool is_list = is<List>( x ) ;

Definition at line 53 of file is.h.

References Rcpp::internal::as().

Referenced by RCPP_API_CLASS().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_false()

template<bool NA, typename T >
bool Rcpp::is_false ( const Rcpp::sugar::SingleLogicalResult< NA, T > &  x)

Definition at line 33 of file is.h.

References is_false().

Referenced by is_false().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_finite()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::IsFinite< RTYPE, NA, T > Rcpp::is_finite ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 49 of file is_finite.h.

References Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::get_ref().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_infinite()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::IsInfinite< RTYPE, NA, T > Rcpp::is_infinite ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 49 of file is_infinite.h.

References Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::get_ref().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_na() [1/6]

Definition at line 95 of file is_na.h.

◆ is_na() [2/6]

Definition at line 99 of file is_na.h.

◆ is_na() [3/6]

template<bool NA, typename T >
bool Rcpp::is_na ( const Rcpp::sugar::SingleLogicalResult< NA, T > &  x)

Definition at line 38 of file is.h.

References is_na().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_na() [4/6]

◆ is_na() [5/6]

Definition at line 103 of file is_na.h.

◆ is_na() [6/6]

sugar::IsNa_Vector_is_na< NumericVector > Rcpp::is_na ( newDateVector x)

Definition at line 106 of file is_na.h.

◆ is_nan()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::IsNaN< RTYPE, NA, T > Rcpp::is_nan ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 49 of file is_nan.h.

References Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::get_ref().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_true()

template<bool NA, typename T >
bool Rcpp::is_true ( const Rcpp::sugar::SingleLogicalResult< NA, T > &  x)

Definition at line 28 of file is.h.

References is_true().

Referenced by is_true().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isLocked()

bool Rcpp::isLocked ( ) const
true if this environment is locked see ?environmentIsLocked for details of what this means

Definition at line 228 of file Environment.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Language_Impl() [1/5]

Rcpp::Language_Impl ( )

Definition at line 42 of file Language.h.

◆ Language_Impl() [2/5]

Rcpp::Language_Impl ( const Function function)

Creates a call to the function

functionfunction to call

Definition at line 84 of file Language.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Language_Impl() [3/5]

Rcpp::Language_Impl ( const std::string &  symbol)

Creates a call using the given symbol as the function name

symbolsymbol name to call

Language( "rnorm" ) makes a SEXP similar to this (expressed in R)

‍as.call( as.list( as.name( "rnorm") ) ) call( "rnorm" )

Definition at line 63 of file Language.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Language_Impl() [4/5]

Rcpp::Language_Impl ( const Symbol symbol)

Creates a call using the given symbol as the function name

symbolsymbol name to call

Language( Symbol("rnorm") ) makes a SEXP similar to this:

‍call( "rnorm" )

Definition at line 75 of file Language.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Language_Impl() [5/5]

Rcpp::Language_Impl ( SEXP  x)

Attempts to convert the SEXP to a call

not_compatibleif the SEXP could not be converted to a call using as.call

Definition at line 50 of file Language.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ lapply() [1/2]

template<typename T , typename Function >
List Rcpp::lapply ( const ListOf< T > &  t,
Function  fun 

Definition at line 129 of file ListOf.h.

References Rcpp::ListOf< T >::get(), and lapply().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ lapply() [2/2]

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename Function >
sugar::Lapply< RTYPE, NA, T, Function > Rcpp::lapply ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  t,
Function  fun 

Definition at line 55 of file lapply.h.

Referenced by lapply().

◆ leaps_thru_end_of()

static int Rcpp::leaps_thru_end_of ( const int  y)

Definition at line 1221 of file date.cpp.

References leaps_thru_end_of().

Referenced by leaps_thru_end_of(), and timesub().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ lock()

void Rcpp::lock ( bool  bindings = false)

locks this environment. See ?lockEnvironment

bindingsalso lock the bindings of this environment ?

Definition at line 259 of file Environment.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ lockBinding()

void Rcpp::lockBinding ( const std::string &  name)

Locks the given binding in the environment. see ?bindingIsLocked

no_such_bindingif there is no such binding in this environment

Definition at line 269 of file Environment.h.

References as(), and exists().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ lower_tri()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::LowerTri< RTYPE, NA, T > Rcpp::lower_tri ( const Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  lhs,
bool  diag = false 

Definition at line 63 of file lower_tri.h.

References diag().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ls()

SEXP Rcpp::ls ( bool  all) const

The list of objects in the environment

the same as calling this from R:

‍ls( envir = this, all = all )

allsame meaning as in ?ls

Definition at line 85 of file Environment.h.

References all(), and as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ make_string_transformer()

template<typename UnaryOperator >
StringTransformer< UnaryOperator > Rcpp::make_string_transformer ( const UnaryOperator fun)

Definition at line 50 of file StringTransformer.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapply() [1/4]

template<int RTYPE, bool NA_1, typename T_1 , bool NA_2, typename T_2 , typename Function >
sugar::Mapply_2< RTYPE, NA_1, T_1, NA_2, T_2, Function > Rcpp::mapply ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA_1, T_1 > &  t1,
const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA_2, T_2 > &  t2,
Function  fun 

Definition at line 126 of file mapply_2.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapply() [2/4]

template<int RTYPE, bool NA_1, typename T_1 , typename Function >
sugar::Mapply_2_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA_1, T_1, double, Function > Rcpp::mapply ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA_1, T_1 > &  t1,
double  t2,
Function  fun 

Definition at line 132 of file mapply_2.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapply() [3/4]

template<int RTYPE_1, bool NA_1, typename T_1 , int RTYPE_2, bool NA_2, typename T_2 , int RTYPE_3, bool NA_3, typename T_3 , typename Function >
sugar::Mapply_3< RTYPE_1, NA_1, T_1, RTYPE_2, NA_2, T_2, RTYPE_3, NA_3, T_3, Function > Rcpp::mapply ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE_1, NA_1, T_1 > &  t1,
const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE_2, NA_2, T_2 > &  t2,
const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE_3, NA_3, T_3 > &  t3,
Function  fun 

Definition at line 76 of file mapply_3.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mapply() [4/4]

template<int RTYPE, bool NA_2, typename T_2 , typename Function >
sugar::Mapply_2_Primitive_Vector< RTYPE, double, NA_2, T_2, Function > Rcpp::mapply ( double  t1,
const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA_2, T_2 > &  t2,
Function  fun 

Definition at line 138 of file mapply_2.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ match()

◆ max()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Max< RTYPE, NA, T > Rcpp::max ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  x)

◆ mean() [1/4]

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Mean< CPLXSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::mean ( const VectorBase< CPLXSXP, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 148 of file mean.h.

◆ mean() [2/4]

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Mean< INTSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::mean ( const VectorBase< INTSXP, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 143 of file mean.h.

◆ mean() [3/4]

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Mean< LGLSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::mean ( const VectorBase< LGLSXP, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 153 of file mean.h.

◆ mean() [4/4]

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Mean< REALSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::mean ( const VectorBase< REALSXP, NA, T > &  t)

◆ median()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::median_detail::result< RTYPE >::type Rcpp::median ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  x,
bool  na_rm = false 

Definition at line 283 of file median.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ message()

◆ min()

◆ mktime00()

double Rcpp::mktime00 ( struct tm tm)

Definition at line 130 of file routines.h.

References as(), GET_CALLABLE, and tm.

Referenced by Rcpp::Date::Date().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ na_omit()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
Vector< RTYPE > Rcpp::na_omit ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 75 of file na_omit.h.

References Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::get_ref().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Named() [1/2]

Argument Rcpp::Named ( const std::string &  name)

◆ Named() [2/2]

template<typename T >
traits::named_object< T > Rcpp::Named ( const std::string &  name,
const T &  o 

Definition at line 44 of file Named.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ namespace_env()

static Environment_Impl Rcpp::namespace_env ( const std::string &  package)
namethe name of the package of which we want the namespace
the namespace of the package

Definition at line 358 of file Environment.h.

References as(), Environment_Impl(), and Rcpp_fast_eval().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ new_child()

Environment_Impl Rcpp::new_child ( bool  hashed) const

creates a new environment whose this is the parent

Definition at line 381 of file Environment.h.

References as(), Environment_Impl(), and Rcpp_fast_eval().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ new_env() [1/2]

Environment Rcpp::new_env ( int  size = 29)

Definition at line 47 of file Environment.h.

References _, and as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ new_env() [2/2]

Environment Rcpp::new_env ( SEXP  parent,
int  size = 29 

Definition at line 52 of file Environment.h.

References _, as(), and parent().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ no_init() [1/2]

no_init_matrix Rcpp::no_init ( int  nr,
int  nc 

Definition at line 81 of file no_init.h.

◆ no_init() [2/2]

◆ noNA() [1/3]

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename VECTOR >
sugar::Nona< RTYPE, NA, VECTOR > Rcpp::noNA ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, VECTOR > &  vec)

Definition at line 74 of file nona.h.

Referenced by convolve11cpp().

◆ noNA() [2/3]

sugar::NonaPrimitive< double > Rcpp::noNA ( double  x)

Definition at line 78 of file nona.h.

◆ noNA() [3/3]

sugar::NonaPrimitive< int > Rcpp::noNA ( int  x)

Definition at line 81 of file nona.h.

◆ operator SEXP()

Rcpp::operator SEXP ( ) const

Definition at line 53 of file StretchyList.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator!=() [1/4]

bool Rcpp::operator!= ( const Date d1,
const Date d2 

Definition at line 170 of file Date.h.

◆ operator!=() [2/4]

bool Rcpp::operator!= ( const Datetime d1,
const Datetime d2 

Definition at line 164 of file Datetime.h.

◆ operator!=() [3/4]

bool Rcpp::operator!= ( const String::const_StringProxy lhs,
const String rhs 

Definition at line 731 of file String.h.

◆ operator!=() [4/4]

bool Rcpp::operator!= ( const String::StringProxy lhs,
const String rhs 

Definition at line 723 of file String.h.

◆ operator*() [1/5]

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename U >
traits::enable_if< traits::is_convertible< typenametraits::remove_const_and_reference< U >::type, typenametraits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type >::value, sugar::Times_Vector_Primitive_nona< RTYPE, NA, T > >::type Rcpp::operator* ( const typename sugar::NonaPrimitive< U > &  rhs,
const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  lhs 

Definition at line 459 of file times.h.

◆ operator*() [2/5]

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename U >
traits::enable_if< traits::is_convertible< typenametraits::remove_const_and_reference< U >::type, typenametraits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type >::value, sugar::Times_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA, T > >::type Rcpp::operator* ( const U rhs,
const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  lhs 

Definition at line 439 of file times.h.

◆ operator*() [3/5]

template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
sugar::Times_Vector_Vector< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T > Rcpp::operator* ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &  lhs,
const VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 473 of file times.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator*() [4/5]

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename U >
traits::enable_if< traits::is_convertible< typenametraits::remove_const_and_reference< U >::type, typenametraits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type >::value, sugar::Times_Vector_Primitive_nona< RTYPE, NA, T > >::type Rcpp::operator* ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  lhs,
const typename sugar::NonaPrimitive< U > &  rhs 

Definition at line 450 of file times.h.

◆ operator*() [5/5]

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename U >
traits::enable_if< traits::is_convertible< typenametraits::remove_const_and_reference< U >::type, typenametraits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type >::value, sugar::Times_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA, T > >::type Rcpp::operator* ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  lhs,
const U rhs 

Definition at line 429 of file times.h.

◆ operator+() [1/8]

Date Rcpp::operator+ ( const Date date,
int  offset 

Definition at line 156 of file Date.h.

◆ operator+() [2/8]

Datetime Rcpp::operator+ ( const Datetime datetime,
double  offset 

Definition at line 138 of file Datetime.h.

◆ operator+() [3/8]

Datetime Rcpp::operator+ ( const Datetime datetime,
int  offset 

Definition at line 148 of file Datetime.h.

◆ operator+() [4/8]

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename U >
traits::enable_if< traits::is_convertible< typenametraits::remove_const_and_reference< U >::type, typenametraits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type >::value, sugar::Plus_Vector_Primitive_nona< RTYPE, NA, T > >::type Rcpp::operator+ ( const typename sugar::NonaPrimitive< U > &  rhs,
const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  lhs 

Definition at line 478 of file plus.h.

◆ operator+() [5/8]

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename U >
traits::enable_if< traits::is_convertible< typenametraits::remove_const_and_reference< U >::type, typenametraits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type >::value, typenamesugar::Plus_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA, T > >::type Rcpp::operator+ ( const U rhs,
const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  lhs 

Definition at line 458 of file plus.h.

◆ operator+() [6/8]

template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
sugar::Plus_Vector_Vector< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T > Rcpp::operator+ ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &  lhs,
const VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 492 of file plus.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator+() [7/8]

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename U >
traits::enable_if< traits::is_convertible< typenametraits::remove_const_and_reference< U >::type, typenametraits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type >::value, sugar::Plus_Vector_Primitive_nona< RTYPE, NA, T > >::type Rcpp::operator+ ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  lhs,
const typename sugar::NonaPrimitive< U > &  rhs 

Definition at line 469 of file plus.h.

◆ operator+() [8/8]

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename U >
traits::enable_if< traits::is_convertible< typenametraits::remove_const_and_reference< U >::type, typenametraits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type >::value, typenamesugar::Plus_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA, T > >::type Rcpp::operator+ ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  lhs,
const U rhs 

Definition at line 448 of file plus.h.

◆ operator-() [1/5]

double Rcpp::operator- ( const Date d1,
const Date d2 

Definition at line 164 of file Date.h.

◆ operator-() [2/5]

double Rcpp::operator- ( const Datetime d1,
const Datetime d2 

Definition at line 158 of file Datetime.h.

◆ operator-() [3/5]

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename U >
traits::enable_if< traits::is_convertible< typenametraits::remove_const_and_reference< U >::type, typenametraits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type >::value, sugar::Minus_Primitive_Vector< RTYPE, NA, T > >::type Rcpp::operator- ( const U lhs,
const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 427 of file minus.h.

◆ operator-() [4/5]

template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
sugar::Minus_Vector_Vector< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T > Rcpp::operator- ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &  lhs,
const VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 440 of file minus.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator-() [5/5]

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename U >
traits::enable_if< traits::is_convertible< typenametraits::remove_const_and_reference< U >::type, typenametraits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type >::value, sugar::Minus_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA, T > >::type Rcpp::operator- ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  lhs,
const U rhs 

Definition at line 417 of file minus.h.

◆ operator/() [1/3]

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename U >
traits::enable_if< traits::is_convertible< typenametraits::remove_const_and_reference< U >::type, typenametraits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type >::value, sugar::Divides_Primitive_Vector< RTYPE, NA, T > >::type Rcpp::operator/ ( const U lhs,
const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 423 of file divides.h.

◆ operator/() [2/3]

template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
sugar::Divides_Vector_Vector< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T > Rcpp::operator/ ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &  lhs,
const VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 436 of file divides.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator/() [3/3]

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename U >
traits::enable_if< traits::is_convertible< typenametraits::remove_const_and_reference< U >::type, typenametraits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type >::value, sugar::Divides_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA, T > >::type Rcpp::operator/ ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  lhs,
const U rhs 

Definition at line 413 of file divides.h.

◆ operator<() [1/2]

bool Rcpp::operator< ( const Date d1,
const Date d2 

Definition at line 165 of file Date.h.

◆ operator<() [2/2]

bool Rcpp::operator< ( const Datetime d1,
const Datetime d2 

Definition at line 159 of file Datetime.h.

◆ operator<<() [1/10]

std::ostream & Rcpp::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Date  d 

Definition at line 172 of file Date.h.

◆ operator<<() [2/10]

std::ostream & Rcpp::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Datetime  d 

Definition at line 166 of file Datetime.h.

◆ operator<<() [3/10]

std::ostream & Rcpp::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const newDatetimeVector  d 

Definition at line 81 of file newDatetimeVector.h.

◆ operator<<() [4/10]

std::ostream & Rcpp::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const newDateVector  d 

Definition at line 65 of file newDateVector.h.

◆ operator<<() [5/10]

template<template< class > class StoragePolicy>
std::ostream & Rcpp::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const Matrix< INTSXP, StoragePolicy > &  rhs 

Definition at line 286 of file Matrix.h.

References as(), max(), min(), row(), and Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::rows().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [6/10]

template<template< class > class StoragePolicy>
std::ostream & Rcpp::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const Matrix< REALSXP, StoragePolicy > &  rhs 

Definition at line 218 of file Matrix.h.

References as(), row(), and Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::rows().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [7/10]

template<int RTYPE, template< class > class StoragePolicy>
std::ostream & Rcpp::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy > &  rhs 

Definition at line 379 of file Matrix.h.

References as(), row(), and Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::rows().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [8/10]

template<template< class > class StoragePolicy>
std::ostream & Rcpp::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const Matrix< STRSXP, StoragePolicy > &  rhs 

Definition at line 352 of file Matrix.h.

References as(), row(), and Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::rows().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [9/10]

template<int RTYPE, template< class > class StoragePolicy>
std::ostream & Rcpp::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy > &  rhs 

Definition at line 1189 of file Vector.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [10/10]

template<template< class > class StoragePolicy>
std::ostream & Rcpp::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const Vector< STRSXP, StoragePolicy > &  rhs 

Definition at line 1208 of file Vector.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<=() [1/2]

bool Rcpp::operator<= ( const Date d1,
const Date d2 

Definition at line 169 of file Date.h.

◆ operator<=() [2/2]

bool Rcpp::operator<= ( const Datetime d1,
const Datetime d2 

Definition at line 163 of file Datetime.h.

◆ operator==() [1/4]

bool Rcpp::operator== ( const Date d1,
const Date d2 

Definition at line 167 of file Date.h.

Referenced by RCPP_API_CLASS().

◆ operator==() [2/4]

bool Rcpp::operator== ( const Datetime d1,
const Datetime d2 

Definition at line 161 of file Datetime.h.

◆ operator==() [3/4]

Definition at line 727 of file String.h.

◆ operator==() [4/4]

bool Rcpp::operator== ( const String::StringProxy lhs,
const String rhs 

Definition at line 719 of file String.h.

◆ operator>() [1/2]

bool Rcpp::operator> ( const Date d1,
const Date d2 

Definition at line 166 of file Date.h.

◆ operator>() [2/2]

bool Rcpp::operator> ( const Datetime d1,
const Datetime d2 

Definition at line 160 of file Datetime.h.

◆ operator>=() [1/2]

bool Rcpp::operator>= ( const Date d1,
const Date d2 

Definition at line 168 of file Date.h.

◆ operator>=() [2/2]

bool Rcpp::operator>= ( const Datetime d1,
const Datetime d2 

Definition at line 162 of file Datetime.h.

◆ outer()

template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T , typename Function >
sugar::Outer< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T, Function > Rcpp::outer ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &  lhs,
const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &  rhs,
Function  fun 

Definition at line 80 of file outer.h.

◆ pairlist()

SEXP Rcpp::pairlist ( )

Definition at line 30 of file grow.h.

References as().

Referenced by RCPP_API_CLASS(), and Rcpp::DottedPairImpl< CLASS >::replace().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Pairlist_Impl() [1/2]

Rcpp::Pairlist_Impl ( )

Definition at line 41 of file Pairlist.h.

◆ Pairlist_Impl() [2/2]

Rcpp::Pairlist_Impl ( SEXP  x)

Definition at line 42 of file Pairlist.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ parent()

Environment_Impl Rcpp::parent ( ) const

The parent environment of this environment

Definition at line 374 of file Environment.h.

References as(), and Environment_Impl().

Referenced by Rcpp::ConstMatrixColumn< RTYPE >::ConstMatrixColumn(), Rcpp::MatrixColumn< RTYPE >::MatrixColumn(), Rcpp::MatrixColumn< RTYPE >::MatrixColumn(), and new_env().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pexp()

template<bool NA, typename T >
stats::P1< REALSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::pexp ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< REALSXP, NA, T > &  x,
double  shape,
bool  lower = true,
bool  log = false 

Definition at line 86 of file exp.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pmax() [1/3]

template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
sugar::Pmax_Vector_Vector< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T > Rcpp::pmax ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &  lhs,
const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 158 of file pmax.h.

References Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::get_ref().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pmax() [2/3]

template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T >
sugar::Pmax_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > Rcpp::pmax ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &  lhs,
typename Rcpp::traits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type  rhs 

Definition at line 170 of file pmax.h.

References Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::get_ref().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pmax() [3/3]

template<int RTYPE, bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
sugar::Pmax_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > Rcpp::pmax ( typename Rcpp::traits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type  lhs,
const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 183 of file pmax.h.

References Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::get_ref().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pmin() [1/3]

template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
sugar::Pmin_Vector_Vector< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T > Rcpp::pmin ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &  lhs,
const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 156 of file pmin.h.

References Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::get_ref().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pmin() [2/3]

template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T >
sugar::Pmin_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > Rcpp::pmin ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &  lhs,
typename Rcpp::traits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type  rhs 

Definition at line 168 of file pmin.h.

References Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::get_ref().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pmin() [3/3]

template<int RTYPE, bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
sugar::Pmin_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > Rcpp::pmin ( typename Rcpp::traits::storage_type< RTYPE >::type  lhs,
const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 181 of file pmin.h.

References Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::get_ref().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pow()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T , typename EXPONENT_TYPE >
sugar::Pow< RTYPE, NA, T, EXPONENT_TYPE > Rcpp::pow ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  t,
EXPONENT_TYPE  exponent 

Definition at line 79 of file pow.h.

References as(), and Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::get_ref().

Referenced by Rcpp::stats::dweibull_1(), Rcpp::sugar::Pow< INTSXP, NA, T, EXPONENT_TYPE >::operator[](), and Rcpp::stats::pweibull_1().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ print()

void Rcpp::print ( SEXP  s)

Definition at line 24 of file print.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ push_back()

template<typename T >
StretchyList_Impl & Rcpp::push_back ( const T &  obj)

Definition at line 58 of file StretchyList.h.

References push_back__impl().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ push_back__impl() [1/2]

template<typename T >
StretchyList_Impl & Rcpp::push_back__impl ( const T &  obj,

◆ push_back__impl() [2/2]

template<typename T >
StretchyList_Impl & Rcpp::push_back__impl ( const T &  obj,

Referenced by push_back().

◆ push_front()

template<typename T >
StretchyList_Impl & Rcpp::push_front ( const T &  obj)

Definition at line 63 of file StretchyList.h.

References push_front__impl().

Referenced by Rcpp::DottedPairImpl< CLASS >::insert().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ push_front__impl() [1/2]

template<typename T >
StretchyList_Impl & Rcpp::push_front__impl ( const T &  obj,

◆ push_front__impl() [2/2]

template<typename T >
StretchyList_Impl & Rcpp::push_front__impl ( const T &  obj,

Referenced by push_front().

◆ qexp()

template<bool NA, typename T >
stats::Q1< REALSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::qexp ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< REALSXP, NA, T > &  x,
double  shape,
bool  lower = true,
bool  log = false 

Definition at line 91 of file exp.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ r_cast()

template<int TARGET>
SEXP Rcpp::r_cast ( SEXP  x)

Definition at line 159 of file r_cast.h.

References as(), Rcpp::internal::as(), and warning().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ range()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Range< RTYPE, NA, T > Rcpp::range ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  x)

Definition at line 86 of file range.h.

References Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::get_ref().

Referenced by Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::operator[]().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rbeta()

NumericVector Rcpp::rbeta ( int  n,
double  a,
double  b 

Definition at line 100 of file random.h.

◆ rbinom()

NumericVector Rcpp::rbinom ( int  n,
double  nin,
double  pp 

Definition at line 104 of file random.h.

◆ rcauchy() [1/3]

NumericVector Rcpp::rcauchy ( int  n)

Definition at line 128 of file random.h.

◆ rcauchy() [2/3]

NumericVector Rcpp::rcauchy ( int  n,
double  location 

Definition at line 118 of file random.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rcauchy() [3/3]

NumericVector Rcpp::rcauchy ( int  n,
double  location,
double  scale 

Definition at line 108 of file random.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rchisq()

NumericVector Rcpp::rchisq ( int  n,
double  df 

Definition at line 132 of file random.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ RCPP_API_CLASS() [1/14]

Rcpp::RCPP_API_CLASS ( DottedPair_Impl  )

◆ RCPP_API_CLASS() [2/14]

Rcpp::RCPP_API_CLASS ( Environment_Impl  )

◆ RCPP_API_CLASS() [3/14]

Rcpp::RCPP_API_CLASS ( Formula_Impl  )

◆ RCPP_API_CLASS() [4/14]

Rcpp::RCPP_API_CLASS ( Function_Impl  )


Finds a function. By default, searches from the global environment

namename of the function
envan environment where to search the function
nsname of the namespace in which to search the function

Returns the environment of this function

Returns the body of the function

Definition at line 34 of file Function.h.

References as(), pairlist(), Rcpp_fast_eval(), RCPP_GENERATE_CTOR_ASSIGN, Rcpp_lcons, stop(), and update().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ RCPP_API_CLASS() [5/14]

Rcpp::RCPP_API_CLASS ( InternalFunction_Impl  )

Definition at line 35 of file InternalFunction.h.

References as(), RCPP_GENERATE_CTOR_ASSIGN, and update().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ RCPP_API_CLASS() [6/14]

Rcpp::RCPP_API_CLASS ( Language_Impl  )

C++ wrapper around calls (LANGSXP SEXP)

This represents calls that can be evaluated

◆ RCPP_API_CLASS() [7/14]

Rcpp::RCPP_API_CLASS ( Pairlist_Impl  )

◆ RCPP_API_CLASS() [8/14]

Rcpp::RCPP_API_CLASS ( Promise_Impl  )

Return the result of the PRSEEN macro

Return the result of the PRVALUE macro on the promise

The promise expression: PRCODE

The promise environment : PRENV

Definition at line 27 of file Promise.h.

References as(), RCPP_GENERATE_CTOR_ASSIGN, and update().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ RCPP_API_CLASS() [9/14]

Rcpp::RCPP_API_CLASS ( Reference_Impl  )

S4 object (of a reference class)

◆ RCPP_API_CLASS() [10/14]

Rcpp::RCPP_API_CLASS ( RObject_Impl  )

default constructor. uses R_NilValue

wraps a SEXP. The SEXP is automatically protected from garbage collection by this object and the protection vanishes when this object is destroyed

Assignement operator. Set this SEXP to the given SEXP

Definition at line 27 of file RObject.h.

References as(), RCPP_GENERATE_CTOR_ASSIGN, update(), and wrap().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ RCPP_API_CLASS() [11/14]

Rcpp::RCPP_API_CLASS ( S4_Impl  )

S4 object

checks that x is an S4 object and wrap it.

xmust be an S4 object

Creates an S4 object of the requested class.

klassname of the target S4 class
S4_creation_errorif klass does not map to a known S4 class

Indicates if this object is an instance of the given S4 class

not_s4if x is not an S4 class

Definition at line 30 of file S4.h.

References as(), is(), RCPP_GENERATE_CTOR_ASSIGN, and update().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ RCPP_API_CLASS() [12/14]

Rcpp::RCPP_API_CLASS ( StretchyList_Impl  )

StretchyList uses a special pairlist to provide efficient insertion at the front and the end of a pairlist.

This is a C++ abstraction of the functions NewList, GrowList and Insert that are found in places where a pair list has to grow efficiently, e.g. in the R parser (gram.y)

◆ RCPP_API_CLASS() [13/14]

Rcpp::RCPP_API_CLASS ( Symbol_Impl  )

wraps the SEXP into a Symbol object.

xAccepted SEXP types are SYMSXP, CHARSXP and STRSXP in the last case, the first element of the character vector is silently used

Definition at line 27 of file Symbol.h.

References as(), operator==(), RCPP_GENERATE_CTOR_ASSIGN, and update().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ RCPP_API_CLASS() [14/14]

Rcpp::RCPP_API_CLASS ( WeakReference_Impl  )

wraps a weak reference

not_compatibleif x is not a weak reference

Retrieve the key

Retrieve the value

Definition at line 27 of file WeakReference.h.

References as(), RCPP_GENERATE_CTOR_ASSIGN, and update().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_cerr_get()

Rostream< false > & Rcpp::Rcpp_cerr_get ( )

Definition at line 168 of file routines.h.

References as(), and GET_CALLABLE.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_cout_get()

Rostream< true > & Rcpp::Rcpp_cout_get ( )

Definition at line 163 of file routines.h.

References as(), and GET_CALLABLE.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_eval()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_eval ( SEXP  expr,
SEXP  env 

Definition at line 75 of file Rcpp_eval.h.

References as(), Rcpp::internal::Rcpp_eval_impl(), and stop().

Referenced by Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::eval(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::eval(), and Rcpp_fast_eval().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_fast_eval()

◆ Rcpp_lang10()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_lang10 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7,
SEXP  x8,
SEXP  x9 

Definition at line 127 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list9().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_lang11()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_lang11 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7,
SEXP  x8,
SEXP  x9,
SEXP  x10 

Definition at line 143 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list10().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_lang12()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_lang12 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7,
SEXP  x8,
SEXP  x9,
SEXP  x10,
SEXP  x11 

Definition at line 159 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list11().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_lang13()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_lang13 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7,
SEXP  x8,
SEXP  x9,
SEXP  x10,
SEXP  x11,
SEXP  x12 

Definition at line 175 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list12().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_lang14()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_lang14 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7,
SEXP  x8,
SEXP  x9,
SEXP  x10,
SEXP  x11,
SEXP  x12,
SEXP  x13 

Definition at line 191 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list13().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_lang15()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_lang15 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7,
SEXP  x8,
SEXP  x9,
SEXP  x10,
SEXP  x11,
SEXP  x12,
SEXP  x13,
SEXP  x14 

Definition at line 207 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list14().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_lang16()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_lang16 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7,
SEXP  x8,
SEXP  x9,
SEXP  x10,
SEXP  x11,
SEXP  x12,
SEXP  x13,
SEXP  x14,
SEXP  x15 

Definition at line 223 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list15().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_lang17()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_lang17 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7,
SEXP  x8,
SEXP  x9,
SEXP  x10,
SEXP  x11,
SEXP  x12,
SEXP  x13,
SEXP  x14,
SEXP  x15,
SEXP  x16 

Definition at line 239 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list16().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_lang18()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_lang18 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7,
SEXP  x8,
SEXP  x9,
SEXP  x10,
SEXP  x11,
SEXP  x12,
SEXP  x13,
SEXP  x14,
SEXP  x15,
SEXP  x16,
SEXP  x17 

Definition at line 255 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list17().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_lang19()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_lang19 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7,
SEXP  x8,
SEXP  x9,
SEXP  x10,
SEXP  x11,
SEXP  x12,
SEXP  x13,
SEXP  x14,
SEXP  x15,
SEXP  x16,
SEXP  x17,
SEXP  x18 

Definition at line 271 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list18().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_lang20()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_lang20 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7,
SEXP  x8,
SEXP  x9,
SEXP  x10,
SEXP  x11,
SEXP  x12,
SEXP  x13,
SEXP  x14,
SEXP  x15,
SEXP  x16,
SEXP  x17,
SEXP  x18,
SEXP  x19 

Definition at line 287 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list19().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_lang7()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_lang7 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6 

Definition at line 79 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list6().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_lang8()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_lang8 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7 

Definition at line 95 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list7().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_lang9()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_lang9 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7,
SEXP  x8 

Definition at line 111 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list8().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_list10()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_list10 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7,
SEXP  x8,
SEXP  x9 

Definition at line 119 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list9().

Referenced by Rcpp_lang11(), and Rcpp_list11().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_list11()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_list11 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7,
SEXP  x8,
SEXP  x9,
SEXP  x10 

Definition at line 135 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list10().

Referenced by Rcpp_lang12(), and Rcpp_list12().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_list12()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_list12 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7,
SEXP  x8,
SEXP  x9,
SEXP  x10,
SEXP  x11 

Definition at line 151 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list11().

Referenced by Rcpp_lang13(), and Rcpp_list13().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_list13()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_list13 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7,
SEXP  x8,
SEXP  x9,
SEXP  x10,
SEXP  x11,
SEXP  x12 

Definition at line 167 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list12().

Referenced by Rcpp_lang14(), and Rcpp_list14().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_list14()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_list14 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7,
SEXP  x8,
SEXP  x9,
SEXP  x10,
SEXP  x11,
SEXP  x12,
SEXP  x13 

Definition at line 183 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list13().

Referenced by Rcpp_lang15(), and Rcpp_list15().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_list15()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_list15 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7,
SEXP  x8,
SEXP  x9,
SEXP  x10,
SEXP  x11,
SEXP  x12,
SEXP  x13,
SEXP  x14 

Definition at line 199 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list14().

Referenced by Rcpp_lang16(), and Rcpp_list16().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_list16()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_list16 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7,
SEXP  x8,
SEXP  x9,
SEXP  x10,
SEXP  x11,
SEXP  x12,
SEXP  x13,
SEXP  x14,
SEXP  x15 

Definition at line 215 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list15().

Referenced by Rcpp_lang17(), and Rcpp_list17().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_list17()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_list17 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7,
SEXP  x8,
SEXP  x9,
SEXP  x10,
SEXP  x11,
SEXP  x12,
SEXP  x13,
SEXP  x14,
SEXP  x15,
SEXP  x16 

Definition at line 231 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list16().

Referenced by Rcpp_lang18(), and Rcpp_list18().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_list18()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_list18 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7,
SEXP  x8,
SEXP  x9,
SEXP  x10,
SEXP  x11,
SEXP  x12,
SEXP  x13,
SEXP  x14,
SEXP  x15,
SEXP  x16,
SEXP  x17 

Definition at line 247 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list17().

Referenced by Rcpp_lang19(), and Rcpp_list19().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_list19()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_list19 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7,
SEXP  x8,
SEXP  x9,
SEXP  x10,
SEXP  x11,
SEXP  x12,
SEXP  x13,
SEXP  x14,
SEXP  x15,
SEXP  x16,
SEXP  x17,
SEXP  x18 

Definition at line 263 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list18().

Referenced by Rcpp_lang20(), and Rcpp_list20().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_list2()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_list2 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1 

Definition at line 36 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list1.

Referenced by Rcpp_list3().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_list20()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_list20 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7,
SEXP  x8,
SEXP  x9,
SEXP  x10,
SEXP  x11,
SEXP  x12,
SEXP  x13,
SEXP  x14,
SEXP  x15,
SEXP  x16,
SEXP  x17,
SEXP  x18,
SEXP  x19 

Definition at line 279 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list19().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_list3()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_list3 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2 

Definition at line 43 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list2().

Referenced by Rcpp_list4().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_list4()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_list4 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3 

Definition at line 50 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list3().

Referenced by Rcpp_list5().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_list5()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_list5 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4 

Definition at line 57 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list4().

Referenced by Rcpp_list6().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_list6()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_list6 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5 

Definition at line 64 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list5().

Referenced by Rcpp_lang7(), and Rcpp_list7().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_list7()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_list7 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6 

Definition at line 71 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list6().

Referenced by Rcpp_lang8(), and Rcpp_list8().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_list8()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_list8 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7 

Definition at line 87 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list7().

Referenced by Rcpp_lang9(), and Rcpp_list9().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_list9()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_list9 ( SEXP  x0,
SEXP  x1,
SEXP  x2,
SEXP  x3,
SEXP  x4,
SEXP  x5,
SEXP  x6,
SEXP  x7,
SEXP  x8 

Definition at line 103 of file lang.h.

References as(), and Rcpp_list8().

Referenced by Rcpp_lang10(), and Rcpp_list10().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_namespace()

static Environment_Impl Rcpp::Rcpp_namespace ( )
the Rcpp namespace

Definition at line 347 of file Environment.h.

References Rcpp::internal::get_Rcpp_namespace().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_precious_init()

void Rcpp::Rcpp_precious_init ( )

Definition at line 142 of file routines.h.

References as(), and GET_CALLABLE.

Referenced by R_init_Rcpp().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_precious_preserve()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_precious_preserve ( SEXP  object)

Definition at line 152 of file routines.h.

References as(), and GET_CALLABLE.

Referenced by Rcpp_PreciousPreserve().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_precious_remove()

void Rcpp::Rcpp_precious_remove ( SEXP  token)

Definition at line 157 of file routines.h.

References as(), and GET_CALLABLE.

Referenced by Rcpp_PreciousRelease().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_precious_teardown()

void Rcpp::Rcpp_precious_teardown ( )

Definition at line 147 of file routines.h.

References as(), and GET_CALLABLE.

Referenced by R_unload_Rcpp().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_PreciousPreserve()

◆ Rcpp_PreciousRelease()

◆ Rcpp_PreserveObject()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_PreserveObject ( SEXP  x)

Definition at line 99 of file RcppCommon.h.

References as().

Referenced by Rcpp_ReplaceObject().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_protect()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_protect ( SEXP  x)

Definition at line 23 of file Shield.h.

References as().

Referenced by Rcpp::Shelter< T >::operator()().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_ReleaseObject()

void Rcpp::Rcpp_ReleaseObject ( SEXP  x)

Definition at line 103 of file RcppCommon.h.

References as().

Referenced by Rcpp_ReplaceObject().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_ReplaceObject()

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_ReplaceObject ( SEXP  x,
SEXP  y 

Definition at line 106 of file RcppCommon.h.

References Rcpp_PreserveObject(), and Rcpp_ReleaseObject().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Rcpp_unprotect()

void Rcpp::Rcpp_unprotect ( int  i)

Definition at line 28 of file Shield.h.

References as().

Referenced by Rcpp::Shelter< T >::~Shelter(), and Rcpp::Shield< T >::~Shield().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ remove()

bool Rcpp::remove ( const std::string &  name)

remove an object from this environment

Definition at line 235 of file Environment.h.

References as(), bindingIsLocked(), exists(), and Rcpp_fast_eval().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rep() [1/6]

sugar::Rep_Single< bool > Rcpp::rep ( const bool x,
R_xlen_t  n 

Definition at line 85 of file rep.h.

◆ rep() [2/6]

sugar::Rep_Single< double > Rcpp::rep ( const double x,
R_xlen_t  n 

Definition at line 73 of file rep.h.

◆ rep() [3/6]

sugar::Rep_Single< int > Rcpp::rep ( const int x,
R_xlen_t  n 

Definition at line 76 of file rep.h.

◆ rep() [4/6]

sugar::Rep_Single< Rbyte > Rcpp::rep ( const Rbyte x,
R_xlen_t  n 

Definition at line 79 of file rep.h.

◆ rep() [5/6]

sugar::Rep_Single< Rcomplex > Rcpp::rep ( const Rcomplex x,
R_xlen_t  n 

Definition at line 82 of file rep.h.

◆ rep() [6/6]

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Rep< RTYPE, NA, T > Rcpp::rep ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  t,
R_xlen_t  n 

Definition at line 69 of file rep.h.

◆ rep_each()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Rep_each< RTYPE, NA, T > Rcpp::rep_each ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  t,
R_xlen_t  times 

Definition at line 50 of file rep_each.h.

◆ rep_len()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Rep_len< RTYPE, NA, T > Rcpp::rep_len ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  t,
R_xlen_t  len 

Definition at line 50 of file rep_len.h.

◆ rev()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Rev< RTYPE, NA, T > Rcpp::rev ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 50 of file rev.h.

◆ rexp() [1/2]

NumericVector Rcpp::rexp ( int  n)

Definition at line 147 of file random.h.

◆ rexp() [2/2]

NumericVector Rcpp::rexp ( int  n,
double  rate 

Definition at line 137 of file random.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rf()

NumericVector Rcpp::rf ( int  n,
double  n1,
double  n2 

Definition at line 151 of file random.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rgamma() [1/2]

NumericVector Rcpp::rgamma ( int  n,
double  a 

Definition at line 174 of file random.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rgamma() [2/2]

NumericVector Rcpp::rgamma ( int  n,
double  a,
double  scale 

Definition at line 165 of file random.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rgeom()

NumericVector Rcpp::rgeom ( int  n,
double  p 

Definition at line 183 of file random.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rhyper()

NumericVector Rcpp::rhyper ( int  n,
double  nn1,
double  nn2,
double  kk 

Definition at line 189 of file random.h.

◆ rlnorm() [1/3]

NumericVector Rcpp::rlnorm ( int  n)

Definition at line 215 of file random.h.

◆ rlnorm() [2/3]

NumericVector Rcpp::rlnorm ( int  n,
double  meanlog 

Definition at line 204 of file random.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rlnorm() [3/3]

NumericVector Rcpp::rlnorm ( int  n,
double  meanlog,
double  sdlog 

Definition at line 193 of file random.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rlogis() [1/3]

NumericVector Rcpp::rlogis ( int  n)

Definition at line 239 of file random.h.

◆ rlogis() [2/3]

NumericVector Rcpp::rlogis ( int  n,
double  location 

Definition at line 229 of file random.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rlogis() [3/3]

NumericVector Rcpp::rlogis ( int  n,
double  location,
double  scale 

Definition at line 219 of file random.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rnbinom()

NumericVector Rcpp::rnbinom ( int  n,
double  siz,
double  prob 

Definition at line 243 of file random.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rnbinom_mu()

NumericVector Rcpp::rnbinom_mu ( int  n,
double  siz,
double  mu 

Definition at line 251 of file random.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rnchisq() [1/2]

NumericVector Rcpp::rnchisq ( int  n,
double  df 

Definition at line 268 of file random.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rnchisq() [2/2]

NumericVector Rcpp::rnchisq ( int  n,
double  df,
double  lambda 

Definition at line 258 of file random.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rnorm() [1/3]

NumericVector Rcpp::rnorm ( int  n)

Definition at line 96 of file random.h.

◆ rnorm() [2/3]

NumericVector Rcpp::rnorm ( int  n,
double  mean 

Definition at line 80 of file random.h.

References as(), and mean().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rnorm() [3/3]

NumericVector Rcpp::rnorm ( int  n,
double  mean,
double  sd 

Definition at line 58 of file random.h.

References as(), mean(), and sd().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ row()

template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T >
sugar::Row< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > Rcpp::row ( const Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &  lhs)

Definition at line 55 of file row.h.

Referenced by operator<<(), operator<<(), operator<<(), and operator<<().

◆ rowMeans()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::detail::RowMeansReturn< RTYPE >::type Rcpp::rowMeans ( const MatrixBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  x,
bool  na_rm = false 

Definition at line 942 of file rowSums.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rownames()

internal::DimNameProxy Rcpp::rownames ( SEXP  x)

Definition at line 209 of file Matrix.h.

◆ rowSums()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::detail::RowSumsReturn< RTYPE >::type Rcpp::rowSums ( const MatrixBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  x,
bool  na_rm = false 

Definition at line 924 of file rowSums.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rpois()

NumericVector Rcpp::rpois ( int  n,
double  mu 

Definition at line 274 of file random.h.

◆ rsignrank()

NumericVector Rcpp::rsignrank ( int  n,
double  nn 

Definition at line 278 of file random.h.

◆ rt()

NumericVector Rcpp::rt ( int  n,
double  df 

Definition at line 282 of file random.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ runif() [1/3]

NumericVector Rcpp::runif ( int  n)

Definition at line 307 of file random.h.

◆ runif() [2/3]

NumericVector Rcpp::runif ( int  n,
double  min 

Definition at line 301 of file random.h.

References as(), and min().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ runif() [3/3]

NumericVector Rcpp::runif ( int  n,
double  min,
double  max 

Definition at line 295 of file random.h.

References as(), max(), and min().

Referenced by piSugar().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rweibull() [1/2]

NumericVector Rcpp::rweibull ( int  n,
double  shape 

Definition at line 320 of file random.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rweibull() [2/2]

NumericVector Rcpp::rweibull ( int  n,
double  shape,
double  scale 

Definition at line 311 of file random.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rwilcox()

NumericVector Rcpp::rwilcox ( int  n,
double  mm,
double  nn 

Definition at line 327 of file random.h.

◆ sample() [1/2]

template<int RTYPE>
Vector< RTYPE > Rcpp::sample ( const Vector< RTYPE > &  x,
int  size,
bool  replace = false,
sugar::probs_t  probs = R_NilValue 

◆ sample() [2/2]

Vector< INTSXP > Rcpp::sample ( int  n,
int  size,
bool  replace = false,
sugar::probs_t  probs = R_NilValue,
bool  one_based = true 

◆ sapply() [1/2]

template<typename T , typename Function >
T Rcpp::sapply ( const ListOf< T > &  t,
Function  fun 

Definition at line 134 of file ListOf.h.

References Rcpp::ListOf< T >::get(), and sapply().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sapply() [2/2]

Definition at line 131 of file sapply.h.

References NA.

Referenced by sapply().

◆ sd()

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Sd< REALSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::sd ( const VectorBase< REALSXP, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 46 of file sd.h.

Referenced by rnorm().

◆ self_match()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
IntegerVector Rcpp::self_match ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  x)

Definition at line 69 of file self_match.h.

References Rcpp::sugar::SelfHash< RTYPE >::fill_and_self_match().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ seq()

Range Rcpp::seq ( R_xlen_t  start,
R_xlen_t  end 

Definition at line 52 of file seq_along.h.

◆ seq_along()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::SeqLen Rcpp::seq_along ( const Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 44 of file seq_along.h.

References Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::size().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ seq_len()

sugar::SeqLen Rcpp::seq_len ( const size_t n)

Definition at line 48 of file seq_along.h.

◆ setdiff()

template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
Vector< RTYPE > Rcpp::setdiff ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &  lhs,
const VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 161 of file setdiff.h.

References Rcpp::sugar::SetDiff< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::get(), and Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::get_ref().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setequal()

template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
bool Rcpp::setequal ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &  lhs,
const VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 166 of file setdiff.h.

References Rcpp::sugar::SetEqual< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::get(), and Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::get_ref().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setFunction()

void Rcpp::setFunction ( const Function function)

sets the function

Definition at line 138 of file Language.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setSymbol() [1/2]

void Rcpp::setSymbol ( const std::string &  symbol)

Creates a call to the given symbol using variable number of arguments

...Argsvariable length argument list. The type of each argument must be wrappable, meaning there need to be a wrap function that takes this type as its parameter

For example, Language( "rnorm", 10, 0.0 ) will create the same call as

‍call( "rnorm", 10L, 0.0 )

10 is wrapped as an integer vector using wrap( const& int ) 0.0 is wrapped as a numeric vector using wrap( const& double ) ... sets the symbol of the call

Definition at line 122 of file Language.h.

References as(), and setSymbol().

Referenced by setSymbol().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setSymbol() [2/2]

void Rcpp::setSymbol ( const Symbol symbol)

sets the symbol of the call

Definition at line 129 of file Language.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ shush_about_NA()

LogicalVector Rcpp::shush_about_NA ( )

Definition at line 54 of file Na_Proxy.h.

References _, as(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::create(), and NA.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sign() [1/2]

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Sign< INTSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::sign ( const VectorBase< INTSXP, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 70 of file sign.h.

Referenced by Rcpp::Module::get_function().

◆ sign() [2/2]

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Sign< REALSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::sign ( const VectorBase< REALSXP, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 75 of file sign.h.

◆ sort_unique()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
Vector< RTYPE > Rcpp::sort_unique ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  t,
bool  decreasing = false 

Definition at line 72 of file unique.h.

References as(), and Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::sort().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sprintf()

template<int MAX_SIZE>
std::string Rcpp::sprintf ( const char format,

Definition at line 28 of file sprintf.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ standard_delete_finalizer()

template<typename T >
void Rcpp::standard_delete_finalizer ( T *  obj)

Definition at line 30 of file XPtr.h.

◆ stop() [1/12]

template<typename... Args>
void NORET Rcpp::stop ( const char fmt,
Args &&...  args 

Definition at line 51 of file exceptions.h.

References as(), and tinyformat::format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ stop() [2/12]

template<typename T1 >
void NORET Rcpp::stop ( const char fmt,
const T1 arg1 

Definition at line 126 of file exceptions.h.

References as(), and tinyformat::format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ stop() [3/12]

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void NORET Rcpp::stop ( const char fmt,
const T1 arg1,
const T2 arg2 

Definition at line 131 of file exceptions.h.

References as(), and tinyformat::format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ stop() [4/12]

template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 >
void NORET Rcpp::stop ( const char fmt,
const T1 arg1,
const T2 arg2,
const T3 arg3 

Definition at line 136 of file exceptions.h.

References as(), and tinyformat::format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ stop() [5/12]

void NORET Rcpp::stop ( const char fmt,
const T1 arg1,
const T2 arg2,
const T3 arg3,
const T4 arg4 

Definition at line 141 of file exceptions.h.

References as(), and tinyformat::format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ stop() [6/12]

void NORET Rcpp::stop ( const char fmt,
const T1 arg1,
const T2 arg2,
const T3 arg3,
const T4 arg4,
const T5 arg5 

Definition at line 146 of file exceptions.h.

References as(), and tinyformat::format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ stop() [7/12]

void NORET Rcpp::stop ( const char fmt,
const T1 arg1,
const T2 arg2,
const T3 arg3,
const T4 arg4,
const T5 arg5,
const T6 arg6 

Definition at line 151 of file exceptions.h.

References as(), and tinyformat::format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ stop() [8/12]

void NORET Rcpp::stop ( const char fmt,
const T1 arg1,
const T2 arg2,
const T3 arg3,
const T4 arg4,
const T5 arg5,
const T6 arg6,
const T7 arg7 

Definition at line 156 of file exceptions.h.

References as(), and tinyformat::format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ stop() [9/12]

void NORET Rcpp::stop ( const char fmt,
const T1 arg1,
const T2 arg2,
const T3 arg3,
const T4 arg4,
const T5 arg5,
const T6 arg6,
const T7 arg7,
const T8 arg8 

Definition at line 161 of file exceptions.h.

References as(), and tinyformat::format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ stop() [10/12]

void NORET Rcpp::stop ( const char fmt,
const T1 arg1,
const T2 arg2,
const T3 arg3,
const T4 arg4,
const T5 arg5,
const T6 arg6,
const T7 arg7,
const T8 arg8,
const T9 arg9 

Definition at line 166 of file exceptions.h.

References as(), and tinyformat::format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ stop() [11/12]

void NORET Rcpp::stop ( const char fmt,
const T1 arg1,
const T2 arg2,
const T3 arg3,
const T4 arg4,
const T5 arg5,
const T6 arg6,
const T7 arg7,
const T8 arg8,
const T9 arg9,
const T10 arg10 

Definition at line 171 of file exceptions.h.

References as(), and tinyformat::format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ stop() [12/12]

◆ StretchyList_Impl() [1/2]

Rcpp::StretchyList_Impl ( )

Definition at line 42 of file StretchyList.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ StretchyList_Impl() [2/2]

Rcpp::StretchyList_Impl ( SEXP  x)

Definition at line 47 of file StretchyList.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sum() [1/3]

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Sum< INTSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::sum ( const VectorBase< INTSXP, NA, T > &  t)

◆ sum() [2/3]

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Sum< LGLSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::sum ( const VectorBase< LGLSXP, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 108 of file sum.h.

◆ sum() [3/3]

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Sum< REALSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::sum ( const VectorBase< REALSXP, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 103 of file sum.h.

◆ table()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
IntegerVector Rcpp::table ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  x)

Definition at line 126 of file table.h.

References Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::get_ref().

Referenced by in(), match(), Rcpp::sugar::SelfMatch< RTYPE, TABLE_T >::SelfMatch(), and Rcpp::sugar::Table< RTYPE, TABLE_T >::Table().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ tail()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Tail< RTYPE, NA, T > Rcpp::tail ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  t,
R_xlen_t  n 

◆ timesub()

static struct tm * Rcpp::timesub ( const time_t timep,
int_fast32_t  offset,
const struct state sp,
struct tm tmp 

◆ toString()

static std::string Rcpp::toString ( const int  i)

Definition at line 64 of file exceptions.h.

◆ tranpose_impl()

template<int RTYPE, template< class > class StoragePolicy>
Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy > Rcpp::tranpose_impl ( const Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy > &  x)

Definition at line 406 of file Matrix.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ transpose() [1/3]

template<template< class > class StoragePolicy>
Matrix< INTSXP, StoragePolicy > Rcpp::transpose ( const Matrix< INTSXP, StoragePolicy > &  x)

Definition at line 440 of file Matrix.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ transpose() [2/3]

template<template< class > class StoragePolicy>
Matrix< REALSXP, StoragePolicy > Rcpp::transpose ( const Matrix< REALSXP, StoragePolicy > &  x)

Definition at line 435 of file Matrix.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ transpose() [3/3]

template<template< class > class StoragePolicy>
Matrix< STRSXP, StoragePolicy > Rcpp::transpose ( const Matrix< STRSXP, StoragePolicy > &  x)

Definition at line 445 of file Matrix.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ transtime()

static int_fast32_t Rcpp::transtime ( int  year,
const struct rule rulep,
int_fast32_t  offset 

Definition at line 878 of file date.cpp.


Referenced by tzparse().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ trimws() [1/3]

◆ trimws() [2/3]

String Rcpp::trimws ( const String str,
const char which = "both" 

Definition at line 181 of file trimws.h.

References as(), Rcpp::traits::is_na< STRSXP >(), stop(), Rcpp::sugar::detail::trim_both(), Rcpp::sugar::detail::trim_left(), and Rcpp::sugar::detail::trim_right().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ trimws() [3/3]

◆ type2name()

const char * Rcpp::type2name ( SEXP  x)

Definition at line 84 of file routines.h.

References as(), and GET_CALLABLE.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ typesequiv()

static int Rcpp::typesequiv ( const struct state sp,
int  a,
int  b 

Definition at line 1201 of file date.cpp.

References as().

Referenced by tzload().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ tzload()

◆ tzparse()

static int Rcpp::tzparse ( const char name,
struct state sp,
int  lastditch 

◆ union_()

template<int RTYPE, bool LHS_NA, typename LHS_T , bool RHS_NA, typename RHS_T >
Vector< RTYPE > Rcpp::union_ ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T > &  lhs,
const VectorBase< RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 177 of file setdiff.h.

References Rcpp::sugar::Union< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::get(), and Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::get_ref().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ unique()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
Vector< RTYPE > Rcpp::unique ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 65 of file unique.h.

References Rcpp::sugar::IndexHash< RTYPE >::fill(), and Rcpp::sugar::IndexHash< RTYPE >::keys().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ unlockBinding()

void Rcpp::unlockBinding ( const std::string &  name)

unlocks the given binding see ?bindingIsLocked

no_such_bindingif there is no such binding in this environment

Definition at line 281 of file Environment.h.

References as(), and exists().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ unwindProtect()

SEXP Rcpp::unwindProtect ( SEXP(*)(void *data)  callback,
void data 

Definition at line 60 of file unwindProtect.h.

References as(), and Rcpp::internal::maybeJump().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ update()

◆ upper_tri()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
sugar::UpperTri< RTYPE, NA, T > Rcpp::upper_tri ( const Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  lhs,
bool  diag = false 

Definition at line 63 of file upper_tri.h.

References diag().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ var() [1/4]

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Var< CPLXSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::var ( const VectorBase< CPLXSXP, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 89 of file var.h.

◆ var() [2/4]

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Var< INTSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::var ( const VectorBase< INTSXP, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 79 of file var.h.

◆ var() [3/4]

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Var< LGLSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::var ( const VectorBase< LGLSXP, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 84 of file var.h.

◆ var() [4/4]

template<bool NA, typename T >
sugar::Var< REALSXP, NA, T > Rcpp::var ( const VectorBase< REALSXP, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 74 of file var.h.

Referenced by Rcpp::sugar::Sd< RTYPE, NA, T >::get().

◆ warning() [1/12]

template<typename... Args>
void Rcpp::warning ( const char fmt,
Args &&...  args 

Definition at line 46 of file exceptions.h.

References as(), and tinyformat::format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ warning() [2/12]

template<typename T1 >
void Rcpp::warning ( const char fmt,
const T1 arg1 

Definition at line 72 of file exceptions.h.

References as(), and tinyformat::format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ warning() [3/12]

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void Rcpp::warning ( const char fmt,
const T1 arg1,
const T2 arg2 

Definition at line 77 of file exceptions.h.

References as(), and tinyformat::format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ warning() [4/12]

template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 >
void Rcpp::warning ( const char fmt,
const T1 arg1,
const T2 arg2,
const T3 arg3 

Definition at line 82 of file exceptions.h.

References as(), and tinyformat::format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ warning() [5/12]

void Rcpp::warning ( const char fmt,
const T1 arg1,
const T2 arg2,
const T3 arg3,
const T4 arg4 

Definition at line 87 of file exceptions.h.

References as(), and tinyformat::format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ warning() [6/12]

void Rcpp::warning ( const char fmt,
const T1 arg1,
const T2 arg2,
const T3 arg3,
const T4 arg4,
const T5 arg5 

Definition at line 92 of file exceptions.h.

References as(), and tinyformat::format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ warning() [7/12]

void Rcpp::warning ( const char fmt,
const T1 arg1,
const T2 arg2,
const T3 arg3,
const T4 arg4,
const T5 arg5,
const T6 arg6 

Definition at line 97 of file exceptions.h.

References as(), and tinyformat::format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ warning() [8/12]

void Rcpp::warning ( const char fmt,
const T1 arg1,
const T2 arg2,
const T3 arg3,
const T4 arg4,
const T5 arg5,
const T6 arg6,
const T7 arg7 

Definition at line 102 of file exceptions.h.

References as(), and tinyformat::format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ warning() [9/12]

void Rcpp::warning ( const char fmt,
const T1 arg1,
const T2 arg2,
const T3 arg3,
const T4 arg4,
const T5 arg5,
const T6 arg6,
const T7 arg7,
const T8 arg8 

Definition at line 107 of file exceptions.h.

References as(), and tinyformat::format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ warning() [10/12]

void Rcpp::warning ( const char fmt,
const T1 arg1,
const T2 arg2,
const T3 arg3,
const T4 arg4,
const T5 arg5,
const T6 arg6,
const T7 arg7,
const T8 arg8,
const T9 arg9 

Definition at line 112 of file exceptions.h.

References as(), and tinyformat::format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ warning() [11/12]

void Rcpp::warning ( const char fmt,
const T1 arg1,
const T2 arg2,
const T3 arg3,
const T4 arg4,
const T5 arg5,
const T6 arg6,
const T7 arg7,
const T8 arg8,
const T9 arg9,
const T10 arg10 

Definition at line 117 of file exceptions.h.

References as(), and tinyformat::format().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ warning() [12/12]

◆ warningcall()

void Rcpp::warningcall ( SEXP  call,
const std::string &  s 

Definition at line 28 of file print.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ which_max()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
R_xlen_t Rcpp::which_max ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 90 of file which_max.h.

References Rcpp::sugar::WhichMax< RTYPE, NA, T >::get().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ which_min()

template<int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T >
R_xlen_t Rcpp::which_min ( const VectorBase< RTYPE, NA, T > &  t)

Definition at line 90 of file which_min.h.

References Rcpp::sugar::WhichMin< RTYPE, NA, T >::get().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ wrap()

SEXP Rcpp::wrap ( const Date date)

Definition at line 38 of file Date.h.

References as(), and Rcpp::internal::new_date_object().

Referenced by Rcpp::Armor< T >::Armor(), as_character_externalptr(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::assign(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::assign_object(), Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::assign_sugar_expression(), Rcpp::DataFrame_Impl< StoragePolicy >::DataFrame_Impl(), CppProperty_Getter_Setter< PROP >::get(), CppProperty_Getter< PROP >::get(), CppProperty_GetMethod< Class, PROP >::get(), CppProperty_GetConstMethod< Class, PROP >::get(), CppProperty_GetPointerMethod< Class, PROP >::get(), CppProperty_GetMethod_SetMethod< Class, PROP >::get(), CppProperty_GetConstMethod_SetMethod< Class, PROP >::get(), CppProperty_GetMethod_SetPointer< Class, PROP >::get(), CppProperty_GetConstMethod_SetPointer< Class, PROP >::get(), CppProperty_GetPointer_SetMethod< Class, PROP >::get(), CppProperty_GetPointer_SetPointer< Class, PROP >::get(), Rcpp::sugar::IndexHash< RTYPE >::get_profile_data(), Rcpp::internal::grow__dispatch(), Rcpp::internal::grow__dispatch(), Rcpp::Dimension::operator SEXP(), Rcpp::sugar::Sign< RTYPE, NA, T >::operator SEXP(), Rcpp::ListOf< T >::operator SEXP(), Rcpp::SubsetProxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy, RHS_RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T >::operator SEXP(), Rcpp::AttributeProxyPolicy< CLASS >::AttributeProxy::operator=(), Rcpp::NamesProxyPolicy< CLASS >::NamesProxy::operator=(), Rcpp::SlotProxyPolicy< CLASS >::SlotProxy::operator=(), Rcpp::TagProxyPolicy< XPtrClass >::TagProxy::operator=(), Rcpp::BindingPolicy< EnvironmentClass >::Binding::operator=(), Rcpp::DottedPairProxyPolicy< CLASS >::DottedPairProxy::operator=(), Rcpp::FieldProxyPolicy< CLASS >::FieldProxy::operator=(), Rcpp::internal::generic_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::operator=(), Rcpp::internal::generic_name_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >::operator=(), Rcpp::DottedPairProxyPolicy< CLASS >::DottedPairProxy::operator=(), Rcpp::ChildVector< T >::operator=(), Rcpp::ProtectedProxyPolicy< XPtrClass >::ProtectedProxy::operator=(), Rcpp::Armor< T >::operator=(), Rcpp::sugar::Lapply< RTYPE, NA, T, Function >::operator[](), PiLeibniz(), Rcpp::internal::range_wrap_dispatch___impl__pair(), RCPP_API_CLASS(), and Rcpp::attributes::SourceFileAttributesParser::SourceFileAttributesParser().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ wrap< Datetime >()

SEXP Rcpp::wrap< Datetime > ( const Datetime date)

Definition at line 44 of file Datetime.h.

References as(), and Rcpp::internal::new_posixt_object().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ wrap< Rcpp::Date >()

SEXP Rcpp::wrap< Rcpp::Date > ( const Rcpp::Date date)

◆ wrap< Rcpp::Datetime >()

◆ wrap< Rcpp::String >()

SEXP Rcpp::wrap< Rcpp::String > ( const Rcpp::String object)

Definition at line 711 of file String.h.

References as(), and RCPP_STRING_DEBUG.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ wrap_extra_steps()

template<typename T >
SEXP Rcpp::wrap_extra_steps ( SEXP  x)

Definition at line 28 of file wrap_extra_steps.h.

◆ wrap_extra_steps< Rcpp::Date >() [1/2]

SEXP Rcpp::wrap_extra_steps< Rcpp::Date > ( SEXP  x)

Definition at line 151 of file Date.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ wrap_extra_steps< Rcpp::Date >() [2/2]

SEXP Rcpp::wrap_extra_steps< Rcpp::Date > ( SEXP  x)

Definition at line 151 of file Date.h.

References as().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ wrap_extra_steps< Rcpp::Datetime >() [1/3]

SEXP Rcpp::wrap_extra_steps< Rcpp::Datetime > ( SEXP  x)

Definition at line 38 of file Datetime.h.

References as(), and Rcpp::internal::getPosixClasses().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ wrap_extra_steps< Rcpp::Datetime >() [2/3]

SEXP Rcpp::wrap_extra_steps< Rcpp::Datetime > ( SEXP  x)

Definition at line 38 of file Datetime.h.

◆ wrap_extra_steps< Rcpp::Datetime >() [3/3]

SEXP Rcpp::wrap_extra_steps< Rcpp::Datetime > ( SEXP  x)

Definition at line 38 of file Datetime.h.

References as(), and Rcpp::internal::getPosixClasses().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ _

◆ BindingPolicy< Environment_Impl< StoragePolicy > >

Initial value:
inline SEXP as_environment(SEXP x){
if( Rf_isEnvironment(x) ) return x ;
SEXP asEnvironmentSym = Rf_install("as.environment");
try {
Shield<SEXP> call(Rf_lang2(asEnvironmentSym, x));
return Rcpp_fast_eval(call, R_GlobalEnv);
} catch( const eval_error& ex) {
const char* fmt = "Cannot convert object to an environment: "
"[type=%s; target=ENVSXP].";
throw not_compatible(fmt, Rf_type2char(TYPEOF(x)));
Storage::set__(R_GlobalEnv) ;
SEXP Rcpp_fast_eval(SEXP expr, SEXP env)
Definition Rcpp_eval.h:68
Environment_Impl(SEXP x)
Definition Environment.h:57

Definition at line 28 of file Environment.h.

◆ current_scope

Module* Rcpp::current_scope

Definition at line 224 of file module.cpp.

Referenced by getCurrentScope(), and setCurrentScope().

◆ DottedPairImpl< DottedPair_Impl< StoragePolicy > >

Initial value:
DottedPair_Impl(SEXP x) {
Storage::set__(x) ;
void update(SEXP){}

Definition at line 27 of file DottedPair.h.

◆ DottedPairImpl< Formula_Impl< StoragePolicy > >

Rcpp::DottedPairImpl< Formula_Impl< StoragePolicy > >
Initial value:
Formula_Impl(SEXP x)
Definition Formula.h:40

Definition at line 30 of file Formula.h.

◆ DottedPairImpl< Language_Impl< StoragePolicy > >

Rcpp::DottedPairImpl< Language_Impl< StoragePolicy > >
Initial value:
typedef typename DottedPairProxyPolicy<Language_Impl>::DottedPairProxy Proxy

Definition at line 31 of file Language.h.

◆ DottedPairImpl< Pairlist_Impl< StoragePolicy > >

Rcpp::DottedPairImpl< Pairlist_Impl< StoragePolicy > >
Initial value:
typedef typename DottedPairProxyPolicy<Pairlist_Impl>::DottedPairProxy Proxy

Definition at line 31 of file Pairlist.h.

◆ DottedPairProxyPolicy< DottedPair_Impl< StoragePolicy > >

Definition at line 27 of file DottedPair.h.

◆ DottedPairProxyPolicy< Formula_Impl< StoragePolicy > >

Definition at line 30 of file Formula.h.

◆ DottedPairProxyPolicy< Language_Impl< StoragePolicy > >

Definition at line 31 of file Language.h.

◆ DottedPairProxyPolicy< Pairlist_Impl< StoragePolicy > >

Definition at line 31 of file Pairlist.h.

◆ DottedPairProxyPolicy< StretchyList_Impl< StoragePolicy > >

Initial value:
typedef typename DottedPairProxyPolicy<StretchyList_Impl>::DottedPairProxy Proxy

Definition at line 33 of file StretchyList.h.

◆ FieldProxyPolicy< Reference_Impl< StoragePolicy > >

Initial value:
Reference_Impl() {}
Reference_Impl(SEXP x) {
Storage::set__(x) ;
Reference_Impl& operator=( SEXP other ) {
Storage::set__(other) ;
return *this ;
Reference_Impl( const std::string& klass ) {
SEXP newSym = Rf_install("new");
Shield<SEXP> str(Rf_mkString(klass.c_str()));
Shield<SEXP> call(Rf_lang2(newSym, str));
Storage::set__( Rcpp_fast_eval( call , Rcpp::internal::get_Rcpp_namespace()) );
void update( SEXP x){
if( ! ::Rf_isS4(x) ) throw not_reference();
attribute_hidden SEXP get_Rcpp_namespace()
Definition routines.h:121
void update(SEXP)

Definition at line 30 of file Reference.h.

◆ gmt

const char Rcpp::gmt[] = "GMT"

Definition at line 357 of file date.cpp.

Referenced by gmtload().

◆ gmt_is_set

int Rcpp::gmt_is_set

Definition at line 428 of file date.cpp.

Referenced by gmtsub().

◆ gmtmem

struct state Rcpp::gmtmem

Definition at line 431 of file date.cpp.

◆ mon_lengths

const int Rcpp::mon_lengths[2][MONSPERYEAR]
Initial value:
= {
{ 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 },
{ 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }

Definition at line 419 of file date.cpp.

Referenced by timesub(), and transtime().

◆ NA

◆ Rcerr

Rostream< false > & Rcpp::Rcerr = Rcpp_cerr_get()

Definition at line 89 of file Rstreambuf.h.

◆ Rcout

Rostream< true > & Rcpp::Rcout = Rcpp_cout_get()

◆ Rcpp_precious

SEXP Rcpp::Rcpp_precious = R_NilValue

Definition at line 98 of file barrier.cpp.

◆ time_t_max

time_t const Rcpp::time_t_max = MAXVAL(time_t, TYPE_BIT(time_t))

Definition at line 161 of file date.cpp.

Referenced by increment_overflow_time().

◆ time_t_min

time_t const Rcpp::time_t_min = MINVAL(time_t, TYPE_BIT(time_t))

Definition at line 160 of file date.cpp.

Referenced by increment_overflow_time().

◆ tm

struct tm Rcpp::tm

Definition at line 435 of file date.cpp.

Referenced by Rcpp::Datetime::format(), Rcpp::Date::format(), gmtime_(), gmtsub(), and mktime00().

◆ year_lengths

const int Rcpp::year_lengths[2]
Initial value:
= {
Definition date.cpp:294
Definition date.cpp:295

Definition at line 424 of file date.cpp.

Referenced by timesub(), and tzparse().