A new version 0.1.5 of the tint package
arrived at CRAN today.
provides a style ‘not unlike Tufte’ for use in html
and pdf documents created from markdown. The github repo shows
several examples in its README, more as usual in the package
This is the first release in one and a half years and contains only
routine maintenance. As CRAN
now bags about missing anchors in the common \code{\link{}}
use, I added these today. Otherwise the usual mix of updates to
continuous integration, to badges and URLs and other small packaging
details—but nothing user-facing.
Changes in tint version 0.1.5 (2025-03-27)
Standard package maintenance for continuous integration, URL updates, and packaging conventions
Correct two minor nags in the Rd file
Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is a diffstat report relative to previous release. More information is on the tint page. For questions or comments use the issue tracker off the GitHub repo.
This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can sponsor me at GitHub.
A new version 0.1.4 of the tint package arrived at CRAN today. tint
provides a style ‘not unlike Tufte’ for use in html and pdf documents created from markdown. The github repo shows several examples in its README, more as usual in the package documentation.
This is the first release in over two years and it brings a few incremental changes which are described in detail below. The trigger was an email from CRAN desiring compacted pdf files inside the package sources. Which, coincidentally, was made a default about a year ago in the build.r
script from littler
I use to make packages. But as we had not updated tint
this has not reached CRAN. So there.
The set of changes follows, which includes a helpful contributed PR for which we are always thankful. I also improved table rendering, most other changes are packaging mechanics.
Changes in tint version 0.1.4 (2022-11-01)
Added continuous integration at GitHub using
Non-margin reference in html mode now have an improved display (David Selby and Dirk in #47)
The LaTeX package
is now installed for improved table support (Dirk addressing #48)Minor updates made the package directory and README.md
GitHub Actions were updated to checkout version 3.
Several http:// URLs were updated to https://
Courtesy of CRANberries, there is a comparison to the previous release. More information is on the tint page.
For questions or comments use the issue tracker off the GitHub repo.
This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.
A new version 0.1.3 of the tint package arrived at CRAN today. It corrects some features for html output, notably margin notes and references. It also contains a new example for inline references.
The full list of changes is below.
Changes in tint version 0.1.3 (2020-07-18)
Courtesy of CRANberries, there is a comparison to the previous release. More information is on the tint page.
For questions or comments use the issue tracker off the GitHub repo.
This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.
A new version 0.1.2 of the tint package is arriving at CRAN as I write this. It follows the recent 0.1.1 release which included two fabulous new vignettes featuring new font choices. The package name expands from tint is not tufte as the package offers a fresher take on the Tufte-style for html and pdf presentations.
However, with the new vignettes in 0.1.1 we now had four full-length vignettes which made the package somewhat bulky. So for this release I reorganized things a little, added two new shorter vignettes with links to the full-length vignettes but keeping the size more constrained.
Two screenshots for the first pages of the Lato and Garamond vignettes follow (and are links to a higher-resolution full-length pdf versions):
The new vignettes can also be browsed from CRAN: html variant and pdf variant. They also show the new theme borrowed with thanks and credits from ggtufte.
The full list of changes is below.
Changes in tint version 0.1.2 (2019-04-19)
Two new shorter html and pdf vignettes have been added (with references to the longer vignettes) reducing package size.
New helper function 'theme_tint' based on a similar function in package 'ggtufte'.
Courtesy of CRANberries, there is a comparison to the previous release. More information is on the tint page.
For questions or comments use the issue tracker off the GitHub repo.
This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.
With almost year passed since the previous 0.1.0 release, a nice new release of the tint package arrived on CRAN today. Its name expands from tint is not tufte as the package offers a fresher take on the Tufte-style for html and pdf presentations.
This version adds new features, and a new co-author. Jonathan Gilligan calmly and persistently convinced me that there was ‘life beyond Roboto’ and I overcame the reluctance to offer other fonts. So now we have two additional reference implementations for Lato and Garamond which look stunning, as well as generally enhanced support for fonts, font families and entire LaTeX templates all via the standard YAML headers.
A screenshot for Lato follows:
And another for garamond:
The full list of changes is below.
Changes in tint version 0.1.1 (2019-03-30)
The two pdf styles have been extended allowing more flexible LaTeX customization particularly for fonts but also link colour. (Jonathan in #30)
Two example documents where added pre-rendered (and not as vignettes to keep processing lighter)
Documentation for the HTML style was updates (Jonathan in #30).
Courtesy of CRANberries, there is a comparison to the previous release. More information is on the tint page.
For questions or comments use the issue tracker off the GitHub repo.
This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.
A new release of the tint package just arrived on CRAN. Its name expands from tint is not tufte as the package offers a fresher take on the Tufte-style for html and pdf presentations.
This version adds support for the tufte-book
latex style. The package now supported handouts in html or pdf format (as before) but also book-length material. I am using this myself in a current draft and this is fully working, though (as always) subject to changes.
A screenshot of a chapter opening and a following page is below:
One can deploy the template for book-style documents from either rmarkdown
(easy) or bookdown
(so far manual setup only). I am using the latter but the difference does not really matter for as long as you render the whole document at once; the only change from bookdown
, really, is that your source directory ends up containing more files giving you more clutter and more degrees of freedom to wonder what gets set where.
The full list of changes is below.
Changes in tint version 0.1.0 (2018-04-08)
A new template 'tintBook' was added.
The pdf variants now default to 'tango' as the highlighting style.
Courtesy of CRANberries, there is a comparison to the previous release. More information is on the tint page.
For questions or comments use the issue tracker off the GitHub repo.
This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.
A maintenance release of the tint package arrived on CRAN earlier this week. Its name expands from tint is not tufte as the package offers a fresher take on the Tufte-style for html and pdf presentations.
A screenshot of the pdf variant is below.
Similar to the RcppCNPy release this week, this is pure maintenance related to dependencies. CRAN noticed that processing these vignettes requires the mgcv package---as we use geom_smooth()
in some example graphs. So that was altered to not require this requirement just for the vignette tests. We also had one pending older change related to jurassic pandoc versions on some CRAN architectures.
Changes in tint version 0.0.5 (2018-01-05)
Only run html rendering regression test on Linux or Windows as the pandoc versions on CRAN are too old elsewhere.
Vignette figures reworked so that the mgcv package is not required avoiding a spurious dependency [CRAN request]
Courtesy of CRANberries, there is a comparison to the previous release. More information is on the tint page.
For questions or comments use the issue tracker off the GitHub repo.
This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.
A maintenance release of the tint package arrived on CRAN earlier today. Its name expands from tint is not tufte as the package offers a fresher take on the Tufte-style for html and pdf presentations.
A screenshot of the pdf variant is below.
This release brings some minor enhancements and polish, mostly learned from having done the related pinp (two-column vignette in the PNAS style) and linl (LaTeX letter) RMarkdown-wrapper packages; see below for details from the NEWS.Rd
Changes in tint version 0.0.4 (2017-11-02)
Courtesy of CRANberries, there is a comparison to the previous release. More information is on the tint page.
For questions or comments use the issue tracker off the GitHub repo.
This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.
The tint package, whose name stands for Tint Is Not Tufte , on CRAN offers a fresh take on the excellent Tufte-style for html and pdf presentations.
It marks a milestone for me: I finally have a repository with more "stars" than commits. Gotta keep an eye on the big prize...
Kidding aside, and as a little teaser, here is what the pdf variant looks like:
This release corrects one minor misfeature in the pdf variant. It also adds some spit and polish throughout, including a new NEWS.Rd
file. We quote from it the entries for the current as well as previous releases:
Changes in tint version 0.0.3 (2016-10-15)
Correct pdf mode to no use italics in table of contents (#9 fixing #8); also added color support for links etc
Added (basic) Travis CI support (#10)
Changes in tint version 0.0.2 (2016-10-06)
In html mode, correct use of italics and bold
Html function renamed to
Roboto fonts with (string) formats and locales; this allow for adding formats; (PRs #6 and #7)Added pdf mode with new function
; added appropriate resources (PR #5)Updated resource files
Changes in tint version 0.0.1 (2016-09-24)
- Initial (non-CRAN) release to ghrr drat
Courtesy of CRANberries, there is a comparison to the previous release. More information is on the tint page.
For questions or comments use the issue tracker off the GitHub repo.
This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.
The tint package is now on CRAN. Its name stands for Tint Is Not Tufte and it offers a fresh take on the excellent Tufte-style html (and now also pdf) presentations.
As a little teaser, here is what the html variant looks like:
and the full underlying document is available too.
For questions or comments use the issue tracker off the GitHub repo.
This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.
A new experimental package is now on the ghrr drat. It is named tint which stands for Tint Is Not Tufte. It provides an alternative for Tufte-style html presentation. I wrote a bit more on the package page and the README in the repo -- so go read this.
Here is just a little teaser of what it looks like:
and the full underlying document is available too.
For questions or comments use the issue tracker off the GitHub repo. The package may be short-lived as its functionality may end up inside the tufte package.
This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.